Hello readers. I want to thank all who have been patiently waiting for this update. I had some personal things going on this summer that made it hard to write.

Yey more faves and follows! It's always really wonderful and I know I say it alot(I must sound like a broken record), but it still means just as much. Can't believe this story has come to a close. It's been fun to write and I've enjoyed seeing everyone's reactions. If you enjoy the ending and want to see my take on Endgame, please feel free to check out the sequel. I can't say when I will begin to write it as I have been asked to continue a friend's fanfiction who has lost mobility in their hands(I want to make it a goal to see her story complete), but I promise it WILL happen!

As Furia pushed to find the pieces of Cratyk's mind inside her own, he instantly stood before her. With a wicked smile, Cratyk wasn't about to let her get him out. Soon she would be gone. Soon she would be the real threat to her friends and he would be the one to present the stone to Thanos.

"Can you feel it, Furia?" He started to say. "How quickly you're fading?" He moved toward her as she raised her hands defensively.

Furia flinched as she noticed how the maze seemed to expand as more sections began to appear and the walls grew taller. She was fighting his mind but he was winning and not even her best efforts could slow him down. Even as she sensed the difference between his thoughts and her own his powers had grown too strong and she knew without Wanda she wouldn't be able to keep him at bay. She realized Cratyk had never.

planned on going for her friends. That had been a lie. This was solely about her. Had he gone after Bucky, it may have pushed her enough to win. Maybe. But Cratyk was so much stronger than she ever thought possible.

Furia's eyes darted around in desperation as she began to cry out for help. "Wanda!" She hoped if the Scarlet Witch could at least hear her, she might be able to find her….

Wanda's eyes had ripped open as she'd stepped out of the void and back to reality. She quickly rose to her feet as she took in her surroundings while Shuri still attempted to remove the stone.

Determination drove Wanda's every move as she placed a quick hand over her comms. "Bucky, can you hear me?" She said anxiously.

Down below, Bucky fought to survive beside Rocket who shouted, "Come and get some you space dogs!" Grabbing the strange talking raccoon and spinning 540 degrees, the two continuously fired at the Outriders; their aim both flawlessly accurate. Bucky's idea managed to kill quite a few of the horrendous creatures that had surrounded them before he finally set the racoon down. Rocket, who glanced at both Bucky's arm and gun smiled with admiration. "How much for the gun?" He asked, ready to pay a heavy price for such a good piece of equipment.

"Not for sale." Bucky answered, killing off a few more creatures as he spoke.

"Okay, how much for the arm?" Rocket countered.

Bucky gave him an incredulous look before turning away as Wanda asked again if he could hear her.

"Oh I'll get that arm." Rocket laughed as Bucky ignored him.

"Yeah, I hear ya Wanda, what's going on?" Bucky asked.

"I can't get to Furia. Cratyk has her trapped deep in her mind. But, we can stop him. He's so far in the void of Furia's mind, he won't suspect an attack here. Especially since he believes he's hidden. I saw him. I found a piece of his mind in Furia's and it lead me to his location. You can be the one to stop him and I'll lead you straight to him."

Wanda knew if anyone should get revenge against Cratyk, it was Bucky, and she was ready to give it to him.

Bucky's jaw suddenly clenched as he stared straight ahead. He raised his gun with his metal arm, shooting several Outriders to his left, never glancing their way. They dropped like flies while his anger seemed to spill out as he spoke. "Where?"

"There's a small aircraft to the north in an open field. He's on it. And only two guards are keeping him safe since he's so deep in the void." Wanda answered.

"I'm on it." He replied.


The fight against Thanos had been brutal. And despite their strong numbers- most of the Guardians, Iron Man, Spider Man, and Dr. Strange- he was still a challenge to subdue. Their plan had been executed perfectly; with each of them attempting blows to simply keep Thanos busy until the timing was right.

Peter Quill often acted like an arrogant middle schooler, but not even Tony Stark could deny the genius of his plan. And with the tide finally turning in their favor, they had managed to keep Thanos from closing his fist to use his mighty Gauntlet and could now execute the final blow of Starlord's plan.

Leaping down through one of Strange's portals, Mantis landed atop of Thanos' shoulders. Her hands rested on his head as she used her abilities to pull him under. Thanos was strong and Mantis found him difficult to overcome, but she had grown used to strong minds-like Ego's- and tried to push beyond his resistance.

Though he wasn't fully subdued, Mantis has managed to send him into a half-sleep as Tony began pulling on the gauntlet while Dr. Strange reapplied the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak and his cloak assisted him. Pulling with all his might, Tony spoke. "Is he under? Don't let up."

