Meeting your hero is often an experience, whether good or bad can often be a gamble. Though, in the case with heroes who are well renowned, recognized and revered for the countless stories of their feats that cemented them as beacons of light, seeing a side of them that is anything but what you've been told can lead to quite a reality-shattering moment. Nora was never one for stories of normalcy or anything related to the 'slice of life' genre. For her, anything surrounding the tales of heroes who've been to the deepest pits of hell, fought through hordes of grimm with smiles on their faces were the tales she relished in.

Although, there was always something about the 'Angel' of Atlas that always caught her attention. The tales surrounding that woman were vastly different in each account; one depicts her as a literal gift from Oum, sent down to aid humanity in its trying times, and a fair few would detail her tenacity and vicious anger when dealing with foes who've crossed a line they'd never attempt to cross again.

Though she didn't revere the woman the way Pyrrha did, Nora still had a modicum of respect for the doctor. So when she discovered her partner for the rest of her four years in Beacon was the son of said doctor, it was a surreal thing. Weiss was often in denial, Ruby was over the shattered moon, and Pyrrha almost appeared as though she wanted to press the blond to introduce her to the woman. It was kind of surreal, in a way.

However, with the small moment she spent with the doctor, the eerie silence she retained throughout the whole ordeal left her with a rather wary sentiment, but she never met the woman, nor did she have any form of expectation in regards to meeting her so she had no pre-constructed vision of her. That said…


Nothing in the world could've prepared her for what she witnessed right in front of her. What appeared to be a tender moment between a mother and her child derailed the second the woman's glare returned and her palm reared back. There wasn't even a moment to react as the weight of Mercy's strike was felt amongst the teens. None more so than Nora, who knew a fair deal about the blond's family and had an inkling of an idea as to what sort of relationship her partner had with them. But, given his glowing description of the woman he calls his mother; Nora was not expecting the greeting between the two Zieglers to be a slap across the face.

It was as if the whole world had gone deathly quiet, the students present froze in place as their blond medic slowly raised a palm to his reddened cheek and massaged the stinging pain from the strike.

The reaction from the teens was mirrored; shock.

For Jaune…he was expecting this. He crossed quite a line this time around. Even with bringing down his mother's airship, he remained by her side in Zurich. His choice to run away, to disappear without so much as giving her something to ease her panicked state; he wouldn't deny the flaw in his plan to escape that home. But, he didn't regret a single thing. What happens onward; the two of them wrought.

Mercy's expression had shifted, from the softened features of a mother reuniting with her child, to a harsh glare and unbridled fury that left her body shaking. In truth, she was going to order the others to leave so as to speak to her son alone, but seeing him again, remembering the pain he put her through, her anger took over and she delivered onto him a taste of her anger.

Outwardly, the world could see her unbridled anger. But within, she was elated to see her son again, more so that he was safe and sound. However, the events leading to their reunion left her with little patience. There was nothing in the world she wanted more than to hold him in her arms again, but there was an issue that needed to be dealt with first. And as of the current point; she was not going to wait any longer.

"Do you have even the slightest iota of how much trouble you are in?" Her voice was low, almost a whisper. However, the teens heard, and it added to their worry when the blond medic chuckled dryly at her question before spitting unto the ground.

The saliva that hit shattered the heart of the old doctor. She saw a tint of red mixed in, and it made her heart clench tightly. Regret seeped into her heart, but she would not back down, not this time.

When he turned to meet her gaze, she swore she saw a familiar glint in his eyes; there was no anger or malice in his expression; it was a mirrored image of the man she once loved.

"I got a pretty clear picture." Jaune responded, nursing the red tint in his cheek another few seconds before his aura brightened around the struck area, healing the wound in a matter of seconds. "I'm surprised it took you this long, thought for sure you would've barged down Beacon's doors on the first day."

Mercy's eyes narrowed, gritting her teeth at the mention of the silver-haired bastard.

"Had I known Beacon was your definite choice; I would've put the whole thing to rest before it even began."

"And then you wonder why I don't share anything with you." Jaune threw in, rubbing the tip of his chin as he noticed the woman's expression rearing for another violent burst.

There was an audible growl escaping from the woman's lips as her fist clenched tighter. "Is this a game to you? Do you enjoy hurting me?" Now there was a twist the blond was not expecting, but damned if he was going to let her play the guilt card on him. Mirroring her expression, albeit mildly more contained than her; Jaune displayed his own fury.

