Issei is struggling to walk up the hill because he carry a very big bag and he look like he is about to fall over. In front of her is rias, akeno who is drinking water, asia and raynare, mittelt and kalawarner.
Rias: your almost there, just a few more feet!
Akeno: visualize issei!
Issa: coming!
Asia: rias? Should I get those bags for him?
Rias: she'll be ok, she needs to learn to carry that much on her own.
Kina: (carrying the same bag with no effort) in your right.
Issei: seriously?! Do you have a bag of feathers or something?!
Koneko: (walk pass him with a very big ahe is carrying) move it.
Then devin, bob and alex with very bigger bags with their familiar on top of it.
Devin: come on dude.
Bob: as a pawn you figure it out.
Alex: feel the burn!
He then fall and roll the to ground.
Issei: AH! I hate this!
John holding two bags walking passed
John: you'll get use to it.
Issei: oh come on !
Grayfa: ten days, I think that we can all agree on that.
Rias: you sure?
Grayfa: considering your youth and lack of experiments and lord risers powers, I've decided to assign a handicap will be appropriate.
Rias: as much as it pains me to admitted but I think your right. Extra time to train will be very useful for all of us, thanks I excepted the offer.
End flashback
Rias: issei and devin, i purpose of this training camp came to make both of your strength, soon the three of you will be stronger.
As soon they arrive and see a river and a mansion like house.
John: we'll this is the place alright.
Devin: woah is sure it's beautiful.
Asia: wow this place looks lovely.
Raynare: I'll say.
Mittelt: this is gonna be sweet.
Kalawarner: I agree.
Bob: you can say that again.
Alex: nice, this will be a good place to train!
Rias: alright you guys let's head inside and get on training.
Issei: But we just got here! that's evil and nowhere even close to fair!
Devin: she is the devil after all
Rias: why thank you (hug his arm to lean close to his chest as she press her breasts to it) let get to changing together d~e~v~y~.
Devin: (blush hard) what? What?
Raynare: (hug his arm) hey! Mine!
Akeno:(giggle) i wanna see my handsome angel's body~.
Connie pouted as she hugged his back
Bob: heh, welcome to my life.
But bob got grabbed by the arm by kalawarner and orchid
Bob: (sigh) and my life getting bigger unexpected
Mittelt and koneko hugged alex's arms and zoey hugged his chest.
Alex: me too.
Koneko, zoey and mittelt glare each other with lighting clashes to their eyes.
Zoey: my master.
Mittelt: no, he's mine!
Koneko: no mine!
As so they head inside, rias, akeno, koneko, raynare, kalawarner, mittelt, connien, orchnid and zoey changing there outfit with devin, bob and alex.
Devin: (blush) r-rias are you sure about it?
Rias: I am sure about it.
They see a good view of their muscles as rias smile seductive, akeno lick her lips, raynare blush and drool a bit. Mittelt steam blush, koneko purring, connie's snake tail waggy, orchnid blush super nova, zoey nosebleed a bit.
Bob: anyway, let hurry to change so we can train.
Kalawarner: …. in an hour…
Bob: say what?
Asia is now steaming and her entire head is red.
Alex: okay let's go!
Issei is now outside with a sword training with kiba, devin heard arashi.
Arashi: are you ready?
Devin: yes, whatever it take for the training.
Arashi: alright then, get into your hibiki form, time for teach you more tricks.
Devin: okay.
Arashi: after that turn it off and along your brother do the same and learn using the drumsticks
Devin: you god it.
He then did what he was told and change to Hikibi then pull out his sticks then changed back.
Devin: what next?
Arashi: let's go to the waterfall.
Devin nodded then turn to the gang.
Devin: i'll be back, i'm starting my training.
Rias: okay.
it's been 4 hours, the three boys did of their very munch training while with rias and her peerage. issei been doing the sword training by kina , the next training is when akeno show of him the magical power source and asia is doing good , as akeno showing each of what elements, koneko give issei a bit brutal training. While the sun set down , issei and asia doing some cooking of like training, to cook with union ,potatos and carrots. issei begin strip out of potatos and union then soon all the food is cooked and set.
Rias and her peerage are eating, they turn to see devin, bob and alex came in shirtless with towels around there necks.
devin: hey everyone.
That made all the females blush infurno red, heads steaming and nose geysers are shooting up.
Issei's thought: wow ! They make the girl sky rocket like I am to many hot chicks!
Rias's thought: H-HOLY SHIT!
akeno's thought: must…. Fuck...
koneko's thought: …. ALL MINE BITCHES!
raynare's thought: his...abbs...
kalawarner's thought: (nosebleed) I WANT TO HIM TO F*** ME ~~!
mittelt's thought:(Drooling) Such nice view, so good~
Connie's thought as she feeling crazy as her feeling in a heat
orchid's thought: OH MY GOD !
Zoey's thought: SO SEXY !
Bob: girls ? something wrong ?
alex: they look funny, hehe
devin: rias you alright?
Rias: (holding her bleeding nose) y-y-yeah i'm fine.
devin: anyway let's eat.
alex: wow it look like enough for everybody
bob: i'm guessing issei and asia did the work.
devin: well let's eat.
Devin sit between rias and akeno, bob sit next to kalawarner, and alex sit next to koneko.
Devin: so how did the training go?
Rias: is going good, what about you, bob and alex?
Devin: wonderful.
Alex: we learn of doing the drumsticks.
Bob: the same like devin always do, comes in handy sometime.
Rias: I see,
John:( came in) hey guys.
Devin: hey j, you train too?
John: you can say that.
Then they see rodrick came in.
Devin: rodrick!
Alex: hey man.
Bob: good to seeyah.
Rodrick: you too.
Rias: the treasure sniper.
Rodrick: oh you heard of me?
Rias: of course I've heard of you.
Rodrick: well is nice to meet you rias gremory, you have nice peerage along treasure,(turn at issei) including this one too.
Issei: sorry, I'm not into guys.
Rodrick: I meant with your sacred gear moron.
Issei: oh my bad.
Rodrick: i sure you'll meet him when you grow your leveling, anyway i think john and i will help you to unleashed it.
Issei: what you mean?
John: he mean you'll get stronger to have more then just a gauntlet.
Issei: really?!
John: if you can handle it.
Issei: handle…. What?
Rodrick: you'll see, if you dont wanna be the harem king
John: I told ya.
Rodrick: yeah, he's easy to encourage with that topic.
John: well meet us outside when your do improve your boosting gear.
Issei: you got it!
Alex: oh boy.
Rias: that was delicious and filling, I think we should head to the bath now.
Issei: you are all going together?!
Rias: that will be the plan, your such a silly goose. Devy, how about you, bob and alex come?
Devin: sure.
Alex: okie dokie.
Bob: well i need a bath after all the training we went through.
Issei: hey no far!
Then john grabbed his coller and drag him.
Issei: hey!
John: come on dude.
Issei: (anime tears) no fair!
As issei being dragged away by john and Rodrick.
The girls join in the bath space as it warm they see devin, bob and alex dip in as they relax.
Bob: this feels nice.
Alex: yeah, did you have this all the time bob?
Bob: yep, it's some perks of being in a rich family.
Devin: i see.
Then devin open his angel wing and bob open his demon wings as well, the girl just had an idea.
Rias: say devy~,mind if i wash your back and wings~.
Devin: I don't mind, go ahead.
Asia: u-um c-can I w-wash your b-back b-b-bob?
Bob: sure.
Alex: you too kitty.
Koneko: yay!…
Devin: connie let me help wash you
Alex: dame here Zoey
Bob: you too orchid.
There familiars nodded and joined in.
They felt good when their master scrubbing them nice and good.
Devin: also rias, we have some gift and thinking that some you and the girls can be oni as well.
Rias: what? Really?
Bob: yeah we have the spare, as we have enough for you as a present and reward when you win the game soon.
Alex: thought it will fit well and help us defeat our enemies.
Asia: o-oh, I don't know if I could.
Bob: it take time to pick the right one, beside I'm curious Asia of how cute you look as a oni like me.
he then picture asia in a cute oni outfit, Asia blushes thinking an image of her and bob as ibuki team up
Asia: i-I'll do it!
Bob:(smile and petted her head) your so cute you know that? (kiss her forehead)
she then blush more red.
Asia: h-he …. called me cute.
As issei training before he take it the next level with john and rodrick , asia rush to him but then suddenly an accident.
The next day
with the group they are in a room and rias is explaining about the rating games.
Rias: good question, the answer dates quit a bit some say about alternate ago, devils, fallen angles and heavenly angles were at war, it was a massive destructive three sided battle which ended with neither victory or defeat, every single battle fought ended with several of our members wiped out or missing, our life span sense devils has very low birth rates are nearly eternal to inshore our population yet our existence as a species is at risk do to the impact in that war, most of the family line is consisted of pure blood upper class devils that made up what as known as the 72 pillars the war that calmed all but three; mine which is the gremory, sona's the house of sitris, and risers the house of peanix, out of the 72 pillars we are the only survives, it was then that devils first began recruiting humans to replace the numbers in there house's, after that the rating game came about, this aloud devils that was the masters of the house holds to provide recently conversed humans with combat experiments as well show off there ability's now a days it still has quite the impact one's record in the rating game has a huge influences in there nobility and states. Sigh ok that's it you guys look pretty tired, what do you say we take a break and have some tea.
