Warning: english is not my first language, I'm french. However, I hope that you will find pleasure by reading it. Do not hesitate to tell me my mistakes in the comment, I intend to improve myself with more chapters I do.

Zero no Tsukaima and Dies Irae are both respectively Noburo yamaguchi and Takashi Masada works.

please support the official release.

Chapter 6: Disce Libens

What a sweet dream it was… Alone, together with the prince of Albion, on a paradisiac island, with no other but her friend some miles away, waiting for us.

A life of three, that's more that the Princess could have even lived for. That's all her heart even wanted. A simple, yet pure and unwavering life.

However, reality was not that kind, and as soon as the dream stopped, letting darkness surround her, reasons and mind began to shake.

That's right. She passed unconscious, falling in front of everybody? Why? Shock. Why that shock? the sight of blood, the smell of iron, the violence of an upcoming death coming for her, before brutally stopping.

The sight of a heart, a human heart, in the palm of a purple hand.

A purple hand.

Even though she felt somehow awakening little by little, her body and mind was not on the same wavelength. He body was quietly breathing, and as she wanted to open her eyes, light striking her visions stopped her to do so. The rest didn't move, as if her body was without energy. Her sense of hearing just perceived some breathing, and only the smell of incense stroke her nose.

However, her mind was clear as day by now. Remembering what happened. What the human familiar did. What… Wardes did.

Painfully, she tried to open her eyes. She was in a room, a bedroom from the academy, apparently, sleeping in the bed, her friend sitting on a chair at her right.

However, she couldn't explain why. Naturally, as the princess, she could -and would- have her own room, especially made for her, kept safe by guards. being here with her friend felt unnatural… But very welcomed.

She would never complain about it. But…

« Louise… Françoise? »

At her name's mention, the little girl sent her a smile. The princess noticed something in it. Before, her friend would have taken her in her brace, or even put herself kneeling.

But this smile was full of a strength she never saw in her. Full of confidence.

« It's been a while, princess. »

« You…»

For a moment, in front of her friend, Henrietta was thinking about what to say. Every difficult subjects. What happened to the man that saved her? Wardes? What does she feel about it? What do everyone feel and are doing about it? Why was she here and not in her room.

Unable to speak another word, it was Louise that took the lead, jumping on her and hugging her.

« I'm so happy to see you again, your highness! I thought Wardes could have killed you, or one of the spells that was sent after! But you're fine, now, isn't it? »

« Louise… Why… Am I here? »

« Oh, that? My damn familiar judge well to …convince… the others to put you here. »

« And he gained consents? »

« …hu… no? »

At this answer, the void magician couldn't help but looking embarrassed, passing one hand in her hair and letting out a little tear on her front.

An unexpected answer that made the princess worried.

« What… did he do? »

« Well… let's say that there is not a lot of people that could stop him once he has an idea… »

« … I assume you are one of them? »

« … Yeeeees? »

« And that you didn't even try? »

« Nooooooo? »

Both girls shared a look for a moment, before laughing together.

For the princess as for the magician, that moment alone was precious.

***Headmaster's office***

Muzan point

Under my sight, some people - the headmater, professor Colbert, the new lead of the Griffin Knight -named Varennes- and the leader of the royal knight, Agnes de Milan, were watching on the far-seeing artifact that was used to peek on my fight against Guiche. These people were very curious to see how the princess would be in her awakening, and ready to act in case problems appears.

Fact is, it was the best they could do under my watch. A few hours ago, when I took the princess out of the carross, I made myself clear about her destination and her conditions, making sure she was kept intact, neglecting all proposition to put her in the nursery or her own room. Truth is, I knew far too well about the state of her body. My worries, If somehow I could have some about it, would be more about her psyche, forcing me to put her in perfect conditions to not be hated.

Also, when I told Louise that I intended to put her in her own room and let them have some intimacy, I had the pleasure to see that my lady had no will to stop me, quite the opposite actually.

Obviously, the Royal Knights tried her best, but with her precious princess in my arm, they were trapped. In the end, the headmaster, as a proof of consideration for his status, managed to calm everyone and suggested to obey my own suggestion, with just one condition: observe the beginning to certify all lack of traps or mental incertitude. That, I could grant.

After that , I just had to tell Siesta to stop aggressing the royal guards and Kirche to not send another of her fireball on the griffin knights.