With a strained breath, Mantis started to cry. "Be quick. He is very strong."

"Parker, help! Get over here" Tony called out. Immediately dropping his webline, Peter started to help Tony with the gauntlet. "She can't hold him much longer. Let's go."

Starlord, who flew down toward them, stood before Thanos tauntingly. "I thought you'd be harder to catch. For the record, this was my plan. Not so strong now, huh? Where is Gamora?"

Still under, Thanos' reply was almost zombie-like. "My- Gamora." He grunted.

"No, bullshit. Where is she?" Peter Quill snapped.

Feeling his emotions, Mantis sighed. His strength and pain was overwhelming. "He is in anguish."

"Good." Peter sneered. After everything Thanos had done he wished he could cut him down right then and there but first he needed to find her.

Mantis began to shake as she cried, wondering how much longer she would last. "He- he- mourns." She told them, feeling his sadness.

Drax's face twisted in confusion. "What does this monster have to mourn?!"

Nebula, who had been standing near by, swallowed; her thoughts coming to one obvious conclusion. There was only one thing that would make her father mourn.. "Gamora." she said aloud.

Peter glanced her way for a moment. "What?" He said with wide eyes.

"He took her to Vormir. He came back with the Soul Stone- but she didn't." Nebula's chest began to ache as soon as the words left her mouth. Gamora was the one person she cared for. Gamora had reminded Nebula of her own humanity. She was her sister and now it was just another thing Thanos had taken from her.

Peter Quill shook with fury. His eyes were full of rage as they began to weld with tears. Tony, who could see that Peter was moments from losing it, pulled back his face cover. "Okay, Quill, you gotta cool it right now, you understand?"

Peter Quill, who had been facing Nebula slowly turned toward Thanos. With a sneer he took a step toward him as Tony shook his head, still trying to pull off the gauntlet. "Don't, don't, don't engage! We've almost got this off!" He pleaded.

"Tell me she's lying!" Peter Yelled. "Asshole! Tell me you didn't do it!"

"I- had- to." Thanos answered, still sounding as if he were under hypnosis.

As a tear fell across Peter's cheek, his lip began to quiver. The weight of every loss he had faced flooded his thoughts. His mother's death. The moment he was forced to kill his own father. The loss of Gamora. Everything pressed against him with the force of a freight train, and Quill could no longer hold it all. His anger seemed to burst like a broken damn. "No, you didn't! No- you didn't!" Taking his gun, Peter slammed it across Thanos' face. His attack caused Mantis to lose her group as she fumbled back.

"No you didn't!" Quill screamed as he struck Thanos again.

Tony moved to grab Starlord's arm in a desperate attempt to gain back their control of Thanos. "Hey, stop! Hey, stop! Stop! Hey, stop! Stop!"

While Peter Parker was still pulling off the gauntlet. His eyes grew large with anticipation as a flicker of hope filled his heart; the gauntlet finally almost off of the mad titan. "It's coming! It's coming! It's coming!" He started out as Thanos' fingertips were finally loose. "I got it! I got it"

Thanos, now awake and out of Mantis' trance, head butted her before she could subdue him once more. He grabbed the cuff of the gauntlet just as it was about to slide off his hand entirely, causing Spider Man to stumble back, before throwing Mantis off his shoulders.

With worried eyes, Peter Parker gasped as Mantis flew through the air. She was much too high and going way too fast and he knew her landing could be life threatening. "Oh God." He said, a little panicked as he dove to catch her before he extended his spider legs as a makeshift roll cage to safeguard their landing.

With a solid kick, Thanos sent Drax sideways as he flew into Star Lord and Nebula, knocking them both down. Grabbing at the Crimson Bands, Thanos yanked them back to throw Dr Strange aside. He then swatted Iron Man like a fly, managing to avoid Tony's repulsor shots.

The Guardians jumped toward him simultaneously, but using his gauntlet, Thanos released an indigo energy that knocked the three of them back and rendered them unconscious.

Zooming back into the fight, Iron Man manifested his nanite arm, cannon ready to fire everything he could but was quickly head butted to the ground. With a snide look in his eyes, Thanos stared at Tomy for a second before his eyes became fixed on Titan's moon high in the sky. With his gauntlet raised, he utilized the Power and Space stones, shatter the moon's surface. With intense speed large chunks hurtled down toward Tony while he tried to fly out of harm's way. Despite his efforts, a piece the size of a baseball field slammed him into the ground as debris flew into the air.

