Summary: Takayuki Furuichi is about to start his second year of high school when his parents suddenly inform him that they are transferring him to another high school, which they believe is safer for him however Furuichi soon realises that the school isn't what is advertised.

I do not own Beelzebub.


Takayaki Furuichi came home with cuts and bruises again, sometimes he would come home with blood on him.

His father saw him and slammed his arms onto the table.

"That's it! Where transferring you" He said.

"Eh?" Furuichi said, his statement was echoed by old man, Alaindelon, behind him who was sipping juice.

"Takayuki, we allowed you to go to Ishiyama High because it was the nearest public school" Said, his father. "But since than it's been blown up twice. We thought that with that friend of yours around, he would be able to protect you. But you're always coming home with bruises and blood every day. Your friend is now nowhere to be seen. If, we allowed you to continue your education in that class for your second year, how would we knew, one day, you won't die?"

Yes, how.

And Furuichi wisely kept his mouth shut about dying once, by a demon yanking his heart out of his chest.

"I and your mother have decided to send you to a new highschool, that has promised us to give you a completely normal experience and even a bus would take you out of this kind of area" said, his father, before his father got out a pamphlet and slid it over.

What Furuichi saw on the cover was a nice-looking building with the words 'God's high' in bold, flicking through it he saw pictures that showed a completely normal school environment, students in red school uniforms with yellow carvings, were doing completely normal club activates.

But more importantly the girls he saw were smoking hot.

"This high school has a good reputation" said, his father. "However, the tuition fee is more than what we can afford but a benefactor has stepped forward who is willing to send you to that school. Unfortunately, you spend 4 years in that school not the usual 3. Those who graduate bec-"

"I'm okay with it" He said, stunning him. "As long as there are cute girls, I'm fine"

"Pervert" said, his little sister.

Furuichi choose to ignore her.

We'll, he had no reason to be at Ishiyama or that special class anymore, Oga was gone, the world hadn't ended, he was stuck in a class with people who were cruel to him and he wondered if his teacher would move him to a normal class someday.

And worst of all, his worst fear right now was having the delinquents who stayed away from him because of Oga begin to eye him like stake.

A few had already come after him, when they recognized who he was and they realised there was no Oga in sight.

It was best to go to a new school, for now and start over.

And beside's it's not like going to a new school would truly change anything, he was still living here, he will still see his former classmates and do meet ups.

Furuchi took the pamphlet and began to read it while the old man read it over his shoulder, with each line it sounded more normal by the second.

However, Furuichi thoughts soon changed, when the representative for the school walked into the house and the first thing he did was have his parents sign paperwork, and him sign as well.

"Why?" Said, his mother asking a good question.

"We'll, you see all our students except for a few members are from prominent family's" Explained the man. "A signature is required as a personal identity for each student. We do not want people faking that they are a member of staff or a student. Only the four of us in this house will know that you need a signature to access the school"

His sister was out with her friends and the old man was out who knows where, most likely kidnapping people, so it was just him and his parents.

The explanation sounded very reasonable, especially coming from a school that was charging tuition fee's, so Furuichi signed however the moment he did, he felt his chest tingle.

What the?

"I believe the paperwork is done" said, the man, gathering the documents. "The photo has been sent in and the school will contact Ishiyama High today about the transfer. The school uniform, bag and ID books should arrive in a week or so. God High hopes you have a pleasant experience with us"

And then the man got up, bowed and walked away.

No family member knew the room had been cut off while they talked, so even if somebody ease dropped, there would be a dubbing effected on the room.

The man walked into a fancy car and the car drove away.

When the man left, Furuichi went to his room and took of his shirt.

Had he imagined it?

However it turns out, he hadn't imagined it because what was on his chest was a golden emblem shaped like a bird.

Furuichi tried to show Alaindelon when he came back, but he got quiet a surprise.

"I can't see anything" the man said.

"What do you mean, you can't see anything!?" Said, Furuichi. "It's right on my chest and glowing!" he pointed to where it was.

Alaindelon touched it.

"Hey, Takayuki what do you want-" came the voice of his sister, they both turned to see his sister, frozen in the doorway.

Furuichi stood half naked and a grown man was touching his bare chest.

No matter how you look at it, this looked bad.


"NO, I DON'T!" He said, before he threw a pillow at her to get her to leave, she did but not before going to his parents to tell them what she just saw.

"Furuichi, I seriously can't feel anything" said, Alaindelon.

He quickly put his shirt back on and wondered if only he could see it.

It must be, if a demon like Alaindelon couldn't see it or his little sister for that matter.

As for the school, the principle and his 'special' teacher didn't really care that he was transferring out into what looked like a normal school, the only interesting thing about him was his relationship with Oga and the fact he could withstand such a ridiculous amount of demonic energy when possessed.

A normal school would be a lot more beneficial.

Meanwhile the news's that Furuichi was transferring to another school was making the rounds in the 'special class' full of super violent people, some were glad that he was leaving while other's couldn't care less since they will still see him on the streets.

The following week his school bag, ID, books and school uniform arrived.

"You look good" said, Alaindelon.

"I don't want to be told that by a buff old dude" said, Furuichi, what he was excited for was his new High school debut.

The girls.

Furuichi promised to wash off the stigma of super perverted and weak Furuichi, that was known for.

Or keep his new classmates from visiting his neighbourhood.

Which, ever worked best.

For the rest of the summer when he went out, he always stuck with his family or somebody strong or he would ask Alaindelon to teleport him to places.

He wanted to minimize the chances of being attack as much as possible.

The first day of his new school year arrived and a highschool bus appeared in front of his house, on the side were the words 'God High' engraved into the metal.