A very bad surprise for them was the mere fact that only one of said fireball seemed to hold enough power to take three of the elite out. Casually. Well, if it wasn't for Tabitha asking her to hold back a second before, I doubt result should have been the same.

However, having a commoner standing a near-equal ground with the head of the guards, Agnes de Milan was impressed as well. Even more so that some of them remembered that I didn't train her lately.

So much that while I was taken in the office with the others, I could sense Guiche asking Siesta to truly sports with him.

And considering the wide smile on her face, I wouldn't bet on her holding back during this future sparring. Being an aristocrat with someone holding a grudge could sometimes be difficult to handle.

Actually, as the group of old men were watching the two ladies, myself had sights on my students, even sending Siesta some instructions mentally.

Although I would be more comfortable with her stopping to consider my own existence as some kind of her personal god… Well, technically she was maybe the closest to the truth than any of the people here about my true nature, but…

Stopping my thoughts, the head guard of the Princess, Agnes de Milan, talked to me. She was the incarnation made of the woman knight: blond hairs high hairdressed, wearing an armor, and hiding her -quite nice, actually- body.

« Although I have to admit you may have been right about the princess, I do not trust you. Even if that man was a traitor and moved as you pleased, you had absolutely no proofs. So how did you know? »

A little smile appeared on my face, as I answered her quietly.

« I just knew, that's it. Thing is, that man was Louise's fiancee. However, as her familiar, I have the duty to protect her. Even if I have to kill her own relatives… »

The meaning of my sentences, as well as the threat behind it, put her on guard at the moment, forcing one of the man here, Colbert, to posture himself between her and me.

After all, somehow, I just put the life of her beloved princess on a little thread.

« How dare you!… »

« Calm down, please, Ser de Milan. As long as we know here, that man never endangered others easily, even threatened… Do you remember the Guiche's case, headmaster? »

« Hum hum… Oh, yeah. That little boy provoked miss de Vallière's familiar and somehow fought him… Somehow, because I couldn't even call it a fight actually…»

Hearing that fact, the female knight seemed to calm herself.

« Ah, I see… That explain how Wardes was killed so easily. Not even able to win against a boy, so you stroke him in the back. Coward. But as a commoner, I suspect that it's the best you can do… »

« Actually, miss… de Gramont was curbstombed… I have no better words to explain it. »

« … is that a joke? that child is a dot-level magician, isn't he? »

Scratching my head, I continued to watch her, as she assimilated the mere fact that I beat the little boy, and realized that my ability to kill Wardes was just a glimpse of my talents. But the point that seemed to surprise her the most was…

« What? that little maid and Gramont are taking fencing lessons from him? »

As an idea made his way in my head, I lifted a finger, captivating everyone's attention.

« Actually, I have a proposition to make… »

***Louise Bedroom***

« Louise Françoise… As I am delighted to be here with you… I have something to ask you.»

« I'm always listening, princess. You know it more than anyone.»

« Your familiar… He mentioned something like Reconquista, isn't he? »

« Yes, but truth is, I don't know. what it is. »

« … A group of noble, claiming that we should unite under one banner, as I know. I don't know anything of their utter motives, but they seemed to… revolts against royalty. »

The news made Louise just arched an eyebrow, much to Henrietta's surprise, leading her to ask what she hold for herself since her awakening.

« That and Wardes. You seem to take it quite well, my friend. I'm impressed.»

That comment made the pink-haired noble just shrugged her shoulders as it was nothing.

« I saw my familiar give his runes to a maid, princess. He does pretty much as he want, but my fiancee nearly killed you under my plain sight. Who know what would happen without him? »

« You didn't like Wardes? »

« I admired him. »

« Then… »

« But, princess. Admiration is the emotion furthest from understanding. »

This quiet , serene answer made the princess smile, even if inside, she was a little sad. her friend seemed to have matured a lot more than she thought.

« It's not like you to say something like that, Louise… »

« You're damn right! that was a quote from my familiar when I began to cry! that man is truly ruthless! Do me a favor, please. »

« What kind? »

« Never tell him that I said you that, okay? Better dying to admit he's right! »

Henrietta let out a little laugh, during that promise, wondering herself what kind of familiar it was. However, that joy was short.

