Slayer: Okay it has been a few years… been busy working on other things. Such as stories and also life, so yeah… but here we are again but now we have made slight improvements to the story.

Shadow: Mostly grammar and what missions the courier has completed.

Modaga: Yep! This shalt be most excellent. All hail the great youthfulness of this story!

Slayer: You have got to be kidding me… two years of not writing… two years of not even doing anything for that story and that's the first thing you say!

Courier: This isn't even the right story… that's for the ninja one…

Blake: Ignore him… he is the god of Chaos after all.

Slayer: Yea… but in any case I hope you enjoy the slight improvements to this story and that I will be able to continue this.

Shadow: We all hope so, but now time to begin the story anew. So like last time… care to start us off Courier?

Courier: Sure…(Clears throat) the Dark Guard productions doesn't own anything except OC's and Reality building concepts. Rwby belongs to Rooster Teeth and Monty Oum Forever! As for Fallout Newvegas it is owned by Bethesda, Obsidian entertainment, and corresponding companies. Now without further ado…

Everyone: Let's begin!


Radio broadcast

Prologue: Divided Faunus

Location Remnant

The mission was supposed to be standard… go in, find out what had the Grim so bothered, and get out. Normally the soulless black beasts that were humanities sworn enemies would never run from anything. Sure the older Grim would use intelligence and tactics to fight back but… Nothing has ever scared them.

Today there was an exception to the rule. One which the team sent to deal with the problem would soon find out. That team of Huntresses was team RWBY. However they would learn that too late, but for now let's introduce the team…

Ruby Rose a silver-eyed girl dressed in a black blouse and a skirt with red trimmings, complete with a red outfit is mainly red and black, with black as the primary color on the main suit and red on the cloak. Her hair is black, with a red tint to it. She is the leader of team RWBY despite being only Fifteen years old.

The second member is Weiss Schnee; she wears a pale blue bolero jacket over a similarly colored thigh-length dress. A piece of black lace made up the neckline of the dress. The inside of the bolero is red and the sleeves turn blue as they get closer to her wrists. The back of the bolero displays the Schnee Crest, which bears a resemblance to a also wears an apple-shaped necklace along with a pair of thin, rectangular earrings. She wears white, heeled wedge boots that go to mid-calf; the insides are also lined with red. Her long, white hair is pulled back in an off-center ponytail, at the base of which is a small tiara that resembles icicles. She has a pale complexion and ice blue eyes. She also bears a crooked scar down her left eye.

The third member and the most important for this story is Blake Belladonna. She has long, wavy black hair, and her eyes are amber, complemented by light-purple eye shadow flaring backwards. Her eyes are slightly tilted upwards at the ends, giving her a somewhat catlike wears black low-heeled boots and stockings that start off black at her hips, but gradually fade to purple as they near her shoes. On the outside of her stockings, there are white symbols that are most likely belladonna flowers. She wears black ribbons on both of her arms, with a black detached sleeve and a silver band on her left arm.

Blake also wore a black buttoned vest with coattails, and a white, sleeveless undershirt that exposed part of her midriff with white shorts that may be connected to her shirt, although it is partly obscured by the vest. Her shorts have a zipper on the front of each leg, but it is unknown if these zippers serve a purpose or are simply decorative. She also wears a detached scarf-like collar around her neck. Blake wears a black ribbon tied in the form of a bow which she almost never takes off, even when she goes to sleep. The bow is a cover for her Faunus heritage, a pair of black cat ears. A Faunus is another race of humans that have the added bonus of animal ears and or tails. Though they can also have sharp teeth and other traits. Unfortunately there are a lot of humans that think less of them for this.

The fourth and final member of team RWBY is Yang Xiao Long Ruby's older half sister. She wears a tan vest with gold piping over a yellow, low-cut crop top with a black crest that resembles a burning heart. The vest has puffy cap sleeves with black cuffs. On the sides of the cuffs, there are two small, golden buttons.

