Here's chapter two! Sorry that took so long. I have figured that Isla (and Taliyah, maybe) will be an imprint. I haven't decided whom yet, but I'm thinking it will be Paul, that may change as I go along though, any opinions would be great!

"Are you ready?" Taliyah asked Isla once they arrived at the hospital and Isla parked.

Isla sighed. "No, I'm not, but I am going to have to be." She shook her head as she got out of the car. Isla opened the trunk and got the stroller out and set it up. She then went around and got her one month old out, securing his car seat to the stroller. Taliyah got the diaper bag for her while she walked to doors of the hospital.

Taliyah followed Isla into the hospital and over to the information desk.

"My name is Isla Uley, I was called about my um, my 'father', Joshua Uley."

She nodded and typed something in the computer. "He's on the west wing." She said. She pointed to the left, "You can take that hallway, and it will take you right there, you can follow the signs that are posted.

"Okay, thank you."

Isla and Taliyah made their way down the hallway and kept an eye on the signs of the wing that they needed to be in.

"Uh, which one?" Taliyah asked once they stepped up to the east wing and went through doors, upon seeing one wing said medical intensive care and the other one said surgical intensive care.

"Um, surgical." Isla went through that door and inquired about Joshua.

"If you'd like, you can wait in the family lounge and I can have his doctor come out and talk to you?" The woman suggested.

"Yes, that'll be fine."

Isla and Taliyah headed to the lounge and took a seat. The doctor ended up coming in around minutes later. "Ms. Uley?"

Isla looked up. "Yes?"

"Ms. Uley, I'm Dr. Andrews. I am the one that treated your father." He said. "We just need to you identify him per policy."

"Okay." Isla stood, handing her son over to Taliyah and followed the doctor to down the hall to a room. Once getting there, she saw the man that she hadn't seen , since she was 7, though he was hooked to all kinds of tubes and machines, that was him. "Yeah, that's him, that's Joshua."

Dr. Andrews nodded. "I regret to inform you that he is brain dead, he will not make a full recovery. And when you're ready, we would like to discuss the option of organ donation with you."

She nodded. "I will sign the paperwork right now if you have them." The doctor looked shocked, so Isla sighed and went on to explain. "I'm sorry Dr. Andrews, but I haven't seen that man since I was 7, he had no interest in ever being a father and I could honestly care less. At least with organ donation, he will actually do some good for once in his life."

"We will start the testing process and find matches, and we will let you know when the organ harvesting surgery will take place."

After talking with the doctor, Isla headed back to the waiting room, where the lawyer had arrived.

The lawyer helped her with everything, with all the paperwork, including ones for the local funeral home that Joshua's body would be released to, and then eventually sent to La Push. Once all the paperwork had been signed, John assured her that she wouldn't have to stay while the organ harvesting surgery took place. So Isla elected to go back to Ellsworth, and get packed to make the drive cross the country. John had told her that he would call her with updates when the funeral home would get ready to send his body to Forks, as La Push didn't have any funeral homes.


Once back at home, Isla dropped Taliyah off at home, she had offered to go with Isla to La Push, so she wouldn't have to do things alone, and also to help take turns driving, so they could be there within three days instead of a week, as flying wasn't an option, at least, not a doable option. Once she parked in front of her unit, she took the baby inside, so she could start packing and finding hotels, and asking her friend if she would be okay with looking in on Kenai.

Isla groaned and rubbed her face just thinking about everything. She was in no mood to cook for herself, so she went online and ordered herself a pizza for delivery and went to her room to start packing for the road trip from Maine to Washington. It was almost a 3,500 trip and 53 hours from where she lived, she hoped that with both her and Taliyah driving for as long as they could, they could be there within three days, as she was sure the funeral home would put Joshua's body on a plane when they were done embalming him, and she wanted to meet with the funeral home director before or at the same time as Joshua's body's arrival.

She was also a bit nervous, as the lawyer had told her that she had an older brother, and would be meeting him as well at the funeral home in Forks. Because of this, she couldn't help but wonder how many other kids that Joshua had out there. She wouldn't be surprised if there was more then just her and Sam. She supposed that she would never know now, since Joshua took that secret with him when he died.