Hey guys! Welcome to Season 2 of Danny Phantom and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003 Version). I was so thrilled to see how many people loved Season 1 and once again I apologise for the really slow updates from last season. Hopefully, there will be quicker updates with this season.

So here's the first chapter


LEO: When you're a teenage mutant ninja turtle and a half-ghost, a lot of weird things happen. Some you can handle, some you can't.

Leo picked up Master Splinter's stick and they all looked down at it in concern and worry for their sensei, their father.

LEO: Like when Master Splinter went missing after our victory over Shredder and Vlad Plasmius.

"How could he be gone?" Mikey asked confused and worried.

LEO: Thing's only got weirder, when we found out that aliens had taken Master Splinter!

The first security guard reached the top of his neck and touched it. Suddenly, his face fell as well as the top part of his suit, revealing it was nothing but a human disguise, hiding the metal robotic body underneath. The entire human disguise fell down to the floor to reveal a small pink brain looking creature with tentacles, blue eyes and red pupils in the middle of the robotic body.

LEO: And had him floating in some bizarre container.

Leo's eyes then stopped on one pod that was on the other side of the room. His eyes immediately widened in shock at who he saw was in there and said pointing at it, "I hope not! Look!"

They all looked and saw inside the pod, was none other than Master Splinter.

LEO: When we confronted the aliens….

The Utroms started coming at Danny and the Turtles. Leo and Raph got back up and started deflecting the blasts, Donnie started taking them on with his bo staff and Danny started flying around and taking out the Utroms that were hovering.

One of the Utroms started blasting at Mikey. Mikey got back up and started bending and twisting to avoid being hit by the blasts, he then jumped up and kicked the hovering Utrom right in the face, causing it to fly out of control and randomly blast everywhere, destroying some of the Utroms who were in their robotic suits and some equipment.

Danny and Donnie gasped as they saw the out of control Utrom's blast was about to hit the machine which had Master Splinter inside. They wouldn't allow him to get hurt, so Danny and Donnie immediately jumped right in front of the blasts and took them shot to their chests and stomachs, making them yelp in pain and sending them flying right into another room.

eo, Mikey and Raph were relieved to see that though Donnie and Danny were hurt, they were still conscious. Leo and Mikey picked up Donnie, Raph picked up Danny and they pulled them up to the platform of the machine.

Mr Mortu and the woman in the blue hazmat suit entered the room and gasped as they saw Danny and the Turtles on the platform of the machine.

"Stop! Listen to us! You all must get off there immediately!" The woman pressed, worried about what would happen to them.

They all gasped, but when they tried to get off the platform, none of them could move. Their feet were sparking with power and they were stuck on the platform as the machine suddenly began to power up.

LEO: Everything just vanished! Or, maybe we did. Whatever happened, I don't think any of us was prepared for how much weirder, life was about to get.

There was a blinding flash of light and as soon as it was done, Mr Mortu and Maddie gasped as they saw Danny and the Turtles were no longer standing there. There was nothing left but smoke from where they once stood.

Outside, Casey, April, Sam and Tucker watched as the entire building lit up and the massive energy, shot right through the top, heading towards the sky.

The beam of energy continued to fly right out of the Earth's atmosphere and into the mysterious abyss of Outer Space. The question is, what happened to Danny and the teenage mutant ninja turtles?


Very deep in the vast reaches of space, there is a planet known as D'Hoonibb. Home to the Galactic Federation.

In the middle of the planet's main city, a couple of figures are seen running for their lives through the alleyways. One of them is a white metal robot sith green robotic eyes and the other is a female 17 year old human. She had long red hair, held back by a blue headband and was wearing a black and blue jumpsuit with black boots.

Coming after them, were several men wearing some form of military uniform and carrying weapons. They were soldiers of the Galactic Federation. The two kept running until unfortunately, they came to a dead end. Trapping them and with no means of escape.

"Oh dear. Oh dear." The robot said, standing by the girl's side.

"Bravo Team to Base. We've got that Fugitoide and his little assistant cornered in Sector 4." The leader said through his communication device.