She wears a brown belt with a buckle, a pouch, and a small banner-like object. The same burning heart crest appears on this banner, except golden in color. She wears black shorts under her belt, which resembles a pleated skirt in the back. Over the short shorts but under the belt is a white, asymmetrical back skirt. She also has an orange infinity scarf around her neck. She wears brown, knee-high platform boots that appear to be made of leather, with orange socks of different lengths. Her left leg also has a gray, bandana-like object wrapped around the top of her boot. And finally she wears fingerless black gloves.

They were all huntresses in training and going to the prestigious Beacon Academy. Though all differing in personality, background, and fighting style. The four have already accomplished much. An example of their most recent accomplishment would be the stopping of the criminal mastermind Roman Torchwick. Currently they were just a few kilometers away from their drop point. This was a few away from the actual mission destination.

But they took it as a necessary precaution, after all why should they not be scared? When the Grimm themselves were? So they came with their weapons. For Ruby she carried Crescent Rose, a sniper that could elongate and turn into a scythe. Like its wielder it was red and black. Weiss carried a dust rapier Mrytenaster. It had a revolving chamber that could be used to switch between different dusts.

Blake had Gambol Shroud, a more unique weapon in terms of versatility. It came in two parts… a bladed sheathe, and a katana that turned into a pistol kama. A sickle like custom choice, Blake wraps a black ribbon tied to her right arm around Gambol Shroud's trigger in pistol form and freely swings it around. This form is similar to that of a kusarigama. Yang had the more straight forward weapon. As in two shotgun gauntlets the turned into bracelets when not in use. As such she was the most physically strong out of the group.

Now for the mission itself… A report came in about two days prior about a strange energy reading somewhere in Emerald Forest. It wasn't too much of a concern until reports of Grimm fleeing the area came in. Normally they would send in a larger group or more experienced huntsman or huntresses. But thanks to Torchwick there just weren't many available at the moment. Personally the team would rather take a break since they had just barely dealt with said Torchwick, but orders are orders.

The talk in the bullhorn was just some idle chatter as they quickly came to their destination. Since the area where energy signature was in the deeper part of the forest, they would have to get off a little ways from it and make their way there on foot.

An annoyance but not too much of a hassle to the four they reached the drop zone they got out of the bullhorn and stretched before waving the pilot off. Once they were done they were supposed to meet back there and contact the pilot with their scrolls. The pilot couldn't stay since that would be inviting an attack by Grimm. So gathering together Ruby started speaking.

"Okay we're finally here! So let's get this over with so we can finally take a break. Yang you're in front." She got a thumbs up from her sister while she turned to Blake and Weiss. "Weiss and Blake you two are in the middle. I'll take up the back." Nodding to their leader everyone got into position before following the coordinates on their scrolls to their destination. It was surprisingly quiet as they walked on.

This was something that Yang decided to point out. "Hey is it just me or does it seem just a bit too quiet out here?" She emphasized the too by adding a couple more o's but her point was made. Quickly did the eerie quietness of the forest get to the rest of them. But with just a nod to their blonde brawler they marched on. When they got to a break in the forest Blake heard something to the side.

Quickly she alerted her team. Taking out their weapons they waited for a bit but as seconds turned to minutes they lowered their weapons.

Yang quickly gave a nervous laugh. "Well it seems like this silence is getting to you Blake."

This caused Blake to roll her eyes though she did agree with Yang. "Be that as it may I swear I heard something. And I usually don't just imagine hearing things." To prove her point more she wiggled her cat ears underneath her bow.

Weiss had to nod her head at that. "You're point is valid, which means whatever you heard must be hiding and waiting." Before they could continue their conversation the four heard a strange loud roar. Turning to the sound they saw a strange hunchbacked, bipedal reptilian creature with long humanoid arms.

It stood roughly ten feet tall, with a thick hide, powerful muscles, and twelve-inch-long, razor-sharp claws. The girls had never seen such a creature before and were taken aback by the speed in which it charged them. Thankfully they were able to regain their wits and jump out of the way of the creature. Stopping when its surprise charge failed it slowly turned to look at each of the girls. Growling it charged at Ruby who happened to be closest. Thinking quickly she fired a couple shots at it before rolling out of the way from a swipe from one of its massive hands.

