Digging his muzzle into the nook of Zuma neck, Rocky breathed in the mix's scent. His fur smelt of the ocean, to no surprise, yet there was something about it that drew him closer. He tightened his grip around the labs neck, unable to control the tears that were now flowing down his cheeks. His tail, drooping between his hind legs, only moved when a slight gust of wind blew past it.
Why? Rocky hind legs felt as though they were about to give out underneath him, which they soon did, sending both him and the lab crashing into the sand. Despite this slight tumble, however, they remained hugging and were brought closer to each other than they were before. Why? More tears flowed down the mix's cheeks as he buried his face deeper into Zuma's neck. Why can't I forget?
Zuma rubbed the side of his face against Rocky's, licking behind the mix's ear. Rocky felt his heart skip a beat and heat rising to his face. He forced his eyes shut, squeezing even more tears out and down into the lab's fur. He grabbed at the back of Zuma's neck with his paws, nuzzling into him, surrounding himself with that oh-so-familiar scent.
"Z-zuma..." Rocky started, his voice trembling and barely audible. His body went numb as he stopped all motion. "I...I..." Zuma could feel the mix's breathing quicken as well as his heartbeat thumping against his chest. There was a brief moment of silence before Rocky broke it. "I can't.." he whispered, releasing his grip from the lab. He tried backing away, though Zuma sensed it and only tightened his grip, not letting go of the mix.
"Zuma..." Rocky began, trying to free himself from the persistence of the lab, but to no avail. "Come on, let go," he added, pressing his paws against the lab's chest. The lab gave a disheveled yip, breaking down into tears. He buried his face into Rocky's neck, weeping and squirming to get closer and closer to Rocky.
"I caaaan't," Zuma cried, pulling Rocky back against him. "I c-can't let go, R-Rocky.." The lab hiccuped, brushing his face against the mix's neckfur. "I don't want to let go..." He started licking Rocky's fur, sending chills down the mix's spine.
Rocky gulped down the lump that had formed in his throat and forced his own tears to cease their falling. His heart ached at the sight and sound of the lab, and yet, he couldn't go through with it. He was afraid, confused and angry... still... And yet, his body wouldn't move. Despite his thoughts telling him to keep trying to push away from the lab, he couldn't bring himself to do such a thing.
Sighing, Rocky instinctively wrapped his paws around the weeping lab, patting his back. He pressed the bottom of his muzzle onto Zuma's shoulder as the lab buried his face into the mix's neck. Why? Rocky's mind was berated again by the thought. His paws slowed their rubbing, but never ceased. He found himself taking in Zuma's scent once again, pressing his nose up against the lab's neckfur. Why? The mix wanted the question to go away, and yet, he didn't try anything to get rid of it. He licked Zuma's neck; the lab hiccuped, his crying coming to an end.
Zuma broke away from the mix, but only took a step back. They were still close enough to feel the breath of the other against their fur. The lab looked at Rocky's chest for a moment, watching it expand and contract in a hasty rhyme. Was he nervous? No, Zuma knew what was up. He shook his head slowly, moving it up to look into Rocky's eyes. "Th-thank you, Rocky.." He quickly looked back down and shifted on his paws, unsure of what to do or say next. He noticed Rocky's paws, just a mere few inches from his, so he slowly inched his own paw to the mix's. Though Rocky tried to retaliate, he gave into the lab's attempt and their paws were soon touching, with Zuma's on top of mix's.
Rocky forced, or at least he thought he forced, a smile in response and licked underneath the labs maw, to both their surprise. The two blushed and looked away from each other. Rocky noticed the lab's tail sway slightly and despite not trying to, his own tail started to follow suit.
Looking up towards the sky, Rocky saw a half moon surrounded by thousands of stars, glistening as clouds rolled across them. Beautiful, he thought, looking back down at the lab and noticing that he had also been looking up. "It's getting late," Rocky began, his heart almost stopping at the sound of his own voice, "You should head back before Ryder starts to worry.."
The mix returned his paw to its position in the sand and drooped his head down towards it. He closed his eyes, squeezing out those last few tear drops and hiccuped once more. "Y-your right.. b-but.." He started, fidgeting with his paws. He looked at Rocky again, his maw quivering, "C-can you come with me? P-please?" He put his paw on top of the mix's again, squeezing lightly.
No... A wave of warmth shot across the mix's body. He stared at Zuma, then down at their paws, then back up at the lab again. No... He thought of all the things that could happen if he were to back. How the other pups might treat him, or even Ryder upon seeing his return. But... He looked into Zuma's amber eyes, and his heart yearned to go. No! Despite it all, the pain and the suffering he's endured. Despite his shaky relationship with the lab himself, he didn't want to see the pup upset again like he was just moment before.
Leaning over, Rocky licked the side of Zuma's muzzle.