Chapter 01 Welcome to the fantasy world Eds
In the afternoon. The three young people are preparing for the other scam. The young man who is wearing the brown jacket with a black hat is building a machine. The other young man with short orange hair. He has tall stature and this dark green vest with a white shirt is reading a fantasy comic. The last one is sitting next to the one who is reading the comic. This position with the dark yellow jacket. He is reading the map and he says the one with the black hat.
Is this going to work? Do not double D? - Excited double-D cup. The young man answers.
-Depends what the machine holds. That of creating jawbreaker. We do not have to use the machine with the handkerchief. The dwarf about the machine and begins to press the red button. Double D slaps the dwarf's hand. -No Eddy. First security- Eddy frowns and turns around
-First security- Imitates Double D. voice goes to the box and opens. Eddy looks at the young man who is reading the comic and throws the suit and shouts. - Ed get this- Ed looks at the suit and smiles. Run to the box and pass over Eddy. Leaving crushed. Eddy growls in pain and puts on the safety suit and the place goes where the double is. and gives him the suit.
- Eddy where is Ed? - Double D asks. Eddy points to the box and bursts in revealing that Ed is wearing a safety suit and screams excitedly
- Gentlemen we are here to prove my invention that the jawbreaker can be created. No A common jawbreaker. But the improved jawbreaker that will have the best flavors they have ever tasted-Double press the button. The machine starts to shake little and double D turns the two friends back -Girls will be better off- The three of them move away. The machine starts to steam. Double D puts on the helmet. Eddy lowers the mask. Ed stares at the machine. When the machine stopped shaking. The three are approaching the machine. And Eddy screams at double D.
"This junk does not work!" He grabs the baseball stick and runs to the machine. Double D is stopped by the attempt to destroy.
- Stop Eddy. Look! - Point to the machine where it is inside a microwave. Double D brings the machine closer and reaches in. Reveals the jawbreaker done. Eddy puts on a big smile and Ed screams excitedly. Double D puts on a proud smile and says "Gentlemen this is the jawbreaker Eds- Eddy runs to the jawbreaker and puts it in his mouth. His eyes shine and shout to the sky.
- This is the definitive Jawbreaker! - Enjoy the jawbreaker. Look at double D and yell - Double D do more! - Double D press the button. The machine starts another jawbreaker. - Make it come out a lot, not one. We need you to do business-
-Eddy we can not exceed the machine. Only one can be taken out - Eddy snaps his finger. Ed grabs the double-D body. "Eddy what are you going to do?"
-I am going to press the button several times to get multiple jawbreaker- Eddy presses the button several times the red button and the machine shakes sharply. Double D yells to Eddy to stop. Eddy does not listen to double D. is blinded with greed and greed. Ed looks at the machine and feels that something bad is going to happen.
-Ed does not feel right- The machine turns violet and comes out many purple jawbreaker and Eddy clenches his teeth in excitement. The machine starts to get a lot of steam. Double D looks at the pressure regulator. This over the red limit and the glass creates a large crack. Double D yells to Ed
- Ed let me have to turn off the machine or else explode- Eddy looks at the two with the greedy smile.
-Don't release it Ed. We'll have a lot of jawbreaker for the rest of our lives. Jajajajajjajaj! - the machine turns red starts firing hot screws. The pressure regulator reaches the maximum temperature and breaks the arrow. The machine stops creating jawbreaker and keeps shaking. The exit tubes start to emit black smoke. Eddy growls and starts hitting the machine to start it. The machine makes a great flash that covers the neighborhood center. The neighbors leave the house and look at the sky raining many jawbreakers. In the neighborhood center there was a large crater but there was not a single trace of the Eds.
Somewhere unknown
The Eds are in a dark place sitting on each of the chairs with another young man with brown hair and a dark green sports jacket. The four young people are confused. In front of them was an empty white chair.