Using her enhanced speed gained by using her semblance. She quickly distanced herself from it. She was surprised to see that her rifle did only minimal damage to it. Usually her gun would tear through most things. However this didn't deter her from attacking it with her scythe as the others joined in.

Using Myrtenaster Weiss jumped at it and quickly froze its lower half in ice. Roaring in annoyance the creature tried to rake her across her chest only to be blocked by Ruby's scythe. However the force of the attack sent her back tumbling into Weiss who couldn't move in time. Seeing them on the ground the creature tried to free itself from the infuriating ice. However Yang got behind it while it was distracted and started to punch its exposed back, all the while firing twelve gauge shot gun shells into it.

The creature roared in pain but it looked more angry than hurt. Swiping at the ice it shattered, it then quickly turned to attack Yang. Although close up fighting was her specialty, Yang didn't feel very comfortable doing so right now. Thankfully Blake was able to get behind it and stab it in the neck with her katana. Unfortunately… the monstrosity still didn't die, but instead started thrashing about trying to get her off. Ruby now untangled from Weiss charged it with her semblance.

Still focusing on the Faunus on its back the creature didn't notice Ruby's approach as she got in close. By the time it noticed her she was already pointing the barrel of her gun underneath its chin. Its head snapped up as she fired her gun.

Both girls backed away and rejoined the others as they watched the creature. With a small groan like growl the creature fell to its side. Team RWBY sighed in relief as it finally died.

Yang was the first to speak up after the fight. "Okay so what in Oum's name was that thing?!" The others could only shrug with confused looks.

Weiss spoke up while still staring at it. "Whatever it was the creature had a huge amount of pain tolerance. Even most grim can't take that sort of punishment without some indication of pain."

Blake nodded her head and spoke up. "I agree, and besides that I don't think this creature is natural."

Ruby looked at her confused. "What do you mean not "Natural"?"

Blake pointed at its arms. "Well for one thing its arms are exactly like a person's arm. Also it seems to resemble a chameleon. If said chameleon walked on two legs and was ten feet tall that is."

The other girls squinted at it but sure enough they could see a resemblance. Plus the thing just seemed off, they couldn't quite explain it but it just looked strange.

Ruby looked at the older girls on her team before voicing a question. "Do you think this thing has something to do with the strange energy that was picked up?"

Weiss nodded her head. "It could very well be that it does. I think we should be more cautious from here on out." Her teammates nodded their heads as they began to move again.

Faunus and Courier's Line Break

As the four began to approach their destination they started to feel something… Not like they felt they were being watched or anything like that. But it was as though something was irritating their skin. It was quickly making them uncomfortable as well as more irritable. But they pressed on until they finally came to a clearing. However what they saw only confused them, a strange distortion of air could be seen with a cloaked person sitting in front of it.

He wore black sandals that were wound up to three inches below his knees. He was also wearing grey hakama pants with a white long sleeved shirt. They however couldn't see his face because of the grey cloaks hood that he kept up. This obscured his face in shadow. Stabbed into the ground next to him was a white smoothed wood Bo about six and a half feet long. He himself looked five feet eleven but with him sitting it was hard to tell.

Clearing her throat Blake called out to the man. "Hey what are you doing here?" The man said nothing prompting Blake to turn to her team who only shrugged. "Do you know anything about what's going on here?" Again no answer, she was about to try and ask something else when they heard a noise. It sounded like snoring and it was coming from the man sitting crossed leg on the ground. The four looked at each other with scowling faces.

Yang sighed and spoke up. "So who wants to wake him up?" Quickly everyone turned to Blake who looked startled for a second before scowling again.

When she spoke it was with annoyance. "And why should I wake him up?"

Ruby answered her. "You were the first to try and speak to him so you have to follow through." She paused for a second as if to think of something before continuing. "And as team leader I order you to wake him up." This caused Yang to snicker a bit while Weiss just stood there with a smile. Sighing Blake started walking to the sleeping man.

Halfway there she turned back to her so called teammates. "You guys owe me for this one."

