Chapter 6


"Talking on the phone/thinking"

{Albion talking}

Time/scene skip

"HAAAAAA!" I yell as a large torrent of power explodes from my outstretched hands before quickly dying down. Within seconds I feel my muscles spasm and blue particles fly off me as I fall to my hands and knees in pain and exhaustion, my breath clearly visible in the winter air.

{Congratulations, you've extended your time again… by 1 second. You can now use it for 10 seconds without any detrimental effects.}

I flop onto my back with a massive grin, the snow giving a satisfying crunch under me. 8 months. I had arrived in Remnant 8 months ago during the middle of summer, it wasn't until 5 months ago that I had begun training even harder. It is now February of the next year. That's how long it's taken me to reach this level. 5 months of sneaking out at night to train. 5 months of nearly crippling myself with intense training, thank god for senjutsu. 5 months of hellish training. And not a single moment of regret.

{Out of all my hosts, you certainly have the fastest improvement rate. It took even my strongest host a year to even get to this level, something you achieved in 9 months}

Damn. Seriously?

{Well, she wasn't quite as suicidal or desperate as you when training.}

Fair enough I suppose. Also, the strongest white dragon emperor is actually an empress?


…Yep. Don't piss off any woman, they'll kick your ass 5 ways from Sunday.

{No truer words have ever been thought.}

Ignoring the pain in my body, I push myself up and look at the slowly brightening sky. It was time to head back to Patch. Gathering what little strength I had left, I summoned divine dividing and took off. I was moving at a pretty leisurely pace, the cold air ruffling my hair. It takes me about 20 minutes to reach the edge of patch, slowing as I approach to help Albion keep our cover. Any exhaustion I had before has mostly disappeared now thanks to my aura helping me recover, but there's still a little fatigue left.

I land just outside of the clearing that leads to the house and let Albion fully suppress my power. I've grown stronger, a lot stronger, but my control over it is absolute garbage. I quickly made my way to the back of the house and snuck in. At least, that was the plan.

"How do you lose a maiden!?" said one very alarmed and angry Summer Rose, causing me to stop myself from turning the door handle. I peek over the edge of the window on the door and see Qrow and Tai standing off to the side looking a mix of scared and pissed while Summer is all but glaring at Ozpin and… Hazel!?

"She ran off during a storm, something we believe she may have increased the strength of using her abilities." Came the deep calm voice of Hazel causing my eyes to narrow.

"Thankfully Hazel here managed to find a lead on the whereabouts of the maiden and-" Begins Ozpin, however…

"Then what are we waiting for!? If Salem gets her hands on the spring maiden there's no telling what might happen! Hazel, Qrow! Let's go!" an outraged Summer is an impatient Summer, especially when it comes to this stuff.

Wait… if Hazel's here and not serving Salem yet and Ozpin still trusts him, he trusts him enough with the missing spring maiden and he's coming to Summer. A cold pit forms in my stomach as I connect the dots, but not for long as a low growl beginning to rise in my throat as a burning rage replaces that pit. Hazel kills Summer. That little shit who blames Ozpin for the death of his sister when it was his 'liege' that most likely killed her, is going to kill Summer. He dares to hurt her! ! Dares to hurt what's mine! How dare he try to take some of my treasure, what's mi-!

{Miles calm yourself; you're beginning to enter outrage mode! I won't be able to suppress your magic any longer if you do!}

I blink when Albion all but screeches at me and realize how ragged my breathing is. Stupid dragon hoarding instincts. I release the grip on the door handle, said door handle being crushed and slightly frozen. I take a few calming breathes as my teeth shorten once more and eyes return to normal, something that I didn't even notice until they started reverting back to normal.

"-ort stack! Do you even know where you're going?" I hear the tail end of what Qrow's saying as my rage dissipates. Stupid dragon instincts messing with my head. I could feel Albion silently agree with me as I focused my ears on what's going on.

"Hazel knows, and that's good enough for me. We can't let HER get her hands on the spring maiden." Declares one very irate Summer as she marches out of the room, Qrow right behind her. Hazel looks at Ozpin as the old soul sighed, nodding towards Hazel giving him the ok. Giving a tired sigh, Hazel slowly lumbered after Summer and Qrow.