"I didn't do this to hurt you; I'm doing this because I want to."

"So you're being selfish?"

"If it means I get to be a hunter, then yes."

Mercy groaned loudly, pacing back and forth while contemplating the lead up to the boy's choice in career path. "How many times must we have this discussion? Why? Why would you risk throwing away your life for something so stupid?" Her choice of words hit a great deal towards the young reaper, more so when it was one of the heroes she looked up to growing up. Meanwhile, the heiress was gripping her arms a bit too tight, this whole fight was reminding her of the conversation she had with her father. With each passing second she felt herself in the blond's shoes. There was this voice in her head gnawing at her to give him a measure of support, to stand in and help. But this was a family matter, and the fact that the two had yet to either demand them to leave, or leave themselves, was evident that the world around them was of little importance at the moment.

"You were a huntress once."

"I made many mistakes. Filling your head with stories about those days was something I should've let die"

"Among other things." Jaune muttered, remembering the more pessimistic side of her story tellings.


The second time came as a surprise, to both of them. Jaune didn't expect another hit so early on, but it wasn't as if he assumed she was finished. If anything, the early strike proved she had quite a bit of pent up anger that was at the tipping point. Anything he spoke moving forward could trigger her, meaning he'd have to walk on eggshells. There was no questioning that reinforcing his aura would protect the stinging pain that came with the strikes, but doing so would possibly hurt his mother in the process as she'd basically be striking steel. Regardless of whatever ill sentiment the two had, he loved her. He refused to hurt her any more than he already has. However, he wasn't going to sit quietly in the corner this time.

Angela was just as visibly shocked as her son, she blacked out when he said that, and before she could even react; she'd slapped him again. She knew he couldn't have known how those words dug at her, how one of her biggest regrets came with one of the last usages of her semblance.

By Oum she hated any idea of her children being hurt in any way, none more so than any pain she inflicted on them. And yet, her head kept insisting this all wouldn't have happened if he had just listened. If he had just stayed home, gone to a school in Zurich, stayed where it was safe; none of this would be happening.

She wouldn't have gone after the nearby Fang cells to search for him; they would've instead been home safe and secluded from the world. Away from the military of Atlas and those who would seek them out for whatever ill purposes they had in mind.

By instinct, her hand clasped against her mouth as she watched her son's head rise again, only this time his aura wasn't healing his cheek.

"…I just wanted to be free…"

Her eyes widened, more so when his eyes rose to meet hers. Angela's heart broke when she saw the empty void in his ocean blue orbs.

Weiss' hand clenched her chest.

"I wanted to know what it felt like to not have to look over my shoulder and wonder if the ones following me are Fang, Atlas, or someone sent by you."

With each passing second the heiress felt herself more in his place, and with it; her view of the boy was changing perhaps to a point where she no longer viewed him as the lumbering brute she initially saw him as. But rather, she felt a kinship with him, as if, despite the polar opposite image their families reflected, within closed doors the difference between them grew thinner. It was a bitter sweet feeling to know she wasn't alone, but it ached at her to think of what form of experience the blond went through.

"And you know what?" Jaune now stood defiantly once more, this time inching closer to his mother. "I've learned more about who I am here than I ever did prying you for information. For one…" Jaune took a deep breath, knowing full well who was in the room and how she might treat him going forward. But for the moment; he didn't care; he wanted to get this off his chest. "And I'm still trying to grasp my mind around it…when were you going to tell me?" He gestured to his head, gaining an instant reaction from the woman. It seemed his uncle's revelation was right on the money, however, the blond chose to hammer it further.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You don't?" He responded, crossing his arms again. "What? Did you really think I wouldn't find out on my own? But you know, now that I think about it; it makes so much sense. The glowing eyes, the enhanced hearing, the night-vision…" He trailed off; unaware of the widened eyes his classmates had fixed on him. All the attributes he listed were consistent with a certain race. "I was honestly convinced it was my semblance that did all of that…but, I hadn't unlocked my semblance until I started my training, and from what I know; you unlocked my aura when I was an infant…so I suppose that story also checks out."

Hearing that, Mercy felt her anger focus on her former teammate, her fists clenched at the thought of wrangling that loose-lipped cowboy's neck for spilling what was supposed to be a family secret.

