Ok so this idea used to be a one-shot under a different name. However because of a combination of writers block and going over what I wrote I decided to redo this. I'm not ashamed of what I wrote or anything, but I feel like I could do a lot better, also I feel like what I implied in this following chapter may of set it up for something different. So yeah, I'm going to go over this with new ideas and scenario. Now for those that are rereading this chapter for whatever reason, know that not much has changed in this chapter save for the ending. So if you want to skip to that feel free.

"Since the dawn of time the armies of Heaven and Hell have waged an endless war. Drawn to their conflict was the Charred Council, an entity bound by ancient laws to preserve order and balance throughout creation. It held that any great power left unchecked threatened the very balance of the universe."

"In time, Heaven and Hell came to honor the Council and it's laws, for none were beyond the swift and terrible justice of the Council's enforcers-a fearsome brotherhood known as the Four Horsemen."

"Amid the turmoil, the first humans emerged. The Council foretold that these weak, but cunning creatures would someday be integral to the Balance. Thus a third kingdom was named-the Kingdom of Man."

"By the order of the Council, a truce to be forged between Heaven and Hell. The great pact was bound by Seven Seals, to be broken at the appointed time-when Man's Kingdom stood ready for the Endwar-a battle that would bring balance and determine the ultimate fate of the three kingdoms…"

"That is not to say, that in the meantime, either kingdom allow their hands to lie idle."

January 20XX


- Central Park

With all the murders going around one would think that they would have learned the lesson by now; stay away from the park after nightfall. Humans weren't that smart it seemed. Truth though, Albelix was a bit grateful for mankind's stupidity. Letting his fangs tear through a piece of flesh the demon simply took the allowed moment to eat. Sanguine nectar slide down his throat as he stared at his work. An unlucky couple tonight, not a bad haul if he said so himself. He hummed slightly as he took another bite, though the noise he made came out more as a growl than anything before he looked skyward. Full moon tonight, certainly set the mood for a late night banquet. Reminds him of the nights when he made old London his grounds.

Still, America isn't that bad.

"Nice night isn't it?" Albelix pauses as he stoops eating, turns his head and sees someone walking down one of the paths; a young man, dressed in a coat and cowl from an era long passed. Fair dark skin and messy raven locks, with eyes of molten gold-ember that shined in the moonlight. "Perfect night for a walk in the park don't you think?" They drag their two headed longsword along the ground.

"A hunter." The demon mutters before taking another bite as he watches the figure stands a good few feet from him. "I had heard the rumors-that your lot was still alive in this day and age, but I didn't believe them."

"As long as you guys slip through the Fade to come for those of the Third Kingdom-we'll be here to protect them." The demon just laughs as he looks at the human, picked himself up and dropped the leg he had been feasting on. "Come on, let's get this over with. I got homework to finish."

The Hunter charges, moves at a pace that should be impossible for a mere human to achieve. He's fast, but it's nothing Albelix finds concerning. He remembers the old days-the old battles; Angels are faster. He just swings an arm as a demon magic leaves his limb, creates a waves of dark fire that the Hunter dodges by jumping over. When they're close they swing their weapon and he blocks with his arm, before he pushes them away and off balance as he makes to grab them. They dodge, using their momentum to spin around and duck under the offered limb before stabbing their weapon into his arm. When it's pulled free they step forward, bringing their weapon around their back and strike his chest. Shallow, nothing to worry about.

Albelix just claps trying to grab hold of his target only to miss as they roll to the side. They let their weapon scrape the ground as they turn to face him, a small trail of sparks following the act before they charged. They jump when he fires another wave of flames-this one parallel to the ground and lighting a tree on fire. The Hunter just brought their weapon down, missed as he pushed it to the side and struck with his tail. A hard blow to the stomach sends them back and when they recover he's already on them. Swinging an arm gets met with a block. They roll, scrape his arm with their weapon before making towards his back. Another scratch and they block the next hit me makes when he turns to them. They double back and he presses his attack, grabbing the hunter's throat with one of his hands before smashing their heads together. The hunter counters by snapping one of their hands out and grabbing his face and earns a roars. There's a burn on his face now, an improvised branding that he can feel before he tosses the hunter into one of the trees.

