"Ah...Tokyo. A calm sky, nice people and...surroundings changed and or flying into the air?" Rainbow said as they arrived in Tokyo to see the city in complete chaos as parts of it was flying through a vortex in the sky.
"Wow...that call to David was right." ZS said.
"Of course it is. You think Emi would joke about something like this?" David asked.
"Calm down, David. ZS didn't know." Ace said.
"It's worse than we thought… Tokyo's being completely sucked into the real world." Hope said.
"Coincidently with the real world Tokyo." Jexi said before they felt the ship shake. "What was that?"
"I don't wanna alarm anyone...but we have company." Tails said as green-skinned humanoid creatures were attacking the ship.
"What the… What are these things?" Mayumi asked.
"They're humans." Kairi said.
"Yes yes….you got that right." a voice said as a creature with white skin with some purple on him appeared.
"Frieza." Eddy said.
"So, even after all this time, you still came back." Bardock said, clenching his fists.
"Yes...though this merge was not my doing...rather the one of someone of a more incredible yet twisted mind." Frieza said. "Same with the Venoms. These are actually humans from the so-called Real World."
"You son of a...what did you do to them!?" Issei yelled.
"I don't quite get it myself but they were humans who didn't receive a power from the cure he made. But became susceptible to his special little experiment to create soldiers." Frieza said.
"If you don't get it…" Goku said before turning Super Saiyan. "...then there's no reason for you to be here anymore!" he finished before charging.
"Goku, wait!" Hope called before the Venoms started blasting away at the Galaxy King as Goku fought Frieza ferociously.
"Battle formations!" CP called out.
"But what about these people? Isn't there someway to help them?" Kairi asked.
"We'll just have to knock them out for now. This isn't a battle I want us to fight, but I don't think we have a choice." David said.
"Alright, deal some damage to them without overdoing it, got it." Kagura said.
And so, the crew of the Galaxy King fought against the Venoms as they rocketed to the portal in the sky.
"Uh, guys? Getting a little close to the big black portal in the sky, don't you think?" Eddy said nervously.
"Perfect." Jexi said.
"Perfect?" Lacy asked.
"If they wanna bring a fight to our worlds, then we'll bring the fight to them." Jexi said.
"You guys might want to hang on to something. We're about to go for a ride." David said.
"Oh boy." Mari said. "Prepare for lightspeed!" she announced.
"This is gonna suck." Emo muttered before the Galaxy King flew into the portal.
The ship entered the other side as it sailed over the sea. "Okay...where are we?" Zoro asked.
"Looks like we're somewhere over the Pacific Ocean." Tails said.
David looked at his figure. "Aw, man. Not this space again."
"Yep….Pacific Ocean in the real world." Tails said.
"This is...weird." Al said.
"You're telling me! A place without zombies?" ZS said. "Who would've guessed!"
"Hmm? Hey, we're getting a faint signal. It's...coming from that island." Tails said pointing to an island not far from where they were.
"Well...not like we have anyplace to go here. We may as well go and see if they are at least friendly." Sabo said.
Going to the island, they found it was, in reality, a large base. "Whoa...high tech." Rainbow said.
"Well...I was wondering when you would answer." a voice said as Emi approached.
"Emi!" David called as everyone got off. "Sorry we're late. We hit a bit of a snag on the way here. What is this place, anyway?"
"It's a base." another voice said as Barry Flux emerged with a man with a sword and light blue hair and a man with dark skin.
"Barry! What're you doing here?" Mark said.
"Well, Director Glover here called me and asked for help. And I'm sure some of you know Trunks here." Barry said.
"Hello, everyone. You too, father." Trunks said bowing to Vegeta.
"I'm guessing Trunks is from the future?" Mari asked.
"That's right. I came from a very dark future 20 years from when Cell was first fought." Trunks said. "But thankfully, that future never came to pass and is a separate timeline now."
"And this guy is…" Hope said looking at the dark-skinned man.
"I'm Glover. I'm actually the leader and one in charge of this base." he said.
"Which begs the question. Where are we?" Hope said.
"Ah, that's right. Welcome to Umbra's Base." he said as the group looked around to see several different people walking about and working hard.