The gauntlet was much too powerful now and as Doctor Strange readied himself to get back into the fight, he knew not much could be done to win…

Bucky's eyes were fixed on the ship that now lay just outside the barrier in front of him. He had fought his way through hordes of outriders to get to the ship and had done so with frightening ease. In truth, had anything else stood in his way, it too would have been slaughtered. Cratyk was going to die. And he was going to die by Bucky's hands.

"Let me through, then close the barrier section as fast as you can behind me." He said to any of the Wakandan guard willing to help.

"I'm on it, Barnes." the young woman replied. She had heard Wanda's words over comms and knew that if she didn't they could lose Furia forever.

As soon as it opened Bucky sprinted forward, firing his weapon at every outrider that moved toward him. Though most still fought their way in from the spot left open on T'Challa's command, there were still those that had trailed Bucky's movements.

Leaping into the air, Bucky did a backflip full twist with his gun extended at the ugly creatures beneath him. With a single bullet to the head, each of them fell to the ground with a thud before his body finally made it beyond the barrier and was quickly closed behind him.

With the hatch extended, Bucky made his way into the plane. There were only three men inside beside Cratyk and none of them had expected his sudden entrance. They didn't even have time to react before Bucky fired his gun. Three bullets. Three very dead aliens.

With a few steps forward, Cratyk was in Bucky's sights. His body was still and though his eyes were open, Bucky saw Cratyk's mind was miles away. He had traveled so deep into Furia's he'd gone catatonic to the outside world.

A tiny and menacing smirk formed at the corner of Bucky's lips, and the pleasant soft expression of his gentle blue eyes was gone; replaced with the cold and sinister gaze of a former deadly weapon. And though Bucky had been set free of The Winter Soldier some time ago, his thirst for revenge and need to take the life of the man before him was just as dark as the years of assassinations.

Bucky moved to stand right before Cratyk. His gun was practically touching his forehead…..

I can't let go of h-him, Furia tried to hold onto Bucky. His face. His hands. The way he smiled just for her. His innate need to protect her. His love. But not even his name stayed in the depths of the darkness.

She could feel the urge to weep beginning to overtake her but with the first sob released, her breath seemed to catch in the back of her throat. Her eyes went dark as everything began to disappear. Every memory and precious thought slipped from her grasp. She reached for something significant. Her father. What was his name? Everything Furia had ever known seemed to fall off the edge of a deep cavern until not even her own name seemed familiar.

An anger seemed to settle in the pit of her stomach. It was unnatural and moved with an unfamiliar bitterness until only one logic remained.

"I have to stop them." She told herself. "Thanos must finish what he started. "They have to be killed. It's for the greater good."

With a sudden jolt, Furia fell back onto the hard surface of Shuri's laboratory. Wanda, who had been standing near by, swiftly moved toward her.

Furia, whose vision was still out of focus, drew in a desperate breath. One hand rested on her chest as if to steady her erratic breaths while the other remained flat on the ground, supporting her weight.

"Furia!" Wanda said as she rested a hand on Furia's shoulder. "You okay?"

Furia looked toward Wanda as her memories began to pour into her own mind one by one. She blinked several times, still trying to process every piece of information she'd temporarily lost.

"Furia, can you hear me?" Wanda asked, more concerned this time.

"W-Wanda?" Furia finally answered.

With a smile, Wanda helped Furia to her feet. "I thought I'd lost you."

With another deep breath Furia spoke.."I think for a minute I lost myself."

"Hey, Doll." Bucky said over comms. His voice sent a pleasant thrill through out Furia's soul before she smiled wide.

"James!" She shouted in relief. "Where are you?"

"Just down taking care of business while you were napping." He answered snarkily, taking out a few more outriders.

Suddenly, T'Challa's voice yelled over their comms. "Fall back, fall back now!" He yelled in desperation.

Wanda and Furia ran toward the window that overlooked the battle. Both their eyes went large in despair as the massive circular-spiked machines had tore through the ground with frightening ease, bypassing the shields altogether. The pair of them watched as two machines tore through T'Challa's troops killing everything in its' path.

"They need our help." Furia said, before they both looked back at Vision.

"My guards will protect us. " Shuri started out. "Both of you, go!" She pleaded. "Help my brother."

On the battlefield, Rhodey soared above the fight, desperate to find a weak spot Shredder. "Focus that fire on the left flank, Sam." He ordered.

"I'm doing it." Sam answered frustrated that not even their strongest missiles seemed to have an effect.

Natasha, who had taken on some Outriders with her escrima sticks stood next to Okoye. The battle had seen both her and Steve separated but she knew he could fend for himself(she even hated to admit that he could best her in a fight if it came down to strength). Her eyes fell suddenly on the Shredder that now headed straight toward herself and Okoye. It was close and Natasha knew not even her reflexes would be able to escape this death machine.