Jaune's foot tapped idly on the floor before sighing heavily and reaching for his back pocket. Upon retrieval of his wallet, the blond took out a photograph he'd acquired via an unsuspecting cowboy. It wasn't his finest moment, stealing from his uncle…again. But he knew he would have to tangle this issue eventually, and proof was required if he was to challenge his mother.

Without sharing a word between them, the blond handed the photograph over to her. With extreme hesitation; she took it. Almost immediately her eyes bulged, having thought she would never again see this image. Her newly born child was held tightly in her arms, his head nuzzled gently against her chest while she stroked his faunus arms gently. It was the happiest moment of her life, and she treasured the gift from Oum in her arms greatly. But…with this visage also came the nightmares that kept her up at night. The haunting image of what could've been if she had arrived too late.

She never intended to keep this piece of her son a secret forever, though, when this subject was to eventually come up; questions regarding his father would soon follow seeing as the good doctor was in fact human. However, that can of worms was a subject she wished would've stayed buried.

Realizing that going on feigning ignorance wouldn't play out best for her; she caved, if only to keep her son near her. She couldn't risk having him walk away again, not when he was so close. Though, she also realized whatever grudge he held towards her would not simmer out anytime soon, there was mending to be done in regards to what little relationship they had left. An apology wouldn't cut it. The truth, however, was a start.

She sighed heavily; her eyes remained locked on his as she lowered the photograph ever so slightly. "I…never intended to keep it a secret forever. However, the idea of reliving that moment in time would only ever infuriate me. Remembering what those animals did to you, the fact that they made me watch…" Her finger clenched tightly, to the point where her nails dug into her skin and drew blood. "I didn't want you to feel different, looking the way you did."

To that, her son clicked his tongue, glaring mildly at the doctor. "And how the hell do you think I feel now? Knowing about my heritage, what I really am, knowing that the reason the Fang want me is because of my father!"

And just like that, the heiress could no longer see the hazy image of the brute she first met. Standing before her was someone who she believed could understand her pain, perhaps on a level the two could find an understanding others would lack or oversee. But the thought of someone sharing in her pain, of knowing and understanding her pain was both uplifting for her sense of loneliness; and painful in the fact that Jaune's life might mirror hers. Albeit, with some obvious distinctions.

This conversation instantly caught Blake's attention, none more so with how blatant the doctor despised the Fang to the point that she'd refer to their members as animals. Under normal circumstances she'd easily point out the obvious racial issues the woman was spewing…however, given what she heard from the old cowboy during her reconnaissance, she would relent and give the woman this one thing; for the White Fang to stoop so low, cutting the ears of an infant faunus just to send a message, she would feel the same had she been in Mercy's shoes. Of course, she'd word her disgust a bit less racially charged than the good doctor.

Meanwhile, Mercy had to hold in any fury mounting against her old teammate. One of the few people she still fully trusted and he had to go and spill secrets to her son. Then again, thinking on it; his honesty might be why he was often a trusted source for her boy.

Knowing what she had to do, Mercy gave a quick glance to the teens in the room and gestured to the door. "All of you; out." There was authority in her voice, with a firm grasp and a promise of pain for any and all who dared defy her.

CVFY's team leader was quick to grab her bunny teammate's hand and begin to lead her out with the other two in tow. Seeing Velvet eye her with a sense of worry, the girl made it well known to her teammates and underclassman what was occurring her. "Family issue, doesn't involve us." She stated, her team being the first to leave without any fuss. Team RWBY was a bit hesitant of course, the surprising one to stand her ground was Weiss of all people. Yet, the heiress had respect for privacy in regards to family. She was going to nudge her partner towards the door when she heard a voice firmly declare out loud.

"Make us." Came a guttural growl from the medic's partner, whose fist had small streams of blood flowing from where her nails punctured skin. The fact that she didn't focus her aura on her bleeding was only looked over in place of the sheer audacity she had to speak out against the good doctor. Her words came with a clear ripple effect as Mercy's eyes gaped at the words thrown at her by the red-haired child before her. Nora took a step forward, standing in between her partner and the woman she warily called his mother. Her brow furrowed, almost as if inviting the woman to act on her challenge. "If you think I'm leaving you alone after what I just saw; you've got another thing coming. Oh, and one more thing…" Her finger rose, trembling slightly as the tip jabbed roughly against the doctor's chest. "…you hit my partner again, and I'll break your legs." She growled out, though her statement was met with firm nods from the rest of her team, along with those of their sister team.