Akeno: sounds good I'll go make it.
Asia: wait a Minute I'll come with you.
Issei: hey asia, i'm sorry about what happen last night.
Asia: o-oh that's ok. Your getting so much stronger.
Bob: last night?
Devin: what you mean issei?
Issei: oh um, nothing!
Bob: doesn't sound nothin to me
Devin: ( turn Asia) lil sis, what did he do to you last night?
Asia: w-well.
Asia whisper to devin's and bob's ear.
devin and bob turn glared dangerously at issei.
devin:(bring his drumsticks) issei….
bob:(bring one too but blue) YOUR A DEAD DEVIL!
Issei dash for his life.
Devin and bob: COME HERE YOU PERV BASTARD!(Chase after him)
After done beating the stuffing out of issei they came back.
Rodrick: anyway after issei's did of his training, john and I help him, he said he wanna save it for riser since he finally got touch with his partner.
Devin: I see, like me, bob and alex got.
John: yep.
Rodrick: riser and his peerage as try get the upper hand here, the phoenix tears, he use's these tears for the games so he can win each one of them, and these tears can heal your wounds, magic and stamina. You guys in luck.
Kiba: how so?
Rodrick pull out a doses of phoenix tears.
Rodrick: I got few for everybody.
Alex: sweet!
Rias:(surprise) how did you get them?
Rodrick: (smirk) I have my ways.
John: this guy here has the stickiest fingers known to man, when he see's something valuable, he'll take it.
Rodrick:(pull out some of kiba's sword and rias' other chess piece of rook and knight piece) these are nice sword and only two piece left since you have a bishop already.
Kiba: what the?!
Rias: huh?
Devin: yep like that.
Rodrick: also i notice rias have multiple cars seem pretty nice too.
Devin: she can drive?
Bob: she have multiple cars like my parents have?
Rodrick: off by 4.
Rias: he's good.
Kina: can i have my swords back?
Rias: and my pieces too?
Rodrick: sure ( he gave them back to them)
Rias: oh yeah I almost forgot asia, I would love to learn your former life as a holy sister.
Asia: oh you mean right now? (brought out a bottle and a book) well let's see, I did a lot of exorcism so we can talk about that, there are two things you might need, (picks up a bottle) the most impotent one, is holy water but devils need to be careful it's vile that you never actually touch it.
Issei: (raises his hand) it's gonna us melt?
Asia: it will do something bad.
Issei: I figure that munch, being an ambiguous only makes it scarier.
Rias: it isn't about just us this goes for you too, you a devil now remember?
Asia: ah yeah I know I guess it's no point about talking on how to make it let's just move on with something else, the second item is (pick up the book) the holy bible, I use to read it contently when I was a little girl it was my favorite but now every time I start a verse I get a terrible headache and I I can't get through it.
Rias: because your a devil.
Kina: your one of use right now asia.
Koneko: you should wright it down.
Akeno: (giggle) probably not a good idea.
Bob: is not that bad when you get to know it
Asia: I just want to read one verse it was my favorite! (open the bible) ok here it is. (headache) ow! I didn't start yet! Dear lord, forgive me for not reading your words I promises i'm trying, (headache) ow why did you hate me! Ow ow!
Bob:( petted her head) there all better.
That made her blush.
Issei: does it hurt on you bob?
Risa: his clan is highly resist to holy magic.
Issei: what?!
bob: well my clan are holy devils.
Devin: okay everyone , here it is.
Bob: is time to show you the oni instrument.
Alex: from the original wayback.
They bring out the tools of the oni rider form which is a few drumbsticks, a large bludgeoning hammer, a few gutars
Devin: okay girls , take your pick.
Rias: if you insist.
Rias, akeno, koneko, kina, asia, raynare, mittelt and kalawarner picked out which instrument and tools of a oni rider.
John: so Bob, who else are you going to pick for your preeage?
Bob: hmm not sure to have a peerage i mean usually i work team with devin and Alex even though devin is an angel.
Issei: what do angel have a peerage?
Rodrick: they use cards instead of chess piece.
Issei: oh.
Devin: okay rias, are you and the girls ready to train to use your oni instrument?
They nodded.
Devin: alright let's do this
Later at night
Devin is having a walk and see standing in front of rias in the stone gazebo, She is now wearing a pink nightgown and pink glasses then she sit on the edge.
Rias: devin?
Devin: hey rias, thinking about the rating game?
Rias: yes in perfect timing , let's chat.
They head outside as they sat at the stone near the gazebo, she explain to him the attack plan.
Devin: I see, so that's the attack plan.
Rias: it is but is not a very good one I'm afraid.
Devin: i have some suggestion
Rias: go ahead, I'm listening.
Devin: Riser's group start as first pawn and bishop even rooks , the queen upperhead of surprises , if each of them have pheonix tears yes, but my group will cover you and hold some of them off as quickly. You guys use the pheonix tears for emergency, john and rodrick do have holy equipment and i am from my angel side, to help but only to strong peerage member, which i assume riser's queen and that blond girl with a pink dress.
Rias: yes, good attack plan.
Devin: no problem
Rias: but we can't control what the opponent will do.
Devin: i know he's a pheonix of a immortal bird even a devil. That he regenerate anything he lose.
Rias: riser's win lose ratio is 8 to 2 however those two losses were accepted out of respects from a family he is close too. He lost on purpose, ever scents the rating game is put to in affect the house of phenex remained dominant in the battle filed, they always has the highs score. How you suppose to lose when your immortal ?
Devin: rias .
She look at him as he sat next to her
Devin: i know this guy is a major total score to any game. Your worry if either of us hurt and you trap to his filthy feather wings on you. I swear myself to free you from that marriage, beside he dont know you as munch i do. People treat as a princess of gremory but i treat you as a normal person as everybody does.
Rias: but he cannot be down no matter what.
Devin: not exactly, you know kamen rider wizard?
Rias: yes i heard he very munch hunted down phantom that bring despair and birthen more of their kind. Wizard have incredible powers and good preformance.
Devin: yes, he face a phantom who possessed the pheonix and dead for good.
Rias:( eyes wide and shock) r-really?
Devin: by send it to the sun, so you see rias ? Even anyone possessed the power beyond that great and immortal but limited too. in the prison planet there being above worst then gods ,demons ,death or so who possessed immrotal..but he face them as the protect the freedom for peace and humanity.
He touch her chin to look at him to his eyes.
Devin: i know we can win, i didnt train hard so you can doubt yourself . I swear to take him down cuz i know who you are. Not princess of the gremory, just rias , i help you as munch you help me and they others because. We're family, team and friends, Just remember my words of advice ,What you believe in that is the first step in being your real self.
She made a smile at her lover then gives Devin a hug and a kiss as he kissed her back. He then holds her waist close as they kissed deeper. Then they break the kiss and smile
Rias: i love you my sexy oni
Devin: love you too sexy demon princess.
With alex
Alex sleeping as sneaking in is a black cat with amber eyes, the cat meowed and hop onto Alex's chest.
Alex: (mutter with a smile) shade, such a nice kitty (petted the cat's head and ears)
shade meowed more nuzzling her head agents his hand.
He open his eyes to see her as he smile
Alex: i remember how i find you, i mean a poor kitty dont need to be all alone.
Alex is taking a walk after he play his guitar , he spotted a black cat look hurt by her left leg.
Alex: oh my gosh. (pick her up) what happen to you girl?
She meow a little weakly.
Alex: poor kitty, don't worry I'll take you home and you be healed up in no time.
Then he took the cat home with him, begin treated her wound and aid her to have some milk and cat treat then name her shade.
End flashabck
She meow happily to lean close.
Alex: you know shade, I have a feeling your more then a cat but, (smile) I don't care, zoey, koneko and mittelt will be happy. With you here.
She meow then come in the room is koneko as she see alex holding shade.
Alex: hey kitty.
Koneko: hello, is that a cat?
Alex: yep her shade, say hello to koneko.
Shade meow to her, Koneko just stared at the cat, she then walked up to his bed and sleep lay down next to him.
Alex: (smile and petted her head) nice kitty.
He went back to bed with two kittens ontop of his chest.
Koneko: okay drop the act, kuroka.
Shade?: oh you found me out.
Then she poof, a beautiful young woman with a voluptuous figure, long black hair with split bangs, and hazel-gold eyes with cat-like pupils. Her attire consists of a black kimono, a yellow obi, a set of golden beads, and an ornately detailed headband. The kimono features a red interior and it is open at her shoulders, giving view to her large breasts which rival those of Rias and Akeno in terms of size.
Koneko: what you doing here and want with my alex?
Kuroka: your alex?
Koneko pouted to hug his arm.
Koneko: yes since I'm his kitty.
Kuroka: (hugged his other arm) oh? He took care of me.