I love you, Steve. She thought to herself as she accepted her end.

Landing before them both, Wanda's eyes and hands were a vibrant red as the Shredder lifted from the ground. Her scarlett powers surrounded the structure before it landed behind them and crushed s group of Outriders that were heading right towards them.

Furia, who also had landed in the fight shot her ice at several outriders who instantly froze, falling to the ground.

"Why was she up there all this time?" Okoye said, sounding indignant.

Proxima gave a wicked smile when her eyes caught sight of Wanda. Though she knew if Furia was also on the field, Cratyk was likely dead. Still, it did not change their goal. "They are on the field" She announced. "Take it."

Corvus Glaive reached Shuri's lab almost instantly. He easily killed the guard standing just outside the entrance alerting Shuri to the danger.

Trying to disconnect Vision from her equipment, Shuri's heart raced as the adrenaline pushed her to move quicker.

Reaching for her sonic panther paws as the Dora Milaje attempted Corvus but were instantly thrown aside, Shuri fired a blast at the alien before her. Back on their feet, the Dora attacked again but Corvys was able to deflect them before sending Shuri and the Dora through the balcony railing and onto the main lab floor.

Expecting Vision to still be on the medical table, Corvus' eyes went large when Vision suddenly tackled him out the window before falling many meters down the face of Mount Bashenga.

Noticing the incident, Sam quickly announced it to the others. "Guys, we got a Vision situation here." Having intended to head toward Vision, Sam was suddenly attacked by an Outrider who leaped to grasp him and pulled him toward the ground.

Steve, who was fighting off another hoard of Outriders, shouted for someone to intercede. "Somebody get to Vision!"

"I got him!" Bruce announced, having finally worked passed the kinks of the Hulkbuster. Using the repulsor thrusters, he made a beeline for the android.

Determined to help the man she loved as well, Wanda spoke over comms. "On my way." She said before letting out a huff of air. Wanda hit the ground as the unexpected pain from being clobbered by Proxima's pommel stretched across her flesh. She rolled across the torn earth, falling into a ditch created by one of the shredders.

Jumping down next to Scarlet Witch, who was still a little dazed from Proxima's surprise attack, she looked down at the young girl with a dark grin. "He'll die alone. As will you."

"She's not alone." Natasha said, fiercely as she jumped between Wanda and Proxima.

Okoye, who stood behind Proxima, stealthily brandished her spear before nodding at Natasha as if to signal she was ready to take her on.

With a loud warcry, Proxima jolted toward Natasha to joined her sticks into a full staff. She blocked Proxima's first attack as her staff crackled with electricity. Okoye, who moved to strike from the front, landed a sidekick that caught Proxima off guard.

Furia, who was blasting every Outrider within a hundred yards of herself caught sight of Bucky, who ran toward her. He pulled her toward him, kissing her passionately before the pair separated

"Thank you." She said, with her hand on his face.

He shot several more outriders with his eyes still on Furia as the creatures slid across the ground lifeless, Bucky gave her a wink. "Don't mention it sweetheart." The two stood back to back as they continued to fend off the outriders. Bucky firing his gun and Furia using her ice.

Not far away, Corvus gave a sharp kick toward Vision, knocking him down. As he tried to stand, Cull Obsidian and joined the fight, swinging his hammer toward Vision before sending him soaring even further.

The pain of his foes became evident as he struggled to rise once more. He feared he wouldn't last but was grateful when the Hulkbuster suddenly landed between them. With one hand repulsor pointed at Cull and the other at Corvus, Bruce took a defensive stance.

"Oh no, oh no you don't. This isn't going to be like New York, pal. This suits already kicked the crap out of the Hulk!" He yelled, tired of all their ugly faces.

With a sneer, Cull leaped forward and took hold of Bruce's right arm. As if by reflex, Bruce grabbed for Cull's hammer before his jet fired; the two headed for a nearby waterfall.

"Guys! Vision needs backup now!" He called out in desperation." Cull gave the Hulkbuster a harsh front kick, sending Bruce stumbling away. Inside the machine, Bruce called out to his big green friend. "Hulk. Hulk, I know you like making your entrance at the last second, well, this is it, man. This is the last, last second!" He yelled frantically.

Sticking out his arm protectively as Cull moved to strike again, Cull reached for the arm before swinging a small axe at the shoulder. He gripped at the back of the suit, doing a rollover move to snap the hulkbuster arm off entirely. "Ahhhhh! Hulk! Hulk! HULK!" Bruce cried.