Furuichi wore his new school uniform, grabbed his food and quickly went out of the house with confidence that those who knew him would call him disgusting for.

The bus door opened for him and he walked up the steps, to meet a friendly normal looking bus driver and for the first time Furuichi could say he was surrounded by normal, none threatening looking students.

However, every single person on the bus, was a guy.

Furuichi walked down a row and said. "Can I sit here?" keeping the pretense of overwhelming confidence, the weak looking glasses guy nodded and he sat down.

The bus drove out of the neighbourhood, out of the scary madness that was Ishiyama students heading to school, delinquents had come out to play and the normal people shrunk in confidence.

And Furuichi didn't knew it, but the other guys thought he was hardcore when they saw where he lived when the truth couldn't be further from it.

They picked up a few more people from various neighbourhoods and Furuichi couldn't help but feel like a lot of them were similar to him, posturing to make themselves look tougher than they really are.

On the 10 person, Furuichi was sure of it.

But the whole bus couldn't be filled with nothing but weak people, right?


The bus finished it route and when it turned to a parking way that didn't make sense, suddenly the bus kicked into hyper speed and everybody eyes widened as their body were morph due to the sudden speed.

When the world stopped spinning, they found the bus high up in the sky and it had grown wings!

"Eh?" Furuichi said.

Every single person looked out the window and saw nothing but clouds around them as they continued to climb, some fainted when they realised what was going on, other's went into denial or just stared with wide eyes.

Furuichi was used to weirdness took it better than most people on the bus.

And then somebody discovered that the bus driver had vanished.

Now it was time to panic.

"AAAAHHHH!" the screams of people freaking could be heard blasting out of the bus.

Furuchi clenched his bus seat as the bus rose higher and higher before thrusting out of the clouds and those at the back got a good view of other buses who also had wing's appear with equally alarmed teenaged girls, a lot of them were crying and praying the bus wouldn't fall.

They flew alongside each other, each person looked at the other's face of horror, before a large building on top of clouds appeared, the bus drove there and passed through the gates before landing on a drive way.

When the doors opened, everybody was too scared to leave the bus and test reality.

But they couldn't stay here forever.

Suddenly a male with long white hair with a halo and wings flew to the bus's and behind him were several people with wing's and a halo.

"Welcome students to God High" said, the person as everybody looked with wide eyes.

Nobody moved.

The person sighed and with a snap, all those clinging to their seats were on a surprisingly solid cloud.

"Lets try this again" said, the person. "My name is Gabriel and I am an angel. We apologise for lying to all of you and your families, however, nobody here can leave. The contract you all signed, prevents you from talking about what truly happens at this school and seeing your education through with us."


"To put it simply, God High is a program that turns weak people into strong people" said, Gabriel. "Everybody before me is classed as weak to all the realms. In other words, all of you are very easy to bully. However, we see that you all have the potential to raise and become the best in your area. To become god's in your area. Everybody knews the world favours those who are strong. After all, how many people have you see get their way even when they don't deserve it?"

"Are you crazy?" suddenly a person said.

They turned to see a guy who had blond hair, and was wearing his uniform like a delinquent.

"Your an angel, like I will buy that." Said, the person. "I bet this is all some sort of stupid prank. I'm not weak. I'm number one in my area"

"Posturing. You are 234 weakest in the whole group." said, Gabriel.

"What was that!?" said, the guy.

"We have done our research on you and you are weak" said, Gabriel.

"I'll show you weak!" said, the guy before he lunged at the Angel and threw a punch.

The angel stopped it with one finger, making all eyes go wide.

"Testya Mikoto, age 16" said, a woman angel with glasses. "This is you"

She turned her clip board around and they were all shocked to see the same face as the guy but he had a bowel like haircut, his face had a bruise on it.

"Testya Mikoto, an easy target for bullying" She read, destroying the guy credibility. "You are a Lunch shuttle for every delinquent in your area and because you come from a rich family, you are forced to pay delinquents so that they don't hit you."

And then clouds rose and a screen appeared, every single person saw him get beat up because the price had risen, on what delinquents were asking for without them telling him before hand, he was even crying. They then saw footage of him, trying to change his look to appear hard core in front of his new classmates, only to play a lame board game with his nerdy friends moments later.

When it was finished, there was only silence.

They all turned to the guy who looked as white as a ghost.

The gig was up, everybody knew he was weakass and was just posturing.

234th in the group?

What idiot would fear him, now?

In fact, his chances of getting ganged up on by other weak students had increased.

"Mister Mikoto, if you're going to posture in front of everybody than be prepared to being exposed" said, Gabriel before he turned to everybody else and said. "Who else is going to posture, today? Please step forward and we'll show everybody a day in your life"

Everybody turned to each other.

Nobody dared to step forward and posture.

It confirmed that everybody was indeed weak here.

"As I was saying before" Gabriel said, "This school will help you reach the top in your respected areas. At the end of each year, there will be a tournament to decide who are the top fighters in school. The only requirement to get in, is to be the best fighter in your area, regardless of age or gender. If you wish to leave, I'm sure you can be an example to everybody here on what happens if you try to breech the contract you signed,

Everybody realised, they had been put into something dangerous that they had no way of getting out of.

"...Can you really make me strong?" said, Testya.

"We guarantee results" said, Gabriel smiling softly before he said.

"And who knows. Maybe one day, even demons can't match you"

And scene!

Next chapter, everybody gets into assembly and are told the other students would arrive later. They all are given a bottle that is supposed to start their evolution to becoming strong and Furuchi first lesson is a math's that could have easily come from hell itself, Furuchi pain endurance shines through. However, it isn't long before somebody breech's contract and everybody sees what's happens. Review/fav and follow