"Consider it a promise." Ren commented.

To Nora's surprise, she felt a hand gently grab her shoulder and bring her back. Though short, the teen was by no means weak as it took a bit more muscle than intended to keep the girl from getting any closer. When she turned to see who had turned her around, she was a bit surprised to see her partner pulling her back.

His eyes were soft on her, there was no sense of malice for her rather vocal threat against his mother, but there was something there she couldn't exactly put a pin on.

"Don't get ahead of yourself Nora, as much as I love seeing you pummel people…" There was something to be said about endorsing your partner's outlandish behavior. And yet, Jaune's eyes narrowed when fixed on Mercy, his grip tightening slightly. "She isn't someone you just get into a brawl with. Believe me, she doesn't play nice."

Angela, although peeved at the gull of the short ginger-haired girl, was also a bit abashed for the praise, even if she didn't show it outwardly.

"You say it as though I don't fight fair." Angela perked, raising a brow at the boy's tone.

Jaune only had to lift up his prosthetic arm. "Fourteenth birthday."

Angela felt the heat rush to her cheeks at the reminder of that little mishap. She turned her head away, clicking her teeth at having the memory brought up.

"In any case, there's nothing else that needs to be said here."

"Agreed. Pack your belongings and we will speak of this when we get back to Zurich."

There was a persistent silence that returned for a split second once more.

Jaune released his hold on his partner, glaring rather intently at his mother. The woman, all the while, was glaring just as intensely as he. The two Zieglers stood eerily still, with their expressions mirroring one another it was a wonder there weren't sparks flying from the sheer animosity the two emitted at one another.

"Sorry to break this to you, doc, but I ain't leaving."

Mercy's expressionless face contorted to that of a false smile, carrying none of the warmth one would expect from the 'Angel of Atlas'. She placed a hand against her chin, tilting her head into her palm as she closed her eyes. "Well now, that is an issue, because last I checked; I never gave you permission to enlist in an academy." She took a step forward, causing the teens around her to flinch, yet her son remained firm in place.

"I didn't need your permission." This made Mercy stop in her tracks, her eyelids peered open ever so slightly, pupils locked firmly on her youngest child. "And if you think I'll bend the knee to whatever you want; then I have some tough news for you. I'm not gonna be like you; sitting on the sidelines and turning a blind eye."

"Oh?" The blond felt a chill creep up his spine as he instantly took a stance. "Is that so?" Mercy turned her attention to the monitor. "Athena?"

'Yes, Lieutenant Mercy?'

"Prep the arena."

As the students had all left the stadium to go about whatever weekend plans they had, those in the private booth lingered. Though Reinhardt stayed mostly quiet, Ana approached the couple they noticed earlier, quickly realizing them to be the leaders of Menagerie. The chief of the Faunus continent, although tall in stature, was just barely reaching the old crusader. The blond teacher from patch was having a rather winded conversation with the old cowboy, despite the Vaswani woman constantly jabbing at his ribs when he brought up unnecessary details about their history.

Although managing to recover, Hana was itching in place. She wanted to leave, with her mother having a 'peaceful' talk with the headmaster, it was no question when she eventually met up with her son one of two things would happen; they'd either get into a heated debate, or fists would exchange…or both. A chance of both happening was a possibility all things considered. Still, with Fareeha keeping her in place, she wasn't exactly in a position to go anywhere, Brigitte's constant praise towards their sibling for his usage of their armor was a tad unnerving, though, given the gear was designed and built by the girl, her boasting was a show of pride for her work. Of course, it didn't mean Hana wasn't proud of him either; taking on two huntresses at once, and the Mistral Champion no less, it was a noteworthy moment she could brag to her team back home. Although, taking a moment to think of things going forward, a plethora of issues plagued the young pilot's mind; the bigger one being what would happen when her mother finds her brother.

She loved the two to death, but their pride and stubbornness were walls she could never tumble down, climb over maybe, but when it came to bringing the two to reason; often than not she found herself unable to get through to them. And then her thought peered over to her younger sibling, the blond who went through a growth surge and left her to join up in this academy with puppets-in-training.