« … You have a good familiar, Louise… And I am sorry to ask you that, but… you are the only one I can ask about it. »

« Just ask, and I shall oblige, princess. »

« … Actually, I will get married… »

« That's wonderful! »

« …To the Emperor of Germania »

This let her friend speechless, before she grumbled

« those barbarics… Why, princess? »

« Political issues… but the biggest problem is that something should ruin this wedding… A letter to the prince of Albion. Reconquista is menacing him… If they find it… »

Hearing it, a shadow of sadness passed upon Louise, unable to handle more of her friend's sadness. She hugged Henrietta, hoping to ease a little of her burden.

« I will go, you can count on me. »

However, this didn't seem to put Henrietta at ease. Even more, she seemed to be a little afraid to talk about what's next…

« Actually… I wasn't supposed to come here that early, but we had some… problems… »

Hearing it, like some kind of hidden message, Louise couldn't help but freeze herself, waiting for the next.

« … There are some suspicions about you killing Count Mott… »

« WHAT? »

Shocked, the pinked haired girl stood up instantly, passing near to strike their head each others, with a glimpse of betrayal in her eyes.

That little glimpse made Henrietta react, declaring quickly:

« It's not as if you were accused of anything, but… The maid he employed officially was the last one to see him before he was killed, and she was there right after, following you! »

Hearing that, Louise had a chill, wondering herself what Muzan could have done.

No. Not could. Have already done. But how to explain it without ending as the culprit before one of her sole friend?

« … Soo? »

Henrietta left a finger, suggesting what she sounded like a good idea.

« The familiar show will stand here, right? alternatively, Fouquet the Thief was said to have… something here in mind. I shall be here during the show, and Fouquet will probably take that as an opportunity to steal. If you catch him, I would say that all doubts shall be deflect. Isn't it a good idea? »

« But, princess… What will I do if I can't catch her? »

As she heard it, Henrietta froze. it's not like she didn't think about it, more like she didn't want to. And so, she could only conclude.

« … Then your mission should be one to grant you immunity? »

Hearing it, Louise was taken by wrath, and tighten her fists, strong enough to her blood to go. Teeth gritted, she left her hand and took of her gloves

The vision left Tristain's princess speechless. At the back of her hand, a tattoo figured, taking the form of a strange tree. Ten circles, linked between them by branch, all pulsing in a purple color.

Her old lessons made her remember that symbol. It was the Kabbalah. Another thing to add to her friend's changes.

« Louise… My friend… What is… that? »

A little smile appeared on her face, even though it was more due to pride than real pleasure.

« Muzan. I call you. Come here. NOW! »


As I ended my bargain with the female knight, I heard the call very precisely. Using the stigmata I left her, Louise just decided to summon me of what I could judge to be a whim. However, it was indeed a direct order from my cute little master, and it cost absolutely nothing to obey.

With a little smile, I took my leave, signaling the adults that I shall be coming back soon, and left the room before they could move.

When one of them -Colbert- tried to follow me to ask me some questions, it was for nothing, because I already cut through space to come back at Louise's Side.

So, before the princess very eyes, I appeared instantly at the right of my master, my hands in the pocket and my usual smirk on face. That emergence caused Tristain's flower to nearly faint before me. Instead, she just began to bigger.

« W… w… w… what? how?… »

Smirking even more, my following reverence was perfect, even if tainted with some hinder mockery.

« My mere presence was considered necessary by my master, so it seems. »

Louise decided to take the lead, asking me directly.

« I suppose you already know about everything? »

« About? »

« Reconquista, Albion, Mott and Fouquet. »

Hugging my shoulders, I couldn't help but complain myself.

« Do not blame me, I wouldn't know if you had closed your mind more efficiently. »

While she began to pinch her nose, trying to keep her calm demeanor, a little sneer left my mouth, knowing perfectly that the efficient enough should never be.

« I want your opinion. I don't know exactly, even now, what you are able to do, after all. And I want to know what you did to Mott when you came back with Siesta. »

« Mmmh… It depends. »

While I answered that little sentence, Henrietta's eyes seemed to come back to life, jumping on me and trying to grasp my own hand. As I did not react, Louise did it for me, jumping by surprise.

« Princess? what are you… »

« Please, I beg you, mister familiar! Help us. Help my friend. »

« You are not forced to… »

Unable to maintain my own amusement, I decided to interrupt.

« You're motivated, I will give you that. But what will we gain? »

« … »

« Muzan, it's the princess! you can't… »

My eyes stopped her. It was not fun that shined inside, but seriousness . It was the kind of eyes that she finally knew to not mess up with.