Where are we? - Question double D and Eddy looks around
-We're not in the neighborhood- Eddy responds confused. Ed is pretied
-We are in a world that there is no TV or salsa- Ed gets up from the chair runs around the young and screams scared- NO TVVVVVV! - Double D tries to calm Ed. Eddy hits ed strong in the face. The brown-haired young man looks at the strange theresome. Even a female voice says
-Eddy Sampson. Edward Vincent Ed Hill and Kazuma Satou welcome you to the beyond. - Walk past the group and sit on the white chair. - For misfortunes for all of you. They passed away you do little. Their lives were short, they are dead-shows the smile to the four showed the reactions. Double D is petrified and his eyes looked down and his mind said
-I've died- Eddy's eyes get bigger and he puts his hand on his head and his mind said
-I can not believe. It was my fault I committed the two deaths- Ed showed his eyes tearful and his head is hidden under the green vest and he says in a low voice
-I'm not in a happy place- Kazuma had the neutral reaction and asks the girl
-Tell me something, what about the girl who saves? - her eyes looked at the ground
-This Alive- Answer the question. Kazuma sighs in relief
-Less bad- His mind said- My death was not in vain-
-Was not necessary to. The girl was able to leave unharmed. Even though you did not do anything- Kazuma's head rises and the blue-haired girl keeps explaining. -It was impossible for that tractor to stop before reaching it -look at the book next to it. The Eds look at kazuma.
-Just a moment?-
-Yes-The girl with azum hair
-A tractor hit me-
-Do not. You died of fright
"Damn scare ?!" shouts kazuma. The blue-haired girl breaks the seriousness and starts to laugh. Eddy covers his mouth to contain the laughter. Ed is also laughing.
-You died of fright. I can not believe it, Eddy says in a whisper
- Hahahahaha Died for scare died of fright - Ed mocks Kazuma. Double D scolds both.
-Guys do not make fun of Kazuma's death- Double D defends kazuma. The blue-haired girl begins to explain while laughing.
-Even you urinated after your death of fright. When they took you to the hospital. The doctors did not stop laughing at your death. They called your parents and they went to see you but they could not stop laughing- Kazuma covers the ears
-Stop stop! -The blue-haired girl looks at the Eds. She laughs
-Your three died because of Edd's invention. But the Dwarf's greed killed them together. Besides I read each profile of you. Eddy for your ridiculous actions and attempted failed schemes you could not win a single penny and even took the two deaths with you for your wishes-Look A double D - Eddward your inventions were creative but you did not even get to speak well with the girls of your age above you're weak- Double D frowns with light flush. Eddy and Kazuma look at Dagas at that blue haired girl. Look Ed - Ed for your actions are quite funny and above an idiot with abnormal strength- She laughs seeing the histories of the Eds. Double D. Eddy and Kazuma say in their thoughts to unison.
from the chair and introduces herself.
- My name is Aqua, goddess of axis. You four have two options. One start from scratch with intact memory. Another is to live in heaven like an old man. Aqua approaches the four and whispers in the sky is not recommended. It's boring there's no TV no. There are video games. There are no sleeves. There's no food. There are no sexual relations. You will only be basking in the sun forever. Although they doubt that they will go to heaven.- The four respond different answers
-I do not want to go to heaven- Answer kazuma
-I prefer to make new life than sunbathing- Eddy replies
-I would love to go to heaven but I do not like to do anything. I would say no- Double Answer scratching the back of the head.
- Ed does not like the sky that there is no TV! - Responding directly
-Although starting from scratch is not good either. So I propose something. Do you like video games? -
-Eh? -Kazuma and the Eds said unison.
- There is a world that could lose peace in the hand of a demon king. The lives of the inhabitants have been lost in the hands of the killings and looting of the demon king's army. They will have to defeat the demon king who sows the terror! - Raise both hands illuminating the light - Or so they say- Edd. Eddy and Kazuma swallowed simultaneously and Ed shows a silly smile. - So nobody in that world wants to be reborn where the town is going downhill. - Choose both shoulders - that happened to us. Send people who died from other worlds with memory intact.
-What sense does he have to send us to die in the other world- Kazuma says
-That's why we offer something for you. They have the right to carry anything by choice. He will have arms or intellect. You will rebuild your lives using them to help the inhabitants with the knowledge and memories they have among you-
-We can learn another world language- Kazuma asks. Aqua pulls out a manual.
-The gods will saturate his brains although it has minimal side effects- Double D rises to listen.
