AN: Well I promised a Q&A, so here you go, I 'think' I got them all, but nobody's perfect...some just get a little closer than others. ;)

Q. Why cure Leinas easily?

A. Because there is no context in this story that would make her curse interesting and the focus of the story required her devotion, plus...its hard to imagine Nazarick being unable to cure a simple monster's curse. Failing against Yggdrasil magic weapons...maybe, but an ordinary curse from an ordinary monster in the New World, one a human could defeat? Nah. I'm sure a very interesting one shot could be set around her having to accomplish something in exchange for a cure, but that wasn't the story I was going for. So I chose to just get it out of the way.

Q. I disagree with your economics, you should read Sowell.
A. Not really a question, but I disagree with the man, flatly put, he's wrong, which isn't to say he's an idiot, but he certainly ventures into nutball territory far more often than one should expect. He's not wrong about 'everything' of course, but this is one of the areas where he is. I'm a firm believer in the notion that a nation that does not invest in its own citizens, is hardly a nation at all, just a collection of special exploitative interests.

Q. Two more chapters huh?

A. OK yeah I kinda lied a little bit, but not on purpose. 'lol' My outlines don't include specific chapter required lengths and sometimes it runs long enough for two chapters or more, and I tend to be conservative in estimating final tallies.

Q. Where are you vacationing?

A. Louisville, greatest city in the world, and I say that having been over much of it. :) I'd pick nowhere else to live.

Q. Can I have a chapter for my birthday.

A. Yes.

Q. Have you written other things?

A. Someone asked this in another story's review and I answered it there, but since I can't remember which story it was asked in, I'll answer it again. I have written other stuff, but not other fan fiction, I do have a few books under my belt for other subjects. 'Evolutionary Theory: An Introductory Primer', 'Robert's Rules of Modern Money Management', 'The Forever Queen', & 'Reflecting on the Death of God'.

Q. What other writing project are you working on?

A. I write for the Church of the Basement Dragon Facebook page, and I'm working on a fiction story set in the modern era in a small town in the United States. Title not set just yet, but if you write to the Basement Dragon page and request a copy of the early chapter drafts, you can have a look.

Q. Why the short chapters?

A. Because its easier to go back and edit, find what I want, and its easy for you turn the page, while also being easy for me to keep to a fast upload pace to keep the story moving.

Q. When will there be more to 'Memory & a Message'?

A. I'll do one more chapter to that after 'The Queen in the Sword' is caught up, right before jumping into the God Rising' story in earnest, enough material has now been put together to give another reflective chapters in various perspectives, but it won't be a long one, I don't want to give away to many spoilers, that is why it hasn't gotten attention lately.

Q. Why no epilogue for the Slane Theocracy in this story?

A. No, nobody asked, but I know somebody is wondering, and the answer in advance is...because that is basically chapter info for a pending chapter in God Rising, it would give away to much.

Q. Wouldn't the taking of Climb be violating a deal with princess Renner?

A. Technically she could make the argument, but as Nazarick has turned the topic on its head and is essentially using them to 'safeguard' Climb since they don't want Renner to do anything anyway, it isn't a problem, as unstable as she can be without him, she's far to intelligent to fail to understand the advantages of ensuring that they want to keep him safe at all costs.

Q. Where is the justification in taking Re-Estize?

A. When nobles from Re-Estize take military action in support of the Slane Theocracy, the royal family is essentially accountable for the failure to stop them and it forces them to choose a side, this gives the Sorcerous Kingdom a blank cheque to either invade to support the royal family as an ally, or to punish the Kingdom or to stop the nobles who are opposing Ainz. Think of it this way, if two nations share a border with a third, and two of those nations fight one another, how long are you really expecting one nation to tolerate a 'neutral' state hosting enemy armies which can and do raid over the border? Not long. So, that's how.

Q. Can Demiurge ever use his regular form again?

A. Probably not for a few centuries at least. I suppose if Ainz commissioned some artistic renderings that changed the look of the Demon King and waited until everybody who remembered it died off, then Demiurge could revert, but I doubt its important enough for them to worry about.

Q. What will the highest tier spell Ainz uses during the war?

A. -Spoiler- You'll just have to wait to find out if the Slane Theocracy keeps the terms Ainz gives to them for trading away his magic abilities. ;)

Q. How does summoning buildings work?

A. This was rather unclear, so I had to base it loosely on the snap design elements of modern gaming, the basic idea being that you interface with what you're building and 'link' things together, so I had to imagine how a virtual reality system with a player interactive structure would work, and extrapolate that to the 'new world'. Essentially when Ainz casts the spell, he can select prescripted elements and 'snap' them together in ways only the caster can see to design the look of the structure, which is then raised up out of the earth according to his design. I hope that makes sense, but I have NO idea how this would relate to what the author would do.

Q. Is Entoma using Arche's voice?

A. I assume so, it would be weird if she wasn't, but there isn't really a need to revisit it. IF I do a oneshot with Arche's sister, it might be something I'd have to deal with, but for now I'm not worried about that potential wrinkle.

Well...that's everything I think. :) Have Ainztastic days, you'll hear from me again in a few weeks when my vacation is over, but for now...The Lemurian Paradox is now being marked 'COMPLETE!'