And, indeed, my arguments was hard to hear. Even harder to acknowledge for her.

« Someone that has nothing to gain has everything to gain in treason. Do you know what is the difference between the princess and a moron? »

« How can you compare… »

« There is none. Both dies as easily. Both are tainted as easily. And more importantly. Both never control their lives. Isn't it right, Henrietta of Tristain? »

As she was about to contest, something told the de Valliere that it was a lost argument. Not after hearing about her friend's engagement, neither after her own with Wardes.

It always annoyed her when I proved right, I knew it very well. But it's not like she could deal with me.

Interestingly, her friend proved herself to be more in reality, as she didn't even deny it. She even managed to smile, as if I just gained some truth from her.

And maybe a little more than truth…

« If you wish to be rewarded, I could do that, but what would you want then? »

My smirk became a gentler smile. There was no wavering in her voices, as she readied herself.

However, her mask broke at my announcement.

« The prince of Albion shall die. »

As she heard that, she ceased to move.

A glimpse of her reason told her that if I said that, it means I could also save him. It was clear as day. But a fragment of her couldn't accept that bargain.

Even if she knew that he would probably die protecting Albion, even if she knew of her duty to marry another, the mere sparkles of hope about his survival if i wished it was enough to make her shake.

And it was a sparkle she couldn't decide to end.

Fixing my confident eyes, she asked the impossible.

« Can you… save him? »

Fixing her, my voice was serene.

« I could. »

Louise didn't even try to interrupt. For now, it was her friend's choice. In all case, she would support her. But she couldn't truly force her familiar to do it somehow. Obeying her and moving by my own will was two very different ways she began to perceive.

And two very different end. Also, sharing a look with me, she felt I had something in my mind.

Something that could decide everything.

« … Louise… My friend… You familiar… Can I trust him?»

A difficult question, born in doubts. Her friend was the only one she could trust after all.

The only one, in her point of view, that knew what I was able to do.

The only one that could guarantee her own words would not fall in empty ears.

« … What do you intent to do, Muzan? »

« If I save him, Reconquista will live. If you kill him, Reconquista will die with. »

If you kill him.

My expression was clear as day. If they decide to destroy the army, they kill him.

She had to kill him.

I made of myself the sword, I made of myself the executioner. But it was her decision to take.

Eyes widened, tears beginning to appears, she just arrived to muttered.

« Why?… »

I couldn't help but laugh at her, making Louise frowned.

She already knew what to do, as I sent her a mental message. But she also understood my point. Or actually, I made her understand it in mind.

Even if she wasn't happy about it, she knew that it was important for her princess. And that I wouldn't stop myself, making all interruptions useless, if not worse.

Me and my master couldn't help but hold some grudges sometimes, even if all her way to make me pay for it was… what I gave her.

I let it out casually.

« Because you must never forget the blood that shall stain your hands. The price of wishes. »

It was as simple as that.

***Vestri Court***

Followed by Louise, the Princess of Tristain finally left her bedroom to go to the court, finally greeting everyone. However, as long as she saw them, Siesta stopped to train with Guiche, and sheathed her sword.

Although she continued to wear her maid costume, the girl was holding her sword at her wits, and apparently bought some gauntlet to not hurt her own hands. Guiche himself was without his shirt, his sword at hand, a kneel at the ground, breathing heavily. He didn't know how, but the little commoner she was a few days ago was gone.

Now, not only she fought admirably, but with outstanding physical abilities. Even a very few people was aware of her conditions of Gandalfr, the noble remembered why his master qualified her as a genius.

However, said master was not at miss de Vallière's side, neither resting at the court, neither -as she asked some minutes before- at the headmaster's office. Not knowing where he was she couldn't help but feel unease.

And even if he would never admit it, Guiche was on the same wavelength than her . However, the only one that could know actually where he could be should be his contractor. Coincidentally , said person was with her childhood friend, so introduce themselves just to ask it was out of the chart.

Except for some Germanian red-haired girl with advantageous curves.

« Ah, Zero Louise, perfect timing! do you know where darling is? »

« Darling? »

Not understanding whom she could be talking about, the princess glanced at her friend, who just sighed.

« She is talking about Muzan. »

At the name's, mention, Henrietta just smiled at the germanian.

Sensing something unpleasant from the princess of Tristain, Kirche and Siesta tensed.

Something was off with the princess. Different.

Ignorant to the atmosphere, Guiche decide to force himself in the talking.