The day she discovered he had disappeared, she tore up heaven and earth to find him. She felt the full weight of her decision to side with her mother finally come crashing down on her, realizing she'd been pushing him away as time went on. None of this would be happening if he just signed up with the medical school in Zurich. Their mother would be happy, he'd be home, and none of this little circus would be happening…but then, what must it have been like for him?

To see his two closest siblings, maybe his only friends at the time, leave for some adventure elsewhere while he was confined to a routine. She could accept that their mother was extreme, yes, but after the incident with his arm…there wasn't anything Hana would hesitate to do if it meant keeping her family safe. But…one thing kept plaguing the pilot's mind.

Where should the line have been drawn?


The booth shook with the weight of the explosion beneath them. The spectators ran to the windows, peering down below as they watched a body fly out from the smoke and skid across the floor until coming to a complete halt near the center. The figure was still covered in dust and soot. After being able to shake off the shock of the attack they tanked, a mess of blond hair was the first thing the observers took notice of.

"Jaune!?" Brigitte was the first to shout, though as she turned to jump into action, a hand caught her shoulder. The engineer turned to find Ana, though, her eyes remained fixed on the stadium below.

From the blasted hole in the wall emerged the good doctor, unscathed and very much peeved.

Mercy stopped a few feet away, watching with pained eyes as her son shrugged off his fatigue from the earlier fight and stand just to spite her.

"I cannot fathom how I raised such a spiteful, ungrateful child." Mercy spat, watching her son's eyes flare as she spoke. "I gave you everything a growing boy needed; a roof over your head, food on the table, cloths on your back, a home where you'd remain off the radar and away from prying eyes…" She trailed off. "And now you've thrown all that away. Do you not comprehend what people would do to get their hands on the powers our family carries? Fading into obscurity wasn't for nothing." Mercy discarded her coat, allowing her for less constricted movements. Though, from the looks of her clothing, specifically the heels, the blond boy wasn't so sure what to make of this predicament.

"Why do you think I trained with Opa and Jesse, I didn't go on missions for shits and giggles. Like you; every drop of blood and sweat was to hone my skills so I would be able to fend for myself should the time come where I was on my own." Jaune responded, plunging himself towards the woman, encasing himself in aura as he dove straight for her. Of course, Mercy was quick to dodge the attack, though, what she didn't see was the aura shield imploding, the shock wave disorienting her long enough for her boy to land a good kick to her shoulder.

The doctor was sent skidding a few feet before coming to a halt.

"Everything I've done; I did only with the intention that our family would never have to be used for the plots and ploys of the world." Without warning, she charged head on catching her son by surprise, and even landing a good hit to his stomach, causing the boy to heave. "But now your face is out there for everyone to see. For everyone to know who you are."

"The attacks and kidnappings haven't stopped since I was a kid." Jaune groaned out, managing to stand on his two feet, yet wobbling for balance all the same. "Maybe they won't ever stop, no matter how well we hide…but that doesn't mean I'm gonna turn tail and run at the first sign of danger. I'm going to face it head on."

Mercy's brows twitched, her own glare resurfaced as her aura enveloped her body. "No." She growled out, the foundation beneath her cracked beneath her feat. Images began to surface in her head, memories of a young blonde girl making a similar declaration. "I refuse." She muttered, readying her body for another charge. The next image in her head was the girl standing in the midst of her slaughtered family, blood splattered across her face as she stared into the soulless eyes of her fallen kin. The ones she failed to save. "I will not lose you too."

Her aura disappeared in an instant, only to return in full force not a second later, angelic-like wings sprouted from her back as she charged again, striking the boy head on. She knew where his stubbornness came from, how could she not; she had to deal with it long before Jaune was born. If words weren't going to get through to him, there was always the second option…

The observers above watched as the two Zieglers exchanged blows with such ferocity. Even the students who managed to climb over the debris were in awe at the intensity with which the two blonds displayed. While Mercy was light on her feet and quick to evade most blows, her son seemed more rooted in his fighting style, taking defensive stances and attacking only when he saw an opportunity. Though, each blow dealt was done so with every ounce of fury they could muster for each strike.

Weiss, after finally climbing over a chunk of debris, watched the infamous Mercy go against her son with such fury. She couldn't deny the feeling of awe in watching the former Overwatch agent fight, more so in a way that was in total contrast to the image she had molded over the years. However, given who it was she was sparring against, the heiress could help but worry for her classmate who was showing to be losing ground with second.