Albion, how long do you think I need to rest in order to use that again?

{As long as you don't do anything too strenuous, I'd say around 12 hours.}

I can't help but grimace at that but accepted my current situation for what it is all the same. However, just as I'm about to I hear something that makes my heart stop.

"You can come out now child, I know you're there."


Hesitantly, I slowly open the door and see Ozpin sitting there with a small smile on his face. Closing the door behind me, I stare at Ozpin. "How did you know?" I asked.

Ozpin chuckled. "You tend to pick up a few tricks when you've lived as long as I have." I saw him smirk as he sipped on his coffee, avoiding the question. He continues to study me. "You're going after them, aren't you?" Asks Ozpin, surprising me and causing me to freeze for a moment.

I feel Albion give me a mental nudge, and I steel my resolve. "Yes."

My declaration was met with silence, Ozpin's smirk gone and a look of surprise appeared on his face. He stared at me, inspecting my face for any sign of… something. I honestly don't know what he was looking for. Still, I think he found it, whatever it is.

"You're… not what I was expecting." Said Ozpin, causing me to blink. However, before I can ask him to elaborate any further, he cuts me off. "I can't say that I approve of someone as young as you fighting, nor will I say that they are heading to Mistral on an airship that is stationed here in Patch. No, I simply can't say that the cargo hold isn't usually checked either. Afterall, I am the headmaster of Beacon, I have an image to uphold." He sent me a small smirk before getting up and leaving. "Good luck to you Miles Wrynn."

I wait a few moments after Ozpin left. Taking a deep breath, I went into the kitchen and grabbed a power bar. Can't go save Summer on an empty stomach, now can I?

On the airship…

Honestly, it was way too easy to get on here. I know I'm fast when I want to be, but seriously? Sighing, in my mind scape, I lean against Albion as he keeps watch over my body in the real world. "Albion be honest with me. What are my chances against Hazel?"

{Should you use your full power and utilize your small size and superior speed, good. But only if you can finish him within the time limit.}

"That's assuming he's alone right?" I ask, looking up to see the ancient dragon nod his head.

{Yes. At your current level, you could take on multiple enemies at once, but you'd have to play it a lot smarter. Time it so that you can use those ten seconds to the fullest.}

I gulp. "Now, what do you think will really happen?"

{There will most likely be another assailant, maybe 2, that will initiate the attack, distracting Qrow and Summer allowing Hazel to take out one of them with relative ease leaving it 2 vs. 1. I believe someone quick on their feat will be used to compliment Hazel's slow but powerful attacks and incredible durability.}

"Yeah, I figured as much." I reply as I bite on my thumbnail. This shit wasn't going to be easy; I knew that from the get-go. Grimm I can handle, hell, I can probably take on another stray devil as I am now pretty easily. But huntsmen and huntresses, I'm not quite at that level yet. Grimm and stray devils are more or less wild animals and while they can learn from their mistakes, those are few and far between. Well, at least without using that. Maybe in my dragon form, outrage mode for sure, but with just divine dividing? Yeah, no. If I catch them by surprise and get off a few hits and a single divide, I'll probably even the playing field a bit.

A sudden slap on my head brings me out of my musings. Looking behind me I see Albion's tail settling back down on the floor.

{You are stressing yourself for no reason. Remain calm. While emotions can empower dragons, they can also be a double-edged sword. Anger increases our strength but blinds us. Joy can lower our guard. Know when to let your emotions reign free and know when to bring them in. This is the time to reign them in.}

I blinked at the sudden advice before nodding. "You're right of course." I admitted with a sigh. I hate being a child again.

{You need to sleep completely Miles.}

I frowned at Albion. "I am sleepi-"

{No, you are not. Your mind needs rest just as much as your body does else you may not be able to handle whatever is thrown our way.

Albion lowers his head to look me in the eye.

{We most likely won't get another chance.}

I open my mouth to speak, but close it with a motion from Albion.

{I will keep watch and wake you when we arrive. You must rest partner, or you will fail.}

I lock eyes with the ancient dragon, the silent war raging for a mere 3 seconds before I concede. "Fine." I say as I lean back on the dragon and close my eyes. Let's do this.

