Slayer: Okay we are here once again.

Modaga: And so am I! The master of YOUTH!

Judan: I knew that Naruto story was a bad idea!

Shadow: Weren't you the one to suggest in the first place?

Judan: I deny all responsibility.

Blake: Is it always like when Modaga's around?

Modaga: Why of course! I am the god of Chaos after all.

Slayer: I hate my life…

Modaga: Alright! Now the Dark Guard production doesn't own anything except OC's and reality building concepts. Everything else belong to their respective owners. Now without further ado… Here's the Story! Uh… hey guys why didn't you join me?

Everyone: Because we don't like you…


Radio broadcast

Chapter Two: The second Courier

Blake woke up stiff and groggy. Looking around her she grimaced at her surroundings. Mostly destroyed walls, burnt desks, and flipped over chairs and tables. She sighed sadly because of her current location, memories of last night rushing back to her.

I guess last night really wasn't a dream after all. Looking around she was surprised to see Six already up and looking down to ground. In his hands was his coveted fully upgraded anti-material rifle. The long barrel with silencer was pointing down to the ground.

We've got spurs that jingle jangle jingle! Tilting her head curiously she noticed that the device on his arm was currently playing some music. I believe he called it a pipboy? If it does all he says it can I would like to acquire one. Looking around she saw that ED'E was flying around beeping happily. Her thoughts were quickly disrupted when a loud bang went off. Looking back towards her new companion, she saw that the gun barrel was smoking.

I guess he shot at something. Walking over she poked his shoulder to get his attention. Lowering the gun Six turned back to the girl he had saved last night.

"Oh you're up huh? Get a good night sleep?" she was about to answer but then gave out a yawn. Six chuckled a bit before looking back down at the streets. "I guess it was as good as it could get." Blake nodded her head before sitting down next to him.

"How about you then? Did you get a good enough rest last night?" Six shrugged before answering.

"As much as I could get I guess. Ever since I was lobotomized I've had trouble sleeping. I just don't need as much rest I guess. Still there are times when I'm trying to sleep, and all these mechanical parts just keep me up. It's annoying really." Blake smiled sympathetically at him, even though the gas mask covered it. Last night Six told her his entire story, or at least an abridged version of it. He told her about his adventure tracking down Benny. About how he braved vault 22, and him stopping the destruction of the monorail system.

He even told her of his time in Zion and how he helped them all escape. But most of all the time he spent in Big Mt. That she had to admit was probably one of the worst times for him. He had not only his spine, but his brain and heart removed. Sure he eventually got all of them back, but even she had to agree that talking to his own brain was weird. Now he was traveling along this road, looking for answers from some guy named Ulysses. His memory long gone since being shot in the head a year ago.

Blake had no idea how he kept on going. She didn't believe that she personally, would've had the strength to keep walking. But Six was different, no matter what life threw at him. Whether they are armies, assassins, insane robots, or even a missing brain. He kept on going. It was something to be admired or at the very least respected.

"You know you've been staring at me for a while now. Do I have something on my helmet or something?" Blinking she realized she'd been staring at him. However this was also her chance to ask him, how he keeps moving.

"I just don't get it I guess." He raised an eyebrow underneath his helmet.

"What don't you get? I mean I know you're in a different world. So if you have question just ask me." Now while that was true, that was not what she was trying to get at. So she shook her head.

"I mean I don't get how you're able to keep on moving. Most would've given up or even died if they were you." Six lowered his rifle and turned off the radio. He sighed and after a few moments he finally spoke.

"Blake I'm not going to lie, I am tired. I never wanted to be the "Courier". The man people whisper about, the man people admire for his strength and cunning. But while being the "savior" of the Mojave I've realized something." He paused for a bit and got up while moving away from the edge. "I realized that I have the ability to help everyone. That I can make a difference, and change this desolate thought and the faces of those I help keep me going. At this point there is nothing else that is keeping me moving forward. Well that and the auto-doc back in the sink, is quite exceptional at patching me up."

Blake was about to say something more when ED'E starting beeping. At this the Courier growled a bit, he knew what was coming next. Out of ED'E's speaker came a deep voice that sounded tired.