Yang just shrugged. "Yes, we all owe you a great debt… Just wake the guy already!" Blake's eye twitched a bit before she turned back to walk towards the man again. Now within arm's reach she shook his right shoulder and waited to see if he would wake up.

Now close up she could see that it was a man in his early twenties. He also had silver hair, and no not white like Weiss' hair back actual silver. The man kept snoring making Blake turn back to her team. They just motioned for her to continue though. So turning back and taking a deep breath she shook him harder. This finally got a reaction out of him. Mumbling something incoherent, he yawned and stretched out his back before rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Stepping back a bit Blake allowed him to orientate himself. Standing up and cracking his back he finally looked at the four in front of him.

This caused him to adopt a big smile, but only Blake could see it as she was the one closest to him. As such she was also able to see a glint in his eyes. This made her distrust the man immediately. Backing up further as a precaution the man lifted his left hand and saluted. Not only being rather random but also not being the correct way to salute the others looked at him strangely.

Then he finally spoke. "Greeting mortals you've arrived at a twist in your youthful future!" Looking at each other in confusion Ruby coughed before speaking.

"Um are you okay?"

The man laughed while waving her question off. "Oh yes quite alright just a bit bored. So I planned to youthfully switch things up a bit."

Weiss narrowed her eyes at him. "What do you mean by that? And stop saying youth!"

Ignoring that last part, he just pointed with his right hand to the distortion while smiling. "Oh I just meant to make this rip here than wait a couple days before pulling in a *deathclaw*."

Blake raised an eyebrow at the unfamiliar name. "You mean that strange lizard creature?"

He just nodded his head enthusiastically. "Correct you are Ms. Belladonna! Though I'm a bit surprised you were able to kill it with no injuries. Ah…to enjoy the springtime of ones youth…" Blake's eyes widened in surprise when he said her name.

"How do you know who I am?"

The man just laughed, said laugh was actually starting to annoy the four but they waited for him regardless. "Oh I know everything! I mean what kind of god would I be if I didn't? Although I'm a god as in lowercase. I'm most certainly not the uppercase one."

Yang's eye twitched in annoyance along with Weiss's although Yang was the one to talk back to him. "Oh yeah how silly of us… Oh please! How stupid do you think we are?"

The man stilled smiled while looking at her. "Ah well based on your report card I would have to say that you Yang, are the worst academically here. So while stupid for the rest of your compadres might be inaccurate it would probably suit you." This got Yang sputtering incoherent sentences, but the man just ignored her and turned towards the Schnee heiress.

"As for you Ms. Schnee you have the best grades, but are lacking in the combat department. But as most say brains trumps brawns. Unless it's a super mutant than you do what they say or they'll bash you head in." He then laughed a bit while the others looked at him in confusion. Deathclaws, Super mutants, what in the world was he talking about? Seeing their confusion his grin became wider.

"Ah you all must be confused, but don't worry… after all three of you won't have to worry about what I'm talking about. Although the radiation poisoning will have to be treated… sorry about that." The four of them looked at him shock when he said that. However they became more so when an orange bag with the words Rad-Away, appeared in front of each of them. However what was stranger still was that the bags were floating in front of them.

He continued talking. "Inject those into yourselves as soon as you leave this area. Else some bad side effects might happen." He paused and raised his hand to his chin in a thinking pose. "Oh who am I kidding side effects of all kinds will happen if you don't take those." The girls started to worry about themselves after that and turned to quickly leave, to do both what he said and to inform Ozpin the headmaster of Beacon what was going on. However before they could leave the clearing they ran into an invisible wall. Turning back to the man they saw him waving his left index finger at them.

"Now did I say we were done yet? After all I still haven't mixed things up enough. Now which one which one…" Team RWBY was now panicking a bit and it only intensified when they tried using their scrolls. They couldn't get through to try to call for help. All the while the man looked like he was trying to mull something over.

Blake gritting her teeth yelled at him. "Let us go! We don't care what you think you are but we'll fight if we have to!" She then looked to the others who nodded their consent; they quickly got out their weapons and took fighting stances. The man looked at them surprised but then his grin returned even bigger than before.