"Roger. Bag them' and tag them' Bravo. General Blank wants that robot in once piece and no harm is to come to the girl." Another Federation soldier replied.

Suddenly a huge wave of energy flashed right before them, blinding them and now standing before them, was Danny, Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo. The transport device they accidentally stepped into back at the TCRI building had transported them halfway across the galaxy!

"What in the world?" The girl whispered in shock.

"Ugh! That was unpleasant." Mikey groaned, feeling a little nauseous.

The soldiers gasped and then the leader ordered his team, "Take cover! This Fugitoide and the girl has got some kind of secret weapon!"

"Uh…no we don't." The girl said as they backed up and took cover in the corner of the wall.

"Ugh! I feel like I've been turned inside out and back again." Raph groaned, stretching his neck.

"What the heck happened? There was this big flash of light in that lab and…wait a minute! Where'd those weird little pink alien brain thingies in the robotic suits go?" Danny asked.

"You mean, where'd we go?" Leo asked as they looked around the strange new environment.

"Someplace I don't think we're supposed to be." Donnie guessed as they turned around and faced the Federation soldiers, who were now aiming their weapons at.

"Natives don't look too friendly." Mikey commented quietly to Leo.

"I think our best defence might be…" Leo began and then Raph cut in while pulling out his sais, "Some serious butt kicking ninja action!"

Leo, Danny, Donnie and Mikey pulled out their weapons and then Danny changed into his ghost form. All five of them leapt in the air and began their attack. The Federation soldiers immediately began to blast their guns at them, Danny created a shield around them and then dropped it, allowing himself and Leo to land in front of five of them and slice all their guns in half with their katanas.

The soldiers were completely shocked at the power they were showing. Danny then released a huge blast of energy and knocked them down. Raph jumped on the wall, dodging the other blasts and then kicking one of them down on their back, before flipping off the next wall and throwing his sai right at the other one.

The sai flew right across the air and lodged itself in the blaster's hole, completely taking the soldier by surprise, the blaster then exploded and knocked the soldier right into a metal box unconscious. The sai that was in the blaster was sent right at the wall and hit it dead on, lodging itself deep.

Donnie used his staff to push himself right at the soldier to deliver a powerful kick in his stomach, he then destroyed the other soldier's blaster with his staff before knocking the wind out of him. Spinning in the air, he grabbed Raph's sai with his foot.

"Coming back at ya Raph!" Donnie called as he threw the sai back to his brother.

Raph caught the sai before landing back on the ground and delivering a spinning kick to another soldier.

Mikey landed in front of four soldiers who were standing back to back to each other in a circle.

"You're mine alien freak!" The soldier sneered, while aiming his blaster at Mikey.

"Not today chummy!" Mikey retorted back, before he completely knocked the blaster right out of the soldier's hands and then knocked him unconscious with his nun-chuck.

Danny then spun around, sending his ecto energy into his sword and then releasing it, taking out three more soldiers. The leader sat up and activated his radio.

"Bravo to Base! We need backup!" The leader spoke urgently.

The robot and the girl continued to watch Danny and the Turtles fight against the Federation soldiers, impressed by their skills and their strength.

"My word! Those fellows are making short work of these troops." The robot said.

"The question is, what are they? I've never seen these aliens before." The girl wondered.

"Well, we still need to find a way out of here." The robot said as he headed over to a section of the wall that had been boarded up with planks of wood.

He looked at his robotic hands with curiosity and said, "Hmmm…One benefit of this robotic body is sheer strength."

He ripped off the boards, revealing a way to escape. The girl however stopped the robot, grabbing his arm and said, "We can't just leave them behind professor. They helped us, even if it was by accident."

The robot thought about what she said and nodded as he said, "You are right. They have been ever so helpful."

Danny and the Turtles knocked out the last of the soldiers and put their weapons away. Leo then asked, "What the shell was that all about?"

"Whatever it was, it's not over." Donnie said, gesturing behind them.

They all turned to see more soldiers coming their way. Leo pulled out his swords again and asked, "Well guys, fight or flight?"

"I vote fight." Raph answered, grinning and itching to fight more of these soldiers.