-Secondary effects? -About Aqua- Miss give me the manual- Aqua refuses to give. Double D snatches it and reads the warning
Double D looks at Aqua and said
-Minimum secondary effect ?. Rather an effect that could affect our brains you will not be responsible when we spend something. "He frowns at Aqua. Eddy and Kazuma too.
-Nothing but subtract their attributes and end brainless especially Ed- Shows the natural smile.
-I think I hear brainless not Edward- Look at Double D.
- Yes, Mr. Satou. And to shorten only Double D call me- Frown at Aqua
-Let's choose. I will grant you the powers! - They throw the letters to the four. The cuatros kneels. Every thought they said.
-If it were a videogame, I would choose the weapons, it would also be cheating. I have to experiment- Kazuma Thought
-I will have to choose carefully- Double-D thinking. Looking at the letters.
-I just have to choose what suits me for another world- Eddy's thought scratching his head while looking at the letter
-Toasted toast bread-Look at the letter until you found a right one and shout-I found one! -Give the letter. Ed's hands materialize the great golden shield. He gets up and puts himself in fight position and imitates the thick voice- I'll kick the ass-Hitting the air. Double D found the indicated letter. His hand shines a large thick book appears. Eddy says double D
-Because you chose a stupid book. Or do not tell me you're going to hit with that-
-It's not a common book. It is the grimoire that contains powerful spells. Good choice. If you have a big brain-watching Ed playing with the Shield- And what Ed chose the Great Shield of Athenaeums that has enough defense is a good combination with an abnormal Ed force that could do a lot of damage- I explain aqua while they look at the remaining two that remain deciding which letter you choose. While she eats potato chips and says- you two hear that I have dead people to attend to- Eddy growled. He continued observing the letter. Something called a letter that formed a sword with a cross and the thought put a smile.
- That letter if it caught my attention. With that I can beat the two of them. Grab the letter. Its makes a flash. Eddy's eyes widened to wait for the ultimate weapon. When finish forming. Eddy's mouth fell to the floor when he saw a blue dagger. In the middle of the leaf there is a black bar. Aqua starts to laugh when he sees what he chose. Eddy gets angry and starts screaming at the goddess-WHAT SHIT IS THIS UNUSUAL GODDESS! -Aqua finished laughing and dries the tear and begins to explain.
-It is Excalibur- a silence lasting ten seconds. Aqua serious face breaks into a loud laugh. "It's the first time I've seen such a letter. But unfortunately I do not know anything about it-Eddy tightens his teeth furiously. His face turned red. And said
-Give me another letter-Staring at the goddess
-No refund- Answer directly
-I'll KILL YOU! - Run to the goddess. But he is stopped by Ed holding his head. Unintentionally he squeezed hard. His face turns purple for lack. Double D runs to Ed and screams.
-Ed let it go you'll drown it! -Ed looks at Eddy asking to be released. Ed releases it. Eddy is on the ground recovering oxygen
-I'm sorry Eddy- He was received by a blow to the face. Eddy gets up and looks again at the goddess. She tries to attack again. But Kazuma stops him. Eddy looks sharply at Kazuma. Kazuma tells him in a whisper.
I have an idea. "Kazuma whispers in Eddy's ear. The red face changes normal color. His lips change the devilish smile looking at Aqua. And Eddy says
"Do it," he says to Kazuma. Nod your head and look directly at the goddess who is eating the potato chips. Kazuma asks him.
-I can take any things to election-
-If you can carry any things. I hope you do not get anything useless like the dwarf. But when you get something out they're not going to serve-Eating the fries while you enjoy watching Eddy's face angry. Kazuma says
-I have already decided -lift up your hand and point to the goddess- I choose you- Double D fell silent and Eddy had the devilish smile. Ed keeps a silly face. Aqua is still and finishes eating potatoes and gets up and says.
-Well, you have to go ... -She stops while her brain makes a process and says- What did you say- The floors began to form Two Great bright circles. One for the four young people and one for the goddess. On the right side a black sky opens a portal an angel girl appears and says
-Listen to the request. I'll take care of your Aqua place. The order of Kazuma Satou is valid and was accepted-The angel explains. Aqua starts to get nervous and puts a forced smile.