The Hunter just grunts as he picks himself up, only to drop again as Albelix feels his face before stomping forward. The hunter takes a moment to steady themselves and breathes. In an instant their gone, even from Albelix's senses and the next he's doubling back as something pieces his belly. Before him the hunter just twists their weapon and snaps one of his hands free, he act being followed by a bolt of ashen sanguine that sends the demon back. They recover, and find him swinging his weapon down to release a wave of magic at them. They defend with their on dark magic, radiating an aura that protects them before expanding outward into the world; forcing the hunter to brace themselves.

Albelix raises an arm, Infernal Magic erupting from the Hunters feet as a sphere of energy. They just roll to the side and return to their feet. Raising their weapon over their head they block his tail as it threatens to smash them into the floor. The Hunter turns, twists the limb to the side as his weapon separates into matching blades. When the tail stabs into the floor he stabs it with one blade before throwing the other like a dart. Albelix just raises an arm, lets the blade dig into his skin before the hunter crashes down on the offered limb, smashing both his feet into the blade before pushing it down further into demonic muscle. Albelix just swings his arm, knocks them off before grabbing their throat with their good limb and holds them in the air. The hunter just grabs their arm, tries prying it off as he's lifted further off the ground. Albelix just glares at the hunter before opening his mouth ad bringing the hunter closer.

He stops though when something grabs his arm from below, snakes around the limb and slams it into the ground. The hunter breaks free and takes a few steps back, their shadow birthing ashen tendrils that hold the demonic arm steady. He makes a gesture, throws one of his hands as his tendrils grab hold of the demon's other arm and pulls him down as well. It's Albelix's time to struggle as he tries freeing himself and the hunter just brings his second hand to his first. In an instant he pulls them apart and with them the demon's arm go into shadow, ripped from their master's body as he releases a scream that's heard for miles.

When it's over the Hunter grabs his shoulders and drops to his knees, ashen vapors rising off his body and crimson spills from his lips. Moment the blood touches the ground it seems to boil, almost like some type of acid was hitting it. "Damn, that always hurts…" After the pain subsides the hunter picks himself up and looks at the demon. Their panting for breath, their feet seemingly glued to the ground as they look up at him and glare.

"Hrni… hrni nij'h ewlg… rpjhlg." The Hunter just steps forward and twitches his fingers, a pulse of magic pulling one blade from shadow as the other rips itself from the demon's tail. When they reach their master he just holds the blades separate in either hands. "N ma fph ejl ez m blvnej, mjd ieej hrl glih irmbb zebbe." The hunter twirls his weapons once. "Rlmwlj nbb jeh wgehlsh oep, Rlbb nbb seal zeg oep… hrl Ljdmg ni seanjv rpjhlg... mjd oep mgl jeh glmdo." In one swift movement the hunter brings the twin blades down. An instant later the Demon's head falls and for a moment the Hunter just watches the blood pooling from a severed neck. He spins his blades again to wipe them free of blood, reconnects them at the hilt and makes the weapon vanish into ash. He reaches down and lifts the head by one of it's horns and hoists it over his shoulder.

He leaves the park, but he doesn't go far-not that he'd be able to go far in his choice of attire and a grotesque head over his shoulder. Instead the moment he leaves the park he heads straight for a relatively large van and climbs in the back.

"Welcome back Hunter, how'd the Hunt go?" A older man greets him as he watches the hunter drop the head on the floor as he twitches. "Ah, come on, at least let me pull out a container first." The man whines as the the hunter just sighs and gets settled. "Do you have any idea how hard it to get the blood out these carpets kid?"