Taking a hold of his staff he rested it on his shoulders and waited for them to attack. Ruby being the fastest charged him first. However as she brought her weapon to slash at his mid-section it was stopped by an invisible force. Eyes widening the man stepped forward and touched her fore head with his right pointer finger. After which he pulled his hand back and started walking over to the others.

Ruby just touched that spot before her vision swam and she fell over unconscious. However when that happened the man looked at her and for once seemed disappointed. Yang however being the protective big sister was furious. Sub-consciously activating her semblance she caught fire while she charged him. Sending a barrage of kicks and punches at him he easily side stepped each and everyone. Yelling in anger she sent out another punch while firing her gauntlet. However this time as he dodged the blow he used his staff to touch the back of her neck. Her semblance de-activated while her eyes rolled back into her head. She fell over alongside Ruby.

The man whose back was now facing Blake and Weiss brought his hand up to the side with his thumb up. "Next!" The last two were in a stupor on what to do; the man beat both of them in two attacks, if they could be called attacks that is. They were beginning to truly believe his claim from before.

Turning to Weiss Blake spoke. "So have any ideas?"

The heiress only grimaced and shook her head. "Sorry but I don't think we could beat this guy even if we had team JNPR with us." Blake could only nod in agreement.

The man had turned towards them now and was speaking. "If you don't attack how will I know which one of you youths to send? I suggest you both just attack me. Who knows one of you might get a lucky hit." There was no condescension in his voice. It was if he didn't care if they hit him or not.

Looking at each other the last two members of team RWBY retook their fighting stances and charged. Weiss used her glyphs to enhance their speed and striking power while Blake attacked the man directly. Blake attacked him with her katana only for him to simply side step it and quickly swung his staff at her. Using a clone she managed to get out of the way before it connected. Distracted he wasn't able to block Weiss's thrust to his chest. However it never broke skin instead Weiss took a step back dropping her sword.

She was looking at her hands which were bleeding. Blake eyes widened in concern the man however sighed and poked the white haired girl in the stomach. She doubled over unconscious making Blake call out her name before giving a look of anger towards the seemingly invincible man.

Said man just snorted however. "Don't blame me… She didn't put enough aura behind her thrust so mine cancelled hers out. Thus causing her to injure herself, this is actually quite a pity if you ask me." He then gave a sly look at Blake. "I wonder can you cut me?" Looking at him with hate she charged once more.

Using her semblance to try and disorientate him. At the same time she was pouring aura into her weapon to try and sharpen it. She didn't want to end up like Weiss after all. Unfortunately the man was very skilled and only spun his staff around blocking all in coming attacks. Even when Blake started using her sheathe he still blocked the dual wielding hits. However at one time, in a different dimension there were two dwarves. One was a master swordsman or swordsdwarf the other just an upstart novice.

The one who won was the novice. But only because the master tripped over a rock allowing the novice to behead him while he laid on the ground. As to why this is relevant well… The man ended up tripping over Yang's unconscious form. He may have also pulled out some hair as well. Something she would swear to get him back for later. As for Blake, she misjudged an attack; on the other hand it allowed her to cut his cheek just a little. Re-orientating themselves the man only wiped his hand on his cut. However instead of scowling like most people he only smiled and spoke.

"Ah that's good I choose you." Blake confused still kept her guard up. However that proved to be a mute point as the man slammed his staff into the ground. The others stirred as they regained consciousness. Unfortunately they still couldn't move, even with those small taps their entire bodies hurt. Suddenly the distortion that was still there became larger before shrinking in on itself. It turned into a small grey ball that shot over to Blake. And before she could react it grew into a large grey oval. Black tendrils than came from the oval and latched onto her. Yelling out she was dragged in before the oval completely vanished.

As the others looked on in shock the man only laughed. "Finally I have some much needed entertainment. As for the rest of you I suggest you go on and get. I am busy and playing with you lot cost me a bit of time." With that he twirled his staff in front of himself and both he and the staff disappeared leaving the three distraught girls behind.

Faunus and Courier's Line Break

Inside a long and dusty canyon filled with destroyed buildings and zombie like men stood two beings. Well at least one of them was actually standing. The other was a small round and floating robot, with lots of antennae coming out of it with a grill face. Attached to its underside was anelectric beam weapon that was thin, and constantly gave off small electric pulses from its triangle like end.