"Whoa...who are these guys?" Luffy asked.
"The Jumpers that were created from the supposed cure." Glover said.
"Normal used that cure to give 100,000 people the powers and abilities of heroes from the pages of Shonen Jump." Barry said.
"Whoa… That's a huge number." David said.
"However, only 1,000 of them got powers. The rest became susceptible to his will." Glover said.
"Just 1% retained their free will? That's...actually very terrifying." Leopardmon said.
"Wait, wasn't Connor and his team tracking down Normal?" Ace asked.
"Which was impossible, because Norman Manchester, or rather Normal, was living here under a false identity." said a woman leaning against the wall.
"Who's…?" Hope asked.
"This is Rebecca. She was a reporter from Los Angeles. Coincidentally, she was the one who interviewed Normal when he debuted his cure." Glover said.
"A news reporter?" Leia asked.
"Yeah, that's right. Though I took a leave of absence when I got my power." Rebecca said.
"And you still have your free will. Guess that makes you one of the lucky ones." Magnamon said.
"This is a lot to wrap my head around." Lin said.
"You're not the only one. I'm a little lost." Jesse said.
"Yeah...can we start from the beginning? So we know how this all happened?" Sora asked.
"Gladly. It all started around 3 months ago. This strange disease was going around all across the world, causing these weird mushrooms to sprout. But then someone presented a cure. Norman Manchester, but you know him better as Normal. He eradicated this disease but days later, over 1,000 people around the world gained powers thought only possible in comics and tv shows. One month after this, people started to vanish one by one, being replaced by the green-skinned warriors known as Venoms and to add insult to injury, multiple worlds were being drawn and merged with ours, making things very difficult for all of us. As a resident this world, I had to flee and start a movement. I met with Trunks and we established this base and went to contact help. We found a few willing fighters along with organizations led by Barry Flux and Miss Emi here." Glover said.
"Wait… what color were they?" Elementa asked.
"Brown with yellow spots." Glover said.
"Uh...hate to tell you this...but that was not a dangerous disease." Elementa said. "It's actually something common in the Nature Universe. All it does is cause mushrooms to sprout. They can easily be plucked off."
"I have a feeling Normal just wanted an excuse to give people these powers." David said.
"See? I told you." Barry said to Glover.
"So it was all a ruse to let Normal do his work." Hope said.
"That crafty bastard. To go so low…" David said.
"I take you're already acquainted with the individual." Glover said.
"Not quite. He's sort of our enemy." Ranma said.
"One that I spared in a prior incident so he could live a life of his choosing. That was a bit of a mistake on my part." David said.
"It's never a mistake to think the best of people." Mark said. "Normal made his choice and he's going to have to face the consequences when we face him."
"You bet he will. This time, I'll make sure to finish the job." David said.
"It's going to be tough getting to him, though. He's got an army of Venoms at his beck and call." Emi said. "Not only that but he's recruited several powerful villains to his side as well."
"And we severely lack the manpower to fight them all." Glover said.
"Not anymore." Hope said. "Because we're going to help you."
"Hey guys!" a voice said as Goku arrived. "Frieza got away...but I bit his tail before he did! So, what I miss?"
"Long story short, we're joining these guys to help fight Normal and his legion of Villains and Venoms." Gemini said. "What do you call yourselves, Director Glover?"
"Good Question." Glover said pushing his glasses up. "Since our forces are made up of the jumpers who wanted to fight to save their world, and the heroes from the Shonen Comics they know and love, we like to call ourselves….Jump Force."
Meanwhile in the ruined streets of New York City, Normal was with Kane and a green skinned woman in red with insect like wings.
"It appears Frieza has failed. He was unable to prevent the hero alliance from entering the equation of your plans, Master Normal." Kane said.
"No...I knew they would be coming here, sooner or later." Normal said.
"So now that they're here, what are you planning to do?" the woman asked.
"The plans do not change, Galena. Project Jump will still continue as I have planned." Normal said.
"As usual...you are right. This world of justice….must be destroyed for a new one to be born." Kane said.
He then reached out to the sky as it darkened with black clouds surging with purple lighting.