"Not really." The Hunter mutters as the light of their van hits him. He's… young, couldn't be any older than 18 and yet he was a hunter, one that just took down a demon with more than a few centuries on their belt. "So you guys miss me?" Him included, there's four in the van, which in itself is hooked up with a combination of monitors and other assortments of gear. All of them enchanted to work and pick up the supernatural.

"Not really." One tells him. "I had a feeling that you'd be fine."

"You're always fine after all." Another admits. "Besides this wasn't your first rodeo."

"Well that's true." The Hunter admits as he looks to one that's silent and seeming to focus on their cupped hands. "Hey, you alright?"

"Huh, uh yeah…" The youngest of their little group was maybe 16, and as it stood he dressed himself in the garbs similar to the young hunter, only they were more decorated with vials and pouches.

"How's the stomach; still in knots?"

"Yeah." They muttered. "Sorry, I was supposed to go out with you tonight but…"

"Don't worry about it." The Hunter stated as he watched one of the older men just grumble something as they struggled to lift the demon's head off the floor. Heavy thing it seemed, but they pulled it off in the end, raising the head above the ground and sliding a container under it. The other man just knocked on the back wall and caught their drivers attention. In an instant they were moving and the hunter just sighed as they leaned back in his spot. "When you're stomach's better-when you're ready you'll go out."

"Yeah." The younger Hunter-one still in training muttered as they looked at the group for a moment before turning to the discarded head. "So what's going to happen to the body?"

"I called clean-up the moment he went in." One of the older men muttered as he took a drink of coffee. "They'll be here to pick up the body within the hour."

"Can't have the locals finding a demon body lying around in the park." The other admitted as the Hunter just stretched.

"So what's next for tonight?" Noah asked as he picked up some papers and went back to doing what he had been doing earlier this night; homework.

"Five seconds." The one at a computer muttered as they started looking through something and pulled on a pair of giant headphones.

"We have more to do tonight?"

"Most likely." One of the older men stated as he sighed. " If there's anymore Demon's nearby we'll be sent to take care of them. Well us or the others."

"Looks like we're in luck though." The one at the computer stated as he leaned back and pulled the headphones off. "HQ just gave the word, doesn't seem to be any more activity tonight."

"Good, that means we can all go home." The other man stated as he looked at the severed head. "Well soon as we drop this thing off."

"Let's do a lap around Manhattan and wait a while." The Hunter stated as he wrote down an answer on his math homework. "Just in case someone pops up after we disappear for the night."


"You think there's going to be other visitors tonight?" The rookie questioned as his senior hunter frowned at a math problem and erased his answer.

"Yeah, these past few weeks we've been having quite a few Demon's slip through the Fade." The Hunter grumbled. "Usually it's just one or two sneaking away from the Dark Kingdom thinking they'd get a quick snack-"

"Or just to get laid." The man took a drink of his coffee.

"But lately there's been a lot more slipping through for some reason." The Hunter stated as he wrote another answer. "It's definitely concerning."

"You think they're planning something?"

"Gotta be." The Hunter muttered. "They wouldn't let their kin just slip through the Fade otherwise-at least not in mass like this." He stated as he wrote another answer. "Besides… that last demon… he said something, something I couldn't get but it worries me either way." He frowned. "Something… something is definitely coming soon."

"You think we're do a Blight." The one with coffee muttered as he tapped their cup with their fingers.

"A Blight?" The rookie asked as they saw their senior shrug. "What's a Blight?"

"A Blight is when there's a massive infestation of Demonspawn that managed to slip through the Fade and come to Earth and cause havoc." The hunter explained before pausing. "You play Dragon Age?"

"Huh- uh yeah why?"

"Think that, just no Dragon to corrupt into an Archdemon."


"Last time there was a Blight, maybe an 8th of humanity got wiped." The man stated as he took a drink of his coffee. "We recovered of course, but it did its job, reminded the world that they are there, and we are dangerously outclassed in every shape and form."

"How'd we survive the last Blight then… how did we survive any of the Blights-there were more right?"

