All the Bella's checked in except Aubrey and Beca and it was worrying Chloe,
"I'm sure they are fine." Stacie mumbled getting up from her bed.
"I know, but with what's been going on lately, I'm afraid something bad has happened." Chloe grabbed her phone and called both girls receiving no answer.
"Get the phones!" The man yelled. His men stripped the girls of their ringing phones and destroyed them. Aubrey had no clue what these people wanted and from the looks of these guys, they meant business.
"Alright, who wants to step into my office first?" He asked. "Boys? Which do you want first?"
"I like the brunette." One of them said running their knife down Beca's face.
They took Beca into the room next door and tied her to a table. Beca glanced around, trying to find something to help her.
"Alright sweetness, what is your name?" Beca remained quiet. She wasn't going to dig herself deeper into this hole.
"This will go easier if you tell us your name!" The man yelled striking Beca again.
"Fuck you." Beca said once again.
"I like rough bitches. Boys…. get the tools."
Aubrey sat in the room next door and listened and cried to all the pain and torture Beca was enduring. She could hear each punch, kick, and slap delivered to Beca. The most sickening part was the men enjoying themselves, what kind of animal does it take to do this? Is that a fucking drill?
"Drill her hands first. No wait! Tug her hair out!" The sound and sight of the drill made Beca pass out before they could do any drilling. "Fuck. Go get blondie, she will spill."
The doors busted open and the men threw Beca's unconscious battered body to the floor and grabbed a shocked Aubrey.
Aubrey was so scared. She wanted to talk but something was telling her to stay quiet. So she did. If Beca could take the abuse, then she could to.
Apparently, Aubrey's pain tolerance wasn't much and she was close to blacking out,
"Fuck! What are we going to do now! We can't afford to keep kidnapping these bitches. We are broke and they won't talk!"
"Shut the fuck up!" the leader spoke, "This one is our ticket." The man looked at Aubrey's ID. "Posen. Boys, this is the daughter of the wealthiest man in Georgia."
Aubrey regained consciousness and the men resumed their interrogation. Aubrey was dazed, confused and scared. Still not knowing these men's motive for kidnapping her.
"We know who you are, Aubrey Posen, daughter of Richard Posen, man of millions. What do you boys think she's worth? 5? 10 million?"
"Daddy will give you whatever you want. Just let us go!" Aubrey cried. Beca yelled from the other room,
"Aubrey no! Fuck these pigs."
Aubrey watched one man leave the room and could hear Beca yelling at him and then a loud wham noise was heard, and then Beca was silent.
The men snickered, "She is a feisty one isn't she. Anyway, this is how its gonna go down. We have already sent out a ransom note, and you are going to make a video explaining to your father that you are fine and where to send the money. We will give you some time to think over what you want to say."
Aubrey hasn't seen Beca in days. They kept them away from each other and all she could think about was getting to Beca. Aubrey wasn't in too bad of shape, although they said they would leave her alone, it didn't take long for them to get touchy with her. Being raped and feeling helpless was the most disturbing, wanting to die feeling Aubrey ever experienced.
Aubrey would beg to make the video so hopefully her father would free her to end this nightmare. The men would then leave her alone, chained to the wall, naked on the cold floor. Beca on the other hand wasn't fairing too well.
In the other room, Beca was near death. Her mouth couldn't stay shut and she paid the price. Aubrey prayed that she would shut up, but it never got to Beca. She was in no shape to move an inch and it was just a matter of time now. She could hear Aubrey every morning in pain. A high-pitched scream that would blow your heart out. Beca knew what was happening and her heart broke each time she heard Aubrey scream for help.
Chloe was called to the Dean's office 3 days after her friends went missing. Upon entering, she noticed two officers seated across from Dean Pritchett,
"Ms. Beale, this is Officer Strauss and this is Officer Williams. They have been working the Barden Kidnappings."
"I filed a report yesterday, have you heard anything?" Chloe eagerly asked.
"Slow down there kiddo." Williams spoke. "We haven't found them yet. However, we found this outside of the station this morning. It's been in forensics until now." Williams said handing Chloe a letter wrote in different size sticker letters.
