Chapter 5

Naruto and lord third is walking down the street heading towards training ground 44 or has it called the forest of death about 20 minutes they got to there destination and when Naruto saw it he severed a little herring the scream of animals in the woods when his sensei saw this he laugh a little remember when he train Jiraiya, tsunade, and Orochimaru.

Lord third: ok Naruto we will be here for 1 month after that you will do on rotation with different people and departments of the ninja corp ok.

Naruto: ok sensei.

Lord third: ok Naruto lets work on your ken/tai justu or you like to call it shadow deadly twins we will work on those for the first 2 weeks with 50 shadow clones while me and you spar ok.

Naruto: ok sensei.

And so for the next two weeks Naruto and Hiruzen train with just ken/tai justu and just during that time Naruto got to the high Chuunin and that where hiruzen decided to stop and start on justu from both clans the Uzumaki clan and the Namikaze clan.

Lord third: ok Naruto-kun this paper right here is a chakra paper to show what is your chakra enfinity all you have to do is push in a little chakra and it will do the rest.

Naruto: ok

Naruto push some chakra and what happen shock both Naruto and hiruzen to there core the paper splits into 4 sector one burn, one turn wet, one turn to earth and one turn into lighting and last but not least one turn into wood.

Naruto: wow what happen jiji?

Lord third: well Naruto-kun you are the most surprising ninja I have you have wind, earth, water, lighting, and wood release which is really surprising now then lets start training shall we?

Naruto: ok sensei.

And so for another 4 weeks they train in not only justu but chakra control with 200 shadow clones working with them and to say Naruto a power house is a major understatement which he is already high Jounin in the justu department.

Lord third ok Naruto for the last few weeks we are going to be working on your sealing techniques ok.

Naruto: ok

As Naruto starting his last few weeks on training his sealing he was a natural with sealing just like his ancestor was who in return was seal master he even master the flying god Technique.

Lord hiruzen: ok Naruto-kun training is now over with now for the firs 2 weeks of rotation you are going to be going to the desk and help out iruka for 2 weeks and after that t&I department, after that anbu department for missions and such and after that continue working with me again with mission report and such ok.

Naruto: ok sensei I see you in 2 weeks.

As Naruto and lord hiruzen walk out of the training ground many people stop and bow to them as they were told that Naruto is now going under training with the hokage will become his successor in the hat as the walk Naruto suddenly remember he is suppose to go and ask out hinata father permission to date here since they went secretly.

Naruto: hey jiji can I start tomorrow I need to ask Hiashi something if that ok with you.

Lord third: sure Naruto-kun I come with you.

As they walk towards the compound of the hyuuga clan they stop as to guards ask them to stop and ask what they need when Naruto says he needed to see Hiashi for something they say to wait outside for few moments.

One of the guards comes back and says alright you can come in as they walk in Naruto took in the scene of the house and see many clans member working he has read of the clan and hinata told him of the clan history of the hate between the branch and main clan during there first date ( I didn't put it in here cause I'm not that good with romantic dates scenes and such).

Has they continue walking down the hallway towards the council room of the hyuuga clan the two guards bow to them and open the door to welcome them where they see the whole council and Hiashi himself has they walk in both of them bow to them lord third: hello Hiashi good evening to you how are you doing this fine evening?

Hiashi: good hokage-sama this is a pleasant surprise to see you and this boy here by the way who are you young man?

Naruto: bow and says I am Naruto Uzumaki lord Hiashi I am here to ask for your permission.

Hiashi: and what will that be Uzumaki-san?

Naruto: I would like to ask you if I may have your permission to date and later court your daughter hinata-san lord Hiashi. Naruto says while still bowing.

Hiashi look at Naruto for a moment as if thinking and composing the pro and cons of accepting Naruto deal of having him dating his daughter he could see he is very well influence as the hokage apprentice and being the next hokage has well has looking quit strong for his age. A couple more moments he hade decide to give Naruto a test to see if he is fit to not only be with his daughter and be the next clan head of the hyuuga but if he can also protect his daughter.

Hiashi: Naruto I have a deal for you if you are reeling to do if you want to date my daughter.

Naruto: what is it Hiashi-sama?

Hiashi: if you can killed over 500 bandits alone with no help under 1 hour then you can date and court my daughter. So what do you say Naruto Uzumaki do you accept or do you decline?

Naruto: I accept the deal Hiashi-sama.

Hiashi: farewell Naruto then lets sign and hokage-sama could you sing as a whiteness for us?

Hiruzen who hade been quite and just looking and Listening to the conversation the whole time says yes I can sign the whiteness. Has he gets up and walks over and sign the paper the two sakes hand and with that they bow to each other and left.

Lord hokage: are you sure you can kill over 500 people Naruto-kun?

Naruto: I will have to jiji to be with the one I love I must.

Lord third: farewell Naruto-kun since you have been giving a month to complete it we need to change our plane so instead of you going and helping iruka at the mission desk you will be going on mission none stop to be with the one you love can you do that?

Naruto: yes I can jiji I just need to tell hinata-him about it.

Lord hokage: ok Naruto-kun meet me at the mission desk and I will have you a escort for each mission so for the first time will be team 7 .

Naruto: ugh ok I really don't want to be with the teme but I will if I have no choice.

Lord hokage: yes so meet me tomorrow early morning so you can meet them and were your mask ok.

Naruto: ok good night sensei.

Hiruzen: good night my boy.

And done with chapter 5 with 1224 words new record I believe could be wrong and yes I know I skip the date latter on I might do it has a flashback or something im not that good with that stuff and I don't know if there will be lemon or not im not quite sure yet. Now for the parings I have some ideas so here it is.

Naruto/hinata/ tsume from wave




That all I can think of for now till next time.