"Course there were." The hunter stated as he put his homework away and fished through his backpack. "As for how we survived; members of humanity learned to fight back." He pulled out another piece of homework.

"Demons outclass us in almost every way." The elder man took a drink of his coffee. "They're faster than us, they're stronger, tougher… In order to fight them; humanity had to get smart. Had to use their cunning and intellect to find ways to beat them." He paused as he stared off into a wall. "Some were taught by traitorous demons that admired our grit, others by the Angels who were sympathetic to our situation. In the end though regardless of the teachers, be they human, demonic or angelic in origin, the results remain the same; humanity learned, they made weapons, started schools and organizations to deal with them."

"And that's how we were born." The hunter stated as he started on the next piece of his homework. "The Hunters, the Kingsmen, hell even the Tethered. Our organizations are the ones that were created, and we are the modern incarnations of the protectors of Humanity."

"The Hunters, the Kingsmen, the Tethered… a long time ago, these organizations were well known throughout the Three Kingdoms-when demons and other beings slipped through the Fade. Small and effected but divided, they were humanity's defenders-their champions. That was a long time however. As the Blights ended and demons and other beings slowed their advances on the Third Kingdom; their support died down throughout the passing centuries and calmer times, their numbers dwindled, and they were inevitably forgotten."

"All save for a select few; families and individuals that had traced their bloodlines back to guardians of old, along with new blood that had stumbled upon the forgotten truth of the Kingdom. And yet these new generations were forced to reside in shadow, protect their world with unseen actions and unsung battles."

"Oh…" The knots in the rookie's stomach started to tighten as he gripped it. "There's a lot riding on us isn't there?"

"You have no idea." The man drinking stated as he shrugged. "But you'll get used to the pressure sooner or later. After a while killing Demons just becomes like second nature."

"Right… but… " The rookie paused as he looked at his senior Hunter. "Why do demons come down here anyway?" He asked. "Mr. Roc just said that Angels and Demons leave their kingdoms to come here… but… why? What makes us so special?"

"That's the million dollar question." Roc stated as he took another drink of his coffee. "As you said, beings of both the Dark Kingdom and the White City had made it their business to come to this world on more than one occasion. As for why well… my guess is they were curious about the Third Kingdom, maybe it was that they were trying to get a foothold for some bigger game, or maybe they were doing it for shits and giggles. But they've always taken an interest in humanity, be it to guide us towards the light or corrupt us into the dark. " Roc pauses for a moment as he looks at his free hand. "That said; there's something about us humans; something that attracts both demons and angels alike." He makes a noise. "Maybe it's our frailty, maybe it's our innocence or ignorance, maybe it's just our nature." He clenches his hand. "Old writings say that since the old days more than one Angel had fallen for mortals- just as more than one Demon has ran from the Dark Kingdom do to the same circumstances." He made a scoffing noise. "Either case, those that do usually end up becoming guardians for certain humans, others still actually end up courting our kind and producing children of two Kingdoms."

The rookie made a noise as he looked to his senior hunter still working on his homework. "Children… of two kingdoms?"

"I'm not one of 'em." The Hunter smirked as he looked at the rookie. "You thought I was one because of my eyes right?"

"Y-yeah. I heard rumors from the others. Your strength, your speed… the reason your eyes glow an otherworldly light… it's all cause you're 'mixed'." Hunter actually chuckled at that and set his pencil down.

"Trust me, there's no Demon, or Angel essence swimming through that one's blood." Roc admitted as he set his empty cup down. "His family is just… different."

"You mean like Fey different or something?"

"Or something." The Hunter stated as he smiled lightly, tapped his cheek with a thumb and leaned further against the wall. "But that is a family secret."

"Hey guys." The one at the computer stated as he drew the trios attention. "Just got in from HQ, there's a hole opening in the Fade."

"Is it nearby?" The Hunter smile dropped as he stood, discarding his homework and walked over to the computer user.