"You always vote fight." Mikey pointed out.

"Hey, you!" The girl called out, gaining their attention.

"Yes. You terrapin beings and the white-haired alien boy, follow us quickly." The robot said before the two ran headed through the hole.

They didn't need to be told twice, for as soon as the soldiers began firing their blasters, they immediately ran inside.

"Quick! Hurry! Those Federation troops won't give up the chase so easily." The girl said.

"I have an idea. Please work." Danny said and concentrated hard.

Using his powers, Danny managed to duplicate himself six more times. Each clone grabbed onto the Turtles and the robot, while the real Danny grabbed the girl and started flying through the air, each of the duplicates turning invisible, giving them some cover. Both the robot and the girl were impressed and amazed by Danny's powers.

Danny then saw a garbage truck and landed in there, along with his clones. He then made his clones come back to him before changing back into his human form.

"Well done bro. It looks like you managed to pull off duplication finally." Donnie said.

The soldiers kept looking around everywhere, but they couldn't see them anywhere. The leader of the second troop immediately contacted his boss and told him the bad news, "Uh Alfa to Base. We…uh…lost the Fugitoide and the girl."

The leader of the Federation, a man named General Blank was not happy of the news. He roared at them, "You what?! Search the entire sector! Find those two now!"

As the truck kept driving down, Danny and the Turtles looked at the city they were driving through. Danny then asked, "So where are we?"

"Something tells me this ain't Manhattan." Raph said.

"I'm not even sure we're on Earth." Donnie then said.

"Earth? You guys are from Earth?" The girl asked, her eyes widening.

"Yeah. Why do you ask?" Leo asked.

"Because…I'm from Earth as well." The girl answered, taking Danny and the Turtles by surprise.

The truck continued to drive until finally, it stopped at some sort of marketplace. As they all climbed out of the truck, the robot asked, "I am curious. Are you terrapin creatures now the dominant creatures of this Planet Earth?"

"Where are we?!" Raph asked, getting a little impatient.

"Calm down son. You're on the planet D'Hoonibb in the Sydion System." The robot answered. "Territory to the Federation."

"Another galaxy?" Donnie asked, a little shock at hearing that.

"Master Splinter is so far away. So helpless. We have to help Master Splinter." Leo said, looking down.

Raph sighed and said as he placed a comforting hand on his older brother's shoulder, "We'll find a way Leo."

"The problem is, we don't even know how we got here in the first place." Donnie said.

"That question has been vexing me. How did you all materialise like that?" The robot asked them. He then pointed to Danny and asked, "And how did you alter your appearance young man?"

"Guys, you can compare theories later. Right now, we got company." Leo said, pointing behind them.

They all looked to see more Federation soldiers coming. Raph pulled out his sais and moaned, "Great. More of those bozos."

"Don't look now, but those bozos bought a tank!" Donnie exclaimed, pointing to the now hovering tank coming as well.

"How come bad guys always have all the great toys?" Mikey groaned.

They all backed up as more Federation soldiers surrounded them. Knowing they were completely outnumbered, they ran inside a food vendor stall and hid inside. The huge gun on the tank aimed at the stall, the soldiers surrounded it as well.

"You're surrounded! Come out with your hands up!" One of them demanded.

When they removed all the stuff, they found that Danny, the Turtles, the girl, and the robot had completely disappeared.

"Fan out! Search the street!" The soldier ordered and thus, they began their search for them, completely unaware that they managed to slip into the sewers, out of sight and out of danger.

"Woah! Check out these fancy sewers." Mikey said as he looked around the sewer. "Clean enough to eat off them. If only we had something to eat."

Suddenly, all of them watched as a short alien type green turtles wearing a robe walk past them and behind him was the strangest thing they would ever see. Four alien rats wearing purple ninja masks and a green-skinned alien boy with sparkling white and black hair.

"Woah! Freaky." Mikey commented as the aliens disappeared down another sewer tunnel.

"So, what's your story?" Donnie asked the robot and the girl. "Why are those soldiers after you guys?"

"Yeah. You said you were from Earth, but how'd you get here?" Danny asked the girl.