Koneko: too bad i was here first
Kuroka: listen to your big sis shirone
Then alex begin to wake up again to see Kuroka.
Alex( smile) huh? Either I'm dreaming or shade look so cuter then ever.
Kuroka: you're not~.
Alex: your nickname still shade, our kuroka as rumor of ss-class crimminal devil right?
Kuroka: yep~ thanks for taking care of me my cute oni~ those mean Makamou, i'm shirone's big sister.
Alex: so that's kitty's rewal name huh? I see well wanna join the fun tomorrow? don't worry you stay with me, I sure you explain and i'll clear your name.
Koneko: you sure.
Alex: of course, she your big sister, i'm sure she have a reason and care for you a lot.
Koneko: okay only for you.
Alex: alright, (turn at kuroka)welcome aboard shade, ready to rock out tomorrow?
She smiled and nodded.
alex: sweet!
the next day
Everyone is now outside.
Rias: your gonna need to use your boosted gear, can you handle it?
Issei: of course, but you said not to use it during training camp, change your mind?
Rias: you aren't supposed to use it without my permission, kina would mind partner up with him ?
Kina: no not at all, (hold her wooded sword) i'm not going easy on you.
Issei; neather am I, boosted gear! Go!
He summon his boosted gear
Rias: good now again.
Issei: go!
Rias: You can do better!
Issei: more!
Rias: great! keep it going!
Issei: boosted gear!
Rias: keep it up issei!
Issei: force!
Rias: again!
Issei: boosted gear go! Bring me more! You can do this!
Devin: do you feel it?
Alex: yeah.
Bob: many increase he surpassing it, he slowly getting stronger as we predict.
John: yep, he'll be a dragon if he can get his hand on straight.
Devin: how was the training?
Rodrick: good, almost awaken his partner, but he will be awaken in the fight maybe.
John: just that we push him a bit, then we'll see how it goes of his balance breaker.
Devin: hmm, balance breaker?
Arashi: is something that an armor but strengthen as ever then before.
Devin: what about me, alex and bob?
Arashi: you have your oni forms.
Devin: but I meant like of merging parts of it like I fought reynalle before.
Arashi: it depends in the future.
Devin: I see.
rias: alright stop, can you see how far you has become ? you never endure this munch power before this long in the past
devin: she's right, your training help it improving it , one step further to believe in your heart.
issei: holy crap
rias: let's keep going
issei: alright ! bosoted gear !
Then a yellow energy aura engulf him
asia: what's he doing ?
Rias: perfecing a new calling seem
bob: meaning a one blow that I heard, the moreh e increase the more any single attack for close or long range.
Rias: your up kina!
Kina charge in to swing her wooded sword but issei block it to pus her as she land on her feet.
Rias: okay issei, try to use all on her right now.
He thrust his palm to show a small red light.
Issei: what is all I have?
Kidna charge in at him.
Rias and devin: trust yourself!
Issei unleashed a long red beam blast make kina dodge it, the blast destroy the top mountain.
Akeno: look like it work.
Bob: i'll say.
Koneko: you broke the mountain.
Raynare: no way.
Mittlet: he did it!
Kalawarner: he sure did.
Asia: I cant believe it came out of issei.
Rodrick: well he do have a dragon in him.
Issei: woah, it did a lot then I thought it would.
He fall down on his knee.
Asia: issei are you okay?!(went to heal him)
Bob: so it drain his strength in order to use that full blast.
Rias: so what you think? He's improving.
Kina: i'll say, I didn't expect him to be that strong, that last move way better he ever thrown at me(her wood sword broke)
Devin walk up and patted issei's back.
Devin: you did it buddy, if you keep this up you'll be better then ever, so let get ready as we'll train till we ready.
Issei:(nodded) yeah, and i'll fight side by side with you!
Devin: that's the spirit(turn to everyone) alright! time to hit the next level.
the Gremery preeage and the three onis are getting ready, today the day of the raiting games.
Devin: well this is it.
Then he heard a knock on the door.
Devin: yes?
Opening the door is Raynare.
Devin: oh, hey Raynare.
Raynare: hey Devin, (walked to his bed and sit next to him) you nerves?
Devin: a little, but I know we'll win, sorry that you can come with.
Raynare: it's okay, I can cheer you on.
Devin: thanks and who know, when this over ypu join in with fighting the enemis.
Raynare: thanks devy.
Devin: how's your twin sister doing?
Raynare: she's doing well, i cant wait to see you after of your trainong.
Devin: sure do and how it feel being an oni?
Raynare: well, I don't think it's different of being a Fallen Angle.
Devin: well i sure i can hear you play your instrument, you'll do great.
Raynare: okay.
With bob
Bob is sitting on his bed trying to calm down a little as kalawaner sit next to him.
Bob: john said about if i had a peerage. I don't know i mean yeah all devil do but i just okay how it is with me, alex and devin here.
Kalawarner: aren't you a devil too?
Bob: half devil, I'm half human like D and Alex are.
Kalawarner: hmm, well whatever fit you.
She lean more to press her breasts to his chest as he blush a bit as she smile seductive.
Kalawarner: while we're here, wanna have some fun~.
Bob: your a naughty angel are you?
That only made her smile more and kiss him, they kiss deploy then he spank along grope her ass making her moan more.
Kalawarner: Mmm~, you naughty boy~~.
Bob: i know, but devilish
She smile more to unzipped his zipper, to show his cock. She remove her panties while rubbing her pussy to it and unbutton her trench jacket to reveal her bobs and not wearing a bra.
Kalawarner: go ahead master, play my boobs for your desire~.
He fondle her breast a lot and sucking her nipples make her moan more, he fingered her pussy more and more as she bit her lip that she enjoying it so munch. Her pussy getting more wetter as they do the 69 as kalawarner sucking his cock and bob licking and sucking her pussy deeper as she moan while sucking his dick, around 5 minute passed they about to cummed. The fallen angel squirted her juice and the half devil cummed inside of her mouth as she swallowed it.
Kalawarner: so good~.
She get on top of him to begin slidding her pussy into his rod, he moving his hips to pounding her hard and fast, he fondle her breasts more and twisting her nipples so very munch as she have a goofy look and sticking her tongue out and roll her eyes up.
Kalawarner: ooooooohhhhh fuUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKKK!
Bob cummed inside of her as she moan, after that. she lay down to his chest panting a lot of feeling good.
Kalawarner: oh fuck, I feel fucking amazing.
Bob: sure is.
With alex
Alex who is ready as he excited as kuroka sitting on his lap.
Alex: i cant wait, everybody will love to hear me when i play my guitar in action.
Kuroka: I can vouch on that.
Alex: yep.
She smile seductive then she lick his cheek.
Kuroka: hmm~, you taste good~.
Alex: glad you like it shade, also I am thirst for some blood.
Kuroka: (smile) a vampire Hmm?
Alex: well i am half vampire, from the alucard faction (make her eyes wide in shock and sueprise)
Kuroka: th-the alucard faction?!
Alex: why of course,(grin show his fangs) seem you heard of them.
She is now scared a little seeing that Alex is from the Alucard faction.
Alex: (petted her chin) shade is alright, I'm still me and along there no need to be scared, just some taste.
She begin to calm down when he nibble her neck to suck her blood as she blush and moan of that pleasure.
Alex:(lick his lips) your blood is sweet.
He then lick the bite mark to heal her neck while making her moan more.
Alex: you like that?
She nodded.
Alex then fondle her breast as she moan and enjoying it.
Alex: wants some milk?
She nods again but with a sexual smile, He smirk then unzipped to show her his long hard dick in front of her.
Kuroka: Mmm~~.
She tuck her kimono down to show her big breasts, she kiss the top and begin to give him a boobjob while sucking his cock as he grunt in pleasure.
Alex: so good.
Kuroka smile more while giggling, bopping her head up and down sucking his cock more , her tail swaying , she enjoying the taste and smell. Alex can feel it , he cant hold it anymore of how good of her mouth really is.
Alex: I'm cumming!
He cummed inside of her mouth, she gulp it down and lick her lips as she lick her finger sexually.
Kuroka: Mmm~, tasty milk~~.
Alex: glad you like it my shade kitty.
Kuroka: hmm i wonder i could too have particle as a vampire as well~
Alex: you sure? I mean your a half nekomata and half devil now, is possible to add a third part?
Kuroka: oh come on, wheres the fun of not finding out~?
Alex: ah what the hell,( smirk) curious does seem interesting.
He then bit her neck a bit with his fangs make her moan and blush as spread her devil wings then her fangs grew a bit sharper and her eyes glowing a bit.
Alex: how it feel?
Kuroka: I feel… (show her fangs) amazing~.
Alex: yes.
He bit his finger to show blood.
Alex: try it.
She then start to suck on his finger and feeling it with her tongue, She moan of the taste of his blood, so sweet and so intoxicated.
Alex: how was it?
His answer was shown by Kuroka sexually start sucking more blood while licking around his finger for any more.
Alex: hehe my such a hungry kitty you are.
She continue to moan with every drop of his blood.