And it showed, Jaune, although with his aura on constant regeneration, was lagging with each usage of his semblance to keep his body powered up. It helped that he wasn't with a heavy set of armor to weigh him down, though, given his mother's fighting style he wished he had time to reequip his gear. His real weakness, however, were the half-assed attacks he used on her. And though he could feel her holding back, there was still some residual fury from his stunt that lingered in her subconscious.

Mercy was breaking from within, she wanted this fight to end. But, she couldn't concede, not when the outcome of him fighting for Ozpin would lead down a path his father once took. Her heart shattered at the loss of her former lover. It was mended only by the little bundle of joy she gave birth to. Yet, it seemed as though he was rearing to walk down the same fate his father suffered through.

She wouldn't allow it.

She refused to allow any more of her family to die for Ozpin's cause.

Mercy swiped the boy's legs, sending him tumbling as she reared her fist back for a final strike.

When her strike hit, the floor beneath them shattered, unearthing chunks of the arena's floor. The entirety of those observing the fight felt their hearts skip a beat. A strike with that amount of force would've surely broken something. Fareeha felt the blood from her face drain, wondering if the two had gone too far breath hitched when the dust in the epicenter dissipated, revealing a blond teen on the floor, eyes wide open, with his mother standing directly over him; her fist a few inches from his face, an indication that her fist had not struck directly, but the force behind her attack was what shattered the battle field.

"Tell me…" Jaune flet something warm drop against his cheek, his eyes shifted from his mother's fist to her teary eyes. Though she showed signs of breaking down, she still retained her stoic expression. "…what did I do wrong?" Her fist reached out and grasped his shirt, pulling him slightly up as she visibly attempted to retain her tears from flowing.

Jaune's eyes narrowed, a faint snarl creeped from his throat. "You can't be serious." His hands creeped up and grasped his mother's. "How about all the lies?" He growled out, rearing his head back before head-butting the doctor.

The audience was quick to take notice; the good doctor let her guard down; her aura didn't shield her from the hit. And judging by the noticeable trickle of red from the boy's nose; he too let his aura drop. The teen dangled off the woman's iron grip, his left eye half-lidded, and his nosing still trickling red. His sudden attack caught her off guard, but none more so then the words he would utter next. "You can't honestly believe I was happy living the way I did. A fixed schedule, handlers to walk me to and from school, restrictions on who I could associate with; that was just the tip of the shit I had to live through. I was more a prisoner than your son."

Mercy's eyes furrowed. She struck him, hard enough to get her point across, yet she still felt herself holding back. "I did it to protect you. I might've gone too far, but I would've done it all again if it meant you would stay safe. Regardless of what you may think, I have never treated you any other way."

"Really? For all that talk about keeping me safe, sure as hell took me a bit of lien, but I managed to stay off the radar for a whole week. Do you know how it feels to constantly watch your back, hoping and praying you're not found and sent home?" He shot back. "If that doesn't register as a red flag then nothing I say is gonna convince you otherwise." The blond teen attempted to force her back, only to find her grip tightening, and even with one of her fists grasping at his hair.

"You have no idea the things I did as a huntress. The strings I pulled to disappear from the world, to escape Atlas, forsaking Ozpin and his forlorn war, to give you a life I never had." Her yanking at his locks eased up, though not enough to have her release him entirely. "All I wanted was normalcy, a life for you where there weren't any wars, the world and its problems were not our own; and I could live out my days watching you grown old with your own family instead of worrying over whether I'd see you walk through my door again."
At that point, there was no use holding it in, the doctor had streams running down her cheeks. Yet, her anger was still prevalent as she was trying to keeping her struggling son locked in place.

"I will not stand by and watch another Ziegler die for nothing!"

Jaune managed to deliver a well-aimed jab, causing the good doctor to release her hold as she tumbled back.

"That isn't for you to decide." Jaune muttered, slowly picking himself up, all the while wobbling with each movement he made to keep himself balanced.

The two Zieglers stood defiantly against one another, the teen and doctor both showed blood and bruising, indicating their fight had gone on without the protection of aura. Which could only make the observers shudder at how far the two would go if the first sign of blood was not enough to stop them.

Angela had come this far, she would not go home without her baby. She couldn't leave him here, not where Ozpin could feed the boy false hope about a war on which neither side would win. Though, before she was able to move, a needle struck her shoulder, her son staggered forward as the doctor saw a similar one hit him from behind. The effects were not instantaneous for the doctor, given her experience with these specific darts in the past. Though, her son was quickly dozing off, his body wobbled from side to side with his eyes fighting to stay awake. But within seconds the boy was slowly timbering forward.