POV 3rd person Mistral wilds…

"Alright." Began Summer as they touched down. "Remember to stick together, Hazel, you know the last known location of the spring maiden, so you'll be taking the lead. Qrow cover Hazel and I'll cover our backs." Said the short woman having entered leader mode, as her husband puts it. The 2 men behind her give brief nods of agreement as Summer glances at them.

Telling the pilot to stay on standby, the trio began their trek, Hazel in front. It didn't take long before he held his hand up as a sign for the others to stop. Summer and Qrow glanced at their companion in confusion until they saw his gaze locked on a tree with an all too familiar symbol on it. "Of course, they would be here." Growled Qrow as he stared at what was once his family emblem. He balls his fist in silent fury.

Qrow wasn't alone in his anger as both Hazel and Summer have personal vendetta's against at least one member of the Branwen tribe, if not the whole thing. For Hazel, it was this very tribe that lead to him and his late sister being orphaned. For Summer, it's for the cowardice and betrayal of her former teammate, her sister in all but blood, Raven, Qrow's sister. Summer shakes her head in an attempt to clear her mind, a spot of movement catches the woman's attention. Her silver eyes narrow upon seeing a flash of white in the woods and a small pulse of magic, not a maiden, but clearly someone who was capable of it. 'So, one of Salem's pawns is following us already.'

She scanned the surrounding area for signs of whoever was following them, frowning when they seemed to have disappeared without of trace. She gives Qrow and Hazel a silent signal letting them know that they're being followed. Qrow nodded while Hazel's only visible reaction was him slightly narrowing in eyes. Internally though, he was confused. His partner for this mission, he refused to think of it as an assassination, was excellent at tracking and stealth, specializing in hunting huntsmen and huntresses in fact. So, either Tyrian had finally slipped up, allowing Summer to notice him… 'Or there's someone else following us. Great.' Thinks Hazel, annoyed at the extra variable that they don't need. This is going to be hard enough as it is.

Managing to keep his annoyance from showing, Hazel continued to lead the way, his 'teammates' completely unaware of what is about to happen. Meanwhile, directly above them, is a familiar silver/blue haired boy with blue feathered wings sticking out of his back.

"That was a little too close." Came the quiet comment of one Miles Wrynn. 'Good thing no one ever looks up.'

{Indeed. We should still get back down before they see your shadow however.}

Miles blinks at the comment. 'Ah, right.' Floating down to just above tree level, Miles follows behind the group as Albion suppresses his magic. He flies along at the same pace as the hunters and the traitor that is trying to hurt what his instincts to believe is his.

{Heads up partner, we've got Grimm incoming, along with an aura that seems… disturbed to say the least.}

Miles frowns at that. 'Disturbed?' A gunshot catches Miles' attention and his eyes narrow upon seeing the smoking barrel of Qrow's weapon. Summer Quickly draws Rose thorns and forms them into a large scythe while Hazel takes out a couple of shards of burn dust.

"And here I was hoping this would be easy." Snarks Summer, Hazel making a noise of agreement. As a large group of beowolves and ursa exited the brush, Hazel jabbed the dust into his arms, signaling to his partner that it was almost time to make their move. Soon, the 3 hunters were completely surrounded by what seemed to be every Grimm within a mile diameter.

With a howl from the lead Beowolf, the horde rushed them getting a smirk out of Qrow. Holding out his sword, Qrow began shooting his remaining clip into the Grimm. Hazel let out a roar of his own and began rampaging through them like a berserker. Summer, she used her semblance and all but disappeared before quickly reappearing as several Grimm were sliced in half while spinning Rose Thorns in its scythe form.

Qrow quickly shifted to his own weapon to its scythe form, and began cutting down Grimm, after Grimm. While Qrow seemed to focus more on power, he was certainly fast, but not nearly as fast as Summer. She moved through the Grimm lopping off heads and arms, blowing holes in any Grimm that were just out of reach. It was a one-sided slaughter for the Grimm. Despite their numbers, the experienced hunters were simply much faster, stronger… just more everything. It took maybe 5 minutes for the group to clear out the wave of Grimm.

"Phew, that was a nice little work-out don't you think?" asked Summer as she wiped the light sweat that she had managed to work up from her brow.