"We do owe you all a full explanation." The robot started. "My name is Professor Honeycutt, or at least I used to be and this is my friend Jasmine."

"You can call me Jazz if you want." Jazz said. "You see, as I said, I'm actually from Earth. My parents were scientists and one night when I was two years old, they took me to their lab along where they worked. At the time, they were working on some kind of transport device. I was actually pretty excited since it was my first time being at their lab and my mother had told me the good news. She was pregnant and I was going to have a little brother or sister. I was so excited, I wasn't paying attention when they told me not to play around in the lab. I didn't realise I stood on their transport device while they were about to test it and suddenly, there was glitch in the system and before I could get away, I was hit by the machine and transported to D'Hoonibb. I don't even know what happened to my parents or about my little brother or sister."

"I know how you feel Jazz. My own father was killed, my mother had to leave me in order to keep me safe and I spent the last 13 years, wondering what happened and just when I was about to hopefully find her, we got transported here." Danny said with sympathy.

Jazz gave him a small smile and said, "I hope you find her one day."

Danny smiled back at her, understanding what she had gone through.

"I found Jazz wandering the streets of the city all alone. I took her into my home where she told me what happened. I then made a promise that I would do all I could to try and create a similar device to send her back to Earth and Jazz has been living with me ever since. While trying to find a way to send her home, I also gave her an education and she also has become a really great assistant to me in my lab." Professor Honeycutt continued. "You see I was actually human before. I was the most brilliant scientist on D'Hoonibb. Jazz and I had just completed my Mental-Wave Helmet. A device for boosting mind powers; like telepathy and telekinesis for example."

"We were rudely interrupted however by General Blank. Leader of the Federation in this sector, which makes him think he can call at any time he wants." The Professor continued. "You see, the 'good' general wanted me to build my Teleportal Device. A device capable of transporting beings from planet to planet. I finally invented the Teleportal for not only as possibly a way of sending Jasmine home to Earth, but also a way to promote peace. However, General Blank had other ideas for it."

"General Blank wants to use the Teleportal for death and destruction and even though he was funding Professor Honeycutt's research and work, Professor Honeycutt refused to build it for him for that purpose." Jazz continued. "But just two nights ago on a stormy night, Professor Honeycutt and I received a distress signal from his worker robot Sal. He became tangled in some wires, so Professor Honeycutt attempted to remove the wires from him."

"That's when it happened. During the electrical storm, Sal and I were struck by lightning. The Mental-Wave Helmet must've been triggered by it" Professor Honeycutt continued. "My body was destroyed, but my mind was transferred into Sal's robotic shell thus resulting into the robot you see before you right now."

"General Blank then arrived an hour later and it then we discovered that he had been constantly spying on us and was now aware of Professor Honeycutt's accident with the storm and his now new robot body." Jazz continued. "He was definitely pleased, since robots have absolutely no rights, which means that he could do whatever he liked with Professor Honeycutt. Now he was a robot, he could simply take the plans for the Teleportal device right from him and use it for whatever he wanted. And so, we managed to download all the plans for the device to Professor Honeycutt's mind and we ran away. He sent his men after us, but we were able to avoid him and his men thanks to the help of giant hermit crabs. Until we came to the city and that's when you guys showed up."

Leo suddenly smiled and asked, "Guys, are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"That a large serving of Kung Pao Chicken would be really good right now?" Mikey guessed, smacking his lips and showing he was really hungry.

They all gave Mikey a weird look. Raph then clarified, since the others were actually thinking what Leo was thinking, "The Professor's Teleportal."

Leo nodded and said, "Right. If the Professor and Jazz…"

Danny then continued, "Can build the Teleportal…."

Donnie continued, "Then we could use it…."

Raph finished, "To go back home."

"Ohhh!" Mikey said, finally understanding what they were talking about.

He turned to Professor Honeycutt and Jazz and said, "Don't get me wrong guys, these sewers on your planet are nice, but they don't have that sewer fresh stank like ours do."

"How do they keep these sewers so clean anyway?" Raph wondered.

Donnie suddenly saw a huge machine with sharp blades in its mouth heading their way and exclaimed as he pointed at it, "Probably has something to do with that!"