"Its close, but it's still going to be a ride, but we should be able to get to it." The man at the computer muttered before he looked at his younger counterpart. "Wanna go for it or should we let someone else have this one?"

"Let's take it."

"You hear that Luke?"

"I hear ya."

Roc made a noise as he looked at his empty cup. "You still want to do a lap after this though?"

"No… soon after we're done with this one let's call it a night."


"Noah, Noah!" The young woman just frowned as she looked at the sleeper and nudged him. "Come on Noah, I know you're awake. Get out of bed we're going to be late for school."

"I don't wanna go."

"Well to bad, we're going." The young woman stated as she continued to nudge her counterpart for a moment before placing her hands on her hips. "Now up and at 'em, we got an attendance record to keep."

"You know I don't give a crap about attendance." The young man muttered as he reluctantly pulled himself from bed and looked at his counterpart. Vivien; his elder sister, though that was only by a few short minutes. "And neither do you for that matter, you're the one that skips class."

"I'm also the one with better grades." She states before stepping away and heading towards the door. "Now come on, take your shower and get dressed. We got a full day of tests to do."

"Don't remind me." The teen muttered as he watched his room door close before he started gathering up a few clothes.

His name was Noah, youngest child to the fallen house of Bellerosé. An 18-year-old Hunter; a professional monster-slayer; one blessed -or perhaps cursed- with dark powers and tainted blood. As a Hunter, he served Humanity, not in the name of Balance, but simply to prolong their survival -as a Hexer, he used his abysmal powers to fight the enemies of both the light and the dark, and was seen as a heretic to humanity."

The teen yawned as he ran to catch the light, his sister right behind him as she glanced in his direction. "Honestly, what were you thinking, staying out so late last night. You know we have school today."

"Hey HQ called, and I couldn't focus on my homework at the time." Noah muttered as he and his sister made the light and he slowed down to walk. "I figured if I got the blood pumping I'd be able to focus easier."

"And did it work?"

"I got my homework done in the end."

"At 12 midnight right." The young woman states as she nudges her brother. "And given the fact that you're seriously tired I don't think you really 'slept' when you were done either."

"I got a few hours in."

"How many-2?" She states and smiles. "Seriously, you need to get your beauty sleep more, you'll get bags and wrinkles at this rate. And our face is too nice to start looking terrible."

"Yeah yeah." The teen just muttered as he pulled himself to a stop and took a glance at one of the nearby store TV's.

"What's up?"

"Check it out." Vivien just stayed silent as she looked at the screen for a moment.

"Breaking News. Meteor Clusters Hit the Earth." She read as she made a noise. "Military begins evacuating citizens." She crossed her arms. "Well that's not good."

"Yeah." Her brother muttered as he continued listening to the broadcast for a moment. "I thought the clouds looked kinda ominous today."

"It shouldn't be too bad though."

"I wouldn't count on that."

"Why do you say that?" Noah just pointed skyward as his sister turned her head, just in time to see a meteor crash into one of the buildings as the screaming started. "Oh… shit." The twins moved looking at one another as the city came alive, people running beside and over one another as several more meteors started to fall. "Oh shit!"

"Let's go!" Vivien didn't need to be told twice, chasing after her brother as they ran with the rest of the city.

"Noah, subway!"

"On it." Noah moved, pushing through the crowd as he turned to follow after his sister. When they made their way to the station they took cover, as did a few smart others as they felt the ground start to shake. "You ok?"

"Yeah, I think someone touched my ass on the way here but I'm good."

"Oh my, what a tragedy." Noah rolled his eyes before he took a minute to watch the subway shake again. "Suddenly I'm not to sure about being underground when there's meteors pelting everything above."

"Would you rather be outside?"


"Didn't think so." Noah reached for his phone, pulled it out and started going through his contact.

"Who you calling?"

"Mom and Dad." The teen muttered before his phone rang halfway through his search for the number. "What the, why are they calling at this time?" The teen grumbled as he answered the call. "Hello?"