As his face suddenly went green, Hulk cried out in shameful anger. "No!"

"Oh, screw you, you big green asshole! I'll do it myself!" Motioning for Cull to move forward, he called out ready to fight him again. "Come on!"

Charging toward Cull, he leaped into the air, and with his remaining Hulk arm, gave Cull an effective punch. feeling confident, he attempted another blow, that was suddenly caught by Cull's large hand. Cull layed a blow with his other arm, causing Bruce to fall back. Shifting his left armored hand into a pointed weapon, Cull moved to strike. The blow, which likely would have been fatal, was narrowly dodged when Bruce reached out for the detached Hulkbuster arm. Cull's weapon stabbed through the arm whole Brucw slapped the controls.

"See ya!" Bruce yelled as the arm carried Cull away, headed straight for the Wakandan barrier. As the arm dragged Cull across the barrier, the result was a grotesque as pieces of him began to tear apart until a final explosion destroyed whatever was left of the black dwarf.

With a deep breath, Bruce winced from his battle pains. "Hulk, we got a lot to figure out, pal."

Proxima, who was still sparring with Natasha and Okoye, managed to block both their blows until a shredder passed over each of them, causing the three females to duck out of the way, still safety of the trench.

With the two terrans distracted, Proxima used it to her advantage before kicking Natasha in the face. She turned to attention on Okoye, throwing the warrior yards away.

Simultaneously, Corvus and Vision still fought amongst the trees at the foot of Mount Beshenga. Holding onto Vision's shoulder, Claive dug his glaive deep into Vision's chest causing him to cry out in torment.

"I thought you were formidable, machine. But you're dying, like any man." Yanking out his glaive, Vision collapsed. Bending d

over his dying opponent, Corvus reached for the Stone just as Steve Rogers tackled him from behind.

"Get outta here!" Steve yelled, ready to face Corvus on his own. As Corvus attacked Captain America, he blocked the glaive with his arm shields before countering with of his own. "Go!" He ordered Vision while he still fought Corvus.

Still fighting Proxima, Natasha split her staff and used the two stick to block Proxima's sword, before finally knocking it from her hand. Without a weapon, Proxima lunged forward, knocking Natasha to the ground. She triggered an arm blade, stabbing at the Black Widow who barely managed to block the attack with her sticks. As the edge began to dig at her neck, Wanda's red energy swiftly surrounded Proxima before she was tossed into the air just as another shredder began to pass. Dark blue blood covered the three women below as Natasha's face scrunched in disgust.

"That was really gross."

As Captain still fought against Corvus, he blocked the alien's continued blows until he finally knocked the glaive from his hands, just before being thrown beyond a tree and forcably pinned.

As Corvus held onto Steve's neck. he struggles to get free, but Corvus had not expected Vision to retrieve his own glaive and pierce him from behind. Raising him above the ground, Vision thoughts took him back the first night Corvus had attacked, and had his suspended above the ground just like this. Feeling justice had been served, he tossed him aside before falling forward from exhaustion.

Having risen to his feet, Steve help Vision. Pulling him up, he spoke. "I thought I told you to go."

"We don't trade lives, Captain."


Those still conscious after Thanos' vicious attack against the Guardians and Avengers struggled to see hope as hundreds of moon shards scattered their surroundings. A blanket of ash and earth hovered around them from the impact like a fog stinging at their eyes. The unstable surface of Titan was now worse as several of those who had gone to fight Thanos now floated about from lack of gravity.

Dr Strange had conjured every attack he could think of but Thanos had always seemed one step ahead. Tony, who had fought harder than he thought himself possible, could hardly make a dent. Their defeat felt imminent as their bodies grew weak.

Thanos touched his face where a small scratch began to bleed. He smirked as he turned to Iron Man who seemed strained from his efforts.

"All that for a drop of blood." Thanos said, taunting Tony.

With a large step toward Tony, Thanos punched him repeatedly, sending Iron Man pinwheeling. With a second attack, Tony used his forearms to blocks Thanos' strikes. Without warning, Thanos grabbed for Iron Man's helmet, picking him up with ease before using the power stone to blast at his mid section. Thrown harshly across the ground, Tony rose to one knee and used his hand repulsor, blasting it at full capacity. Thanos easily blocked the ray with the gauntlet while Tony finally stood. As his suit began to repair itself, Tony used his other repulsor to fire a second beam. Still deflecting the repulsors with his glove, Thanos moved forward until he stood before Tony, using his other hand to bash side of Iron Man's head. Blocking the attack with his now recovered iron man arm, he formed a short blade with the other hand, jabbing it toward Thanos. He easily grabbed the blade, snapping it clear off and jabbed it into Tony's side.