"True, but we made a lot of noise." Qrow said, as he put away his weapon. "Then again, considering how many Grimm we just fought, I wouldn't be surprise-GAH!"

Summer spun around the minute she heard Qrow cry out in pain and her eyes widened upon seeing Hazel slamming a burning fist into the drunk's gut before grabbing his head and slamming Qrow into the ground and holding him there.

"Qrow!" cried out Summer as she aimed both her gun swords at Hazel. "Hazel, what are you doing!?" she asked, confusion evident in her voice. However, Hazel remains silent, merely holding Qrow in place.

"Why, he is removing the distraction my silver eyed warrior." Cackled a voice just behind Summer just before she was kicked hard in the back. Catching herself before she can fall, Summer whirls around to see a rather skinny man of Mistralian descent cackling at her.

"Oh, to think I get to remove yet another thorn in my grace's side." He giggles uncontrollably, his gold eyes filled with madness.

"Who are you?" asks Summer as she readies Rose Thorns once more.

The man let's out a small gasp. "Dear me, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Tyrian Callows, I serve the wonderful Salem, just like Hazel over there." The now named Tyrian says grandly with a bow, while Summer's eyes widen in shock, before Tyrian's insane smile returns. "And you, my dear warrior, are my target."

With a gleeful laugh, the blades on Tyrian's arms spring to life as he launches himself at Summer. He uses his mobility to his full advantage, matching Summer in not just in raw speed, but in technique as well. Summer blocked a strike from Tyrian with her blades before putting distance between her and the insane man, firing off her swords, missing each shot as Tyrian jumped around. Only a few shots later and there was an all too familiar click.

"Oh, come on!" complained Summer as began to do her best to avoid Tyrian shooting at her now when he realized that she was out of ammo. Realizing that she couldn't do the range battle anymore, Summer used her semblance to close the distance between the 2, resuming the melee, something Tyrian was all too eager to resume himself.

As the 2 fought, Qrow struggled against Hazel, but the man was far stronger than the smaller huntsmen, and not mention heavier. "Hazel, you traitor! Let me go!" cried Qrow as he struggled to draw his weapon, which was firmly placed against his back with Hazel's foot on it.

"Stop struggling, we're not here for you, just Summer. You'll make it out of this alive if you don't do anything drastic." Hazel attempts to persuade Qrow.

"Fuck you!"

Hazel sighs. "I figured that wouldn't work."

Back with Summer and Tyrian, the 2 have reached a stale mate in terms of fighting. Despite the ease she dealt with her share of the horde of Grimm from before, Summer was still winded from the fight while Tyrian had fresh legs at the start, and now it's starting to show. With a kick, Summer launches Tyrian away from her as she takes gulps of air. 'Tai was right, I really do need to work on my endurance.' She thinks as Tyrian begins to right himself. However, the minute his hands touch the ground Summer immediately closes the distance with her semblance, sword swinging down towards Tyrian.

"Think again!" which is then slapped away by Tyrians hidden scorpion tail with a yell as he springs up. Off balanced, Summer is pummeled by Tyrian, unable to regain her composure. A kick to the gut, slashing her arms, even the occasional rain of bullets, and it doesn't take long for Summer's aura to shatter. Seeing the white energy break off his opponent, Tyrian waists no time and quickly breaks Summer's leg.


A loud snap is heard before being followed by Summer's scream of pain.

"Summer!" Qrow began struggling harder than before as he watched his teammate fall to the ground, Tyrian laughing as she did.

"Oh, that was an excellent scream and though I would love for you to make more…" he aimed the gun on his right arm at her. "I must not keep her grace waiting any longer. Tata!"


"Wha?" Tyrian pulls the trigger on his gun over and over again, getting nothing but a click each and every time. Bringing the gun closer he sees the problem. "Oh, it's jammed. This is, oh, this is embarrassing. I swear this normally never happe-GUOH!"

A white blur slams into Tyrian's midsection, sending him flying against a tree.


Following the sudden voice, the faunus can feel his strength leave him as he falls to the ground.

"And that's what you get for trying to kill Summer you fucking piece of shit." Summer's eyes widen at the voice and she stares at a now winged and scaled Miles floating between her and Tyrian.