-It must be a joke. That can not be. You will not see- His face begins to change to fear-VERY STRANGE. YOU CAN NOT TAKE A GODDESS WITH YOU THAT IS PROHIBITED. TELL ME THAT IT IS ILLEGAL TO TELL ME THAT IT IS ILLEGAL! -Try to leave the circle.
-Good Aqua trip if you defeat the demon king. We can go look for you-
- I only have healing powers I'm not good at fights. I can not defeat the demon king! -Feet starts flying. Ed starts to dance rubbing. Aqua hears two evil giggles
-How it feels to be dragged by a subject that you mocked so much of me and the other three -point your finger at Aqua.-You were designated as the thing that I will take with me-Shows a diabolic look with the smile- You will have to use your goddess powers to make my life easier! "Eddy joins the conversation while showing the smile to diabolik
-I did not think it would work. So let him ask. I already want to imagine how to make your life impossible by making fun of you-
-I do not want to go to that with that two someone like that. Nooooo! - Eddy and Kazuma laugh diabolically. While the five were levitating on high. The angel raises its wings.
-Go forward heroes. When they defeat the demon king any wish of yours will be granted!
- Seriously! - Kazuma shriek surprised
- There's a wish that it's going to come true! - Eddy scream with the excited smile
- Infinite sauce for Ed! - Shouts happy
- Wonderful! - Shouts Double D surprised
- That's my line! - Claims Aqua
- Start the journey Heroes! - At the top of the sky opens a large portal. Eddy and Kazuma are laughing.
-Ooooh ...My Gooood-Double D screams
- ¡to infinity and beyond!- Ed shouts raising his fist towards the sky as superman.
-Noooooooooooo ~! - Aqua yells. The five were absorbed by a portal.
The village of the beginner adventurers: AXEL
The five were left standing in the village. Doble D looks around and his eyes shine admiring the landscape. Kazuma also looks around. Eddy watches the passing girls admire the beauties. Ed looked at the sky he was happy. As for Aqua, he looked at the ground in shock. Kazuma said
-This is the world of fantasy. Where I will be able to use magic-
-This is the world where any person would be happy to live. I imagine if Rolf would admire the place- Say Double D looking at the houses.
-They have beautiful girls and there I can conquer hearts.- Eddy shouts fixing the collar of the shirt. Using the dagger as a mirror arranging the hair.
-I want chicken!-Ed shouts excitedly. The Coup was received by Eddy in the face.
-Hey Grandullon. Do not call attention to people could damage our reputation! Eddy yells at Ed. Kazuma looks at Aqua waving blue hair.
-Hey Aqua calm down. You damage my reputation for being the friend of a madwoman. Also should not give us something once. - Eddy joins the conversation
-Hey, there's more to give-
-There is more than serious equipment for beginner as basic armor and minimum money-Eyes changed to tickets
-Hey goddess if it's money I can accept- shows the smile. And showing both hands open to receive.
-If I should have something- Before Kazuma says something. Aqua pounces on grabbing the sports collars and shakes. Aqua's face was crying and screaming as he shook Kazuma. Double D I try to calm her down.
-Miss Aqua, I know it's Kazuma's fault but I did not see it coming-
-Well, I admit it's my fault. Leave the matter and return home we will arrange- Kazuma says. Aqua snorts
-What are you saying, I can not go home? What should I do? What am I supposed to do? - Crying like a lost girl. Ed hugs her and takes something out of her pocket with a baby's pacifier.
-Don't cry baby goddess. Uncle Ed will take care of you- Ed console Aqua. The goddess was going to say but was interrupted by putting something in her mouth a pacifier. Aqua's face turns green. And his mouth comes out foam. Double D Angry screams
-! Ed let it go you're going to kill it!- Ed the loose. Double D checks Aqua. Take out the pacifier that Aqua had in his mouth. Take out something inside the black cap, a bottle for dental cleaning.- Aqua opens her mouth and I need you to rinse and spit out. Aqua ignores and throws the liquid. And he rinses and spits. Aqua looks at Ed.
-What was the pacifier? -Ed takes something out of his pocket.
-The old cheese. The pacifier went with the cheese. I think he got the rich fragrance- Aqua's face started to turn green when he saw the old cheese.