"Noah, glad I got through to you."

"Not the best time, Nomad." The teen muttered as the ground above him shook again. "We got meteors dropping on our heads here."

"That's not all you got."

"What the hell is that supposed to mea-" something howled and Vivien twitched. Both twins looked towards the stairs to the outside world as the screaming resumed. Running back outside the twins took a moment to look around, watching the city continue to be bombarded before their eyes rested on something stomping in the distance. Massive in nature it tossed aside cars and buses alike. It wasn't alone, there were other hellish creatures as well charging as well, most of them of a smaller stature and running over and across the streets like a pack of wild dogs. Noah just put his phone to his head as he looked down another street, finding another pack of these hellish creatures charging off somewhere as well. "Nomad~."

"I know, and it's not just your city; holes are popping open in the Fade everywhere on earth. Monitors are going crazy."

Noah froze before his eyes narrowed. "You mean…"

"I'm saying we got a Global Infestation on our hands… it's a damn Blight."

"What's going on Noah?"

"We got work to do." The teen muttered as he lowered his phone and looked at his sister.

"Noah… Noah you still there? There's more you need to know."

Ignorant to the next words Noah hung up the phone and stared off into the distance. "It's a Blight." His sister narrowed her eyes as well and looked to the demonic infestation.

"No more hiding then."

"No more hiding." Both twins reached for their bags as they disappeared into ash. Their clothes followed, being replaced with their Hunter's garbs as they held their weapons ready.

"I'll take the left."

"Then I'll take the right. Stay alive."

"You too little brother." They concentrated everything they had into one burst, seeming to disappear from the world as a noticeable displacement of air was felt..

A woman screamed as a demon fell upon her, making it's attempt to leap at her. It never made it, in an instant it was skewered, Noah's twin blade stabbed through the side of its neck. He spun the weapon, slamming the creature on the ground as he ripped his weapon free and faced the horde. Others turned to him, they roared and charged. He didn't waste any time; the first one he met he dodged, bringing his weapon around as he struck their face before moving to the next. This one lost an arm as he spun and followed it by cutting them in two uneven halves. The third he dodged and moved around kicking them in the chest before turning and stabbing his blade into their throat. The demon struggled for a minute before falling limp above the ground. Noah just took a minute to pull his weapon back and held it at his side.

"O-oh my god."

"Run!" Noah didn't even look back as he barked the order, but he heard the woman scramble to her feet and take off anyway.

In the meantime the rest of the demons just looked in his direction and roared. The sole human drawing their attention in an act of either bravery or stupidity as he looked at all of them for a moment.

"Well what are you waiting for?" They charged and Noah took a moment to adjust his weapon and started forth. "Come on."

The horde charges, and he meets them. Faster members of the horde get to him turns in a full circle, his weapon spinning around him as he starts.

'Goremaws; lesser demon. Pretty much Hell's variation of demonic dogs. Small, fast, work in numbers.' One lunged at him and he ducked under. His blade took their limbs, he moved to the next. He deflected a strike twisted and stabbed a third. He returned to the second, kicked it away before stabbing behind him. When one came at his side he separated his blades and stabbed one into the creature's eye. Pulling back he returned his focus to the one he had kicked and swung his blade at it. It dodged stepping to the side before lunging. He countered by ramming his shoulder into its face and pushed it back before stabbing it.

Noah reconnected his blades and turn to face the next batch stopping when he saw a car falling in his direction. He dodged as fast as he could rolling to his side before returning to his feet. Another Goremaw was on him as he locked it's jaws between the handle of his weapon. He separated his weapon in too as he stepped back, When it fell forward he kneed it in the face before sandwiching it's head between the handles and headbutted the demon. He turned, pulling one weapon back as he knocked the demon to the side before doing a full turn to swing his blade at another and stepped forward. He reconnected the blades before throwing a hand out, an ashen sanguine tendril latching onto another Demon and pulling them to his weapon. Turning he slammed the skewered demon into another before pulling his blade free with a full turn.