« Oooh, princess, beautiful princess! My name is Guiche, Guiche de Gramont! I am smitten by your mere pre.… »

Without letting him finish, Siesta kicked the noble away. The poor guy flew for some meters, at Henrietta's surprise to this sudden manifestation of strength, leading Montmorency, the fiancee's later, to run at him, worried about his state.

Although at her surprise, the nobleman put up with it quite splendidly compared to previous experiences.

Siesta took the talking, however, her voice tainted with worries.

« Miss de Vallière, Your Highness, please, tell us. Where is Muzan? »

Even if she disliked nobles, even more with Muzan as a master, old habits are hard to let it go, and she need answers.

The young duchess answered them finally.

« Dying. »

It took all of Siesta's respect for her and remembering Muzan's orders to not jump at her throat and rip it off.

Guiche stopped moving hearing it, frowning.

Tabitha finally manifest herself behind her friend, closing her book with a sounding clap.

Kirche, however, didn't took the news very well at all.


As I stood myself on the greatest tower of Albion, admiring the sight, something catch my interests.

Arriving here was peace cake. I didn't have to cut through space, technically. Teleporting myself was way more easy, as I figured out, in this world. Well, technically, in a world as little as it was, to me it was but like taking a simple walk. Finally, the concept to cut through space was unnecessary . Good to know for future references.

Technically, after hearing the princess of Tristain, I decided to let Louise formulated her premises orders. After all, if the princess was something, her positions means absolutely nothing to me. Only the little pinkie has a sparkle of control upon me -granted by myself-, because she was the lone one I considered to listen.

Eventually, because I felt something else inside her than just her magic, but this one was impossible to define.

However, now that I was at Albion, my orders shall be dealt with. Well, after I deal with… him.

« I am surprised. For you to modify the story like it. What a capricious man you are… »

A little smile appeared on my face. That voice was Mercurius', appearing behind me and watching the scene with me. The city preparing itself for the upcoming war.

For his upcoming demise.

I glanced to the fourth seat, mocking him.

« Yep, I do. And you shall deal with it. But you already know about it, isn't it?»

Mirroring my smile, the snake just let out a little laugh, as if I just told him a good joke.

*My, my, how terrific. It's not like I would oppose you. I told you. Your freedom is my concern.*

« That's right. But you lied, isn't it? »

« … So you know? »

« Man, you foresee what happens. If you can't see me, you can see what surround me, so top the chit-chat about experiencing a god's way. What. Do. You. want? »

« something that I can't see, obviously. »

His charades just made me sigh. As usual, that man was a really paining the ass.

Followiing his chatting, however, like nothing happened, his equal commented, amused.

« However, to think you would force the thief to submit. I thought you would kill her. »

« I know, that's why I didn't do it. »

« But you raped her. »

« Don't ask me too much. I'm restraining myself enough like that to not kill everyone. »

Mercurius glared at me with a wild smile. Even knowing story didn't meanie wouldn't like it, after all.

And he apparently liked very much this one.

« I can't help but wonder how you will deal with her, Remorseless. After all, all good story need a romance… I prepared a special one for you, you know? »

« … You are serious, snake? Love? for me? I would laugh at you if I knew you weren't just a memory. »

Unfazed by my comment, the god just let out a sincere laugh.

« Ahah. Come on, second seat. I just want to please you until the stage was put on, you know? After all, this world was born under your law firsthand. »

Declaring the origin of this universe, he disappeared.

To me, the reason his world turned into his own personal sandbox was now clear, indeed. Survival of the fittest. ranks to the powerful ones. Legacy of the best.

And, at the beginning of all this, sinners and scums.

Under my sights, soldiers. Princes. men low church. Peasants. Merchants.

Too much people to count by. A city. A capital. A country.

A war.

Smirking, a sword appeared in this hand of mine. A two-handed sword, handled with one only. Purple edges, the fuller was golden, like the pommel, the grip and the guard. The sides of the edges,, however, was clearer, glomming in a white light. While it was a mastercraft in itself, to an outsider, it was too big to be handle correctly in a fight. More made to kill big monsters than humans.

Like it was weighing like a feather, I just put the blade casually on his shoulders.

The first order of my dear master, shall be executed by now.

Bowing, I threw myself from the tower, falling from the sky.

My own words resonated in all Albion. And at this very moment, all hearts was tainted by fear.

« Executing First Order: Purge all Evil. »