"Hi Aunty, sorry I'm late, but Albion said I had to wait for the right moment to intervene." Said Miles.

{Don't blame this on me brat, you were the one who listened to me.}

Summer blinks as she hears the wings on Miles back talk, before looking at the boy in shock.

"I know, you have questions, but first I need to beat the shit out of these bastards." With that said, Miles flies towards Hazel and punches him square in the jaw, before catching his arm and throwing him at Tyrian.

"Hi uncle Qrow, can you go help out aunt Summer. I need to deal with these guys." Miles said as he turned to face Salem's servants. Miles felt his power surge as he finally let go off his anger. "I hope you 2 are ready, cause you just pissed off a fuck mothering dragon! Ready Albion!?"

{Ready partner!}

"Then let's fucking go bitches!" With a primal roar, Miles shoots forward and right into Tyrian. Having had his strength sapped and still groggy from the first hit, Tyrian could do nothing as Miles slammed him into the tree by his throat before punching him through it.

"Don't interfere kid." Snarled Hazel as he stabbed 2 more dust crystals into his arms.

"Too little, too fucking late bitch." Miles snarled right back. "You threatened someone that a dragon cared about, the fuck were you expecting?"


Taking more power from Tyrian, Miles rushed Hazel with a wild punch only to have his fist caught. Attempting to throw another punch, Miles finds that Hazel is just a little faster than he thought he'd be. The 2 struggle against each other, each attempting to overpower the other.

"Mouthy little brat." Mutters Hazel. "Tyrian, deal with Qrow and Summer, I'll keep the brat busy."

Hearing the mad cackle, Miles looks to see Tyrian back on his feet again, albeit moving a lot slower than before. 'Cliché durable maniac is cliché, fuck.' thinks Miles. "Like I'm gonna let that happen." Kicking Hazel in the face, since he's flying and all, Miles turns towards Tyrian only to have his leg grabbed by Hazel, who then promptly flips him over his head and slams him into the ground before stomping on his gut, knocking the air out of him.

"I think you just broke some ribs." Wheezed the young half-dragon as Hazel got off him. Being half dragon and having aura or not, Miles' body is still that of a child's, and children are fragile.

"Stay down kid." Hazel warned Miles before turning back to go help Tyrian. However, before he could take a single step, something flew past him and hit Tyrian in the back of the head.

"Hey fuck face." Hazel and Tyrian both turned around to see Miles standing again, looking no less angry. "2 words for you; balance breaker."

{Vanishing dragon: Wyvern Mode!}

Blue energy surrounded the young boy as divine dividing glowed brightly, causing Hazel and Tyrian to cover their eyes only for Hazel to be sent flying backwards. Miles once covered in scales now wore a skintight white suit underneath a chest plate with a blue orb in the middle, white gauntlets, plated boots, a plated face mask, and some armor around his waist.


"I'm going to crush you!" With a yell, Miles flew past Hazel and right at Tyrian at a speed far faster than even he could move at full speed and slammed the faunus into the ground. Still, he was not done there, grabbing Tyrian by the face and driving him through the ground, slamming him up and down occasionally. Tyrian could practically feel the remnants of his aura strain against the force this child had. He struck out with his tail only for it to be caught and promptly crushed in the child's fist, causing him to scream in pain.

{IX, divide!}

Suddenly, Tyrian felt his strength leave him and the grip of the boy increased, before a blue blaze appeared on the child's hand.

"AAAAAAAAAAAH!" Tyrian's blood curdling scream of pain resounded through the clearing as his face burned, froze, and was electrocuted all at the same time. His aura should have protected him from the blaze, the burningfreezinglightninghurtshurtshurts, yet it was useless against this boy. Opening a single eye, Tyrian felt his blood freeze when he saw the eyes of this child, no, this monster! Gold slits full of rage and hate. Of power. This monster, it wasn't as strong as his mistress, not yet, but he would. Tyrian knew, he felt it instinctively, and for the first time, he wasn't just afraid of failing his mistress, no, he found something else to fear. He feared this monster as well.