They watched as claws from the machine picked up anything that wasn't clean and placed it inside its mouth. Not wanting to be eaten by it, all of them immediately began to run for their lives, however the machine was fast and it was quickly catching up to them.

"What is that thing?!" Danny shouted as they ran.

"It's Hygiene Cleaner 3000! It grabs anything that is dumped in the sewer and disposes it!" Jazz answered.

"I don't think we can outrun it!" Donnie shouted.

Danny pulled out his katana and said as he stood his ground, "Then maybe it's time to rage against the machine!"

They all pulled out their weapons, ready to fight against it. Donnie then thought of something and said to the others, "If you guys can slow it down, I think I can stop it."

Leo leaped to the top pipes and cut most of them down. Raph, Leo, Mikey and Danny each grabbed one and started pushing back against the machine. Donnie leapt up, using his bo staff to push back the robotic arms and landed on top of it.

He opened the main wire compartment and started looking at it.

"Hurry up Donnie! I don't know how long we can hold this thing back!" Mikey pressed as Jazz and Professor Honeycutt grabbed a pole each and started helping them.

Donnie looked at the engine and then shouted to Raph, "Hey Raph! Toss me a sai!"

Raph just managed to throw his sai to Donnie as the machine knocked them all down to the ground. Just as the machine was about to devour them, Donnie stabbed the engine with the sai, causing it to buck Donnie off before shutting down.

"See? Piece of cake." Donnie said with a smile, but behind him, everyone else gave him an annoyed glare.

General Blank looked at the wanted poster of Professor Honeycutt, now a robot and the other poster of Jazz. He was definitely angry that not only did the Professor and Jazz managed to escape from his grasp, but now Danny and the Turtles had helped them escape for a second time.

"I can't believe it! With all the Federation technology at our disposal, we can't find one blasted Fugitoide! I don't really care about the girl, but I want that Fugitoide!" General Blank shouted in rage.

"General Blank, there's a disturbance in the sewers." His assistant Lenai said, bringing his attention to her computer.

After typing a few keys, she found Professor Honeycutt, Jazz, Danny and the Turtles and said, "We've got them sir. They're in Sector 8."

General Blank pressed the button to contact his soldiers and ordered, "All units, corner off Sector 8. Destroy the four terrapin creatures and that boy if you have to, but bring me the Fugitoide and the girl alive. Repeat! The robot and the girl must be unharmed."

"If you'll forgive my asking sir, what is so important about this Teleportal device? All I know is that it's useful for transportation." Lenai asked.

"It's more than that. It holds the key to the balance of power in our galaxy. If not, the universe. As a weapon, the Teleportal is unparalleled." General Blank answered, imagining the power of the device. "It could be used to secretly transport our newest nuclear fusion bombs into the middle of enemy's space crafts. Into the centre of unsuspecting enemy cities. Into the centre of an enemy planet. I could bring our enemies to their knees and raise the Federation flag across the galaxy."

"But our enemies, if they knew about this technology, they'd stop at nothing to get it." Lenai said.

"Exactly. The Teleportal must be ours. The Fugitoide and the girl must be captured." General Blank.

"About the girl sir? If she's not really important to you, then why bring her in unharmed?" Lenai asked.

"For a couple of reasons. One, she did help the Fugitoide avoid capture, which now makes her a wanted fugitive and two, she can be used as leverage. Professor Honeycutt had raised her since she had appeared on this planet. Basically, he sees her like a daughter. If he refuses to build the Teleportal, we can use her to make him co-operate." General Blank answered.

Danny, the Turtles, Jazz and Professor Honeycutt climbed out of the sewers. Near the alley, there was a market and one of the aliens saw them and immediately called over two Federation soldiers who were patrolling the area.

The alien spoke to them and gestured behind him, but when the soldiers looked, Danny, the Turtles, Professor Honeycutt and Jazz were no longer there. They quickly hid in an abandoned building.

"Those soldiers are everywhere." Danny said.

"Indeed." Professor Honeycutt agreed.

"We've got to get out of the city fast." Leo said.

