Xion: Hey everybody! It's Xion, your favorite Replica, here! Bet you weren't expecting another posting for this so soon, but after the author mentioned that we were going to be doing gag reels and bloopers in here, I just couldn't stop myself from getting this out there. Believe it or not, a lot of crazy things happened while we were working on Keyblades of Future Past, and some of it left all of us either really frustrated, cracking up, or are likely to leave you wondering "What the hell were they doing at this time?". So, here's the first ever Keyblades Unleashed Series Gag Reel, courtesy of yours truly. You're gonna love this…

lyokoMARVELanime do not own anything from any of the Kingdom Hearts franchise or any other franchise mentioned in this story.

Keyblades of Future Past:

Gag Reel

Scene opens to the moment when Sora and Kairi first met Aqua in the ruins of the Land of Departure, and Sora has Aqua pinned down beneath his Keyblade. "Look, we didn't come here to fight, we're looking for a Keyblade Master who lives here," Sora told the blue haired woman.

"Well then you're out of luck," Aqua snarled in retort. "The only master that ever lived here is long dead, struck down by his former friend after being weakened by one of his own students. The only one living here now is me, a person who is nothing more than a sham of a master, and who never deserved the right to be given that title."

Sora and Kairi's eyes both widened in surprise and for a moment they were both silent until Sora finally asked, "You're Master Aqua?!"

Aqua's eyes narrowed at hearing Sora's question, and she immediately slapped his Keyblade away before extending her hand forward and then waved said hand while evenly stating, "This is not the droid you are looking for."

All were silent for a minute before laughter can be heard in the background, followed by Sora, Kairi, and Aqua laughing as well. "I'm sorry, guys," Aqua chuckled. "Sorry. I…I had to do it once. It was just too good to pass up."

Scene change. "Speed," a director calls out.

"Marker," the clapboard guy states while doing his job.


Kairi just raised an eyebrow in confusion for a minute until she saw her reflection in a nearby pond and gasped at what she saw. Her outfit was still the same for the most part, except that it now also included a pair of grey, fingerless gloves on her hands, and silver colored sleeves that covered her arms with a strange piece of shoulder armor on her left shoulder that was colored pink with white highlights. In addition to this, Kairi also noticed that she was now wearing a pair of silver shorts under her pink dress, white leggings that went up to her mid-thighs, finishing up with a pair of steel boots that were the same colors as her usual sneakers. If she were being honest with herself, Kairi honestly thought that she looked pretty impressive, and that she looked a bit more like a Keyblade warrior now. She was about to turn and look over at Sora, when she finally realized that she was leaning a little too far forward in the direction of the pond, and let out a startled yelp as she fell in.

Laughter erupted soon after, even from Sora as he tried to help her back out. "You…You okay, Kairi," Sora giggled.

"Oh, yeah, I'm great," Kairi sarcastically replied as she grabbed Sora's hand, her hair and clothes very wet from the sudden swim. "In fact, why don't you join me?"

"WHOA," Sora cried out as he was pulled into the pond by the girl as well, even as the director called cut.

"Hey, can we get these two dried off and cleaned up before we try that again? And maybe check to see how dry or wet the ground is in that area?"

Scene change. "Speed!"

"Marker" clapboard.


"The future," Aqua asked sardonically. When Kairi and Sora both nodded in affirmative response, Aqua started to grin a little bit, clearly trying to suppress her laughter and asking, "So is this going to lead to a Flashpoint thing or a Back to the Future thing?"

"What," Sora asked in confusion.

"Or maybe we should go with that other time traveler who changes like every other season," Aqua joked, and at that point, she could not hold back her laughter anymore, and neither could Sora or Kairi.

Scene change. "Speed!"

"Marker" clapboard.