"Well now I see the situation has changed a bit Courier. Even after witnessing it with my own eyes the wonders of Big Mt. This is still a rather surprising turn of events." Six scoffed before commenting.

"Really now Ulysses, is that all you have to say? Come on out with it, I know you didn't spend all night eating a Brahmin steak." There was a pause in the conversation; it was long enough that Blake became a bit worried. As far as she knew these two men, these couriers were both out of her league. Out of her entire team's league, after all they were literal army killers.

"Fine have it your way, I came to say you now have another choice to make. Another life to protect, use, or even abandon at your leisure. But hearing the stories about your… escapades throughout the Mojave. I know that those last two thoughts never even entered your mind."

"Of course they didn't she needs help and I'll help her." A dark chuckle came from Ulysses.

"Yes but remember, this is the divide. Are you sure you can protect the machine, yourself, and the girl? I wonder why it matters so much for you. Why do you go around saving so many? Is it to atone for past crimes? In the end I suppose it doesn't matter, because you've yet to face the worst that the divide has to offer. The next stop on your journey, will take you through the dark underground caverns. Can you survive and protect your… friends from the horrors within?" There was the sound of static as the radio transmission was cut off.

He couldn't help it; as soon as the transmission ended Six, punched the wall nearest to him. This left a rather sizeable hole in it. Calming down a bit he turned to a worried Blake.

"Sorry about that, but he really gets under my skin. All I want are answers from him, answers about my connection to this place. And answers about my past, but all he says is that this place. The way it is now… is all my fault! I just don't understand. So far I've walked the same road as he did. Followed his signs, and all for what? To be mocked and led around like a dog on a leash! And what's worse is that he's brought ED'E into this. Even if he is just a copy of the original, he's still my friend." Blake looked at him with sympathy, as said robot came up to him and gave some soft beeps.

She herself was about to say something before another voice spoke. Unfortunately for her this voice was actually familiar.

"Well now it's nice to see you two opening up to each other. And you've only known each other for eight hours to! Then again kids these days sure work fast." Looking towards the figure talking, Blake realized it was the guy who sent her here. Anger quickly built up in her, and she charged him weapon in hand. Moving fast she quickly slashed at his torso.

"Oh my, what are you hitting the air for?" Blinking in surprise she saw that she missed him completely. Six however was able to keep track of him, at least as soon as the man stopped moving. He was grateful for his augmentations in this instance. Materializing his AMR (Anti-material rifle) he took aim, and held it there waiting to see what he'd do next.

"Hmm that's a rather big gun, but it wouldn't be able to hurt me with your current bullets. Anyway if you munchkins would settle down, I'd explain a bit of the situation here." Six lowered his gun but only slightly, making sure to keep the barrel pointed in his direction. Blake on the other hand wasn't having any of it and only glared at him. Both knew never to lower their guard down around this man.

"You know it isn't polite to treat your elders with such unyouthfulness kitty cat." She snorted as she kept her blade trained on him.

"Why would one treat someone who sent them to another world… with respect?" Six understood the situation a bit better now. And the courier couldn't exactly fault her for that, her overly aggressive actions were indeed quite reasonable. However he also knew that she'd need him to get her back home.

"Blake just settle down for a bit and hear him out. After all if he brought you here, he can send you back." Blake didn't want to admit it but Six was right, so she did what he said although reluctantly.

The man quickly clapped his hands in happiness. "Oh goody I can finally tell you everything without interruptions!" Taking a deep breath, he cleared his throat and continued speaking. "Well now first introductions… My name is Modaga the youthful god of Chaos!" As he said his name he put his fists to the sky, while tilting his head back. There was also the sound of thunder, coming from outside the ruined building. Quickly taking on a normal stance he continued. Despite the looks of confusion he was receiving.

"Anyway I brought you here… well specifically kitty for a youthful job… I… want… you… to…" Blake snapped at him because he kept pausing.

"Just get to the point already! I know you're trying to make it more "dramatic" but it isn't working." Suddenly as if he was three years old, his bottom lip started to quiver. Then he started to bawl his eyes out, wailing all the same. At this point Six was also almost at his tolerance limit. This was actually quite amazingly high, because of all the crap he's dealt with.