Alex: now time to give you a big treat.
He push her down to raised her ass to him, he then shove his cock into her wet dripping pussy deep as she meow and moan at the same time, when he begin pounding her and finger her mouth with a lot blood and his other hand fondle her breast and twist her nipple, Kuroka is going in plesure overload to a point that she moans like a slut. Alex is trusted fast and pounding harder at kuroka's pussy, she is loving on what her new lover is doing to her, forcing himself onto her and giving her his blood just enough to break her, Kuroka's eyes start to roll up into her skull and moan crazy like a honey slut, Alex then remove his finger as she stick her tongue out.
He cummed inside of her as she is moaning a lot, she flop onto Alex as she's purring of enjoyment.
Kuroka: So good~~~ yummy milk and blood my master alexy~~~~.
Alex: that was great, you'll be joining me the rating game and don't worry, D, B and my parents sill meet sirzech and I told my parents to clear your name and stay with me.
Kuroka gathered her strength, well whats left of it and hugs Alex with a smile.
In the ORC clubroom everyone getting as kina shining his sword and koneko wore black fighter's gloves with pink cat paw prints on the upper palm, akeno and rias is drinking some tea, devin,bob and alex is shining their instruments as well and john is taking some picture, rodrick lean to the wall chilling, doing some last minute preparations until the rating game will begin.
Devin: well guys, best of luck.
Issei: yeah, you too man. (turn at rias) unbelievable, our fearless leader doesn't even look worried about the game today dose she?
The doors open so sona and tsubaki walked in the room.
Sona: sorry that am I interrupting.
Rias: No please come on in sona.
Akeno: I'm glad you make it.
Issa: The student body president and the VP? what gives?
Rias: there is a live broad cast of the compaction so family members can watch, so sona and tsubaki are here to help out with that.
Issei: awesome.
Sona: and besides this is her first raiting game, I wouldn't miss this event for anything in the world.
Bob: hello sona.
Sona:(turn devin,bob and alex) hello boys.
Rias: well I promise to do everything of my power to make it interesting for you
grayfa appeared in the circle.
Grayfa: it's almost time, I hope your ready for this my lady.
Rias: yes we're ready when ever you are.
Grayfa: in a few moments we'll uses this magic circle to transport you and your team to the battle field.
Devin: and where is that is this battle field?
Akeno: in a neutral alternate space created just for the game, because it's not real we have full license to do some damage and even burn it to the ground if we have to. (giggle)
Issei's thought: great that doesn't sound scary at all.
Sona: I'll be returning to the monitoring room, we'll be cheering you on, good luck Rias, devy.
devin: thank's sona.
Rias: thanks a lot, just keep the play by play far.
Sona: oh i'll keep it clean, though if I was a betting girl, i'll say that you will beat that scumbag all the ways till Sunday.
Sona and tsubaki walked out of the club room leaving rias smiling and a little suspicious on how sona is acting with devin.
Grayfa: there's I forgot to tell you, I thought you'll like to know that great devil lucifer will be watching that game.
Rias: (sigh) oh, brother dearest.
Issei: woah! Are you saying that your older brother is the devil? Or am I just hearing things wrong?
Kiba: no, rias's brother is Lucifer the king of devils.
That made asia gasped on the fact that rias's brother is the king of devils.
Issei: the Lucifer?! The king of the entire underworld is your brother?!
Rias: that's right.
Grayfia:(turn at devin, bob and alex) also your parents is watching the game as well.
Devin: I hope my mom not scared your brother too munch rias.
Rias: w-why's that?
Devin: remember, she's have history with your brother.
Bob: same with my parents, my mom is which you heard the nakamura clan right? My uncle who is known as Satan.
That made every devil in the room silent.
bob: speaking of him, he text me and said he watching my first time at the raiting game too.
That made them turn white.
Issei: r-r-rias, w-what's a nakamura clan and w-why I feel afraid of bob's uncle for some r-reason?
Rias: the nakamura clan are the very first line of satins, there the most powerful clan in the underworld.
Issei gulp and turn white of fear.
Bob: not to mention rival to the bael clan, and yes rias I know your mom from that side of that clan, my mom told me that.
Rias tried to recollect her cool.
Devin: so what rias' borther history?
Kina: his name is sirzech, although he is known by many names, during the great war are leader dead, sirzech took over the throne and lead us through the dark time, he save the devil kingdom from ruin.
Asia: well that's way she is the next head of the house of gremory.
Devin: I see
Then a red magic circle appeared and its bigger then the last magic circle.
Grayfa: it's time everyone.
Rias: then let's go.
Devin: ready boys?
Bob: yep.
Alex: hell yeah!
Rodrick: sure.
John: uh huh.
Devin: let split, john and alex your with me while Rodrick with bob.
They nodded.
Everyone went into the circle and when they got out nothing happened.
Issei: (looks around) huh that's wearied.
Asia: I think that magic circle is broken.
Issei: yeah we're still hear, did I screw it up again?
Grayfa: your attention please, welcome everyone my name is grayfa, I'm that servant of the house of gremory, I'll be your referee for during today's mach. To create the battle field you'll be completing in, I took suggestions from both lady gremory and lord riser, you may recognize this place as the exact replica of kuo academy, an education institution in the human world.
John: look outside issei and asia, you see we're not the human world right now.
As Issei open the window, asia and issei see the sky look and surprise the sky looks different.
Asia: the sky!
Kiba: this is an alternate space.
Akeno: it might look like it but trust me we're not in school anymore.
Issei: okay i'm totally having "I just pee my pants" moment right now.
Grayfia: Each team has been given an area that will serve as there home base; lady rias your crew will be in the occult research club headquarters in the old school, lord risers home base will be located in the principal office in the new school house. Pawns will be promoted if they can make it to the opponents home base, good luck to all.
Issei: i'm gonna fight my way right to ther home base, promude something awesome and beat the crap out of lord doosh nossel.
Devin: hey hey hey issei, save some for me.
Bob: not the bright idea to do that.
Akeno: he's right, unless you want your ass handle to you.
Kina: be smart, odds on riser gonna move one of his pawns to our teriroty right away.
Alex: so we need to keep up our team and not to lose each of them.
Issei: so not bad ass on my plan.
rias and the group are getting ready for the games and she hands them little pink balls of light as little comunicators to each of them and they all went into there ears.
Koneko: thanks.
Rias: these will help us comuniate during battle.
Issei: alright that's some secret agent shit.
Grayfa: alright devils and humans, let the game begin.
Rias them pull out a map with all of the areas in the school grounds.
Rias: the enemies base is just across a way, cutting the school grounds might by quick, but it's not an option.
Koneko: they'll see up coming a mile away.
Rias: correct, and we'll might be sitting ducks.
Issei: If we go through the tracking field and sneak through the back we might have the element of surprise in out side.
Rias: that's the most obvious entry point we have available and riser knows it, and the riders are handling most of risers members of his group, if they didn't attack them yet (pointing to the club house) my guess is that he station a group of knights and rooks with strong mobility right behind the athletic club house.
Akeno: that doesn't leave us with many options there dose it?
Kina: first things first, I think we should secure the gymnasium before we should do anything else it's a gasen to there home base and not to far off for us, and most importunately, it will serve as a deversion at the other side.
Akeno: the gymnasium is basely the center of the battle field, who ever gets to it first is going to have a leg up for sure.
Rias: good call, given the options we have it's our best chance we got, koneko do you think you can handle getting to the gym and locking it down?
Koneko nodded.
Asia: all that talk about fighting is scary me.
bob: is alright, I promise is going to be okay.
Asia smile then hug him.
Rias: to do that we must secure the premanitor, Kina, koneko get out the woods and set on the traps asap
kina: got it.
Koneko: cool, let do this shrio(summon her familiar cat)
Kina: well wish us luck you guys(they walk out)
Rias: akeno, next we need your epxertaite, when they done setting the trap your illusion trap will come in handy so be prepare.
Akeno: I'll be waiting(head out)
Issei: what about me and asia? is there anything we can do to help out?
Rias: asia your my healing support so in order to keep you safe you need to keep close to base, however thanks to Rodrick passing the phoenix tears with us come as emergency.
Devin: I support that me, john and alex go with you issei, Rodrick and bob helping kina and akeno outside, our familiar will help out the area.
Rias: devin come here.
Devin: um okay.
She sat on the couch, she pat her lap.
Rias: i want you put your head to my lap
He nodded as he lay his head to her lap.
Issei: grrrrrrr!
Devin: um this, (blush a bit) this is kinda nice.
Rias: it is, I wanna show how munch you and your friends are helpng us, and my thanks that I feel like we win this.
Devin: well I'm a man of my word and I was train for this.
Rias:(smile seductivly) and I cant wait for our next round~, I have a treat for you too
Issei: WAIT! What round?!
Devin: well uh, issei how I say this...
Bob: yeah he not the only one is that...
Alex: devin and rias have sex, kalawarner and bob, so do I as well.
bob and devin: yep what he said.
Asia pouted cutely at bob.