Ventus was running, jumping, and climbing through the mouse hole maze like crazy, hoping that he was moving fast enough for those people he saw not to have noticed him or for him to have lost them if they had. He did not know who two of them were, but when he got a small glimpse of the third person, he knew immediately who that person was, because even if she was wearing it longer now, he could still recognize that particular shade of blue hair and similarly colored eyes anywhere. Ventus knew for a fact that it was Aqua that was with that group, and while he was glad to see her deep down, the blonde wielder of the Wayward Wind Keyblade did not want to face her right that moment, if ever. It was not because he was angry or upset with Aqua, quite the contrary really, Ventus really cared a great deal about her, but he had his reasons for not wanting to see her right now.

Eventually, he started to round a corner to where Jaq was waiting for him, only to end up tripping over his own feet, and sliding off to an unseen area behind that wall with a loud crash. "Uh…Ven-Ven? You okay," Jaq called out in concern.

All was quiet, save for some off-screen laughter, until Ven finally replied, "I'm good! I'm okay! I only landed on my head."

The laughter grew a little bit more at that remark, and now it was joined by both Keyblade wielder and mouse.

Scene change. "Speed!"

"Marker" clapboard.


"Who are you, and why do you have a Keyblade," Terra gasped in slight, residual anger as he glared up the shaft of Kingdom Key towards Sora.

"My name is Sora, wielder of the Keyblade, and one of two Kingdom Masters of the future who were sent back to the past by…"

"Wait, wait, wait. Don't you mean 'wielder of the Kingdom Key and one of two Keyblade Masters,'" Terra interrupted.

"What," Sora asked. "Isn't that what I said?"

"No, you said 'wielder of the Keyblade, and one of two Kingdom Masters,'" Terra reminded him.

"Oh, whoops. My bad," Sora chuckled as he relaxed his Keyblade, while folks off screen laughed at his slip up. "Okay, no worries, let's…let's try that again."

Scene re-take.

"Who are you, and why do you have a Keyblade," Terra gasped in slight, residual anger as he glared up the Keyblade's shaft towards Sora.

"My name is Sora, Master of the Kingdom Key, and one of two Keyblade Wielders of the future who were sent back to the past by…"

"Wrong again," Terra interrupted. "It's 'wielder of the Kingdom Key, and one of two Keyblade Masters.'"

"Seriously," Ven groaned from the background, while Aqua and Kairi both chuckled a bit, and Ansem rolled his eyes in amusement.

"Oh, darn it! No, no, I can do this," Sora reassured everyone. "I can do this! Just try again!"

Scene re-take.

"Who are you, and why do you have a Keyblade," Terra gasped in slight, residual anger as he glared up the Keyblade's shaft towards Sora.

"Yo momma, suckah," Sora shouted in a gangster tone, before he burst out laughing, along with everyone else.

"Oh come on! That wasn't even…" Terra groaned over the laughter. "You know what? I'm not gonna take that. I'll just…I'll be in my trailer for now. Let me know when we're doing this for real."

"Aw, come on, Terra! Lighten up," Sora tried to plead, only to fail because he was still laughing. "No, really! I can do it right!"

Scene change. "Speed!"

"Marker" clapboard.


"How goes the organization of our forces, Mickey," Yen Sid asked.

"It's going swell, Master Yen Sid," Mickey replied with a smile. "Everyone's really eager to do what they can to help Sora and Kairi, and put a stop to both Xehanort and the darkness for good."

"That's wonderful," Naminé sighed. "But hopefully we'll have completed this mission before they arrive." She then paused for a minute, and self-corrected, "Finished this mission…Let's get this shit done!"

Everyone starts laughing at that point, while Roxas slowly walks in while chuckling, "Naminé, you shouldn't be cursing. One, it's just not you, and two, you can't curse in a Disney thing, even if it is fanfiction."

Scene change. "Speed!"

"Marker" clapboard.


Upon hearing Buzz's orders for his Rangers, Aqua turned to her own team and began saying, "Alright, Ventus, you go to Jo-Ad with Booster while Terra and I stay here on Trade World with…"

"Hold on! Who said you were going to tell us where to go," Terra demanded. "And what makes you think that I'd want to stay anywhere near you, Miss I-Don't-Trust-Terra?"

"Oh I'm sorry, I thought you wanted someone to make sure you didn't succumb to darkness and go crazy again," Aqua retorted.