With a gasp, Tony's eyes went large. There was no fight left in him. The pain of his injury and the shame of defeat overtook his senses as a single memory of Pepper came to mind. This was it, Tony thought to himself as he looked at his enemy. I'm going to die.

Had the battle been won, the loss of his life would have felt insignificant. But knowing that he would die and millions of lives were still at stake, including the woman he loved, he didn't want it to end this way. He didn't want to see Thanos gain his victory. He should have been able to stop him. But he hadn't.

Thanos forced Tony backward until he sat. He rested the gauntlet on his head like he'd meant to comfort him.

"You have my respect, Stark. When I'm done, half of humanity will still be alive." As he removed his hand, Thanos backed away before continuing. "I hope they remember you."

Tony, unable to speak over his pain, swallowed. As blood began to spill from his mouth, his eyes began to blur and he knew it wouldn't be long before he lost consciousness

With his fist raised, Thanos quickly closed it, causing all four stones to glow, ready to take Tony's life then and there. To provide him mercy from his pain.

Up until then, Dr. Strange had lay still in his defeat. But Tony's death would cost too much and he knew he had no choice but to interfere. "Stop!" He shouted desperately.

"Spare his life- and I will give you the stone." He said, in defeat.

"No tricks." Thanos asked suspiciously.

Shaking his head, Stephen knew it was likely that Tony would protest his choice, but had Iron Man known what he did, he would have come to the same decision.

Doctor Strange reached his hand forward, plucking the Stone from its hiding place. With his hand open and outstretched his heart began to race as the fear of what was to come filled his thoughts.

Tony, who forced himself to speak, cried out. "Don't It was the only word he could manage in his weakened state. His life was not worth it and he couldn't fathom what Stephen was doing.

The stone gently floated toward Thanos, who grabbed it with his bare hand, placing it in the thumb setting of the gauntlet. As the energy of the stone pulsed through him, Thanos winced from its power.

"One to go." He said before a blast of unexpected energy hit the gauntlet.

Peter, finally conscious, soared toward him firing everything he could at the mad Titan. Rage fueled his attack but Thanos simply ignored Starlord's outburst, using the gauntlet to disappear entirely. Crashing Peter rolled across the ground. He rose to his feet with his eyes scanning the area around him. "Where is he?" He said in frustration.

Tony, who barely had the strength to use his nanites to stitch his wound, remained silent. A sudden fear crept over Peter as he looked toward Tony then Doctor Strange. Swallowing he spoke. "Did we just lose?"

Neither of them answered and as Tony looked to Stephen. "Why would you do that?" He asked in utter disbelief.

"We're in the Endgame now." He answered flatly.


The battle on the ground had finally taken a turn in their favor. Outriders had been taken down in great numbers and T'Challa's troops were forcing Thanos' army back. With a wild swing, M'Baku crushed an Outrider with his staff he turned to his warriors with a look of strength and pride.

"Mayefa!" M'baku shouted to his tribe.

"Ya hu!" They yelled back in unison..

Soaring high above their heads, Thor wielded his axe, crushing several ships with ease and lightning flashed all around him.

Wakanda was strong and its warriors had proven that. And beside the Avengers they were practically unstoppable.

Wanda, who had finally caught up with Vision, landed beside him. She glanced him over carefully taking in his condition. "Are you okay?" she asked, touching his face.

Vision flinched from his pain, but a sudden look of trepidation crossed his face causing Wanda to worry even further. "What? What is it?" She asked.

"He's here." Vision answered.

There was no need for her to ask who he had meant by he. And as the wind suddenly picked up, she could feel the atmosphere around her change. It felt eerie. Dangerous. And unyielding.

"Everyone on my position. We have incoming." Steve ordered. He looked around cautiously in high alert.

Soon Natasha, Falcon, Okoye, and Black Panther were standing nearby. Even they, who lacked Wanda psychic abilities could sense a sudden shift in the air.

"What the hell?" Natasha said as she glanced around.

Not far off, a blue force appeared before Thanos stepped through. Bruce, who was still inside the Hulkbuster immediately spoke. "That's him." He said over comms.

"Eyes up. Stay Sharp." Captain America said as he moved to fight.

Bruce, who had reached Thanos first, lunged with his fist raised. Using the Space Stone, Thanos rendered him immaterial, before he floated toward the wall of a cliff and was half buried amongst the stones.

Steve, who came toward Thanos next was thrown back as purple energy surrounds him before he could even get in a single blow.