The rest of the demons just looked at the sight, whether they were surprised by the human's quick work of their kind or impressed or even worried was up for debate. That said however they charged him nonetheless, moving seemingly in a frenzy as he met their charge. He jumped off a car, denting it's hood as he took to the air before spinning his weapon behind him and over his head as ashen magic gathered around his blades. He brought it down in the middle of the horde spikes of ashen vines erupting from a earth as they skewered the masses. When he rose he returned to running.

"Hrni… hrni nij'h ewlg… rpjhlg… N ma fph ejl ez m blvnej, mjd ieej hrl glih irmbb zebbe. Rlmwlj nbb jeh wgehlsh oep, Rlbb nbb seal zeg oep… hrl Ljdmg ni seanjv rpjhlg... mjd oep mgl jeh glmdo."

He remembered the fallen demon's words as he bit his lips and moved, spinning as he swung his weapon through the horde and pressed on. "This was what he was going on about, they were just heralds for a coming Blight." He muttered as he cut down another demon and skid to a stop. One leapt at him and he dodged twisting as he planted a hand on the ground and slammed his leg into its face. He heard a scream and got to his feet, without looking he threw his weapon, letting the twin blades spin like a saw's blade as they stabbed into a demon's side. He raised an arm, calling his weapon back as one charged him from behind. Clenching his fist he backhanding the creature into a car as his blade fell limp and hit the ground a few good feet away from him. Another pack of Goremaws and the hunter just took a step back and curled his fingers, bones cracking as they were wrapped in ashen energy that take the appearance of claws.

The first that charged took a fist to the face and went back, the next that came at him took an uppercut to the jaw and a second to the chest. He ducked under the third and went for the forth, extending the claw to grab onto it and brought it over his head. He slammed it into the ground, dragged it along the dirt as he charged and jumped. He smashed it into another before letting them go and threw a kick, effectively punted the pair across the street. When it was over Noah as he slipped his foot under the handle of his weapon kicked it upward. The ashen energy disappeared as he grabbed it and brought the weapon back.

"A few down… a billion or so to go." Something roared in the distance, drawing his attention as he narrowed his eyes. Big one raised a car over it's head and tossed it at him from across a couple streets. Noah slid a foot back on the ground and took a breath. In a second he's gone, a small displacement of air following the act as landed on top of the car and kicked off. When he landed on the ground he rolled to his feet and caught the large Demon's attention. 'Trauma; lesser. All muscle… this is going to be tough.' The demon roared at him, making the coattails of his uniform billow. They raised a fist meant for him as he pointed his blade forward, and in an instant it fell something crashing into its head as Noah's eyes widened.


Beautiful white wings.

The being, the angel stood, pulling her majestic greatsword from the Trauma's skull with a single hand and let the scarlet slip off as the demon dropped. Only she did not fall with it; instead with a flap of her wings she steadied herself in the air and gazed down at the hunter. In all his short years, he had heard of them, her kind were real, but never had he been lucky enough to actually see one before.

'Why is she here?'

"You have fought well son of man, your actions today bring honor to your Kingdom." The cocoa hued, sapphire eyed woman stated. "But the day is not done. More of hell's army lies in wait." Noah took a moment his gaze shifting to see few of the demons that had been running off were being pushed back. Heaven's forces here. "I shall pray to the Creator for your safety in the coming battles."

"Why…" Noah muttered as the woman turned her attention to see a new demon leering at her as she returned the glare. "Why are you here? Why is Heaven's army here?" He asked. "Old writings say the Angels have had nothing to do with past Blights so why?" 'Don't tell me…'

"Blight?" The woman muttered. "That is your term for Demonic Infestation, yes? Make no mistake child this is more than a simple 'Blight'."

'Don't say it.'

