Hermione quivered as Draco walked away from her. The pain and humiliation was unbearable. She lay there trying to breathe properly. She waited until she was certain he was gone and quietly stood up. She picked up the remains of her wand and walked slowly back to the Gryffindor tower her whole world crumbling. She said the password to the fat lady who was to sleepy to notice her state and walk up the stairs to her dorm. She peeled off her clothes and ran a shower. She got in a washed herself until she was red and raw but was convinced she wasn't clean enough.

Thoughts ran through her head, what was she to do? What if she was pregnant? How would she explain it to her parents and friends? She would defiantly be expelled from Hogwarts. How would she face everyone tomorrow and explain her bruises, how could she see Draco ever again? She broke down and wept still scrubbing herself. If only she hadn't gone to the library, if only she had ignored him. Maybe if she was nicer towards him? She stepped out of the shower because it was hopeless to get clean.
She dried herself and looked into the mirror. On her cheek was a huge bruise that was black and blue. She hit the mirror violently and it broke the shattered glass stuck in her hand. She picked up a piece of glass and looked at it. She needed some distraction; she positioned the glass at the top of her arm and cut a line slowly down the arm. The pain was new and sent vibes around her body. The glistening blood flowed like a river smooth and silent. She stared at the cut and turned on the tap placing her arm under the cold water. She jumped at the new pain and grabbed a towel to try and stop the bleeding.
She panicked what was she to tell Harry and Ron? She had to tell them. But what if they didn't believe her? What if Draco found out she told? What would he do? Would he get his father? She decided to make up a story. But what would she say? Her wand was broken. She watched as blood flowed and started to get dizzy and light. She needed to get to someone before she passed out.
She ran out of the bathroom and out of her dorm towards Harry and Ron's leaving a trail of blood. She got to the door and knocked as loud as she could one arm holding the towel underneath the cut. She sat down tired desperately trying to keep knocking. She stopped and took a deep breath. The door swang open and there was Ron standing in his too small pyjamas. He saw Hermione and shouted.
"Hermione, what happened?! He bent down quickly and took her arm. "Harry wake up!" he yelled. As this was going on Hermione was sobbing and shaking, Ron took her and hugged her hard getting her blood all over him. Harry finally woke and saw them in the doorway. "Harry, get a teacher! Quickly she won't last any longer!" Ron told him. Harry ran out of the dorm and down the stairs towards the entrance to find the nearest teacher.

Hermione so badly wanted to sleep. Ron was holding the towel on her cut and telling her it would be okay.

"My wand broke." She told him weakly. He looked at her his face full of shocked and torment. She then fainted, Ron shook her.

"Hermione, wake up." He shouted. By now there was a small crowd of people. Finally Pro. McGonagall came running.

"My Goodness!" She screamed, she waved her wand and conjured up a stretcher Hermione fell onto it and McGonagall and the passed out Hermione were whisked away to the hospital wing, Harry and Ron running after close after them.

Hermione woke up two days later very early in the morning feeling groggy and sick. She looked out the window and saw that it was snowing heavily. She remembered why she was there and slumped down wishing she was anywhere but were she was now. He arm was bandaged tightly and her bruises were feeling cold. She wiggled under the covers as if she was trying to disappear. It was dark and cold in the hospital wing and she was lonely. She sighed heavily and wringed her hands nervously, she heard breathing coming from beside her. She turned head afraid and saw someone in the shadows. It walked towards her, she didn't move nor breathe. It was Draco. Her eyes widened and she held herself tight shaking.
I'm sorry this is short. I have no idea how this is going to end but it will be very different to other HP fanfics. Please review, next chapter about how Draco's feeling.

«.:¤¨¨¤:. Foveo .:¤¨¨¤:.»