The robot was also black and grey in color. This was ED'E a duraframe eyebot. The other was a man of average height. Wearing the elite Riot gear helmet with the normal riot gear armor. The Riot gear was an armor made of durable and strong materials. While normally one wouldn't want to wear such things in the desert, the riot armor was made specifically for desert combat. So the man wearing it still felt right as rain while wearing it. Although he had rarely seen rain, and when he had it was mostly toxic.

The man was Courier Six, real name unknown. Being shot in the head twice could make you forget some things after all. The place he was in is called the Divide. Basically a long stretch of road cutting through a long canyon. However this place used to be a thriving community, if what the man who talked through his robot companion was to be trusted. The man was named Ulysses, a man who had a deep voice that sounded quite imposing.

This man was also a Courier or at least was. Originally he was supposed to carry a platinum chip that got Six shot in the first place. However after the man saw his name on the register underneath his at the *Mojave Express*… He left to let Six take the job, thinking that it would kill him. However he survived and as such the man sent out a radio signal to Six personally.

Thus leading him to the place he both built and destroyed. Six was still skeptical about that but he couldn't deny that the place felt familiar to him. However those two bullets to the head really did a number on him. Six was forever changed that day, nineteen and already buried in a grave. But he survived and now here he is looking for answers. Well he would be if he didn't need to rest and eat something. He sighed wishing that the PHOENIX Monocyte Breeder implant made it so he didn't need to sleep and eat.

But he would just need to make do with slowly regenerating from all wounds. Did I mention he's basically turned himself into a cyborg? Yeah cost a whole lot of caps the wastelands currency but he felt it was completely worth it! Currently he was set up in the Third street Municipal building the top floor. The same place where he found a dead riot control with the elite riot armor. Being who he is he took the armor without a second thought and put the helmet over his head.

However he put the actual armor into his pipboy. At the moment he was looking down to the street below to see if he missed any marked men. Lowering his binoculars he took the anti-material rifle off his back and took aim at one of the marked men. Taking careful aim he pulled the trigger. The poor thing never saw it coming as its head exploded. Violent yet effective. Sighing he put his rifle away once more, he continued to look for anything interesting or anything that looked important.

Something did end up catching his eye though. Suddenly without warning a large distortion started appearing on the street below. Checking his radiation meter on his pipboy, he could see that it was slowly rising. Though upon seeing that it was still at safe levels he ignored it in favor of watching the distortion. He was rewarded for watching when it shrank on itself and then expanded into a grey oval. Taking a cloth from one of his pockets he quickly rubbed both his helmets lenses and binoculars.

Checking once more he was completely shocked when a black haired girl stumbled out of it. Quickly checking his pipboy's medical section he checked to see if he was on any chems, or drugs. He knew that he never did anything but use stimpacks, rad-x, med-x, and rad-away. So he shouldn't be seeing anything, but the situation had made the courier check just to make sure.

He found himself clean, which prompted him to turn to ED'E. "Okay please tell me I haven't gone completely crazy, and that there is an actual girl down there." Looking at the girl himself ED'E gave a few confirmatory beeps. To anyone else they wouldn't be able to understand him, but Six being with him for so long he understood him completely.

Six sighed out in relief. "Okay so I'm not crazy yet." He then turned back towards the girl who seemed to be looking around confused. She also seemed rather worried. "However I think we might need to introduce ourselves before she does anything, or gets caught by anything."

Hearing a few affirmative beeps Six was about to turn around when he froze. Looking back down he saw a few Marked men slowly encroaching on the girls position. Thinking fast he did the only thing he could think of… Jump out of the building. This did two things, one it scared the crap out of ED'E, and two he landed the jump just fine… If you count breaking your right leg just fine that is. However he was now closer than he was before and the Monocyte implant would heal his leg soon enough.

