So I will comment right off the bat, that I've read a lot of the Susan Bones Harry Potter FanFiction, I've never written anything before but I have a concept and a story board bouncing in my head, hopefully you enjoy the muse.this story will pick up basically at the start of Ootp
All Characters are J.K. Rowling's I'm just writing a fanfiction, hopefully she doesn't mind.
Chapter 1 The loss of a home
All had been quiet at number 4 privet drive all summer almost, disturbingly quiet. Harry l had been reading a newspaper that was dropped off in bundles outside the nearest convenience store. Every time he opened the page, he expected to get a somber filled articles that even the cheapest of newspapers couldn't avoid but still, nothing. He flipped through it, there was an auto wreck and a small factory accident but nothing he could find that would lead to wizards.
As he walked back he thought of how the Daily prophet, it was still covered in accusations about the tri-wizard tournament. It seemed that there was some blame directed at him but most were just disparaging Professor Dumbledore for even hosting the cup. Their was comments of black marks and discussions on Cedric's death that could not be ignored and often Harry couldn't read past the first few lines of the articles or even crack the newspaper itself.
This would be bad enough if it wasn't that all his friends seemingly abandoned him this year. He would write to them about what they were up too, and he would get quick jots of replies. The last time he sent Hedwig out he told her not to come back unless there was something well written in response, so far 10 days later he hadn't seen hide nor feather of his beloved owl.
His life hadn't been too bad though as the Dursleys, seemingly left him alone, with the threat of his godfather, the supposed mass murderer in hiding looking over his shoulder kept them at bay. It still meant he couldn't go out to do much more than chores, he was barrred from watching the news in the house. Especially after Vernon's comments of it being unnatural for a 15 year old man to be interested in the news or the fact that his "people" wouldn't be on there anyway. He looked down at the Dudley castoffs and winced at the thought of what Sirius would think of if he saw the way he'd been kept. The meals came everyday but it was always bland cheap food with little nutrient value, he could feel his pants get wider as the month progressed. It hadn't even been supplemented by the food that usually came from his friends.
As he walked down this alley he noticed Dudley and his gang smoking and one even was scanning a girly magazine as Harry walked by. Dudley's friends eye's picked up Harry was passing. He could hear the snickering comments of Harry hunting as he walked by. Harry quickly responded. "Dudley I have my uncle, and I have my own means to deal with you from school."
As he said this he started reaching for his wand in his back pocket. The world suddenly started going cold, not just because the evening or cool temperatures, but a chill ran down his spine as he started to see Dudley quake as if something cold was grabbing him, his gang was running scared the embers of there cigarettes seemingly freezing and extinguishing. That's when Harry saw not two dementors but five that had come up, and one was holding Dudley pulling him in for a kiss
As he saw this, a lean black man ran up, and started trying to cast a patronus. Looking at Harry, he said. "Cast your patronus hurry" . He kept recasting but only producing mist, Harry too took two or more tries with the fear of the dementors and the rush coming on. Harry finally got the stag to form at the same time as a lynx popped from the others wand.
The issue was as Harry had gone into his memories and watched his wand work the damage was done. Dudley was slumped on the ground gasping like a fish out of water, the patroni quickly scampered the dementors off. Though the sight of his cousin, no matter how cruel or vindictive being the boy was. Seeing him flopping around without a soul, made Harry puke.
As this happened Harry's neighbour Mrs. Figg ran out. Yelling. " Keep your wand up boy, thank god you were here Kingsley and not that wretch Mundungus". Harry perked up, looking around saying. " What's going on" Figg, looking at him, "Did you really think Dumbledore would really leave you unguarded, I mean I'm just a squib but that's just perfect since nobody notices us, And Kingsley here is an Auror with not that much of a home life, sorry for treating you badly all these years"... the comments kept coming till Harry finally spoke what's on his mind.
" What about him", holding the gag back.
Kingsley finally spoke, "We're gonna have to take him home, and talk to your aunt and uncle and deal with the repercussions of this"
They loaded Dudley up, on there shoulders and proceeded to lug his heavy frame between them, keeping there wands pointed out, as Mrs. Figg followed up the rear. Finally coming to the door Mrs. Figg said she would go and owl Albus, Harry could feel his fear encroached them as he walked through the door, fearing what was to come next.
As soon as they came through the door, Petunia and Vernon stood up seeing their nephew carrying there son. The boy wasn't responding right, and the black man also carrying him looked deeply out of place in little Whinging. By the look of him, they knew he must be one of those freaks.
Petunia started calling Dudley, but he wouldn't answer.
Vernon started shouting, "Come on lad what'd they do to yah, as he slapped his son in fear.
Just as Vernon went to grab Kingsley, an owl swooped through the house, dropping it's letter at Harry
Opening it
It started almost like a howler, but more calm
Harry Potter Summons
Underage magic use, muggle baiting and failure to uphold the secrecy act you have been notified to appear before the nearest Auror or immediate go to the ministry of magic to turn yourself in
Dolores Umbridge.
At that with Dudley on the couch gasping like nothing was going on Vernon snapped, trying to grab Harry, he made a statement that would forever change the story, "Your no family of mine you little freak, get out of my house" and then Petunia agreed, and right as Vernon went to punch Harry a blast went off around the House that was the wards.
Kingsley looking on as the two muggles as they were going to attack Harry and felt the shock of the wards falling. Gulping, knowing that he had limited time he grabbed Harry, looked at him and said. "I guess your going to the station with me, hopefully Albus doesn't mind".His eyes looking on at all the clean up the different departments we're going to be need to do and the amount of paperwork that this was gonna need as they apparated, forgetting about his ride alongs lack of knowledge of the magical world.
Hopefully people enjoy, this literally got spun out in an hour, I have long term plans for this but this is just the first chapter. I'd love comments reviews and all that, and yes I know I suck would just appreciate the help. Hey if anybody can message me and tell me how to get the next chapter up I'd appreciate it.