It was an average day in the Stern residence. Katrina who was the eldest child was sitting in her room studying for her high school exams. She was a senior so passing these exams were important to her. Books were scattered across her desk with papers in between. She was completely focused until a knock on her door brought her back to reality. The door opened revealing her younger brother.

"Ugh what do you want Ulrich?" She asked annoyed with being interrupted during her study session.

"Can you help me with my pencak silat training?" He asked. Katrina was a brown belt while Ulrich was just a beginner. Because of this, Ulrich often asked his older sister to help him with his training. Unfortunately, he always asked during the most inconvenient times like this one.

"I'm busy" She responded refocusing on her studies.

"What a surprise" Ulrich muttered sarcastically before leaving closing the door behind him. Katrina heard him and simply rolled her eyes in response. Now it was dinner time. As much as Katrina claimed she wasn't hungry, her father insisted she eat with the family.

"Ulrich, care to explain why you're still failing math?" Their father questioned sternly as he wiped his face with his napkin.

"Because it's hard" Ulrich simply replied not making any eye contact with his father.

"This is unacceptable Ulrich" He stated giving his son a serious look even though Ulrich was looking down at his plate. "Katrina you seem to be doing well in math. From now on I want you to tutor your brother" He continued turning to his daughter.

"Yeah, that's not happening" She stated as she stabbed a bite of food with her fork and ate it.

"Trina I wasn't asking" Their father noted.

"I have my own studying to do. I got exams coming up" She argued.

"You're a straight A student and Ulrich is failing" he stated in response.

"Oh, so I have to drop what I'm doing to tutor someone who can't be bothered to study on his own" She said annoyed with her father.

"Trina dear calm down" Her mother chimed sensing her daughter's frustration. She then turned to her husband. "Honey I don't think it's fair to have Trina tutor Ulrich when she has plenty of studying to do on her own" She said trying to reason with him.

"Fine then, if Ulrich fails again then they're both grounded" he announced. Katrina choked on her drink that she just sipped.

"What? You're kidding right?" She questioned in disbelief.

"Since you refuse to tutor your brother, you get punished as well" he explained. Frustrated with her father, Katrina got up from her seat throwing her napkin on the table and stormed away. The rest continued eating in silence. Ulrich felt pressured now. He had to pass his next math test, or not only will he get in trouble, but his sister as well.

Later that night Ulrich was up in his room. He sat on his bed with his math textbook in his hands and a notebook sitting next to him. There was a knock on the door and Katrina entered his room.

"Hey, can we talk?" She asked. Ulrich turned off the Subdigital music he had playing. Katrina walked in the room and sat at his desk chair.

"I'm sorry you got dragged into this Nina" Ulrich said. Nina was how Ulrich used to pronounce his sister's name when he was younger and could barely talk. Now it was just a nickname that only he referred to her as.

"Listen, I'm going to make a deal with you" She told him.

"What kind of deal?" he asked.

"You know how you always ask me to help you with your pencak silat training?" She inquired. Ulrich has a vague idea of where she was going with this.

"Yeah" he responded.

"Alright, well if you pass your next math test with at leas will spend the day giving you a pencak silat lesson" She offered. Ulrich's eyes lit up, yet he was still somewhat skeptical.

"You promise?" He questioned. She would always say she would, but they usually wind up being empty promises. Katrina nodded her head. She was probably only doing this because she would get mad at him if she got grounded because of him. Still, it gave him more motivation to study.