Diego frowned when their cruiser pulled up to a seedy motel

"Crack party. We've got the joy of breaking it up." His partner Ryan said and Diego nodded. He hoped Klaus wasn't here.

"Alright." Diego said as they climbed out of the cruiser. It was obvious which motel room the party was going on in. The door was wide open and music was spilling out of it. People too. Someone must have been sober enough to recognize two cops walking up because suddenly the partygoers were scattering. It was madness, Ryan and Diego subdued as many as they could as the junkies pushed and shoved each other to get away. Diego kept hoping he wouldn't get a glimpse of his brother. Eyeing each fleeing junkie for a flash of something familiar.

"I don't think this was just a crack party. Diego call an ambulance." Ryan said from inside the motel bathroom. Diego did so without second thought before entering the smelly bathroom. His gut dropped when he saw his brother laying in the tub, eyes wide with fright, pale skin littered with marks of torture and abuse. Duct tape wrapped around his wrists, ankles and across his mouth. He was naked and there were ruminants of blood in the bottom

"Klaus." Diego breathed, pushing Ryan back so that he could get to his brother. Surprisingly Klaus seemed sober, tracking his movements with watery doe eyes

"You know him?" Ryan asked and Diego nodded

"He's my brother." He said without looking at his senior partner. He kneeled down beside the tub and gently reached for the tape on Klaus' mouth. Klaus flinched back but Diego didn't pull back. He gently pulled the tape off and Klaus let out a soft sigh.

"Die…Diego?" Klaus rasped out and Diego stroked through his curls

"Yeah, I'm here. You okay?" Diego said and Klaus let out a soft sob.

"Yeah, I know, stupid question. But I'm here now. They aren't going to hurt you anymore." Diego said mentally kicking himself for the question. Klaus leaned into Diego's chest the best he could. Diego held him while they waited for the paramedics.

"How long have you been in here?" Diego asked and Klaus shrugged

"I wasn't always here. There was a man and he…did things while I was still high. I think he got bored after a while cause then there was two different ones. They liked to use fire and knives. They wanted something but I was coming down hard and don't understand what." Klaus mumbled, his fingers reaching out for Diego's shirt. Diego frowned

"Why did they leave you here?" He asked and Klaus shuttered

"Entertainment. For the leader of the party." Klaus mumbled and Diego felt like he was going to puke as he realized what sort of entertainment Klaus was supposed to have been.

"I'm sorry Klaus. We'll catch them. I promise." Diego said pressing a kiss to Klaus' temple and pulling him further into his chest. Klaus winced at the angle his body was being pulled in but didn't complain. Diego held him until the paramedics. When they were taking Klaus out on the gurney, he pulled one of the paramedics aside

"Make sure you do a rape kit." He said softly and the guy nodded

"Standard procedure." The man said and Diego watched them load Klaus into an ambulance. Ryan came up beside him and clapped him on the shoulder

"Go. You staying here would just be a conflict of interests." Ryan said and Diego nodded, needing no further excuse to climb into the ambulance and hold his brother's hand.