Asia: n-no fair bob, I-I should.(blush embarrassed)
Bob: sorry asia, I promise it be special when you do a good job.
Devin:(got up) alright issei your up.
Issei: huh? Me? (point himself)
Devin: yes you.
Rias: lay your head on my lap.
As issei felt happily as lay his head on her lap.
Bob: making him feel better D?
Devin: after the intense training i thought this help of his luck and rias' help, for now.
Alex: alright.
Meanwhile at outside, kina and koneko set trap with the help of the familiars, akeno set up of her illusion and so do the trap as well.
Issei:(felt something) what is it, what's happening to me?
Devin: felt it too huh? she did the same with me.
Rias: when you become a foot solider I told you I use eight of my pawn pieces, but what I didn't told you of how munch power you receive.
Issei: wait what?
Rias: if I have unleashed everything on you all at once your body won't be able to take it so I casted a spell to keep your power at bay.
Issei: what about devin?
Rias: a certain boost, anywho , because of your ability come to small manipulable stages. What I just did to release another porton of your power?
Issei: okay that explain the weird feeling devin and I have now?
Rias: this is just the begging you doing issei.
Devin: she's right, your body need you in shape and stronger enough , that how in order to make it help your full potential, just not yet.
Issei: (turn at rias)so this whole time you've been running my wagon and busting my balls for my own good.
Devin: well what you think the reason(pull issei up away from her) and that'll be enough boy.
Bob see asia praying as it hurt.
Bob:(petted her head) don't worry i'll help with this.
Devin: alright issei let's do this.
Bob: don't hold back cuz there girls.
Alex: let loose like you do at raynelle.
Issei: I wont let you guys down! Those devil hotties will be sorry to mess wit team gremory and the kamen riders!
Rias: I cant wait to see you do out there,(Turn devin) espcailly you the most devy, I just know you gonna make me proud.
Akeno:(communicate) rias do you copy?
Rias: I hear you loud and clear.
Akeno: we're ready then you are, just say the word.
Devin:(special salute) alright ! operation: Pheoinx hunter is a go!
John: nice one.
John, alex, devin, issei and koneko are backstage trying to sneak through the gym.
Koneko: there here.
True to her word the lights turn on and revealed four girls, two are twins and both of them are wearing school gym clothing, has green hair and blue eyes and they are holding long bags on there back one is red and the other is blue, miya, and a girl who looks like chi form street fighter but wearing a dark blue chines dress that reveal a little of her cleavage and a white sash.
?: smells like gremory and three humans filth come out where ever you are.
Issei: well the stealth approach is out in the open.
They walk out of the stage and face there opponent.
?: well look what we have here, she sent us a pawn and a rook, little issei needs a little help.
Issa: what the? Who are they?
Mira: i'm mira and i'm the phenix pawn.
?: I am Xuelan and i'm a phenix rook.
? i'm lle and i'm a pawn.
?: And i'm nel and i'm also a pawn.
John: I'm john, just a guy passing through.
Devin:(special salute) devin.
Alex: yo! The names alex! Nice to meet riser's pawns and rooks!
Mira: hey I remember you two.
Devin: see you recover.
Xuelan: (turn at alex and blush and smile) he seem very cute for a human.
Alex: wait what?
This make koneko very pissed off while she crack her knuckles.
Koneko: … you die now.
Devin: oh boy.
Alex: oh dear.
John: well, lets not keep them waiting everyone.
Koneko: the rook chick, she can be a big problem for us.
Issei: you really think so.
Koneko: base on her power level ,she got the skill of a queen.
Issei: that's no good,oh what the hell ? we know we're underdog form the begging
Devin: first come first knock out.
Issei: let's just do this! Power up boost!(summon his boosted gear)
Koneko: those pawn are all you, john and devin. I'll try my luck with the rook.
Alex: i'll give you a hand if she try anything funny.
Koneko: watch our back out there, at lease keep those chicken heads off of me.
Devin: you got it K.
John: very well.
Issei: don't worry I'm not gonna go easy on them cuz there girls, i'll choke a chicken!
Devin: gross dude, do it in the bathroom, not out loud.
Issei: l-let just rock this!
Devin, John, issei and koneko charged in.
With riser and his queen inside of their base.
Riser: so he decide to attack from the center afterall? How are things on the other front?
Yubelluna: my lord your pawn Marion, shuriya, and Burent are moving at the enemy as we speak.
on the other center three girls are dashing through the forest, two of them are wearing maid outfits and the third is wearing a heram outfit.
Burent: damn this fog is so thick we can't see anything.
Then a trap was set off firing energy arrows at them but they dodged.
Shuriya: a trap? Did they really think that lame would work?
Burent: the Gregory are dumber then i thought.
Marion: a cute trick from a rating game version.
With devin and they other
Koneko and Xuelan are literally going all out and alex using his instrument guitar to block and hit at xuelan backing koneko up as xuelan's fighting skills as flames coming out of her strike, her upperkick slash koneko's outfit in half a bit but xulean got swatted by alex's gutair
Devin blocked mira's pole from saving Issei but see the twins who giggle as they got chainsaw. Xuelean give a kick to koneko who grab it and a punch to alex but caught it.
They punch riser's pawn but still standing
Xuelan: nice one.
But cut short as they elbow her to the ground.
Alex: let your guard down.
Xulean: who the hell are you two? Tell me! (turn at Alex) and your not human are you?
Koneko: I'm koneko, suck it.
Alex: half human, let just say I'm the prince of the alucard faction.
Xulean: WHAT?!
John see issei running away from nel and lle holding chainsaw.
John: Issei what you doing?! Kick their ass your making yourself look more idiotic.
Mira is fighting Devin thrusting her staff but blocking each blow with his drumstick staff , he thrust and hit her many time impact send her flying hit hard to tbe ground. She grunt in pain getting back up , then turn to at issei to charge at him.
Devin: issei look out!
Issei: I got this!
Nel: you bastard quit running!
Lle: come on we just wanna slice you!
Issei: ! I've work my but off to get stronger! also when a moment like this came off I been ready to kick some ass!
Issei: I'm gonna make rias proud of me today! let's go boosted gear! (a red aura engulf him)
Then Issei jump up and touch the twins.
Issei: you first! One! And two!
Mira came to attack, issei then dodge the staff and then breaks and then touch her shoulder.
Issei: and here three!
Mira: My staff, is broken!
Issei: (shake his hand) stupid hand! That was awesome! I am sounds freaking hardcore!
Ile: We can't lose to this dweeb!
Nel: if we do lord riser will be pissed off!
Then twins activate flames of there chainsaw and so do mira with flames around her hand.
Mira: is time to die!
Nel and Ile: let's slice off his balls!
they charge at her with there anger but issa then smirked.
Issei: wants some?! (he spread her devil wings) Bring it on!
As koneko, xulean, john, alex and devin witness issei's new attack.
Issei: time to get naked! (snap his fingers)
Then red symbol appeared on the twins and mira's clothes all rip off leaving them naked and blushes on their face.
Nel and Ile: No!
Mira scream of embarrassed then they cover their naked body themselves.
Issei:(Laugh and unsummon his devil wings and sacred gear)you lady like that? Since the first moment my tiny baby man balls drop up since undress gitls with my eyes, now thanks a lot of hard work and perverted power i just imagine you naked and my vision come true! Try and mess with me! (strike a post) tops are coming off!
As sona and tsubaki watching of how pervert issa's moves is.
Mira: Dirtbag!
Ile: life bucket!
Nel: You make me sick !
John: I don't believe it.
Alex: Me to...
Devin: wait a minute...
Issei: (in anime tear of joy)Thanks Asia.
Asia bless got strip covering herself.
Issei: Yes, is working!
Asia: oh issei, try again..
as issei practice her dress on asia a lot of time.
Flashback ended
Issei: This is all thanks to you Asia-
Koneko, john and Alex: dude your such a loser
Issei: i thought you be proud!
Issei then felt something deadly and so do everyone.
Devin: so...
He tighten his drumstick as his entire body burst in flames as veins on his arms as issei sweaty turn slowly in fear and pale at Devin.
Devin: you ...strip my... little sister...more... then just...ONCE?! (His flames got bigger and brighter and hotter in rage)
issei: oh shit, fuck me.
He stomp closer to issei in rage
Devin: you sick son of bitch! You got some balls to use my lil sis as your training section for that dumb perverted stripping technique! Consider yourself...(dark voice) Major fucked!(raised his drumstick up at him)
Issei: (waterfall anime tears in fear) MOMMMYYYY!
Alex:(touch the communicator) ah rias, we finally took them down and what next? Quickly because devin is pissed about to blow up!
Rias: akeno is in position, now!
Alex: got it! (turn at John and koneko) RUN!
They run off the gym as the dark cloud form a magic circle by akeno, that unleashed lightning strike while devin set a flames explosion by hitting his drumstick make a combine biggest explosion.
Issei sent flying and crash down the ground in dust and cough smoke as devin walk up and point his drumstick at him.
Devin: if you ever bring my lil sister or make her encourage you of that damn lewd mind of yours! You'll lose your manhood and turn you into my other drum set! AM I CLEAR!?