Aqua was brushing her teeth hard and pouring mouthwash into her mouth. Rinse and spit. Kazuma asks Eddy with his nose covered.
-Ed was always that dirty
-The same Ed does not bathe. Although I had fun watching the goddess suffering.-
-it was fun- While watching Aqua tried to disinfect the mouth. -By the way I am Kazuma Satou. Nice to meet you. - He offers his hand. And Eddy puts a smile on and shakes his hand
-Eddy Sampson. I'm also happy to meet you. I introduce you to my friends- Point to Double D trying to disinfect Aqua's mouth.- He is Eddward Vincent but to shorten the name he only calls Double D- He points out Ed admiring the old cheese- and This is Ed Hill. We are all from Cul-De-Sac of the United States-Kazuma looked at the trio. Double D finished cleaning Aqua's mouth.
-Good Miss Aqua your mouth is already 100% total cleanliness- It shows the smile to the goddess. Double D looks Ed having the old cheese. And he yells- Ed, I told you to get rid of the cheese- Ed pouches and saves the cheese. Kazuma applauds and tells the rest.
-Good guys. First we will start going by the adventurer's guild to gather information as we do the game RPG.- Double D and Eddy say unisono
"RPG?" Ed holds up his hand and screams.
-I know it's RPG. It's a role-playing game for fantasy adventurers-
-You are supposed to be hikkimori- Says aqua
-Well, let's continue- Kazuma says turning the turn.
-wait-Kazuma is in the lead and Aqua is behind him. Eddy stares at Aqua's ass. The back of the head was slapped. The person in charge was Doble D scolding. Ed walks behind the group. -Although everyone showed up they can call me Aqua or they want to call me the goddess.- The group stops and they look at Aqua.
-By the way since you're the goddess you should know where the guild is-Kazuma says
-That has logic- Une Doble D
-I'm a goddess. It is impossible for him to know the things of less importance-Eddy. Double D and Kazuma say in their mind.
In the adventurer's guild
The fives were in front of the entrance. When entering the entrance they were greeted by a waitress
-Welcome you can eat and drink here and if you are looking for work go to the counter- Double D thanks the lady timidly.
-Ttthank, Miss, sweat a little on the forehead. A man asks the five strangers.
-You are new here- Aqua is scared and hidden behind the group's back- Why are strangers dressed-Kazuma and Eddy approach the great man. Kazuma speaks first.
-We are from the far land-
-We've traveled a lot. We just arrived here, says Eddy with a smile
-To face the demon king army-Kazuma says. The man looks at the group and they say with a smile.
-With what are you reckless? -Looks at the group and shouts -Welcome to the gates of hell !. If you want to become an adventurer go to the counter- Point out the address. The group goes to the counter. Aqua begins to ask the two who convinced the man.
-As they could invent such a story-
-Information-Eddy / Kazuma said to unison
-Only we enter the guild to look for jobs and get a place to sleep- Explains Kazuma
-Why you two are competent. Kazuma how you ended up being hikkimori and why you did not have a girlfriend. And you Eddy because you're a scammer when you were a kid you wanted to cheat double-D from your first scam- Eddy turns around abruptly
-As you knew everything? -Look at daggers at Aqua
-I read your life history-Answer
-Shut up Goddess useless- Insults Aqua.
-But you will be ..- He was interrupted by kazuma
-Don't talk about our past lives and do not mix with the nini hikkimori-The representative has blond hair and says.
-Hello, how can I do for you? -
-We want to become adventurous- Kazuma answers
-you accept 25 cents-show the smile. Double D pat the face and sigh.
-You can not avoid-
10 minutes later
The guild people drink and eat. While the other area had the five people left there. Sitting at the table. While the waitress asks if they ask for something. Kazuma answers that it's okay. Double D was thought. Eddy was turning the 25 cents coin. While Ed stared at the meals and his mouth came a cascade of saliva. And the stomach growls.