"Stop it, both of you," Sora interrupted. He then grinned rather cheekily, and said, "We're supposed to be best friends! Buddies! Amigos! Let's all just get along! Hakuna Matata."

Everyone begins laughing at Sora's silliness, and he says, "I'm sorry!" He doesn't sound like it though, since he's laughing along with everyone else.

Scene change. "Speed!"

"Marker" clapboard.


"Sorry XR, but I'm afraid that I'm going to have to have a few words with your dear bru…brah…brumehememe," Kairi stutters before she completely fails at talking all together with a laugh, drawing chuckles from the two robots as well.

Scene change. "Speed!"

"Marker" clapboard.


"Sir, please," Aqua then asked. "These beings are much more dangerous than you realize. If they are not dealt with, it would cause…"

"My dear, please, do not try to interfere in matters that are much too difficult for a lesser beings to understand," King Nova interrupted once more before he turned to his daughter again, making Aqua wonder if he was going to let her finish one sentence while she was here. "Now Mira, just leave your newest pet outside, and we'll try to see if this matter is truly worth all this trouble."

At being called a pet, Aqua finally lost all patience completely, and summoned her Keyblade, but quickly freaked out when she accidentally struck King Nova in the face with Stormfall's blunted teeth. "Oh shit!" Aqua gasped in disbelief, though everyone was smiling a little despite that. Mira and Aqua then watched as King Nova stumbled over, before they finally began laughing, while Aqua looked to the folks behind the camera and asked, "Sh-Should we just…Should that just be part of the story now? I…I go and attack royalty with my Keyblade…"

Needless to say, everyone got a good laugh at that.

Scene change. "Speed!"

"Marker" clapboard.


"What?! Ansem, Seeker of Darkness is behind this," Kairi exclaimed when Aqua had finally finished her story.

"Yes, at least that's who he said he was," Aqua replied.

"Well judging by how you described him, it sounds like he was doing more than just claiming to be him. Still, this doesn't make any sense at all."

"I know," Terra agreed. "I mean, when I first met Ansem, he was anything but the type of person who would succumb to darkness. I doubt he would've become the ruler of Radiant Garden if that were possible."

"Yeah, I got that same impression from when we met him," Ven agreed. "What made him turn to that?"

"He didn't," Kairi told them. "Weren't you paying attention when Sora and I told you guys our history?"

"Yeah, but your history is just way too convoluted and complicated to really remember everything about, and it's way too much to get memorized," Ven exclaimed.

"Hey! That's my line," Axel suddenly cut in over the D-Link.

"Wait, what are you doing here? You're not even supposed to be in this time," Aqua asked.

"Hey, can I help it if I can sense that someone's ripping me off. Gimme my royalties blondie," Axel demanded, barely even noticing how everyone was laughing at what was going on right now.

Scene change. "Speed!"

"Marker" clapboard.


"Whoa, hey, what's goin' on with Little Red, there," Hades asked, truly not expecting what had just happened.

"Is that…" Ventus began to ask.

"No way," Terra immediately breathed in equal shock. "She actually managed to do it on her first try."

"That's a…Unique Command Style," Aqua finally stated as the glow around Kairi finally reached its peak and then settled as a white and red glow, with the latter color being closely similar to the color of Kairi's hair.

Everyone could only stare at Kairi in amazement until the girl suddenly raised her Keyblade upwards and shouted, "I have the POWER!"

The others only stared at her disbelief, wondering if she had actually just said that, and the redhead could only chuckle and say, "Sorry. It felt like a moment where someone would say that."

"Yeah, let's just…let's keep it in the franchises that Disney owns for now, Kairi," Sora suggested, though he was grinning a little at the redhead's silliness.

Scene change. "Speed!"

"Marker" clapboard.


Sadly, the chances of a peaceful rest immediately flew out the window like one of the more explosive defective potions that Mickey had brewed in his time with Yen Sid when Naminé's eyes suddenly snapped open, and she exclaimed, "Who just farted?"

"What," Roxas asked.

"Somebody just farted in here; I can smell it," the blonde girl stated.