Lifting Tyrian off the ground, Miles threw the madman with a blast of magic. Before he could do anything else though, he felt someone grab the back of his head and was raised into the air only to be slammed into the ground. Barely feeling it, Miles glared at Hazel and grabbed the man's arms

{Divide! Divide! VII}

Using 2 divides in rapid succession, Miles felt strength flow into him as Hazel staggered slightly, his aura flickering at the sudden loss of strength. Freeing himself from the large man's grasp, Miles kicks him away and launches himself into the air, forming a ball of lightning and fire in his hand. "Fire bolt!"


The spell slams into Hazel as Albion continues to countdown, an explosion consuming the larger man. "You stupid brat!" screams one enraged Hazel as he jumps up at the flying boy. "Ozpin sent you didn't he!? GAH!"

Hazel's question is met with Miles fist to his gut, slamming the man into the ground.


"If you want to think that, be my guest. I'm just doing whatever I want." Claims Miles as he slams his hands together and forms a spear of lightning, frost and flames coming off it. "After all, a dragon does as he pleases." Hazel's eyes widen when he sees the spear and scrambles to get away.


However, he's forced to a knee as more of his power is taken, his aura flickering in and out, just barely able to shield him. Miles takes the opportunity and throws the bolt of magic at him. "Master Bolt!"


The resounding explosion is enough to shatter Hazel's aura and send the hulking man flying. Miles begins descending to the ground when bullets begin flying at him. Holding up his arms to shield his eyes, Miles growls a little when he sees Tyrian shooting at him with a single gun, cradling his crushed tail in his free arm.

"Curse you! Curse you monster!" The madman began raving at the half breed, muttering 'she'll forgive you, she'll understand' over and over again as he slowly worked his way to Hazel, who happened to be thrown near the madman with the explosion. With his aura shattered and body battered, Hazel could barely maintain consciousness as Tyrian grabbed him.


"No!" screamed Miles as he saw Tyrian help Hazel get up. The half-dragon attempted to move forward, lowering his arms to reach out towards the two only to have a bullet graze his face, taking a small chunk of aura with it. Covering his face again, Miles growled in frustration.


Suddenly, the rain of bullets stopped. Uncovering his face, Miles felt his breath hitch when he saw Tyrian take out a small metal cylinder and raise it in the air. The ground where Miles was standing exploded as he reared back his fist. "Not happening!"

Unfortunately, the young boy reacted too late as a large flash appeared in front of him, blinging him for a moment. By the time his vision came back, Tyrian and Hazel were gone.

{I, time's up.}

Miles felt himself grow weaker and his muscles burned from being forced to operate beyond their limit as he fell to his knees. His armor faded, even his scales returning to normal skin. The only things that gave any indication of his previous form were divine dividing, which was fading itself, and his eyes that remained as slits from his frustration at letting Tyrian and Hazel escape.

"What the fuck just happened!?" Well, he felt frustration right up until he heard Summer curse. Looking behind him, past the battlefield was a bruised and battered Summer Rose and a gob smacked Qrow staring at him. As all anger faded, Miles felt his whole body break out into a cold sweat, Miles waved a single hand nervously as he finally realized what just happened.


6 hours later Miles POV…

Well, here we are, sitting in Ozpins office. And by we, I mean Ozpin, Summer, now in a wheel chair, Qrow, Taiyang, and a blonde woman that looks an awful lot like a slightly younger Glynda Goodwitch. Oh, and I'm there too, sweating my ass off from nerves!

{Calm down Miles, you knew this would have to happen eventually.}

I know, but this is still nerve wracking. Sure, Summer would have my back, though what she would do with a broken leg, I don't know, and maybe Qrow, but if Ozpin were to deem me a threat, I wouldn't have the strength to fight back. I'm at my limit! My aura is working on overdrive trying to make my muscles recover faster and trying to heal my broken ribs, of which there are 3, at the same time, and I'm only at about 1/8th of my mana reserves! True, even in my weakened state, I can probably manage 1 or 2 divides, but anything more would be a bit too taxing on me.

"So…" I let out a small eep when Ozpin began speaking. "How long have you known about magic?"

He just fucking comes out with it!?

{Ok, even I was not expecting him to be this blunt.}

Sweating bullets, I give my practiced answer. "I've always known about it." Dear god, could my voice be any tinier than it is.


