So, hey. I truly hope everyone is safe and well. A guest asked me today if I would write a sequel, and I said, "You know what, why not?" I'm taking intensive Greek and Latin this summer, trying to prepare myself for a Classics MA, and so it's not like I can fall any deeper into the hole. Maybe we can even consider this studying. I'm not sure how frequent updates will be, it is going to depend on my mood, probably, but let's just have some fun, right? Anyway, that's now posted, and here is a little preview for you.

Chapter 1- An Ivy League Murders A Pinata

I'm waiting. Whoever thought sending me a yale for my birthday would be funny, fess up. Because let me tell you—it was not funny. It wouldn't even have been funny if you sent me to Yale, but sending me a yale—not funny at all.

Alright, alright, I'll do the thing, calm down!

My name is Percy Jackson. As of today, I'm thirteen years old. My dad is the god Poseidon, and my best friend is also my bitterest enemy. If any of this is sounding strange to you, you should probably just stop reading. It only gets worse from here.

There, I did it. Now onto the story.

I was fairly certain I was going to die, but that was nothing new. As my feet pounded against the cement, I let out a string of curses, and weaved into a back alley. The yale chasing me had long horns which stuck out to the side, so I was hoping that if I found an ally small enough, it wouldn't be able to follow me. Unfortunately, the city has been cracking down on just that type of alley in their war against drugs, leaving me nowhere to hide. If I died, I was definitely suing the city.

The path in front of me came to a dead-end, and towering apartments rose to either side. In front of me, there was a tall wire fence, and behind me, a lumbering brown yak with horns longer than my body. Since I was more Aquaman than Spiderman, and I didn't feel like becoming a Percy-kabob, I decided to take my luck with the fence. It was lower than the climbing wall at school, and no lava, so I figured I could manage.

I should have just capped Riptide and put her in my pocket, but it's against my personal code to ever do the logical thing. Instead I tossed the sword on the other side, and began to climb, squeezing the toes of my sneakers between rungs, gripping tight to the steaming metal. It was hot out, and sweat poured down my face.

All week I'd been wondering if my water powers worked on sweat, but I hadn't tested it out. Maybe now I'd get my chance.

The yale rammed itself into the fence, its horns just missing me. Thank the gods! I thought, continuing to climb. But, of course, I jinxed myself. The yale's horn had missed me, true, but it had gotten stuck between two rungs of the fence. As it tried to pull free, the whole fence shattered and shook. I flew off of it, landing with a hard thud on the ground. The fence fell with me, the yale's horns still stuck within it. The monster thrashed about, throwing the fence like it was a bucking bronco.

I hissed in pain as the rusty metal scraped at my skin, but managed to jump out of the way. Just then, the yale tossed its head. The fence broke in half around its horn, pieces flying everywhere. A large chunk of metal hit me in the gut, winding me. I couldn't breathe, never mind move, but I didn't have much choice. The yale was angry, howling. For some reason, though it looked like a cross between a bull and an antelope, when it howled it sounded decidedly like a very annoyed tabby cat. It sent chills up my spine, especially as it charged the broken fence in retribution.

Then, before I could even catch my breath, it remembered its real target. I might as well have worn a fancy Spanish suit and waved a red flag.

I took off running the moment it charged. As I hoped over the broken fence, I felt Riptide reappear in my pocket. I didn't take the time to uncap her though, because the yale's horns were ginormous, and I'd get skewered long before I got a hit in. Instead, I did what all smart demigods do when faced with monsters.

I ran.