When they heard a sheepish cough, all the occupants of the room turned to see a slightly embarrassed looking Yen Sid with his back turned to them. Feeling everyone's eyes on him, Yen Sid could only shrug and say, "What? I'm an old man. Give me a break."

"Aw, come on, dude," Roxas groaned, with similar voices of disbelief being voiced along with him.

"Seriously," Sora asked, sitting up from where he was lying down.

"Master," Mickey gasped, clearly appalled by the sorcerer's attitude on things.

"All right, let's just…let's get the room aired out and try that again," the director called from off-screen.

Scene re-take.

Sadly, the chances of a peaceful rest immediately flew out the window like one of the more explosive defective potions that Mickey had brewed in his time with Yen Sid when Kairi suddenly sneezed, breaking the illusion that she was trying to maintain. The others could only smiled a bit at the redhead, while she mumbled, "Sorry. I just…my nose really itched and I had to sneeze."

"All right, cut! Let's try that one more time, people, and let's hope for nothing else to go wrong," the director shouted.

Scene change. "Speed!"

"Marker" clapboard.


The six immediately spun around to see a large alien with four eyes and purple and tan colored skin approaching them with a ray gun like the ones that Sora and Kairi had often seen Stitch use, and the sight of this new arrival immediately brought looks of recognition to Terra and Aqua's faces as the former scowled and summoned his Keyblade. "What're you doing here, Jumba," Terra demanded.

"Ah, Boy Terra! Long time, no see," Jumba stated happily. "Love to stay and—Whoa, whoa! WHOOOOAAA!"

Everyone burst out laughing, including Stitch over how Jumba just tripped over his own two feet and fell face-first into the mud. "Oh, that did not look pleasant," Ventus chuckled.

"Not funny," Jumba muttered.

"Hey, clean-up on aisle one," Terra called out. He then looked over at Jumba's mud-covered face, and added, "And bring a few mops. And some disinfectant."

"Not. Funny," Jumba repeated. Judging by how everyone else was laughing, he was the only one who thought that.

Scene change. "Speed!"

"Marker" clapboard.


"You shouldn't play with guns," Jumba told Stitch.

"Oh, okay," Stitch immediately stated as he handed the weapon to Jumba.

"Thank you," Jumba replied until he realized that Stitch had handed it to him because it was about to explode from the fact Jumba had plugged it up when it was about to fire. "Oh, I just remembered! It's your birthday. Happy birthday," Jumba then quickly said as he tossed the gun back to Stitch and prepared to run until Stitch pulled on the back of his vest.

"Merry Christmas," Stitch said as he threw the gun back.

"It's not Christmas," Jumba protested as he did the same.

"Happy Cuanza!"

Everyone froze for a minute, while Sora said, "Don't you mean Hanukah?"

Stitch gaze Sora a confused look, to which Ven replied, "It's 'Merry Christmas.' 'It's not Christmas.' 'Happy Hanukah!', little buddy."

"Oh, okay," Stitch nodded. "It's not Christmas!"

"No, 626. I say 'It's not Christmas,' and then you say 'Happy Hanukah,'" Jumba corrected.

"Well where does 'Merry Christmas' come in," Stitch asked.

Everyone just sighed tiredly, cuing up the director's input.

"Cut! Okay, let's run Stitch through the scene again real quick, and then try another take. You'd think he'd know this given that it's a quote from his own movie."

Scene re-take.

"Merry Christmas," Stitch said as he threw the gun back.

"It's not Christmas," Jumba protested as he did the same.

"It's not Christmas!"

Everyone stopped again, as Terra said, "No, you need to say 'Happy Hanukah!' in reply, Stitch. We just went over this."

"Cut! Alright, let's do another run through really quick."

"Stitch sorry. Stitch get it this time."

Scene re-take.

"Merry Christmas," Stitch said as he threw the gun back.

"It's not Christmas," Jumba protested as he did the same.

"It's Elementary my dear Watson!"

Terra just falls back on the ground in disbelief, with Aqua facepalming, and Sora and Ven both begin banging their heads into either a destroyed table or a wall, while Jumba hangs his head in sorrow. "Wrong again!" everyone other than Stitch shouts.

