Maggie looked back at Meredith after seeing a relieved Amelia and Owen. Meredith was asleep against the wall, tired after her 27 hour sugery. Just then she saw Andrew at the nurses station. "Hey," she said walking over to him. "Are you busy?"
"Well, I was just in surgery for 27 hours so I was going to get some sleep," he replied, stiffling a yawn.
"Good. Take your girl over there and get her to an on call room," Maggie said pointing at her sleeping sister. A small smile appeared on Andrew's face and he nodded. Maggie watched him walk over and knew that this was a very good thing for her sister.
"Meredith," Andrew whispered to her as he put his arm around her waist. Her eyes fluttered open. "Come on. Let's get you to an on call room to get some sleep." She nodded but didn't say anything as she wrapped her arm around Andrew and laid her head on his shoulder. He guided her down the hall to the elevators and was grateful that the elevator was there and waiting when he pushed the button. They stepped on to go up one floor and when the doors closed, Meredith let her body come around in front of Andrew and encircled him in a hug. Her head was pressed into the crook of his neck. Andrew gave her a kiss on the forehead before hearing the ding of the elevator arriving at their floor. "Come on Cara," Andrew whispered as he moved her to his side and began to walk out of the elevator.
The first on call room they came to was unoccupied and Andrew led Meredith in, locking the door behind him. Meredith let go of him, toeing off her shoes and taking off her white coat. "Will you take my hair out for me?"she asked Andrew as she sat on the edge of the bed, eyes tired but open. Andrew nodded, sat behind her and began taking out the pins holding her hair up. He removed her french braids, fingers massaging her scalp as her hair loosened around his fingers. Meredith let her head fall back, a moan leaving her mouth. "You should definitely do this every day," she whispered as she leaned back into him. Andrew finished and swept her hair to one side as he gathered her in his arms.
He began kissing her neck. "I will happily give you a massage every day," Andrew whispered. Andrew kicked off his shoes and laid down on the bed, pulling Meredith with him. She rolled over and snuggled in to him, sighing in contentment. There was a blanket at the end of then bed that Meredith grabbed and pulled up over them. Meredith looked up and became lost in Andrew's eyes. Her stomach fluttered as it had begun to do since she had opened herself up to a relationship with Andrew. The last man who had made her stomach flutter was Derek. It is how she knew that this was where she was supposed to be, who she was supposed to be with. Andrew kissed her gently yet she could feel the passion radiating off of him. Still the kiss ended quickly and Meredith tucked her head into the crook of his neck. She was asleep in seconds, her body intertwined with Andrew's. Exhaustion overtook Andrew as he breathed in the smell of the woman in his arms and then he too joined her in sleep.