Shigaraki had gotten all the info he needed for the next phase of his plan. He smiled behind his hand, and that's when he saw his group behind him.

"Well, what's your orders boss man?" Said a villain with a glass eye

"Well first we have to get there, and we need to wait until they think they're safe" Shigaraki said

"Are you sure this is a good idea? What if there are more heroes then you expected?" Asked a villain with a gas mask on his face

"Don't worry about that, so far the only heroes there will be the Pussy Cats, Eraserhead, and Vlad-King?" Shigaraki said "we should be able to take them"

Then a villain with burns on his neck, mouth, eyelids, and arms with piercings on his mouth approached the group of villains

"Ah! Dabi! I didn't think you'd make it!" Chuckled a villain with a top hat and a mask.

"I was busy" Dabi replied

"With what exactly?" Shigaraki asked

"That's none of your concern" Dabi replied, glaring at the man

They stared at each other for a while before Shigaraki scoffed and told them to wait a week for the plan. Shigaraki texted his informant and the message was sent.

Back at UA Izuku along with Shinsou, Toru, Momo, Jirou, and Kaminari were sitting in class waiting for Aizawa to arrive. Suddenly, Izuku heard Mei's voice coming from their earpieces.

[Izuku! The signal is on right now! He's checking the phone!] Mei said over the ear-piece

Izuku looked around his class to see who was on their phone. Izuku's eyes landed on one person and Izuku couldn't believe who was the only one on their phone. They turned off their phone and that's when Izuku got the worse news of his life

[Izuku! Who is it!? Did you see them!?] Mei asked

Izuku tapped his ear-piece in confirmation of him seeing who the traitor was.

Time had passed and finally, the bell rang and the class was out for lunch. Izuku walked up to Shinsou and Momo

"Get everyone to Mei's room and don't blow your cover. I saw who the traitor was" Izuku told them

They nodded and went to grab Jirou, Kaminari, and Toru, while Izuku was going to get the two other people who should be involved with this situation.

Most of everyone was in Mei's lab, the only they were waiting for was Izuku

"Where is he?" Momo asked

"You don't think he went to confront the traitor himself do you?" Jirou asked

"Nah, Izuku's not that dumb... Right?" Kaminari replied

Just then Izuku entered with to people behind him. Reiko and Principal Nezu. Everyone in the room froze when they saw Nezu enter the room with their leader in front of him.

"Um... Izuku, who is she, and what is principal Nezu doing here?" Shinsou asked

"Oh well, I have known about your little activity's but I didn't know young Momo, as well as Kaminari, Jirou, and Toru, were involved," Nezu said

Everyone looked at Izuku, "look I don't know how he found out but besides that, this is Reiko, but Nezu has made sure all of us are part of his new team" Izuku told them

"Team?" Momo asked

"Yeah, I wasn't sure if I should tell you guys but now's the Time," Izuku said then he turned to Nezu "we found the traitor"

Nezu nodded, "I see, what do you plan to do?" Nezu asked

"I want you to start up that Rouge's program," Izuku said, "and I've decided on something else as well..." Izuku began

"And what's that?" Nezu asked

"I'm dropping out of UA," Izuku said

They all looked shocked

"But make no mistake, I'm still in charge of this little operation," Izuku said

"That's all fine Izuku, but back to why you called us here... who is this traitor?" Nezu asked

Izuku sighed, "Kirishima" Izuku replied

Kirishima entered the bar only to see Shigaraki looking at him, "they canceled the plans! Why!?"

"I-I don't know! What do you want me to do!?" Kirishima cried

"This is it! We destroy them from the inside! As well as the outside! And you are going to help me!" Shigaraki yelled "it's time to unleash hell on UA! Get the Nomu! Get the vanguard!" I'm tired of the cheaters!" Shigaraki yelled

Kirishima couldn't help but feel more guilty than he already did... But he was already to far into this.

The Civil war now began...