"Happy Hanukah! Happy Hanukah! Happy. Hanukah!" Sora repeats over and over as he keep banging his head into the wall.

"Okay, this might take a while. Let's just…let's let them sort this out and get on with a different scene."

Scene change. "Speed!"

"Marker" clapboard.


"Powers of darkness and nothingness combine, tear through the forces and head our cry," the two said in unison as a strange, dark energy suddenly enveloped Terra, Aqua, and Ventus. As soon as the three were enveloped, they all immediately let out agonizing cries of pain, almost as though something were inflicting incredible harm on them all at once that they could not even begin to bear. Despite this, the two dark beings continued their chanting, "Now heed our desires and do as we bid, and unleash the power of Mumm-Ra!"

A mummified being appears amongst the group of heroes, with Ansem and Xemnas both smirking evilly, until the mummy dude glances around and says, "Wait a minute. This doesn't look like Third Earth. Where are the Thundercats."

"Uh, sorry about this, Mister, but I think a couple of someone's messed up their lines," Kairi apologized while throwing a glare at the Heartless and Nobody responsible.

"Cut! Alright, who let him on the set? And don't anyone say Deadpool!"

Scene change.

Just so you guys know, it wasn't just scenes in the main story that suffered. We had a bit of a hard time in the author's notes, too. Like this one here:


"Marker" clapboard.


AN: And now ladies and gentlemen, it is the moment you've all been waiting for! Yes, this is the chapter in which it is revealed...

Riku: Just how awesome and badass I am! [gets whapped in the head by the author] Ow!

AN: No. It's the chapter where...

Xigbar: Us other Nobodies get some more solid appearance time then just mere metions? [gets whapped in the head by the author] Ow! That was in my good eye!

AN: Whoops! My bad! [flinches back a little as Xigbar drops to the floor and begins rolling around in pain] Uh…Maybe we should get the stunt double in here to cover for him in the retake?

Scene change. "Speed!"

"Marker" clapboard.


Xaldin: Let the fool prattle on, Number XIV. It's not like it matters. They'll all eventually find out how Sora and Kairi will soon encounter...

AN: DAH! SPOILER! Go Go Gadget, toothpaste! [raises arm when a tube shoots out of the sleeve of the trench coat he's wearing]

Xaldin: Go go what? DAH! [gets sprayed by blue toothpaste] THAT'S NOT TOOTHPASTE, THAT'S…Hey, wait a minute, you said it wrong.

AN: What?

Xaldin: Yeah, aren't you supposed to say "Go Go Gadget, oil slick!" before blasting me with toothpaste?

AN: Oh. Whoops. My bad. Okay let's try that again.

Scene re-take.

AN: DAH! SPOILER! Go Go Gadget, mouth wash! [raises arm when a tube shoots out of the sleeve of the trench coat he's wearing]

Xaldin: Go go what? DAH! [gets sprayed by blue toothpaste] THAT'S NOT…the right thing to say either. It's "Go Go Gadget, oil slick!"

AN: Alright, alright. Gadget Sherriff. Just…Just let me start over again.

Scene re-take.

AN: DAH! SPOILER! Go Go Gadget, oil slick! [raises arm when a tube shoots out of the sleeve of the trench coat he's wearing]

Xaldin: Go go what? DAH! [gets sprayed by blue toothpaste, but it ends up being sprayed out too hard and sends him flying out of the room]

Xion: [looks off to where Xaldin had been sent flying before looking back at the author] I think you might've had it on too high.

AN: Well, at least I said the right thing that time.

Scene change. "Speed!"

"Marker" clapboard.


With that done, Roxas then looked to Terra, Aqua, and Ventus as he then said, "I can guide you guys to the World That Never Was, but getting there in and of itself is going to be difficult as it is. We'll be flying right into the lion's den, and even four Keyblade Wielders won't be enough to successfully pull off an invasion of Xehanort's home base. We would need a small army at minimum to pull it off."