Issei: (nodded clearly) Y-Y-Y-Yes sir! C-C-C-Crystal shining clear!
Grayfia: Three of lord risers pawns and one of lord risers rooks, retired
Issei: that was badsss.
Koneko: yeah badass is one way to put it, she's the real deal that's way she earned the nickname "the priestess of thunder" she knows how to bring the boom and she like's it.
John: domantrix huh ? Hope D be okay and survive of that
Devin: good job akeno
Akeno:( giggle) not as good of your fire explosion devy, ( lick her finger and blush) it turn me on thinking about it~
Rias: the Phenex still have us out number. We need to buy akeno a little more time for the next attack.
Devin: i understsnd , my team will cover around and remember they dont know the Phoenix tears we have as an emergency ( touch the cummintaor) we took 4 down , i assure the other 3 pawn around where kina , rodrick and bob is . But we'll be in touch
Rias: good , keep up the good work.
Meanwhile with riser's 3 pawns
They manage to destroy the traps.
Burent: do you really think the gremory's stupid trap will slow us at all?
Marion: (spotted the home based) that's there home base isn't it?
Then it show an illusion
Marion: what is this?
Rodrick: hey there ladies
They turn to see rodrick, kina and bob walk in by the woods.
Bob: greetings, my name is bob nakamura, may I please have your names?
This shocked and fear them as they know the last name.
Kina: now they're in fear.
Rodrick: nice one Bob.
Shuriya: u-um, (bows like a lady) my apoligies, my name is S-Shuriya, one of Riser's pawns.
Bülent: (bows as well) i'm Bülent, a-also one of Riser's pawns.
Marion: (bows too) a-and i-i'm Marion, a-another of Riser's pawns.
Bob: well no hard feeling or nothin personal. Give us your best shot, consider we'll fight of it, ready Rodrick?
Rodrick: yep.
They're still a little scared of facing a devil from the satin clan.
Bob: relax just pretend I'm just a normal human or something
Bob pull out his whistle like then flick it to show the oni face and rodrick pull his diend gun and insert the gun
Bob and Rodrick: henshin.
They transformed into their rider form. There shock that bob is an oni
Ibuki: kamen rider! Ibuki!
Dined: Kamen rider! Diend!
This shocked the three pawns Even more.
Meanwhile with Devin
Issei: meh , knowing her she probably taking on there team without messing up her hair. Beside with bob and Rodrick , but hey we might as well give them a hand.(offer hand but koneko frown at him)
Koneko: l touch me and I'll puke only alex touch me.
Issei:( chuckle nervously) come on relax, I'm not going to make your clothes disappear.
Koneko: I wish I can make you disappear.
John: yep she hate what you pull
Devin: who does it.
Issei: she hate me but then again there's nothing new is it? Hey koneko wait up a second.
She started to walk away form issei and as issei was about to run after her they heard a loud bang and the smoke clear as she not there. As alex used his super speed carry koneko in bridal style as she blush.
Alex: i gotcha kitty.
Koneko: (hugs him) mine.
Devin: man that was a close call
Issei: i know but who causes that big ass explosion?
John: tell it to her (point up)
They loom up to see yubelluna floating up with her staff.
Yubelluna: oh~, you made me miss.
Rias: issei! Devin! What happen?
Devin: everything fine, alex save koneko from riser's queen element of surprise.
Rias: oh thank goodness.
Alex: (glared) you got some nerve try to bomb my kitty!
Yubelluna: I have to make sure lord riser wins, even if I have to destroy you too.
Alex: (shadow his hair then slammed his guitar's spear part at the ground) then I'll show you real explosion!
Then appearing on his left wrist is a wristband.
Alex: Henshin!
He pull the chin make down and strum the strings, he raised his wristband up while make noise echo his forehead.
Then an enormous lightning bolt strike at alex, make everybody stand back a bit and Yubelluna got push back by that force. The smoke clear as alex is now in his rider form male riser's queen shocked of an oni she facing.
Todoroki: Kamen rider! Todoroki!
Yubelluna: WHAT? YOUR AN ONI?!
Todoroki: (pull his guitar out) yes, and a very pissed off oni! (turn at devin and they others) you guys go on, I'll handle her.
Devin: you got it, rock on A.
Koneko: blast her ass Alex.
Todoroki: on it kitty.
They run off but akeno stay.
Akeno: I'll like to help out an assist if you don't mind.
Todoroki: not at all.
Devin: you sure akeno?
Akeno: we'll be Devin, you guys just go on ahead.(she show a yellow aura)
Devin, John, issei and koneko run.
Yubelluna: (unleash a purple aura)I've bee wanted to fight you for what same ages ,priestess of thunder(looking at todoroki with a snarl)then your next Thunder Oni.
Akeno: (Eye smile) oh have you? That sweet but the pelasure is mine, bomb queen.
Todoroki: get ready to feel the double thunder!
As Devin and his group running
Grayfa: three of lord risers pawns retired.
Issei: woah three of them? That's crazy.
Then three hands grab them and pull into the outside hall then the group see's ibuki, diend and kina
Kina: hey.
Diend: Yo.
Ibuki: Glad you guys made it, seem alex facing someone now.
Issei: kinda your ok. What those three outs, was that you three?
Kina: yeah, thanks to akeno's barrier she made it pretty easy for us.
Ibuki: even with the barrier down we could of taken them easy.
Dined: without breaking a sweat.
With sona
Sona: currently the remaining piece on lord riser's try to have advantage but the other way around when the kamen rider is assisting.
With the groups
Issei: did you hear what almost happen?
Kina: yeah i heard.
Koneko: i thank alexy for that.
Devin: now were all here let do this ready bro?
Ibuki: hell to the yeah we are.
Issei: we're gonna win this.
Kina: you damn right we are.
Rias: Onis ,John,Rodrick, kina , koneko,issei do you read me? I'm lunching a sneak attack on there base with asia, I want you to dear as many attention as possible to buy us some time.
Issei: is that safe?
Rias: I'm left with no choice I was planing to give akeno some time to recover so she can blast them one by one but now riser sent his queen so we need to focus from there.
Kina: yes of course, but don't you think that is too risky to have the king to leave his base?
Rias: with any luck riser will thinking along the same lines, here's helping that I can take them by surprise, if we can strike strong and hard enough we might just able to take the fight out of him and win.
Devin: may we join in?
Rias: no not at all Devin, what is it?
Devin: Alex fighting against riser's queen with akeno and trust me on this surprise I've been waiting for him.
Ibuki: 2 pawns left and so along 2 knights and 2 bishop left as well.
Risa: very well, moving on riser's body maybe imortal but his heart is not, (smile) and trust me i'll have no problem whatsoever breaking that devil's black heart.
Devin: (smile) now that's music to my ears rias.
Issei: well since that is decided, let show them what the occult research club can do.
Kina: balls to the wall my friend.
John: let's just get it on!
Ibuki nodded.
Deind and devin: yeah!
The group then went to the tracking fields ready to face there opponents.
Issa: hey! We know your hiding out there, quit being like a bunch of pansy and come fight us!
They heard a laugh and a gust of dust blow through and a woman wearing armor and a white dress and holding a sword on her left side And wearing a white cloth on her head.
?: I am karlamine a knight in the serves of lord riser, to be perfectly honest requesting to be attacked by us makes me question your sanity.
John: i did many crazy stuff.
Karlamine: Although far be it for me to refuse an idiot who is reckoning. (pull out her sword and it burst into flames)
Kina: I am kina yuuto, a knight in the service of lady gremory I sure hope your ready. (pulls out her sword) I've been looking foreword on fighting another knight! Can't wait to get started!
Karlamine: very well said, on guard knight of rias gremory!
The two knights both clash there blades at each other with there speed and skills in blades.
Issei: awesome, guess it will be rude to be in the middle of it, right benny?
Diend: yeah it will be, it will dishonor both knights while they are fighting.
Koneko: uh huh
?: plus you all will be busy!
The group turn to see a woman with orange hair with a white mask on her right face and wearing a black jacket with shoulder pads, fingerless and wearing black paints with the right pant leg cut off and has a sock leg replacing it.
?: oh that karlamine.
They turn again to see the same blonde girl from the club room ten days ago.
Blonde girl: her head is filled with nothing but swords, swords, swords it's freaken ridicules she is way to bothered by those other pieces we sacrificed too, you ask me she needs to get it together.
As she is walking to the group more girls are walking to the group, one is wearing a purple kimono, the jacked masked girl, a girl who has a sword and has long hear and two cat girls one has red hair and the other has blue hair.
Blonde girl: your the cute boy who hit mira with that drumstick weapon right?
Devin: (special salute) I'm devin, what's yours cute girl (make her blush)
Blonde girl: i-it's Ravel Phenix.
Devin: well relate to riser huh? (smile) you know no harm feeling, but I have to admit if we doesn't have to fight but at lease you seem pretty sweet and nice person, when this over you can hang out with us.
This made her blush and start steaming.
Ravel: H-h-he want to... to hang out ... with me!