With his armor fully charged kinetically, T'Challa leaped high in the air but was caught by the throat. Thanos tossed him to the ground causing his suit to discharge violently.

With a warcry, Sam swooped toward Thanos; firing every bullet he could with his pistols aiming straight for Thanos. Suddenly his wings turned to rubber before Sam falls toward the ground, rolling several feet.

Watching his friends fall, Vision knew nothing could be done. At least not by them. He reached for Wanda's hand. "Wanda. It's time."

"No." She said, pulling her hand away.

Pleading with her. Vision spoke. "They can't stop him, Wanda, but we can. Look at me. You have the power to destroy the stone."

"Don't." She said as her lip began to quiver. wanda's breath became shallow as apart of her knew Vision was right.

"You must do it. Wanda, please. We. Are. Out of time." Vision begged.

Wanda shook her head as tears fell across her cheeks. "I can't" she sobbed.

"Yes, you can. You can. If he gets the stone, half the universe dies."

The burden was heavy and Wanda felt the weight of every life on her shoulders. Her legs began to shake as she shook her head. "It's not fair."

"It shouldn't be you, but it is. It's all right. You could never hurt me. I just- feel you." Vision said in comfort.

Wanda extended her trembling hand toward the Mind Stone; as a soft sob escaped her lips. The scarlet energy surrounded the stone as she began to destroy it.

From behind her, Rhodey soared toward Thanos with his guns blazing only for his suit to be crushed around him before Thanos threw him aside.

With a rageful yell, Bucky ran forward firing his weapon but was quickly punched with the Power stone. Furia who had been close behind him knew she couldn't make the other's mistake. He was too powerful, but she did have a plan.

Don't let him close his fist.

With a quick vibe, Furia had heard a familiar voice. Tony Stark's. It had been a memory of Thanos' and she knew by the desperation in Tony's voice, his words must have been gravely important.

Her eyes fell on the gauntlet as a realization sunk in. Soaring above the ground, she allowed Okoye's attack- who had activated the vibranium-powered elements of her spear- to keep Thanos busy. Okoye's spear stopped midair before she and it were thrown backward. He then turned his sights on Natasha, trapping her in inescapable bands of earth.

With all her strength, Furia fired her ice at the gauntlet, creating a chunk to keep his fist from closing. Using the other hand she shot several shard toward his head, which he deflected with his arm. The shards did not pierce his skin but that didn't stop her assault as she blasted him with enough cold to freeze his arm entirely.

With an angered yell, Thanos knew this foe could freeze him to death if he did not break the ice she'd formed in the palm of the gauntlet. She was smart, and was trying to spread the piece she'd formed above his fingertips, but he'd come to far to let a Zendikan stop him now. He could feel her cold reaching his shoulder on his other arm before he used all his might to crush the ice in his hand.

With a gasp, Furia attempted to surround him in a block of ice but was suddenly slammed backward when Thanos activated the power stone. Her body hit a nearby tree, knocking her i

out entirely.

Groot, finally at everyone's side lets out a shout before digging his roots into the ground to surround Thanos, who easily breaks them.

Looking over her shoulder, Wanda caught a glimpse of everyone's failed efforts before using both hands in an effort to destroy the stone faster.

Steve, who slid across the hard ground dodging Thanos' first punch, then gripped the gauntlet with all his might, keeping him from closing his fist. For a moment, Thanos looked impressed before he bashes the side of Steve's head with his free hand, leaving him insensible.

With no one left to hold him off, Wanda glanced behind her shoulder one last time. To keep him back, she held out her left hand; her red power managed to slow Thanos down despite hin using the Power Stone. Tears continued to fall across her cheeks as she sensed Vision was almost gone. All she had to do was hold him off a little longer…

Vision could feel the life source inside him leaving and with his final breath he spoke softly to the woman he cared for. "It's alright. It's alright. I love you."

As the words left his lips, the Stone began to crack. An expression of joyful peace passed over Visions face just as the stone shattered, releasing a pulse of yellow energy that shuddered the trees surrounding them.

Having finished the job, Wanda's energy subsided before she collapsed to her knees, weeping. Her pain felt so deep she could hardly breathe. She felt as if she had nothing left. That love was something she would always lose. First her parents, then her brother, and now Vision. An emptiness began to fill her insides and she feared nothing could take it away.

Thanos, thoroughly impressed with her abilities and strength moved beside her. "I understand, my child. Better than anyone"

She raised her head to face him as her eyes turned momentarily red. "You could never." She snarled.