"You're going to need more than that, son, and I think I've got just what you need to pull it off," a new voice suddenly interrupted. Everyone immediately turned to the door and saw no one there. "You may wish to look out the window," the voice advised, and they all turned to see the head of a massive, blue and red robot looking in at them. "I am Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots. We are here to…"

"Hey! Whoa, whoa, whoa! What're you doing here," Roxas interrupted.

"I…I'm sorry," Optimus asked.

"Yeah, Captain America is supposed to be coming in right now, and your franchise isn't even owned by Disney," Terra pointed out.

"At least not as of this moment," Aqua muttered. "I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually got ahold of DC Entertainment at some point. I can already see people begging for me and Thea Queen to meet up at some point since we're played by the same actress."

"Optimus! Hey, Optimus. Yeah, sorry big guy, but you're not in this story," the director cuts in.

"I…I am not," Optimus asks.

"No, sorry. Uh…Hey, look, you see this script on the ideas for universe expansion here," the director asks, holding out said notebook so Optimus can look.

"Oh…Well…This is awkward," Optimus admits.

"Come on. Let's just get you on back to the Gundam SEED Prime Trilogy set, okay?"

"Sure thing, lyokoMARVELanime."

Scene change. "Speed!"

"Marker" clapboard.


Surprisingly, Ven did not say anything, and when everyone looked to see why that was, they saw that he was staring at Vanitas with a very intense look, like he was analyzing every inch of the masked boy. After another minute of looking at him, Ven finally asked, "Who are you?"

Everything was silent at that point until Vanitas finally let out a loud laugh that seemed to echo throughout the hall and stated, "I…am your father!"

"No! No, that's impossible," Ventus attempted to deny.

"You can't deny it. Search your feelings, Ventus," Vanitas commanded.

"NOOOOOOOOO," Ventus cried out.

"All right, knock it off, you two goofballs," Aqua interrupted, while the others were trying to suppress their laughter. "Seriously? How did no one see this coming? Working with Vanitas always leads to moments like this sooner or later."

"What? Like we weren't all thinking of that very moment at the time," Vanitas chuckled in his poor defense.

He wasn't entirely wrong actually. I was half tempted to jump in and say, "And guess what, Ven, me and Roxas are your long lost sister and brother!" the minute that Vanitas started that.

Scene change. "Speed!"

"Marker" clapboard.


"It is," Kairi exclaimed happily as her Shooting Star Command Style's glow seemed to shine more brightly along with her smile. "It's Sora's Tier Two Command Style!"

Sora was soon off like a rocket, as he attacked the Iron Imprisoner with all three of the Keyblades he was now wielding in a manner that was similar to how he fought with his Final Form, as he sent one Keyblade flying telekinetically, while the other two remained in his hands until he sent them flying off against his enemy in the same manner. As he attacked, Sora began chanting, "This hand of mine is burning red! It's loud roar tells me to grasp victory! Take this: my love, my anger, and all of my sorrow! Trinity Blade Finisher!"

Kairi and Mickey only watched as Sora continued his bizarre attack, before Mickey said, "Yeah, this is what happens when you let Sora watch too much anime."

"I'm pretty sure this is just from watching too much G-Gundam," Kairi reasoned.

Scene change. "Speed!"

"Marker" clapboard.


Instead of reaching out to help Xehanort, Aqua had instead raised her Keyblade and then driven it right through Xehanort with an angry cry, much to everyone's astonishment. Xehanort struggled to speak, but found that all he could do was listen as Aqua said, "My name is Master Aqua. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

Xehanort looked up at Aqua in disbelief before he asked, "Really? Did you just Princess Bride me instead of what you were supposed to say?"

"What? It's basically the same thing here, so what does it matter," Aqua shrugged. She then grinned a bit before saying, "Besides, who says the boys are the only ones allowed to have that kind of fun?"


"That's my girl! Yeah, Aqua! Own the geezer!"

"Vanitas, try to control yourself! We all know you gave her that."

"Oh, come on! Like it wasn't the perfect time for it."

"Okay, moving on. Retake, please! And somebody get Ven/Sora's evil twin out of here for now! We don't need him for the rest of the day."