"Stop crying and I won't shoot you with an explosive fifty caliber round." Six froze as he felt an arm draped over his shoulders. The crying was also replaced with laughter.

"Well now that's the sort of attitude, which can get someone killed." Turning to his left, Six saw that it was Modaga's arm that was on him.

My systems didn't even detect his movement that time!

"Sure you might have the strength to beat me one day. But right now you're just a small fish in a much bigger ocean." Six stared in disbelief, as the god of chaos was now back where he was before.

"Now then I'm sure I've got your absolute attention." The Six nodded while Blake made her way beside him. The hidden faunus didn't trust Modaga to not pull another stunt like that. "Alright then! I brought you here Blake, to help me with a certain issue. Now while this sort of job usually falls to the champion or servant of a god. In this case that god being me myself and I. I need you to leave an impact on this world." She tilted her head in confusion at this.

Sucking in some air through his teeth he continued. "Well you see lately things have become rather stagnant as of late. So far the only one to leave any impact on the future at all… at least in the Mojave… is your new friend here. As this universe directly falls under my jurisdiction, I needed someone else to help me change it. You see kitty, it is against the rules for us to completely get involved in the conflicts of the world. Although there are some exceptions, I do not have those as of right now. The only reason I was able to bring you here is that, your world wasn't part of my jurisdiction." Although she didn't like it he could see where he was getting at.

However there were still some things she wasn't happy about. "Okay if you weren't in charge of it who was? And why did the one in charge let you take me!?" Modaga gave off a wide toothy grin before answering.

"Well Blakey the person who was in charge, is no longer with us. You see he died a long time ago, and yes though it is extremely difficult. Gods as in minor gods such as us can die. The creator sure, he'll live until the end of time. But us we'll only live as long as we can survive. To be perfectly honest though I don't know how he died, he just didn't show up to one of the god meetings one day. Oh well what can you do sometimes?" Blake couldn't believe it, the only reason why he could bring her here. Was because the person in charge of preventing stuff like this… was dead.

Wait a minute what about the grimm? Could they be the result of… Her thoughts were once again interrupted by Modaga's clapping.

"You got it in one kitty cat!~ His death is the reason why grimm exist in the first place. His death is what allowed other outside forces, to come in and change things. I believe the Abyss was to thank for the grimm's creation. And the Aether is to thank for the dust and semblances to protect yourselves. At least in your universe…" Blake couldn't help but narrow her eyes at that last part.

"Okay two questions… what do you mean by my universe? And two… what do you mean by leaving my mark?" He chuckled only for it to turn into full blown laughter. It easily unnerved the three of them, and yes that included ED'E.

"Ahh… well you to answer your second question kitty… I don't care what you do as long as you do something here. Be a villain I don't care, be a household wife I don't care, or even be a hero I don't care… I just want some entertainment, some change from this worlds day to day killings. And to do so I even went as far as to turn the entire Mojave, into a battle royale! You see I won't be the only one making changes, there are other let's say benefactors now making bets. And I want you two to win." Six was now livid this "guy", had just turned the Mojave into a giant game board.

He knew that eventually innocent people would get caught up into this game.

"Awe… poor little courier Six, all that hard work you made to protect and change the Mojave. Just to get ruined by other people machinations. Now before you try and kill me remember this. I am your benefactor; I can either help you during this mess. Or I can make your life even worse." He started laughing again much to the others annoyance. When he stopped he adopted a serious face.

"A word of advice though, at the most recent meeting I asked everyone to pass the word along. So now expect some stranger people than what you're familiar with. For example your new cat friend here Six is only the tip of the iceberg. Prepare for much stranger and weirder things to appear. In fact I might just send in good old Bladedancer…" He paused for a second before literally waving the idea off. "Nah! On second thought he'd probably try and kill me if I did that. So… good luck! Not that you have any left!~" He started laughing again before he faded away, as if he was only a ghost.

Thinking back on his final words, Six's eyes almost bulged out of his helmet. He quickly looked at his pipboy, and went to the S.P.E.C.I.A.L section. And there like he guessed… was his luck. Now literally reverting back to one, the same number that he had starting out. Blake on the other hand was livid that he didn't answer her first question. A question which she thought was pretty important. As she was fuming Six spoke up.