Reaching down, Thanos caressed her hair softly in comfort. "Today, I lost more than you can know. But now is no time to mourn. Now, is no time at all."

Clenching his fist, Thanos activated the Time Stone, twisting his hand in a similar as Doctor Strange had before him. As time is revered, the fragment of the Mind Stone quickly form together as one before Vision is conscious once more.

Stunned at what Thanos haf just done, Wanda rose to her feet. "No!" She screamed, reaching forward before Thanos swatted her aside.

Picking Vision up by the throat, Thanos had the android at his eye level before ripping the Mind Stone from its' secured place on Vision's head. His body instantly went limp and colorless before Thanos tossed him to the ground.

Placing the final stone on the gauntlet a power far more intense than any before, surges throughout Thanos' body with an iridescent light. The sensation was so strong he stop himself from shouting out.

As Thanos studied the gauntlet, a bolt of lightning struck him by surprise, digging him into the ground and grinding him back for several yards.

Thor, now descending toward him looked full of fury. His eyes were glowing before he raised Stomrbreaker above his head, hurtling it toward Thanos with every ounce of revenge he his heart.

Using his gauntlet, he fired as the weapon, but no damage was done. A rainbow of color surround Stormbreaker as it continued its descent toward Thanos.

With a cry of pain, the axe embedded itself deep in Thanos' chest. Landing before him, he rested his hand on the back of Stormbreaker. "I told you.

You'd die for that!" Thor said, hatefully.

He gripped the back of Thanos' head, whole the other hand pressed the axe further into Thanos' chest. Thor's eyes were full of hate as he watched the mad titan cry out in pain.

Thanos, who feared his life was coming to a close knew he needed to act quickly. His words came out softly, and though he could hardly speak he hoped it would distract the thunder long enough.

"You should hav-" His words sounded weak and came out like a wheeze. "you should have gone for the head!" He managed to day, before rising his gauntleted hand and snapping his fingers.

There is fear in Thor's eyes as he began to shake. "What did you do? What did you do?" He screamed, murderously.

Thanos, who paid no attention, used the space stone before disappearing.

Steve, who stumbled into the clearing looked around frantically. "Where did he go?" He asked worriedly. "Thor- where did he go?"

Furia quickly landed beside Steve. Her blood seemed to seeth and she glanced around for Thanos. This time, she planned to freeze him arm off entirely. "Where is that fucker?" She yelled to anyone willing to answer.

"Steve. Furia." Bucky moved beside them but something felt strange. Like he sense his life was over. Or maybe it had never existed in the first place. For a second, his eyes focused on Furia who instantly moved toward him, having vibed his thoughts.

She reached forward to touch him, before he collapsed; his legs having disappeared. Furia blinked in surprise, unable to comprehend what she'd just witnessed as the rest of Bucky faded into ash.

Trembling, she fell to her knees, as her hands began to touch the ash that surrounded her. Steve instantly kneeled beside her, touching the ash as well as his heart raced in a panic.

On the battlefield, Wakandan shoulder disintegrated into ash as M'Baku watched with a horrified expression.

T'Challa who had made his way toward Okoye reached out his hand. "Up. General. Get up. This is no place to die." As he begins to help her to her feet, T'Challa faded as well, causing Okoye to fall backward in shock. "Kumkani?" She cried out.

Not far away, Groot begins to corrode. "I am Groot." He said softly before completely fading.

Rocket's heart began to break. "No- no. No. No. No! Groot, no"

As Wanda still lay on the ground mourning Vision, she too fades into nothing while Sam, who lay injured and hidden in the undergrowth turned to ash as well.

"Sam? Sam? Where are you at?" Rhodey called out, missing him by only a few feet.

As the survivors gathered near Vision, Natasha caught a glimpse of Furia who still kneeled over Bucky's ashes. She ran toward her, dropping beside the young Zendikan. Frost covered every inch of Furia as she gripped the ashes in sorrow.

"What is this? What the hell is happening?" Rhodey asked as his eyes darted at the scene around him.

Steve, who did not feel he even had the strength left to stand, could not even begin to process what just took place. With the loss of so many lives, he found it hard to speak, as two words suddenly escaped his lips. "Oh God"

Behind him, Furia could no longer contain her grief; screaming out in violent anguish as a blast of cold burst out from all around her…...


I know that there are quite a few pieces missing from Titan, but I wanted some of what happened to be explored in Engame by having Tony describe what happened. There is a lot of room for Pepper and Tony to have some emotional moments that were not explored in the film. I hope you enjoyed my story. As I have said before, I will also be exploring how Bucky and Furia fell in love in those six months that were previously skipped. See you next time!