Scene change. "Speed!"

"Marker" clapboard.


"Whoa," Ven gasped upon seeing Sora and Kairi's Keyblades transform into their ultimate Keyblades. "Who's that Pokemon?!"

Everyone just gave Ven a look, while only Terra asked, "Really?"

Scene change. "Speed!"

"Marker" clapboard.


Finally, they both felt the need to breathe again becoming too strong to ignore, and they slowly released each other from their passionate embrace to regain their breath while Aqua panted, "Just in case you're right to be so worried and I don't see you again."

Ven smiled happily at Aqua and nodded in response to this before he cupped her cheek and gave her one last small peck on the lips before the two started having a full-blown make-out session, each of them trying to rip the other's clothes off.

"Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa! Guys, hold up there! We need to keep this PG13 at the most, remember," the director shouts. "Seriously guys! Stop kissing! And…No, wait! Oh boy! Cut the camera! Cut the camera, cut the camera, CUT THE CAMERA! Terra, cover Sora and Kairi's eyes!"

"Hey! We're not three, you know!"

"Terra, get off! I'm not Sora!"

"Oh, thanks a lot, Kairi!"

Scene change. "Speed!"

"Marker" clapboard.


I'm pretty sure this and a few of the upcoming ones played a part in lyokoMARVELanime's sudden need to make Power Ranger Parody theme songs for us.

"Behold," Xehanort declared as he gestured around him. "These lifeless keys used to be full of power…united with the hearts of their masters. On this barren soil, Keyblades of light and darkness were locked in combat as a great Keyblade War raged. Countless Keyblade Wielders gave up their lives, all in search of one, ultimate key, and soon it will belong to me." Xehanort then paused for a moment in his speech before he pointed towards Ven as he finished his villain monologue. "χ-blade."

The six Keybearers only glared at the five villains for a minute before Sora declared, "I wouldn't bet on that. Let's do it guys!"

"Right," the others all nodded in response.


A minute later, the Kingdom Hearts emblem appears on the screen, while the six Keyblade wielders all cried out the names of their Keyblades before armoring up.

"Star Seeker!"

"Ends of the Earth!"


"Wayward Wind!"

"Destiny's Embrace!"

"Kingdom Key!"

"Cut! What the…What…Wha-what was that," the director, who finally steps out to reveal he looks like the author's OC Dave, demands of the cast.

"Hey, don't look at us," Sora shrugs. "I'll bet you anything that everyone was thinking of something just like that when they saw the canon version of this scene."

"Well this isn't a Power Rangers crossover, so let's not do anything to suggest otherwise, please?"

"Oh like you haven't already started brainstorming at least one or two ideas for something like that anyway," Terra scoffed.

Scene change. "Speed!"

"Marker" clapboard.


Sora then held his hand out and summoned forth the very weapon that the three had hoped they would never seen, and upon seeing their looks of recognition, Sora could only smile in dark glee as he confirmed, "Yes, this is indeed the ultimate of all Keyblades, and the very embodiment of Kingdom Hearts' vast power, and it is mine to command…this is the χ-blade!"

Roxas, Riku, and Xion were admittedly thrown off for a minute seeing Sora wielding the legendary χ-blade, but they were quick to shake off their moment of surprise, and then Roxas shouted, "We're still not going down easy. Ready?"

"Ready," Xion and Riku chorused in reply as they held their arms up in front of them.

"Future's light, Keyblades ignite," the three chanted as one, with Mulan, Aladdin, and Jack Sparrow joining in just seconds later before they all summoned their Keyblades.

"Oathkeeper and Oblivion," Roxas shouted.

"Two Become One,' Xion announced.

"Way to the Dawn," Riku identified.

"Hidden Dragon," Mulan shouted.

"Three Wishes," Aladdin announced.

"Follow the Wind," Jack finished.

"Keyblade Masters, Future Force," the group chorused as one while an explosion rang out behind them.

"Cut! What…What are you guys doing! I just got on Sora's group for this crap," the director asks. He then looks to the last three and adds, "And what're you three even doing here? You're not even supposed to be PART of the main focus battle!"