Chloe read over it carefully,
We have your daughter Mr. Posen, and her friend. They are strong, but if you don't oblige, their strength will run out. See you soon.
"This says Mr. Posen?"
"Correct. Aubrey Posen's father. The millionaire." Officer Strauss said taking the letter back.
"Then why isn't he here?"
"He is waiting at the station, along with Beca's parents. We came to talk to you and would like for you to come downtown with us. I'm sure they would appreciate your presence." Officer Strauss asked.
Chloe visually overwhelmed with grief, obliged and started to follow the officers to their car,
"Ms. Beale? A word please." Dean Pritchett asked.
"I know this is hard. But these officers will get your friends back and, in the meantime, since we reopened all activities, we are letting the Bella's move into your very own house for safety reasons."
Chloe smiled and hugged and thanked the man before catching up with the officers. She sent a text to the rest of the Bella's explaining what was going on and told them to check their emails about their new Bella House.
Chloe knew the second she walked through the station doors, that Aubrey's parents were there. They just had a presence that no one could mistake, and sure enough as she rounded a corner, there was Aubrey's parents who took her in for a crushing hug.
"Chloe! It's so good to see you baby girl!" Mrs. Posen said squeezing the red head tight. Mr. Posen hugged her as well and assured her things would be fine. Not long after, they were joined by Beca's parents who were being held in another room.
"Alright ladies and gents." Officer Williams spoke sitting at the table with his partner, "This is what we have so far." He handed Aubrey's parents the letter and they looked it over and handed it over to Beca's parents.
"So we still have no idea who could have done this? Or where they are?" Richard Posen asked.
"Or if they are safe?" Warren Mitchell asked.
"Well we do not know the status of the victims. But in my 20 years of this, I would say they are alive, maybe not well, but alive."
"How can you be so sure? What if they end up like that poor girl found on Barden's campus?" Warren asked.
"These people are in this for the money. They know their victims have to stay alive in order to get the money. Who wants to pay for a dead body?" Strauss said with a chuckle that wasn't well received. "Anyway…"
"What my colleague is saying is, the kidnappers wont harm them because they know they can get money for them.'
"What are they asking?" Richard inquired.
"We don't know yet. They will more than likely send more word soon."
"So we are just supposed to wait!? While our children could be god knows where!" Mrs. Posen snapped.
Chloe was afraid to say anything, she felt like she shouldn't be interfering in this so she stayed to herself and remained quiet.
"Mrs. Posen, we assure you we are doing all we can. We have men on the streets, and we are working around the clock. I'm afraid all we can do is wait for the abductors to give us more info."
"What if I hire a professional team of investigators?" Richard asked.
"If that will ease your mind go right ahead. But we are the best in Georgia and I recommend you leave us to it. When we receive more word, we will call you immediately."
Chloe caught a ride back to Barden with the Mitchell's and as soon as she got into Stacie's dorm, the rest of the Bella's were there making Girls Missing Poster's with Aubrey and Beca's faces. Chloe eagerly joined in and helped, explaining the situation. To ease the girl's minds and to switch topics to pass the time, they started talking about their new Bella house.
Day 4 had begun. 4 days away from the life she knew and Aubrey was ready to get the hell out of where ever she was. 4 days away from people, 4 days without food or water, 4 days of basic solitary confinement. The beatings, the pain she felt, the sexual actions she went through. It was enough to wish for death but knowing Beca was close kept her alive. Getting to Beca made her will herself on and endure the pain.
That's when Aubrey noticed. Noticed that the men were eating out of the same brown bag for the past 4 days. The bag with the label, 'Gwen's Diner.' Gwen's Diner? Aubrey knew the place. She and Chloe ate there a lot. Not too far from their apartment and the only sketchy place around was an old abandoned furniture warehouse they walked by, 'Allen Bros. Furniture.' Aubrey knew these men didn't dare travel too far for food so she knew exactly where she was! All she had to do was get news out, she just didn't know how.