Devin: let's do this
He bring his dagger and small pitch fork , john wrapped his rider belt and pull out his card.
Devin and John: henshin.
They transformed the rider form as now ravel is shocked to see that but mostly hibiki and ibuki.
Hibiki: kamen rider, hibiki!
Ibuki: kamen rider ibuki!
Diend: kamen rider diend!
Decade: kamen rider decade. (dust his hands)
Ravel: r-rider and oni?!
Hibiki: oh so you heard of us too huh?
Karlamine: Yes we have but this is a shocked.
Dined: koneko, decade and ibuki take care the other pawn, bishop and the other knight.
Hibiki: wanna help out with me issei ?
Issei: you got it ! Boosted gear! (activate her boosted gear)
Ravel: (bored look)oh apologize but I do not need to fight you, I rather fight Hibiki
Issei: What?
Hibiki: ouch.
Ravel: Isabella.
Masked girl: (walk to issei) my name is isabella, and i'm a rook in the honorable riser phenix, prepare to fight pawn of rias gremory!
As issei dodging Isabella's punches and point his finger at ravel who smile of mocking her while she begin fighting hibiki in hand to hand combat in flames.
Issei: What the hell is her deal?! Why can I fight her but she fighting benny instead!?
Issabella: she is serving as a bishop but for the most part she likes to watch! And now she is fighting the fire oni because the fire match!
Issei: why?
Issabella: because the lady is ravel phenix.
Issei: the Phoenix?
Issabella: ravel is one of the pheneix household devil ,she is also lord riser's sister.
Hibiki: don't even think about it dude, he not sick as you.
Koneko: creep.
Issei: oh come on!
Hibiki: but still ravel is still cute, she munch rather good opponent to fight anyway and have the brains too.
Issei: hey! Don't go stealing my dreams dick!
Hibiki: at lease I don't think have a sister a harem is a dream, that's sick.
Issei: what?! I would never think of that!
Hibiki: good!
But hibiki notice of issei pervy face as he thinking make hibiki sigh
Isabella: (Issei dogged her punches) you better at this then I expected.
She then kicks him on the gut but issei still getting up
Issei: all i have to is to power up , just a few time
got punch in the face.
Issei: is my fifth time boosting, it might be a pawn but this d cup a rook.
Isabella: you know? Your no me, but you improve since not get knock by mira on the floor.
Issei: first off it was the sealing not the floor. And thank you for the complements, i train like crazy for her and you might understand when i kick your ass!
Hibiki push ravel.
Rias and asia made it inside to face riser.
Diend see kina fighting the knight of riser.
Diend: this will help.
He insert the card to his gun.
He fired and red, blue and green images of Knight scattered around until forming the real kamen rider. Knight came with his lance help kina fight against Karlamine.
Knight: greetings.
Kina: uh hi there.
Knight: I am kamen rider knight, may I assist you?
Kina: sure.
They rush in to continue fighting Karlamine.
Hibiki: sorry ravel, but i have to end this right now. (twirl his drumstick to set it on fire but holy fire)
he flick his sticks to bound the air make a holy fire explosion that hit ravel sent her flying.
Grayifa: lord riser's bishop has retired.
Kina then summon different swords along knight use advent as the bat mettalic attack and kina ise the sword to suck the fire sword from Karlamine.
Karlamine: no way! Just how many sacred gear do you have?!
Kina: oh no is not that i have multiple sacred gear, i have simply to make them at Will. I possesss sword birth have you heard of it? I made swords, magical sword.
He put her hand to the ground to unleashed more sword as Karlamine dodge it.
Karlamine: impossible!
Issei: that is freakin tight, I have no idea she had that kinda power.
Issabella about to punch him but hibiki use a fire explosion dumbstruck to send her to the ground but got up and in pain.
Issei: thanks D!
Hibiki: now issei!
Issei: right!
He shot his red blast but she dodge it.
Hibiki: a little to munch?
Issei: i thought i held back on that power too.
Issabella: I can't let him boost again so I'll take his gear now!(charging at issei raising her fist)
Issei: (dodge her fist) gotcha! (put her fist to her chest)
Isabella: What that suppose to hurt?
Issei: Dress break(snap his finger)
Then her clothes rip off of her then hibiki use his belt buckle to sent a drum energy to stick at issabella as she stuck and cant move her body when the energy drumset wide open for him.
Hibiki: prepare for my drums solo! Ongeki da: kaen renda no kata!
He start to drum by beating rapidly 30 times till a s shockwaves on it making her grunt in pain ,then hibiki did his last final blow then issei thrust his hand to unleashed a balst then she vanished
Grayfia: one of riser's rook retired.
Issei: I beat her!
Hibiki: (whack his head) in a perv way.
Hibiki and ibuki quickly turn to see rias and asia on top of the base roof.
Issei and hibiki: rias!
Ibuki: asia!
Issei: is that riser up there with her?! What the hell?!
Kina: I bet he anticipated our move.
Hibiki: he's a dead bird.
Rias: so i'm assuming that you know I was planing to attack you directly?
Riser: a virgin should never underestimate one with this much experiments.
Rias: how comforting, your just as vulgar as ever.
Decade turn at the cat twins coming, he charge in punching them in speed as they stumble.
Decade: hmm two pawn ni and li, I see.
Diend shooting at the two cat twins as they yelp dodging each and some of the energy bullets.
Diend: these two are quick for pawns.
Decade: but we can be quicker.
He pull out a faiz accel form card he insert to his belt and close it.
Red lines are drawn around his body as he is formed Faiz.
then he took another card he insert and close his belt.
Then the chestplate split to shoulder pad and visor glow red.
Diend and D-Faiz nodded, as Diend insert the card to his gun
Ni: try and catch us!
Li: even you shoot!
Li and ni: but we cant be beat us!
Diend: I beg to differ.
D-Faiz: let see how you two like it!
Diend point his gun as knight vanished as the cards circle around for the gun while D-Faiz press the button to his timer.
Everything slow motion D-faiz speed in rapdiyl punching and kicking a lot to the cat twins and moves them to be target by diend's final attack finishing blow.
3 2 1! TIME OUT!
Then everything back to normal as the cat twins got blast by diend and varnished.
grayfia: lord riser's two pawn is retired.
ibuki dodging the other knight's sword easily.
Ibuki: siris right? Sorry but we need to finished this!
Hibiki turn to see rias blocked riser's blast with her magic circle.
Asia: he so strong.
Riser: I wish you make this more intertaining,is the worst foreplay I ever had!
Rias: play with this!
She blast her power of destruction but riser unleashed his lfaames as an explosion.
Issei: rias no!
Rias: i'm fine issei don't worry about me, focus on theb attle in hand, don't doubt yourself I believe in you, fight! Introduce the power you and devin's possessed! You are the servant of rias gremory.
Issei blocked siri's sword with his gauntlet as he shatter it and kick her.
Hibiki: ibuki!
Ibuki: I got it let's help them.
Issei: red dragon emperor if you can hear me, respect my call by leaving me your power!
Issei: I need more, I ask you to fully connect to my emotion! BOOSTED GEAR!
Hibiki: arashi!
Ibuki: Mokogeki!
Hibiki and ibuki: GIVE US STRENGTH!
The two oni have gunatlet, chestplate and forarem and ther legs on the beast dragons's power
Then issei's boosted gear changed again.
Issei: woah! it change again!
Riser's queen fell on the floor by akeno and Todoroki.
Yubellna: I dint expect the priess of thunder and the thunder oni be this strong, your magic must be over here.
Akeno: never fear, all I need is some rested and I be find.
Yubellna: well that sound like a good plan but I don't wanted to wait(pull out the phoenix tears)
Akeno: and what in that?
Yubelllna: oh just your trap.
Akeno: well what are the odd, we have a feeling you'll do it(pull out the phoenix tears as well)
Yubellna: what?! How did you get that?!
Akeno: let just say a blue treasure sniper found your clan 's valuable treasure.
Diend: that's me! (say in distance while wave his hand)
Yubellna: grr, you thief!
Diend: don't hate the player, hate the game , and I play my way.
Then yubellna quickly use it to aid.
Issei: I did, I can reash a level, I can feel the power.
Kiba: kiba! Unleashed your sacred gear everything you got!
Kina: Do what?
Issei: just do it! Devin! Bob! Alex! With me!
Kina: right! SWORD BIRTH!
the 3 oni and issei absorb of kina's sword birth energy
Then everything unleashed many sowrd as all the three peerage.
Karlamine: I don't understand , how could we loose?
Grayifa: lord riser's knights and bishop is retire.
Then everyone using the phoenix tears to help them boost up.
Hibiki and ibuki turn to see riser with rias and asia along riser's ueen.
Hibiki: now! Issei your with me! Let's finished riser!
Issei: yeah!
Hibiki then started to make a stance by crossing his drumsticks, they walk inside.
Issei: might as well try, promption give me the power of the queen.
They rush to the stairs in speed as rias holding up the best agiants riser as issei and hibiki open the door is coming.
Issei: lady rias! issei hyoudou ready report for butt kicking duty!
