Hello, everyone. As you can see, this is my fourth TAWOG fanfic. I've been wondering whether or not I should write a new fanfic or do a rewrite of one of my previous stories. Eventually, I decided that I would write a new one.
I've had an idea for this story for a few weeks now already, it's only now that I managed to put it together. (Well, that applies to every story ever, but still...)
Anyway, here goes my new story, "Come To Life". Enjoy!
In the middle of the night, Gumball suddenly appeared just outside the main entrance of Elmore Jr. High, all shaken up from what had just happened, but still in hopes that he would find something he was sure was there at the moment.
Or more precisely, somebody.
So, without a single word, he ran inside. Obviously it was almost completely dark in there, but Gumball did not want to risk turning on the lights, because that way, anyone from a reasonable distance would figure out that the school wasn't empty. Including the one person he least wanted to.
He then started running through the hallways. Still feeling horribly unstable, but not sweating, eventually he made it to the school dining room. Fortunately, the person he expected to see was really there, clearly having gotten out of the situation Gumball himself couldn't.
"Anais!" he yelled.
Sadly, it was to no avail.
But wait.
Let's go back a little, shall we?
It was just another relatively sunny day in the city of Elmore, California. The weather forecast had predicted rain for the next few days, but nobody had been really worried about that.
Since it was Tuesday, the streets of Elmore were cluttered with cars, inside which were mostly people going to work. For the very same reason, all the kids were at the local school, Elmore Jr. High.
Including a certain 12-year-old blue cat, Gumball Watterson.
Now, for his age, Gumball is a very simple child, but at the same time, he is more complex than it would seem at first glance. He is always there for most of his friends when they are in trouble, however, more often than not, more than he himself would like to admit, the actions and ideas he thought of on his own were very mean-spirited. With a very few exceptions, whatever he would do, whatever kinds of crazy shenanigans he would decide to commit, his actions would almost always get somebody upset. Whether it be a member of his own family, another classmate, or even completely random Elmore citizens he had never even met before.
But there was one person whom Gumball's deeds would get particularly upset.
It was Lucy Simian, a 300,000-year-old-ape and Gumball's teacher in Elmore Jr. High.
This old woman, she developed an almost instantaneous antipathy for Gumball ever since he first set foot in this school, back when he was 7, and as time passed, this antipathy only grew bigger. She had known about everything Gumball had done around this weird (to say the least) town, and every bad deed he had, intentionally or not, done to her as well. But none of these things were enough for Ms. Simian to do the one thing that would irreversibly stop Gumball from even thinking about doing any more harm to anyone else. The one thing that would make his life a living hell.
She just had to wait until he did something, anything, that was way, way over the line.
She waited for the last straw.
What happened to Gumball that specific Tuesday evening was, in fact, completely unrelated to anything involving Ms. Simian.
It was after he came back home from school, alongside his 10-year-old adopted goldfish brother, Darwin, and his 4-year-old pink bunny sister, Anais.
What they saw upon entering the house they lived in was their father, an overweight pink bunny named Richard, sitting on the couch and consistently switching TV channels, with a sip of drool coming out of his mouth and an unbuttoned shirt, probably having been in that state for the whole day; alongside Nicole, their blue cat mother, who was resting on the couch and on her husband's chest, most likely exhausted from work; the only light in the house coming from the turned-on TV.
"Hi Mom, hi Dad," Gumball greeted his parents, not feeling like he had done anything wrong in school that day.
"Hi, kids," Nicole said back, in a sleepy voice. Richard also tried to greet his children, but his mouth was half-full.
Darwin then remembered what he and Gumball were talking about earlier that day in school, during the lunch break. So he lightly hit his brother on his left shoulder, in a way that would make Gumball remember it too. Anais, knowing about the subject, just sighed.
"Hey, Mom, can I ask you something?" Gumball curiously addressed to Nicole, but carefully, hoping she would not get all furious. For mostly everyone else, Gumball did not care all that much if he would anger them by his actions. But with his mother, it was a whole different story altogether, because when angered, Nicole could turn into a literal demon and effortlessly take down all of Elmore.
Luckily for the blue feline, this time it wasn't the case. "Yes, honey?" Nicole asked, still half-asleep.
Then, Gumball asked: "Did you just, like, magically become great at cooking and doing laundry and all the housework and stuff when you had me?"
Upon hearing this question, Nicole became almost fully awake, and looked at her eldest son with a half-shocked facial expression.
Gumball just stood there, this situation being a little awkward for him, as his mother just stared at him like that, and he didn't know what to say. The three second that this took place felt like at least ten seconds.
"Well, of course," Nicole exclaimed almost cheerfully. "What else did you think?" She then sighed in a positive way, rolled her eyes, and laid her head back on Richard's greasy chest.
"See, I told you," Gumball told his brother, slightly victoriously. Darwin sighed in defeat.
"That's just one example," Anais pointed out, indirectly defending the goldfish. "It doesn't necessarily mean all mothers are like that."
"Yeah, whatever," Gumball exclaimed with a smirk on his face, "I still win." After saying this, he carelessly leaned on the wooden space that was under the staircase. However, he had obviously forgotten about the door to the basement, which was placed exactly where he had placed his hand. Without anyone having any time to react to this, the blue cat fell inside, and just fell down the stairs.
Tripping on every single stair until the bottom one, Gumball yelled "Ouch!" each time hitting a stair, until he reached the floor of the basement. Even a few things in the basement fell on him.
Anais just rolled her eyes.
Darwin quickly ran inside. "Oh, my gosh, Gumball, are you okay?" he asked, worriedly.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Gumball casually answered, not really having broken any part of his body, just feeling a little pain around his chest, and covered in dust. "I just have to take a shower now," he said, a little dissatisfied. Darwin, being the good-spirited goldfish, was happy that his brother was still doing fine, and Anais rolled her eyes once more. Both of them went on to have dinner, while Gumball went upstairs and in the bathroom, to take that shower.
However, just as he was about to take off his shirt, he felt something in his back.
But it wasn't pain.
Well, as he would discover later on, at least not physical pain.
And there goes the first chapter of "Come To Life". I'll be leaving you to wonder what this thing Gumball felt was. Or what Ms. Simian wanted to do. Until the next chapter, leave reviews. See you!