Still to speed things along he de-atomized a stimpack and injected it into his leg. This sped up the process marginally well. Finally being able to run again he took our his favorite weapon, *the medicine stick*. A lever action rifle that uses .45-70 Gov't rounds. Seeing that the girl hadn't noticed the marked men or himself he yelled out to her. Although it was slightly muffled by the helmet.

"Hey Get DOWN!" Turning to him in surprise her eyes widened as he raised the rifle. Closing her eyes as she heard him fire, after a bit she opened her eyes in surprise to find herself not shot. Turning around Blake saw something that made her turn a bit green.

She saw a man, or what was left of one that is. The man had a hole where his heart should be more than likely that was from getting shot. However his skin looked peeled off and his eyes seemed dead. It also smelled, for normal humans it would smell awful however with her enhanced faunus smell. Well suffice it to say it was almost enough to lose her lunch. The person who shot the thing was now right to her side rifle still aimed.

Before she could ask him anything he spoke first. "Are you alright Miss?"

She nodded her head before answering. "Yeah thanks for saving me, but what are these things?"

The man just sighed before answering her. "They're the marked men. People who have been exposed to the radiation and flaying winds of the divide. The place you're currently in." Blake was shocked these things were once people? That didn't sit well with her and the stranger noticed. "Don't worry you won't become like them. Personally I would like to ask how you got here, but there are more coming this way."

Blake turned to where he was still facing to see that he was right. There was at least a dozen more coming at them. Adopting a pained look she took out gambol shroud in pistol form. Surprised at the weapon Six didn't say anything as he opened fire on the nearest marked man. Blake soon followed suit. When there was only three left the courier activated *Vats* and quickly took out the rest of them. Reloading he didn't let down his guard as he addressed the girl.

"Alright I have a place which should be safe. Follow me and we'll talk there." Blake could only nod while looking at the five marked men she killed. She didn't like this situation one bit. Mentally she swore that when and not if she ever found that so called "god" that sent her here… She would make him suffer. However unknown to her said being only laughed at her thoughts. Silently she followed the man in the strange armor back towards a tall ruined building.

Faunus and Courier's Line Break

The Courier's perks, level, stats, and current story missions.

Stats level 36


Barter: 100

Energy Weapons: 55 (+)

Explosives: 80 (+)

Guns: 100

Lock pick: 100

Medicine: 100

Melee weapons: 80

Repair: 100

Science: 100

Sneak: 50

Speech: 100

Survival: 65

Unarmed: 65


Abominable (2) - Agility implant - Animal control (3) - Bloody mess - Bug stomper (3) - Camarader- E (4) - Camel of the Mojave - Charisma implant - Comprehension - Cowboy - Educated - Endurance implant - Free radical - Grunt - intelligence implant - Intense training (9) - Jury rigging - Lord death (2) - Luck implant - Marked - Monocyte Breeder - Perception implant - Ranger takedown - Rapid reload - Skilled - Small frame - Strength implant - Sub-dermal armor - Tag! - Tough guy, big brained, reinforced spine, Cardiac arrest, Implant c-13, Implant grx, implant m-5, implant y-3, implant y-7


Strength: 11

Perception: 8 (+2)

Endurance: 11

Charisma: 7

Intelligence: 11

Agility: 10

Luck: 0

Story so far… The Courier now has a choice, whether to obey House, the NCR, or to say screw it and kick them both out of New Vegas. Missions… The house always wins 3… Wild card change in management.

DLC's done… Dead money, Honest hearts, Old world blues

Slayer: Alright then that's a wrap for the moment.

Yang: Even after all these years… I am still angry about our loss…

Slayer: Yeah well… he is a god so you know… even I would have a hard time against this guy. And I obliterated the titan of light Hyperion!

Courier: Technically that hasn't happen yet anymore.

Slayer: Let's not get into that topic.

Courier: Yeah on second thought that's for the best.

Shadow: Oh for the love of! Just get this over with Slayer!

Slayer: Don't tell me what to do! But yeah… Alright this has been a Dark Guard production now signing off!

Everyone: Goodbye!

Slayer: This actually turned out pretty well this time. First time you guys blew up the hous…

Courier: Like this? (Clicks button)

Slayer: NOOOOO-(Explosion)