-The Stomach of Ed-stroking his stomach
-Eddy can not continue to cheat more people-Rubbing his temple
-I was not trying to cheat. He tried to seduce her-Answers Eddy
-Goods did as little as possible. Starting the fantasy world. How hospitable these people are - Saying Kazuma
-What happened to them their Nini Hikkimori competition and shory scam - says Aqua to the two
-Shut up- Says Kazuma / Eddy little angry
-it's my turn. I will show you my gifts of gods- where the priest is sitting at the other table. He stands before the elder priest. To what communion do you belong? I'm Aqua. The cult object of axis. The goddess Aqua. If you are one of my devotees- you bow to the priest- you would lend me money- The priest responds.
-i am the cult eris- Aqua puts on Shock. And the other table also except Ed. Aqua apologizes and the priest says that some time ago they saw the group of kazuma. And he gives the money but says that the money only reaches two people. Aqua leaving in shock because they did not recognize him as a goddess. Eddy gets up and says the plan to ed and Double D.
-Guys have an idea to earn some money-
-And what is it? - Double Question D
-The first Scam-
-Oh God-
Eddy goes to the guild people and gets up and stands on the table and shouts at people.
- Attention People. I'm Eddy and I'd like to place a bet. Ed will eat all the meals that are all the tables of the guild- The guild people gasped at the young man's bet.- And if he gets to finish eating for 30 seconds he will win. And if time passes. So bet who bet if the win go to the other and the opposing team go to the other table. - all those who bet "That can not finish all the tables" Are the majority of the people of the guild and those who bet " That can end "is Kazuma and Aqua betting the last 4 coins of each 1000 belis in total 4000 belis had. Kazuma and Aqua sweated bullets and whispered to each other.
Kazuma thinks that Ed is going to be able to finish all the meals of each table in total there are 30 tables of all the guild-
-I dont know. Eddy told me. i had to bet-
All tables with food are ready. Double D. he take out something inside hat black is the chronometer. Eddy was massaging Ed's shoulder. Eddy whispers.
-Good Ed. You said you got hunger. So you have to eat everything that is not even a crumb-Ed nods quickly. Double D tells all the guilds.
- Ready ... Go! - Double D activates the chronometer. Ed came out like a bullet the first term of one and the other. The guild people kept their eyes and mouths open to see what Ed is swallowing at the speed of each table. Kazuma and Aqua were surprised at what Ed is doing. Rest 15 tables for 12 seconds. And he continued to devour food. On top swallowed with the dishes and cutlery those left more shock. His thoughts said.
There were 4 tables left and 20 seconds left. Ed's body grew. And he kept eating. It was missing 1 table is 5 seconds. Ed grabbed the last table with the food and swallowed it all along with the table. Most were horrified. The men were left with white skin. The women fainted when they saw the monstrosity. Kazuma and Aqua were in Shock. Ed's belly was about to shake but when he opened his mouth it caused a great belching that was quite noisy that glasses of glass and windows broke and also all the city broke the glass because of an errupt fort. To the outside, a castle also produced glass noises. And inside the castle there was a black knight and he shouted what was that tremendous belching! Returning to the guild. Double D fixed the stopwatch and shouted.
-Ed Win! -The guild people kept their mouths open. Kazuma and Aqua shouted happily for winning the bet. They won 120 thousand Belis for winning the bet. Going back to the counter where the blonde was. They entered. Each one had to register the grimoire cards. The representative explained where this card could increase the statistics and skills by increasing the level. The spheres had to review each attribute to register the card. Starting at Kazuma.
-What's your name, Kazuma Satou? You have high luck and your intelligence too. But luck will not help you in combat. But I recommend you to be a merchant or something like that- leave Kazuma almost depressed and Aqua began to hold back the laughter. Aqua was the second. The representative opened her eyes when she saw Aqua's statistics
-Aqua you have low intelligence but you got all the attributes quite high- the guild people started to surround Aqua when he heard that he has high statistics. She said she wants archpriest. The third touched Eddy. He puts his hand on the glass. The blonde's eyes look at Eddy's card. And says.
-Eddy Sampson your Intelligence is average. But your luck is pretty low. But your charisma is too high. And your strength is normal. But you have high dexterity that you could handle the sword that could make you a paladin or swordmaster- Eddy sighs that he has bad luck. The fourth one touches Ed. The guild people called Ed the devourer. The blonde's eyes sank a little.