He turned to Raph and Danny and said, "Danny, Raphael, we're gonna need some transportation."

"We'll be back in two." Raph said with a nod and then he and Danny left.

"Um…I'll keep an eye on them." Mikey said, though he had other intentions in mind as he followed Raph and Danny.

Danny and Raph stuck to the shadows of the alleys mostly, unaware that Mikey was following them. As soon as Mikey was in the clear, he smiled and walked out of the alley.

"Now to find something to eat." Mikey said hungrily, not thinking about the consequences of his actions.

Raph and Danny continued to scan the marketplace, looking for any kind of vehicle that would provide them with adequate transportation. They spotted a Federation tank not too far from them and a soldier was looking from the top.

Raph quickly whispered a plan to Danny, he nodded and turned invisible and started heading over to the vehicle.

The soldier who was scouting the area asked the other soldier in the driver's seat, "Which sewer entrance were we supposed to be watching again?"

Danny quickly grabbed the soldier, covered his mouth to prevent him from making noise and knocked him out. Raph then entered, gaining the driver's attention.

"Yo pal. Mind if we burrow your tank?" Raph asked with a smirk.

"We?" The soldier asked confused.

Danny suddenly appeared in front of him and punched him right in the face, knocking him unconscious.

"Nice plan Raph." Danny said with a smile.

"Nice invisibility bro." Raph said back.

Mikey continued to walk openly in the marketplace, looking for anything that was food. He then smiled as he saw a packet of what looked like an alien version of potato chips, opened the packet and was about to consume one, but he stopped when he heard the sound of a weapon being powered up.

He turned around and saw two Federation soldiers with their guns aimed right at him.

He smiled nervously and said, "Uh….hi guys. BYE GUYS!"

He threw the chips at their faces, blinding them for a moment, giving him a chance to make a run for it.

"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid ninja turtle!" Mikey called himself for making a stupid mistake.

He dodged the blasts coming from the two soldiers left and right, turned the corner, but came to a halt as soon as he saw the giant gun aiming at him from the Federation tank. He walked back slowly and was about to run back the other way, but stopped when he saw that the two soldiers had caught up with him and were had now cut off his escape.

He looked between the huge gun and the two soldiers, realising that what he did was incredibly stupid.

"Sometimes I hate being me." Mikey said.

He walked a little bit to the side and pulled out his nun chucks as the two soldiers walked to the other side, still aiming their guns at him.

"Well if I'm going down, at least I'm going down fighting." Mikey said.

Suddenly, the huge gun on the Federation tank dropped down in between Mikey and the two soldiers, confusing the ninja turtle and the soldiers. Suddenly the gun hit against the soldiers and knocked them away, sending them right into a food stall and knocking them out as the stall fell right on top of them.

The tank door opened to reveal Raph and Danny. Raph then said with a smirk, "Quit fooling around Mikey. We gotta pick up the others."

After picking up the others, Raph continued to drive the vehicle down the street and so far, they haven't had any more trouble from the Federation.

"Nothing like riding in style." Donnie said, impressed by the vehicle technology.

"Couldn't you guys have picked something a little less, I don't know, conspicuous? Something that might blend in better?" Leo asked, feeling unsure about the choice of vehicle.

"Are you kidding? This puppy's almost invisible it blends so well." Raph said as he continued to drive.

"And besides, we haven't had any trouble from the Federation so far." Danny pointed out. "And as long as no-one suspects that a Federation vehicle got stolen, we should get right out of the city without being noticed."

However, their hopes were tarnished as they went passed other tanks and the Federation soldier that Raph and Danny stole the tank from, was standing with the others.

"Hey! That's my tank! They stole my tank!" The soldier shouted.

Three other tanks immediately began going after them. Leo crossed his arms and asked sarcastically at Raph and Danny, "No-one will notice this invisible puppy huh?"

Raph and Danny smiled nervously and sheepishly, now thinking that maybe stealing a Federation tank wasn't the best idea after all. The other tankers behind them, began to fire at them. One of them hit the side, knocking them back and forth a bit inside.

"Donnie! Return fire!" Leo ordered.