"Hey, you can't just say we're Keyblade wielders too and then drop us on the sidelines, mate," Jack shrugged.

"Oh yes I can," the director disagreed. "Now, just…Just get out of here, so we can do this again."

Oh, but it didn't stop there. We just had to do it one more time.

Scene re-take.

Xehanort then paused for a moment in his speech before he pointed towards Ven as he finished his villain monologue. "χ-blade."

The six Keybearers only glared at the five villains for a minute before Sora declared, "I wouldn't bet on that. You guys ready?!"

"Ready," the others all nodded in response.

Mickey closed his eyes in concentration before holding his hand out in front of him as he shouted, "It's morphin time!"

A minute later, Mickey had changed into something a little closer to his future self's attire while Star Seeker had appeared in the hand he had held out.

"Ready," Aqua asked of her two best friends.

"Ready," Ven and Terra chorused, holding their hand at the ready so that they could tap their armor pieces after their little chant.

"Keyblade's light…Warriors, enter the fight!"

The three then enter a crazy sequence as they don their armors, ending with them performing a series of flourishes with their respective Keyblades. "Speed of a Wayward Wind! Keyblade Warrior, Ventus!"

"Strength to the Ends of the Earth! Keyblade Warrior, Terra!"

"Magic from a Stromfall! Keyblade Warrior, Aqua!"

"Kingdom Hearts, Keyblade Warriors," the three then announced together while an explosion went off behind them.

"Ready," Sora asked of Kairi.

"Ready," the redhead replied.

"For the Future's Light, together we fight," the two then recited before transforming into their own armors.

The minute they had transformed, Sora announced, "Kingdom Key! Keyblade Master Sora!"

"Destiny's Embrace! Keyblade Master Kairi," the redhead then added.

The six all then assumed a battle pose as they all declared, "For Kingdom Hearts!"

"CUT! Guys, come on, seriously! Enough with the Power Rangers parody stuff!"

Scene change. "Speed!"

"Marker" clapboard.


Okay, I think this is the last one.

"Not unless Riku suddenly became the same height as us, dyed his hair, and suddenly realized that my sense of style is better than his," Roxas joked with a grin, getting a small laugh from Sora in response. The blonde then looked over Sora for a minute before he then added, "Speaking of style, glad to see you're sporting the new look. It really suits you a lot more now than that black, red, and white outfit you used to wear, but I can't help but think that the chain on your necklace looks like it might start choking you considering how short it looks now."

It was at this point that Sora finally took a good look at his outfit and he then struck a pose and declared, "Hey, I look good, am I right!"

The girls in the room next door could all be heard wolf-whistling and shouting for him to work it. At one point though, it got weird when they heard someone shout, "Yeah, Sora! Take it off!"

The weird part was that the person who shouted it sounded like a guy. "Who was that just now," Roxas asked.

"I don't think I want to know," Sora whimpered.

"I should hope not, since it's more than clear to everyone that you're my man," Kairi informed him before locking her arms around Sora and commencing a make-out session.

"Cut! All right, let's just…You know what? I'm done for now. I'm gonna be in my dressing room until you all get your crap together!"

Xion: [laughing almost uncontrollably at the memories that were stirred up] Yeah, it may have seemed like the author was a little harsh with us, but to be fair, if you had to deal with the crap you saw here, you would want to get some payback too, because frankly, we really gave him a hard time for it. Hope you guys enjoyed the shameless laugh these probably gave you, and can't wait to see you guys in the next extra.

AN: Hey, Xion. What're you doing here? [looks to see what's wrapping up and gasps in disbelief] You ran the gag reel without me?! I wanted to watch it too! Not cool!

Xion: Oops! Uh, sorry, but I was just here, and the audience looked like they were ready, so…

AN: Yeah, okay, okay. I was late to the party and you decided to start without me. I guess I deserve that. But next gag reel, you wait for me before beginning, okay?

Xion: Sure thing, lyoko [gives a discreet wink to the audience before mouthing "maybe"]

AN: Well, anyways...

Please read and review, and see ya real soon!