As Jaune's eyes neared complete darkness, he could faintly hear a rush of steps coming towards him, and a warm pair of arms embracing him, holding him tightly as his mind fell into unconsciousness.

-Hours Later-

It was slow, but the blond teen felt the feeling in his limbs slowly return. It started with being able to twitch his fingers, down to opening his eyes and staring up at the ceiling. There was something to be said about a person who could recognize the tiles in the ceiling of their academy's infirmary, especially at night. But that would have to wait, there was a soft warm breeze blowing down unto his head and what felt like an arm draped across his chest. Oddly enough, he felt at ease, more so when he could distinctly feel a hand brushing idly into his hair. It was almost like the moments he spent as a child, when he couldn't sleep on his own the night prior and would wake the next morning in the arms of…

Jaune's head turned slowly towards the source of the warm breath, his eyes landed on a pair of feline ears. There were two candidates those ears could belong two, and judging by the brownish hue of the fur, he had his answer.

He didn't dare move his head, lest he wake her by accident, but he couldn't deny the ease he felt just being close to his sister.

"Now there's something I haven't seen in a while." The blond's eyes shifted towards the foot of his bed, his head moving slowly so as to not disturb Hana's slumber. Much to his surprise, his mother was sitting across from his bed, arms crossed, and lightly bandaged across her head and nose.

"Take a picture, might be the last time." He muttered quietly.

Though, Angela smirked and held up her scroll. "Already did." She placed her scroll away, leaning her head back against the wall as her eyes stuck to the ceiling.

Jaune mirrored her, gazing up at the ceiling, the bond felt his sibling shift, her head nuzzled against his, leading to her grip being tightened. It would've been a heartfelt scene had the teen not felt his head being slightly crushed by her hold.

"She was worried sick." Angela muttered, her eyes still focused on the ceiling. Jaune's eyes snapped back to his mother as she reached for something in her coat. "Hana was a mess, when she wasn't sulking she was lashing out at everyone. Especially me." She chuckled at the choice words the girl had the gull to spew. "I always hated being talked down to, more so when it came from my own child…but, in that moment; I had nothing to respond to her accusations."

Jaune felt something in his chest tighten, though, he knew better than to get his hopes up.

"Everything I ever did; I did for my family…however, I am not going to deny that I may have gone too far."

"That's an understatement." Jaune mumbled, earning a faint glare from the woman.

She had a snide remark to throw his way, though, given the two were speaking without a fist flying at one another, she bit down on her tongue, choosing to opt for the peaceful setting. "On the ride here, I had time to think things through…to try and understand why you ran away." Angela avoided eye contact at first, her palms trembled as her fingers gently massaged her head. "The stress was only made worse when I discovered which academy you joined…or rather, when I watched the initiation footage."

Jaune shuffled a bit, just enough to warrant his sibling to slightly increase her hold. "Yea, not my best moment. Nora still wants to get back at me for the way I boosted her though."

Angela chuckled softly, sparing an eye and raised brow at her child. "Speaking of, how did you manage to acquire Ana's vials? She's not exactly the sharing type."

The teen merely shrugged. "It helps when you're the youngest grandchild."

After a brief chortle, the room remained silent once more, only the soft breathing and running A/C could be heard. Jaune, for the most part, could feel most of his limbs again, inching each second to release himself from his sister's grasp. Which, after a bit more wiggling he did, sliding away from her dejected face, only to cringe as he attempted to sit up.

He instinctively recoiled, gripping at his abdomen with visible pain etched on his face. The blond soon felt two fingers poke at his forehead and with a small amount of force push him back unto the bed.

"Easy now, takes more than a day for aura to heal your wounds, mine too." She muttered, her fingers trailing across his bandages before releasing a heavy sigh and walking towards the door, albeit with a noticeable limp. "Rest up, I will be back later to check up on you."

Jaune, to his credit, threw in a small jab at her before she reached the door. "I'm still not going home." Angela stopped in front of the door. "I'm going to be a hunter, whether you approve or not." He breathed out, waiting for her to negate his words or spout some tangent over how he WAS going home whether he wanted to or not.