-Ed Hill your intelligence is quite low. But your luck is medium. But what is higher is the resistance and strength rather high than those of your friends. I could turn you into the heavy squire or Knight in heavy armor. "The guild people gasped at Ed's strength statistic. The last one played Double D. The blonde looked at the card and shrieked more at the card.
"Edward Vincent has the highest intelligence of the whole guild and has many high attributes except strength. Charisma. Resistance are lower. Edward, you could become the magician of any element. Guild people ignored Aqua. And now they look at Double D. Aqua grabs the handkerchief and bites Double D for envy because he steals people. Kazuma looks at his new friends. Eddy ignored people while carrying a large bag of money. He had a happy smile until a hand touches Eddy's shoulder. And it was the guild blonde.
What's up Miss? -
-Eddy I have something to tell you- he showed a smile. Eddy's blush appeared on his face. And his mind said.
-Do not tell me. That changed your opinion. It will be the first step to the new world-The blonde puts paper in Eddy's hand. When he looks at the paper his mouth fell on the floor looking at the paper
Look back at the blonde. Eddy's face was sweating bullets. Eddy's hands trembled and he looked at the money bag so he decided to pay the bill. Only 10 thousand belis remaining in the hand. The other 10 thousand belis were spent for the registration fees Eddy's eyes cried and his mind said.
-It's my bad luck for the girls or it's for the money-
The next day, the five began working in work. Aqua. Kazuma Ed and Eddy started working as laborers. While Doble D worked as an assistant to the guild thanks to intelligence. Ed to heavy work to easily loading beams. While Kazuma Eddy dug and pecked stones. And Aqua painted the walls. When finishing the works. Kazuma. Eddy and Aqua went to shower except Ed because he does not like to bathe. In the Kazuma guild and the others took they ate and drank liquors. The five sleeps in the horse stables. Ed was happier sleeping in the stables. While Eddy used the mask covering his nose. Double D covered the face with the black gorron could not sleep because of the smell. The whisper said "dirty dirty dirty". Aqua and Kazuma also slept. Aqua did not bother him because of the smell. Kazuma was trying to sleep. But he found a dung next to him. The next day followed the same routine. Ed loading heavy materials. Aqua painting walls. Kazuma and Eddy digging and pecking. Double D had no problem in the guild. They passed 6 days later. The Eds and Kazuma and Aqua were in the stable
-Good Night Boys- Aqua says
-Good night- All the men unison. Everyone was lying on the straw bed. Kazuma abruptly and screams
-That is wrong!-
-What happens Kazuma- Double D asks removing the mask
-I want to sleep idiot-Eddy complains
-Forget going to the bathroom-
- Not that! - The blow and an angry voice. I came from another side.
-I'm SORRY! - Kazuma / Aqua / Double D / Eddy
The next day
The five are gathered at the entrance of the guild.
-We are not to be workers- Kazuma says to the four. The three are surprised except Ed.
-It is true. I need to go back to my house if we defeat the demon king-
-We spent 7 days and did nothing to build and kill our hands- Eddy complains showing his hands bandaged.
-I do not have any problems at work. Although it bores me a bit taking care of the adventurers- Double D says with a smile. Those Kazuma; Eddy; Aqua Criss the foreheads and says at the same time with dark voice and red eyes.
-I'm sorry guys I did not want to bother you- Double D shakes hands
In the men's room
Kazuma and Eddy were in the big tub.
-We'll have to climb levels to defeat the demon king army- Kazuma says
-Only we have to get into the hunt to win an experience. Oh, of course, but I have to kill if I have a useless Dagger that does not work. If that goddess had not warned me about that letter there would be the best weapon.-
- Looking at the positive side. Ed has a great shield that will help us defend ourselves. We only need a sword or a hammer. While Double D is a magician who has high attributes but does not use magic yet. And the goddess has the ability to heal. And we need some swords-
- Done - The two come out of the bathroom. And he meets all three. Kazuma says on high
-We'll go hunting tomorrow-
AUTHOR'S NOTE: thanks for reading my first chapter. so leave the comments. and also recommend me what couple are going to do for the Eds. Kazuma left it for Megumin. write the comments