Rias: issei!
Asia: your okay!
Yubellna: I can take care the pawn boy and the bishop, shall I?
Riser: do not, riser will prefer to take them all on together, I enjoy to be prosure as possible.
Rias: don't get ahead of yourself! you have to get thorugh me before you get to them first then !
She shot her power of destruction at his right arm till regenerate.
Riser: resign your about to be mated, I cant help but to participate your move, riser know you better then he does, checkmate my love.
Rias: you know nothing if you think I give up! Try you may attemiate me! I am a king and i'm ready for war!
Riser: you leave me no choice then,(turn yubellna) do it.
Yubellna: gladly sir.
Issei notice asia is being healed.
Issei: asia hey.
Aisa: I cant believe your still standing after everything you done, your save brave issei you never give up do you?
Issei: well I did promise now did I?
Asia: yeah.
Issei: thank you for that, your our life line now, so you better take a step back.
then a purple magic circle at Asia's feet set by yuebllena until an enormous holy flame explosion sent riser's queen screaming and vanished.
Riser: no! Yubelnna!
Grayfia: riser's queen is retired.
Riser: how?!
He looked at the smoke clear to show hibiki who arrived between issei, rias and asia, with his stance still make riser shocked and surprise.
Hibiki: hey birdbrain, sorry to keep you waiting.
Riser: an oni?!
Hibiki: you don't recognize me? Maybe this will.
His helmet flashes to reveal devin.
Devin: how about now?
Riser: your that human from 10 days ago!
Devin: yep also those two oni is the same from 10 days ago too, and look it here, all of your peerage is down and rias' peerage is still there, and now only one left and that is you.
Riser: grr, you maybe an oni but your still no match for me ! I will claimed rias as my beloved !
devin: tch, you don't even know the real her. I know her very munch as you do, she not some princess ot her clan as she wanna enjoy the life how she wanted with her family.(turn at her and issei) she perfect of how she work so hard to make her friends stronger and you too iseei, you maybe a pervert and a dummy but your one bad a** guy who never give up ! I want you to be at my side to do this and unleashed it ! I know you can hear it as well draigg
as the green gem glows
draigg: arashi you have one hell of a partner
arashi: same with you, but you know you need to unleashed for your power
driagg: agree
issei walk up next to devin as his helmet came in ,they nodded to each other
hibiki: tell me riser, can a phenx bleed in pain by an oni's true flame ?
Hibiki do his stance again as he smoking and issei's boosted gear glowing green more
then issei is cover in a red armor suit of a draogn and everyone see hibiki's drumstick burst in flames non stop then smokes around him become red.
Hibiki: ooooooohhhhhhh…..
then suddnely his skin burst in red flames to his body till he swift the red flames away as everyone sees him now in red color to his oni rider form, his faceplate is white and eyes visor is black.
Issei: this is the power of the red dragon emperor! Balance breaker boosted gear! Scale mail!
Hibiki: Kamen rider! hibiki Kurenai!
Issei and hibiki look each other.
Hibiki: badass armor issei, now your awesome.
Issei: badass? Look at you! Your the definitions of basassness!
Hibiki: yeah maybe.
He twirl his drumstick as he charge in while riser unleashed his fireball at him but hibiki walk passed it in shocked riser, the combine of his flames and the holy flames he hit rapidly passed make him scream in pain.
Riser to fall down at the ground hissing.
Riser: impossible! How can your flames hurt me and why cant I regenerate?!
Hibiki: let say I'm the son of sera in the angelus faction, my firend bob is the son of Marseilles in the satan clan and alex is the son of vanna in the alucard faction, we're half humans.
Riser shocked dead silent.
Riser: n-n-no...the three powerful alliance in all history even in the underworld, I've...iv'e being beaten by the like of a half human?!
Riser roar as fire phoenix wings he charge in.
Hibiki: well now it is!
He hit riser many times as explosion symbol of his drumset as using holy magic, issei charge in using his jet boost to punch him a lot with hibiki's fiery drumstick thrusting as one hit make a combine explsoion sent riser crashed to the ground.
He's bleeding a bit as he grunt getting up.
Riser: riser, not finished yet!
Hibiki: I was hoping you say that. (turn back to normal)
Riser:(smirk) why turning back to normal? Admit pity on me?
Hibiki: nah, let say I wanna give everyone an encore of hearing this beat?(turn decade) yo J! Remember the prison planet when we blow up that overgrown crab?
Decade: how can I not? (he pull out a card with the oni rider and a bird) this mite tickle a bit.
Hibiki: you and rodirck always say that but first.
He cast a holy magic cirle on the floor as riser grunt in pain.
Todorki: oh boy.
Ibuki: just like old times.
Diend: don't leave me hanging.
Hibiki: (turn to rias and her peerage and everyone who's watching) okay everyone, sit back and enjoy the show, for this last entertaining song.
Decade insert the card to his belt.
He flip Hibiki into a disc formed flaming bird then he hitting riser a lot then set him down on the holy magic circle, as decade insert his belt and close it.
The Hibiki bird transform into Kaentsuzumi and spins itself onto Riser's chest.
Riser: wh-what's the meaning of this! Riser dema-
Decade: oh shut up!
Play Kamen Rider Decade Hibiki Ongekiko
He pull out his red drumstick , get on top of Riser and begin to beating rapidly at the Kaentsuzumi loudly.
Todoroki came in with his guitar stab it to the ground near the devil.
Todoroki: oh yeah! LET'S ROCK!
He begin playing his guitar madly good to the combining the drumming beat.
Ibuki come with his trumpet and fired a few shots at risers leg.
Ibuki: all together!
He begin to playing his trumpet joining in the beat of the guitar and drumming as diend got his own drumstick to make a blue Kaentsuzumi like to beating it too, sending the waves of it at riser.
Decade, Diend, Hibiki, Ibuki and Todoroki combing there ultimate combination of making the rhythm along shockwaves at riser and his body. Japanese words of there name and the rider strike pose as they kept continuing playing it more send the nice music all over the area for everybody to hear it.
Rias: whoa.
Issei: there harmonizing with each other.
Asia: it's very nice.
Akeno: oh my.
Koneko: sick.
Kina: wow.
with anyone watching and listening to the combine nice rhythm and very surprised to see that the oni's have returned
with raynare and they others
Raynare: amazing.
Mittelt: master alex! You rock!(wear a t shirt of torodorki symbol face)
Kalawarner:(lick her lips) hmmm~ that's my bobby~.
Zoey: (blush) s-so...
Orchid: incredible...
Connie felt her felt soothe of this wonderful music.
with kuroka
Kuroka: purr...hmm, alexy sure know how to make that guitar go wild , cant wait he do that to me~
with sona and Tsubaki
Sona: this is the most amazing song I ever heard.
Tsubaki: indeed.
The three oni's parents are hearing what there sons are playing.
Sera: our kids.
Leon: working together.
Fred: like our ancestors was.
Merllise: we're so proud of them.
Wally: yep.
Vanna: that'll teach bird dick not to messed with our sons.
Meanwhile again
with grayfia with her watching this is a handsome man who seems to be in his early 20's. He has shoulder length crimson red hair and blue-green eyes similar to Rias's hair color.
Grayfia: it seems the oni's are preforming in the rating game.
?: interesting, not to mention of them defeating riser easily.
back the raiting games
The kamen riders keep playing more and more, as all the beat shockwaves and music combine of the holy magic circle, and the Kaentsuzumi heating itself up for decade to raised his drumstick up and did a one slammed shockwave explosion make riser scream , the smoke clear as riser is down for the count and hibiki turn back to normal ,decade give the drumstick back to hibiki, the riders strike their pose.
Hibiki: (twirl his drumstick) hehe, and that's how we do it.
Grayfia: lord riser phenix have been eliminated, winner Rias Gremory.
Hibiki turn at rias who speeds in and tackle hibiki in a hugged.
Hibiki: gack!
Rias: thank you!
Hibiki then turn back to normal and so do all the riders.
Devin:(smile) What can I say? I'm well trained.
She start to kiss him and he kiss her back.
Alex: man, best performance I did.
Bob: we all did bro, and it was epic.
John: hmm, just like old times.
Rodrick: since when you become a grandpa?
John: not a grandpa beside you always have a habit of get stuff by your hands.
Rodrick: touche.
Asia and kina hugged bob, koneko hugged alex and akeno hugged devin. Then the area start to glow and the group went back in the clubroom.
Devin: good job everyone, that was the best rating game I ever done!
Bob: and our first rating game we ever win.
Alex: and we rock out our best rhythm we pull!
Devin: and… I am pooped.
John: well then (open the portal) let's go home.
Devin: yep and beside, (special salute) this will begin an advenutre next time!
SomewHere a man wearing a silver rope and a masked as well with army of makamou. The man sitting at the throne.
Makamou 21: lord silver king, the onis gotten stronger then ever, what our next move?
Silver king: since the oni have allies to make it further to become strongest, is time we move on our next step. Beside kokobial will do nicely if he prove to this war will be our vicrious.