Not helping Albion! "Always?" My inner turmoil was brought to a pause when I heard a certain witch speaks up. Giving a small nod towards the scary lady who could easily kick my ass at the moment, hell, I'd probably only be able to match with wyvern mode with that telekinesis semblance and that'd simply be because I would be too fast for her to track… probably. If Tai can kick my ass while holding back, then I have no doubt that everyone in this room, barring Summer and Qrow because of their injuries, can kick my ass.

"Yes, always. I only recently became able to use it though." I said, managing to keep my voice from shaking.

"How recently are we talking here kid?" Qrow asked.

"The day before aunt before Summer found me. Though, I did have a teacher." I replied, which, while not a lie, I didn't know how long I had been unconscious for when I woke up in those woods, it wasn't exactly the truth.

"And who taught you?" asked Glinda causing me to blink. Crap. I didn't mean to let that slip just yet. Albion, little help. Instead of replying, I felt Divine Dividing suddenly appear on my back getting a few surprised gasps from the others, Glynda going as far to take out her… wand? Huh, could've sworn she had a riding crop.

{That would be me.}

Oh, right, this is going on still. If they were freaked out before, then they were now, hell, even Ozpin had a look of shock on his face when he heard Albion talk out loud.

"This is Albion, he's a dragon that's been around since the dawn of time and is also fused to my soul. He's the one who taught me how to use my magic and my ancestry." I say, doing my best to keep a straight face.


I failed. "Oh gods, your faces. Ahahaha!"

Breaking out into laughter is probably not the best idea, but I had been looking forward to their reactions and it was fucking worth it.

{Seeing how my host is currently unable to explain the situation, I will do so in his place.}

15 minutes later…

{…and that is what is going on.}

Albion finishes telling a very abridged version of events, not including how I got here. Albion told about scared gears, how God placed him in my own, how I wasn't fully human, what Kuroka and Shirone were, that we knew of Salem, Albion claiming to know about her for quite some time, and my potential to kill even gods, that last part catching his attention. About half-way through that I finally got myself back under control and got serious again.

"What utter nonsense." States a very annoyed Glynda Goodwitch. "Though I will admit, it is quite impressive that you managed to make up a story like that, y-"

"I believe you."

3 words, that's all it takes for silence to deafen us. Summer rolls her wheelchair forward in front of me with a small smile. She had stayed silent this entire time, until now. Stopping just in front of me, Summer leans over and gives me a small hug. "And I don't know whether to be proud of you or to scold you for not letting me help you."

I let out a small breath I hadn't been aware that I was holding and sink into Summer's hug, the day's events finally catching up with me as divine dividing disappears.

"Summer you can't be serious, he ha-" begins the blonde-haired professor, only to be interrupted once more.

"She is Glynda, and quite honestly, I believe Miles as well." Declares Ozpin, drawing a surprised look from his professor. "He has been nothing but forth coming with us and shown remarkable courage for someone at such a young age. Not to mention the fact that he just painted a target on himself with going against Salem. No, I believe him Glynda." States Ozpin as he stands up from behind his desk. Having had Summer release me from the hug, I face Ozpin tiredly as he kneels in front of me. "I've been told you wish to be a huntsman, correct?" Too tired to really talk, I give a slight nod and get a small smile out of the old soul. "Well alright then. I look forward to having you at my school, white dragon emperor."

Arc 1, complete


Eh, not the best ending I could have given to this chapter/arc, but I felt that if I did anything more, especially on the explaining bit, it would have just wasted everyone's time. We all know about Heavenly dragons and what had happened in the story so far, so having a whole big scene about this would've been both boring to read and write, well, to me at least. Anyway, with this, we have officially taken a step forward in the timeline and we'll be starting volume 1 next chapter. Let's do the time warp again~!


As for the poll, the results are in, and danmachi 2 is our winner! Not gonna lie, surprised that more people wanted that one, still going to write it since it'll be fun as hell, but still wasn't expecting it. I'll be splitting my time and effort between the 2 stories from now on, along with whatever I have to write for my fictional writing class, but for now, I need another poll done! It's time for a pairing poll! I'll actually try to use a real poll for it this time, so details and options will be there. But for now, thank you all for the support and I will see you next time. TJ out!