"Well… we're royally screwed here…" Six then turned to Blake and asked a question that was on his mind. "By the way… why did he keep referring to you as a cat?" Blake became rigid when he asked, and inwardly cursed out Modaga for pointing out her secret. Seeing her distress Six and smiled under his helmet, before lightly patted her on the head. However since he did it right between her second ears, he didn't feel them. "You know what never mind, tell me when you want to. Everyone has their secrets after all. Well… except me, but that's mostly because I don't remember them."

ED'E gave a few beeps at that sounded reprimanding. Six having understood him, turned around to confront the robot.

"Oh really now? I'm pretty sure I've told our new friend here everything I could. What did I possibly leave out?" A few more beeps that sounded a little sarcastic had Six wincing slightly. "Okay so I "forgot" to tell her about my hoarding habits. So what, it's not that big of a deal." ED'E gave out a couple beeps that sounded a bit bored. "Okay so what if I have over two hundred mini nukes, sitting in my closest? It's not like they're in danger of going off." During this whole conversation, Blake was thinking back to what he had done earlier. Reaching up to where he patted her she blushed a bit.

That felt kind of nice actually. Looking back to the arguing man and robot she laughed a bit. Despite what he told her about the horrors of the Mojave. Despite what he said he has done to survive. He really was just a funny kind hearted guy deep down. I wonder what he looks like behind that mask… Blushing even more, she quickly shook her head from those thoughts. Now's not the time to be thinking of that. Looking back at her new companions, she noticed that they were glaring at each other now.

Which was strange since one was a floating metal ball, which had no eyes. Clearing her throat she tried to get their attention. Looking back at her both acted a bit embarrassed at having argued, in front of their new friend.

"Sorry about that didn't mean to let it get out of hand… Now I suppose we should discuss what we're doing now. But any way you look at it, things aren't pretty. We have a psychotic god messing with the entire Mojave. Then we have that psycho Ulysses baiting me with info on my past. What's worse is what any of the other "gods" are planning. You never know, they might just drop a dragon on top of us... only to get a kick out of it!" Blake nodded her head solemnly while ED'E beeped sadly.

The situation couldn't have gotten worse. As far as they knew anything could anything, and everything could happen now. There wasn't many choices left so Six decided to just wing it for now.

"Okay listen I'd rather not endanger your life. But as it stands we need to stick together from now on. Latter we can get some help, but right now it's just the three of us. So I propose that we deal with Ulysses first. He's both the closest problem, and most likely the easiest. After all he's only human, even if he's managed to navigate this entire place." Blake thought for a moment before conceding to his point. Mostly because for now they didn't know what was going on in the rest of the wasteland. But they did know what was happening here. And though it was dangerous, it was probably the best issue to deal with.

"I must agree with that assessment, and besides we don't know what he's actually planning. So putting a stop to it, before any of the other stuff is probably best. Get rid of a problem before more show up." Six nodded his head, and turned to leave the building. But then he realized something he should have before. So turning to Blake he looked her up and down. Her attire wasn't exactly fit for the flesh searing winds, and scorching radioactive zones of the Divide. It wasn't even good enough to protect her from bullets. Even if he did admit that it was pretty good looking.

"Hey Blake before we set out, we might want to change your clothes…" She looked confused for a bit, before quickly narrowing her eyes at him. Raising his hands defensively he quickly explained his reasoning. "It's not like that I swear! It's just that they aren't suitable for marching around here. They won't protect you from the wind, radiation, or even explosives and bullets. I swear I was just pointing that out!" Thinking on what he said while looking between her clothes, and his armor. She had to agree on that a little.

She knew that her aura could protect her from the more physical things. Like bullets, explosives, and even the wind. But stuff like the radiation, and the heat would probably get to her. And like she learned last night, she can quickly succumb to radiation sickness.