"The seals have been broken, battle right have been declared, and the Endwar is upon us." She stated as Noah felt his heart stop. "But something… something is wrong. It is to early, The Kingdom of Man isn't ready yet…" The woman whispered as she heard a demon's roar and turned her head. A large demon growled as it glared a her. She returned it's gaze and turned towards it. Without another world the demon flew at her and the teen watched her fly after it as well. They met in the sky, colliding in a mess before breaking away. How their fight went Noah wasn't sure. He drowned it out, focusing his attention on nothing as repeated the words in his head.

"The seals have been broken, battle right have been declared, and the Endwar is upon us."

The Endwar; the End Times, the Apocalypse, the final battle between Heaven and Hell. "Well fuck~." The teen muttered as he shook his head. "So it's that time finally… I heard about it in the old writings but I never thought…"

"But something… something is wrong. It is to early, The Kingdom of Man isn't ready yet…"

"What did she mean though, how can it-" Noah heard something roar and he was snapped him out of his daze. He moved, rolling to the side as a Goremaw almost bit into him. "Focus Noah, no time to get distracted." He saw demons climbing over cars and buses, several of them looking at him before howling. "You are literally in the middle of a war here-try making sense of things later." He told himself before charging.

Atop a building a figure took a moment to watch, their twin guns resting beside them as they looked at the young hunter's action. "Well what have we here?" They muttered before watching him take down another demon. One demon charged the watcher themselves and he barely turned, hole ripping through their head as they dropped to the ground. The watcher lowered their gun before making a noise. "He's not bad."

Ten steps and Noah vanished, reappearing behind a demon as he spun his weapon. He took their neck, and moved on to the next, stabbing downward as he threw himself over the demon and made a number of strikes at their back. When he landed he cut of their legs, and before a demon latched onto his weapon arm with their teeth. He winched slightly, before snapping his free hand to their face and burned them with his palm. When they backed up he countered swinging, taking their head before looking around. Surrounded he spun his weapon before taking a few steps to the side and looked at the horde. "What I'd give for some back up right now." The hunter muttered as he brought his weapon behind him and grabbed it with both hands and separated the blades.

There was no graceful dance, there were no acrobatic stunts, all there was was a display of refined skill blended with bestial fury. Blood was spilled, flesh was cut, bodies fell, Demon's dropped one after the other as Noah moved between them… and they kept coming. Every one he cut down seemed to be replaced with two, and every two was replaced with four and so on. Seemed like the whole Horde was focusing on him at the moment. Still Noah didn't stop, rather he kept his focus on cutting down the masses before him.

Getting tired, he may have been trained to fight this, but he hadn't the desired experience under his belt for dealing with demons in such mass. Most he got were two or three a night, not… this. 'Gonna have to start concerning stamina.' Noah thought as he kept moving. 'Keep it tight-keep it fluid, don't waste any movement. Rather use one of the more flexible styles, but they're exhausting.' He told himself before watching a number of demons lunge him. They stopped however, being pushed back from a wave of energy that exploded around him. "That wasn't me." The Hunter muttered as he looked at the strange energy that was dancing around him.

"Still alive Noah?" Smiling he looked behind him, his attention momentarily shifting to Vivien coming to his aid. That mammoth sword of hers hoisted over her shoulder as she returned the smile.

"You would know if I died."

"Yeah, being twins have it's benefits." Vivien stated as she stood with her brother and got ready for the next wave. "I hates that you're always in the back of my head though."

"Can't be helped, I'd close the door connecting us if I knew how." The Hunter stated as he adjusted twin blades and reconnected them. "Survivors?" His tone shifted, becoming serious as his sister's smile dropped.

"We're getting the last few downstairs now." Vivien stated as she watched the pack of Goremaws start circling them. "Let's buy them a bit of time, then retreat for the day."

"Gladly." That said the two hunters charged as the demons returned the gesture.

"The law is clear: when the Seventh Seal is broken… Four Horsemen shall ride forth to punish the wicked… be they Sons of Men...Lords of Heaven… or the Dregs of Hell."

"All upon the Earth will be judged, and the pact forged anew…