"It would seem your little attack to my cranial has left me unable to fly home." Jaune's head perked up. "And I am not one to take risks, especially not now. So, until I am able to fly again we will remain at Beacon." A glimmer of hope sparked in his heart…that was, until he realized the implication of what her words meant. "Amelie was kind enough to offer me a place in her dorm room for the time being, so until I am well enough, I shall remain here." Jaune felt his face blanch, the chill in his spine worsened as he watched her head turn to the side, eyes boring down at him. "Make no mistake; this conversation is not over." She turned forward once again, though, as she gripped the handle to the medical room, she stopped. The blond tensed, wondering if she was going to throw in some jab or promise of how she'd be watching him like a hawk from now on. Instead, though… "Every day that passes, I see more of him in you." She muttered, face still facing forward. "He'd be so proud of you…I wish you could've met him." Before being given a chance to speak, the doctor left the room, allowing the blond to ponder on her words as he slumped back on the cot. Never once did his mother ever reveal anything, not even so much as alluding to his father beforehand. But now? With this?

He began to imagine what his old man might look like, feeling like a toddler again where he'd sit idly by the door and wondering if he'd ever meet the man. Still, just the fact that she was acknowledging him was enough of an assurance that maybe, just maybe, things would change from here on out. He didn't hold on to the thought too tightly. Mercy was a stubborn woman.

Feeling a stinging pain in his head, the blond allowed his boy to lay completely, the weight of the day finally coming down on him as his eyelids felt heavy once more.

*Cue; Illabye*

Jaune's eyes opened briefly, though his vision as rather hazy. He heard his lullaby play clear as day. To others, the tune always seemed to creep them out, and often times it resulted in him being branded as weird. Even his sister, who clung to him almost as soon as the melody began playing, would only ever listen to it if she were close to him or their mother. With what little he could see, the blond noticed a darkened figure standing at his bed side. He figured it to be his mother, make no mistake Mercy detested the music box and the tune that came with it. But given the small toy was enough to put the little one down for sleep, she reluctantly held on to it. And with that notion, the blond allowed himself to be taken by slumber.

All the while, towering over his beside, a hooded figure stands idly watching over him. His crimson eyes shone brightly in the darkened room. The unknown's hand reached downwards, grasping the little music box gently, eyeing the contraption for a moment before wounding it back, and allowing the tune to play again.

And he? He was content as is. Standing by, watching from afar.

For now.

Before anything, lemme just say, I've been reading a lot of stories where a runaway child (Mostly Jaunes, as they are surprisingly abundant if you know where to look) reunites with their family and though a few were played off for comedic gags, I know for certain a lot of you won't like how I handled this. But you gotta understand two very important things; a good parent will always a feel a measure of fury when their child does something monumentally dangerous, and even to the point where there are blows exchanged. I speak from experience, and believe me when I say; I had it coming. Whether you think it's wrong or not is ultimately irrelevant, because no two parents are the same. Parents will definitely have different reactions to what their children do, some lash out verbally, some physical, others both. I was on the both spectrum. And keep in mind, the physical was only for the monumental stupidity.

Now, I'm not saying hitting is the right way to go by any means, I'm simply stating that for those who will think the slap was unwarranted; I'll have you know the blond boy got off easy. The second important factor; writers tend to write on the spectrum of what they perceive to be morally right or wrong. Nothing wrong with that, everyone's got an opinion. However, I was raised in a household were family members had short-fuses, and overprotectiveness ran rampant amongst the mothers. But the thing that surprises me, even to this day; the love is still there. No matter how far the anger gets, eventually the family comes back together, buries the hatchet and moves on. Takes time and effort, don't get me wrong. That's how I view the world; family first; always. There's a fight? Bury it. Nothing in life is worth staying mad at family. (With some obvious exceptions of course)

Now, is that how you, my readers, see the world? No, I don't believe we all share that view. I know some have a more vindictive view on the subject, but for this story, I'm displaying the values I grew up with.

Now, by no means is Mercy done with her son, and there will be some more fleshed out fights I have in mind for the future, along with some little gags regarding what we healers dread to hear spammed by a certain DPS.

Do keep in mind, my job is running peak season numbers right now, and my position puts me to work for the entire shift. I stay till the end, so I barely have enough time as is. That being said, I wanna focus on my other stories too. I'll try to get another chapter up soon, until then, ya'll stay safe.