"I admit you do have a point, although my aura can protect me from physical attacks. However I don't have anything here to change into, it's not like I planned to come here." Rubbing his chin, or at least where it was under his helmet. Six thought for a few moments, but then he remembered something. Quickly going to his pipboy he got out two things… One was a black sleeveless duster, and the other was the one and only… Stealth suit mark Two! Seeing how it was upgraded to fit the wearer's body, he figured it would work for her.

The suit… was made from a black synthetic mesh, and had white metallic plates on the forearms, chest, back, and on the shins. On the feet were also white plated boots. Six also thought it was fitting since Blake was already wearing a white and black outfit. Handing the two articles of clothing to her he explained them.

"The duster was something I got a while back. The person who gave me it was a bounty hunter I saved from some fiends. The suit is the same one I told you about, you know the stealth suit from the big mountain? Go ahead and try them on, but you should probably do it in the entrance pipe." Thanking him quickly she ran to now broken sewer pipe. After walking by the lantern that was already in there, she quickly got dressed. Meanwhile with Six and ED'E they were busy shooting any stray marked men.

Anti-Material rounds were both expensive, and heavy. So Six felt it best to use them from up top, where he couldn't miss. When he heard the opening and closing of the metal gate, he turned around to see Blake now wearing the suit. The suit had fit her perfectly, after it adjusted itself to fit her smaller and more feminine form. The duster was a bit bigger on her, but didn't hamper her movements. Tugging at the collar she addressed him.

"While I understand the suit, I don't get why you also gave me the coat." There were actually three reasons, as to why he gave her the duster.

"Well for one it'll allow you to conceal your weapon. Also it allows you to carry more; the inside is lined with pockets. So placing knives, ammo, and even water is easier." The third reason is to just see what you'd look like. Say what you want… but he was still a guy, and Blake was still a cute girl. In fact to him Blake looked dangerous, but still extremely beautiful. He blamed the fact that she didn't grow up in a nuclear wasteland for that.

No radiation meant no higher forms of genetic mutation. Thankfully for him, Blake just accepted his reasoning since it made sense to her. Although she wished that the suit didn't hug her body so tightly. Especially around… some places… But the suit seemed nice enough, after talking to it for a bit that is.

Despite describing the suit to her when Six told his story, Blake couldn't help but be surprised to actually hear it talk. The suit was installed with a female voiced AI, which was more than happy to be worn again. Blake had ended up naming her Stella, after learning she had no name. However both her and the Courier, did a spit take at what she said next.

"I think he likes you!~" Both thankful that they were wearing masks, ended up ignoring that comment. Coughing into his glove Six recovered first.

"Anyway… Are you ready to go now Blake?" Shaking her head from some thoughts Blake nodded. Smiling a bit Six stood up and atomized a water bottle. He then tossed it to her. "Here make sure to keep yourself hydrated. Also don't hesitate to ask me for anything. Whether it be food, water, medical aid, or even if you need rest. From now on, it's best to keep yourself in the greatest condition you can." Catching the bottle Blake listened as he talked. She knew at the moment, he was her best bet at surviving out here. So looking serious she told him she understood.

Satisfied with her answer he set out, not far behind were his two other companions.

Today will be a rather interesting day won't it?

Slayer: Alright another chapter redone. Hopefully this is an improvement over the last one.

Judan: Yeah… but what do expect now that I'm here!

Slayer: Shut up… I mean sure we got an extra four hundred words added in but we can still do better for the next chapter.

Modaga: All aboard the youthful express my friends! We will have this wasteland up and running in no time!

Six: The Mojave's going to burn isn't it…

Shadow: You… you said that last time…

Slayer: You know… I think we are getting lazier by the day… procrastination for the win!

Judan: We need to find someone else to help us out don't we?

?: And that would be me!

Slayer: What in the world! Who are you and how did you get in my house!

Argentum: I am Argentum Umbra Pendragon! The newest addition to the Dark Guard productions! A pleasure to meet you all! For I am the most powerful of all time!

Shadow: I highly doubt that… but you can end the chapter if you want.

Argentum: Uh… aren't you going to ask me anything else?

Judan: They didn't for me so why should we for you?

Argentum:… Fair enough I suppose… Okay this had been a Dark Guard production now signing off!

Everyone: Goodbye!

Argentum: No seriously is that it?

Shadow: Just get used to it.