"Uh….just a minute. My D'Hoonibbian is a little rusty." Donnie said as he tried to work out the controls.

"Donnie, you better figure out how to fire this puppy, or we're gonna be cooked." Raph pressed.

Jazz then thought of something and said, "Professor, you're now a robot! You can use that to an advantage!"

The Professor beamed, "Of course Jasmine. Why didn't I think of that?"

He immediately went to the controls and plugged his finger in, after a few seconds, different holographs came up and he said, "I have weapons control."

Raph turned the tank around the corner and saw one coming straight at them. He sped up, heading straight towards it.

"Uh Raph….you're not playing chicken are you?" Leo said nervously.

"A turtle, is never a chicken." Raph answered, as he flew the tank right over the other one as it fired, thus destroying one of the ones behind him.

"Okay doc! Fire!" Raph shouted.

Professor Honeycutt aimed the gun behind them and fired a blast behind them, destroying one of the tanks.

"There's another one right on our tail." Donnie said, looking at the image of the one behind them.

"Not for long!" Raph said, slamming the wing of their tank into the side of a wall, causing debris to fall and hit the tanker behind them.

As they turned around the corner, Professor Honeycutt noticed another one up ahead of them and said, "There's one more up ahead."

"FIRE!" Raph ordered.

Professor Honeycutt fired a blast, hitting the tank dead on and destroying it. The Federation soldiers heard the explosion and turned to see the stolen tanker emerge from the fire and smoke and coming to a complete stop.

The soldiers immediately fired their guns at the tank, almost immediately the tank exploded in a fiery inferno.

General Blank watched the explosion from the holograms and shouted in anger at the troops, "IMBECILES! I thought I gave the order that the Fugitoide and the girl shall not be harmed!"

"They're not here sir! They must've evacuated the vehicle before it exploded." A soldier replied.

"Find them soldier! Find them!" General Blank replied.

Danny, the Turtles, Jazz and Professor Honeycutt watched as the soldiers continued to look for them through the explosion.

When Jazz and Professor Honeycutt turned around, they saw that Danny and the Turtles had disappeared.

"Huh. Now where did those little fellows go?" Professor Honeycutt wondered.

Leo and Danny walked up behind them and tapped them on the shoulder, they turned and smiled impressed by their skills.

"You guys are really good." Jazz said.

"Yes. How do you all know those wonderful disappearing techniques?" Professor Honeycutt asked.

"Not here guys. Let's go." Danny said quietly.

They all left to join the others, avoiding being seen by the Federation soldiers who had started to continue their search for them.

"Deploy all units! Destroy anyone or anything that gets in your way! Hunt down that Fugitoide and girl and bring them to me!" General Blank ordered his soldiers.

In a dark alley, Lenai walked inside an abandoned building after making sure no-one had followed her. In the dimly lit room, a small chest sat in the middle of a table and a tall shadowy figure stood in the corner of the room.

"Do you have the information we discussed?" The figure asked in a deep, gruff voice.

She nodded and said, "If you have the grease."

"Look in the box." The voice instructed.

Lenai opened the chest and inside and a glow began to shine from it. She smiled as she said, "Nadian Pleasure Gems. Enough for a lifetime."

She was about to grab one, but the large, three-fingered hand of the figure grabbed her hand and said, "First thing's first my friend…"

The hand lifted her off the ground and the small light revealed for a moment the figure's appearance. It was a tall, muscular triceratops alien, wearing a helmet with a visor and a brown, white and black white military-style uniform. His other harm was robotic.

"My superiors are very interested in the Teleportal. Tell me everything you know about this Fugitoide and girl. Everything." The alien said.



The Federation continue their search for Jazz, Professor Honeycutt, Danny and the Turtles. However as they try to find a way off D'Hoonibb and hopefully find a way to build the Teleportal, another alien race called the Triceratons is eager to have Jazz and Professor Honeycutt as well!

Will they get out of D'Hoonibb? Will the Federation or the Triceratons get their hands on Jazz and Professor Honeycutt? Find out next time on Danny Phantom and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in: Turtles In Space PART 1: Trouble with Triceratons!