Adrien cracked his knuckles anxiously as he stood outside Marinette's door. His towel was draped over his shoulder, his shirt left in his bedroom. Adrien finally knocked on the door, biting his lip as he awaited a response.

The door opened, revealing a sleepy-eyed Marinette still in her cat pajamas. Her eyes were bleary before realizing who was standing before her.

"Oh! Hey!" She seemed to suddenly be wide awake. "What's up?"

Adrien gave a casual smile, "I think I broke my shower. Could I use your's?"

Marinette felt her cheeks grow warm, but she took control of her emotions. She was no longer a kid. She was a young adult now. She'd long since moved on over her silly crush on the blonde model. Afterall, once his father revealed to be Hawkmoth, he was devastated. Nino and Alya had already moved in together, and he was all alone in the mansion. Marinette couldn't stand by and watch him suffer. She had to get over her own feelings and put his first. She was one of the only people who stood by his side. Nino stayed in touch, but had his own life. People were scared. Scared that Adrien would follow his father's legacy. No one trusted him. Except Marinette. And she knew he trusted her. Enough to at least live together… As roommates.

"Yeah, of course." Marinette stepped back to allow him entry. They were fortunate to each have their own private bathroom, however it wasn't uncommon for Adrien to accidentally break something. He didn't have the best luck.

"Thank you." He shot her a grin before ducking into her bathroom. He respected her enough to have privacy, and never pushed their boundaries. Marinette began to get dressed, wearing pale blue jeans and a floral shirt. She was an apprentice at a prestigious fashion company, and working her way up to her dream of an official fashion designer. Gabriel Agreste had put in a good word, however, his word meant nothing now that his true identity was revealed. She knew how hard it was on Adrien, and he refused to talk about it. He would sometimes visit him in prison, but never spoke of what was said.

The sound of water turning on broke Marinette out of her thoughts. She refused to be late to work now that she didn't have the superhero excuse. Chat Noir and her had retired their miraculous back to Master Fu for safekeeping. They had completed their mission. Hawkmoth was gone. Pain flashed through her chest. And with it, her feline partner. She hadn't seen him since the night Hawkmoth was defeated. Covered in sweat, blonde hair wild and his eyes… His eyes were so cold. He wouldn't even look at Hawkmoth once they stripped him of his miraculous. He just stood, holding his injured chest and gazing towards the swirling lights of police cars. She tried talking to him, but he only said one thing to her; "It's over."

Marinette grabbed her jacket and purse, pausing by the door as she looked back towards the shower. Adrien took long showers, perhaps it was part of his model routine, or perhaps it was something else. She stayed a minute longer before departing into the kitchen.

Marinette began to cook breakfast, her baker instincts taking over as she flew through the room with the grace of a chef. She put bacon over the stove and eggs in the skillet, the warm aroma of food filling their apartment. She heard the water shut off abruptly, and she grinned. If there was one thing that could get that boy's attention, it was delicious food.

Adrien stumbled into the room, wearing a fresh set of clothes. His wet towel was balled under his arm, and his hair was still dripping wet. Marinette forced herself to look away from the way the water droplet ran down his cheekbone and his neck.

"That smells like heaven." Adrien gave a goofy smile, lifting his nose in an exaggerated sniff.

"Thank you, Monsieur." Marinette beamed at his compliment.

"You know, you don't always have to cook for us. I can try." Adrien began to set the table.

"Mhmm," Marinette laughed. "I don't think we need another 'brownie incident' on our hands."

"Hey!" Adrien crossed his arms and pouted. "It's not my fault I put them in too long."

"That's why you set a timer."

"They were fine! They tasted good!"

"Adrien, they were a brick. You almost broke a tooth trying to bite into that thing."

"Well, maybe brownies aren't my thing, but you could help teach me." Adrien gave a lopsided grin, and Marinette felt her heart skip a beat. He's just a roommate. He's just a roommate.

"For-for sure." Marinette stuttered, before realizing her mistake. Adrien only laughed, finishing setting the table and taking the towel towards his room. Marinette silently chastised herself as she took the bacon and began to divide it evenly between them. She was supposed to be over him by now. But those little things he did, those sarcastic smirks or his husky morning voice- she couldn't help it.

Marinette sat at the table, beginning to eat her breakfast while glancing at the clock. Adrien returned from his room wearing a suit, still trying to put on his tie.

"Here, let me help." Marinette offered, a look of relief on his face as he passed her the tie. "You have your meeting today?"

"Yes, with some marketing office who are willing to help build my company." Adrien held perfectly still as Marinette moved the tie around his neck. Her fingers were soft and careful as they worked around his skin. She had grown to have steady hands from sewing. Her finger brushed his neck, and she breathed in sharply at how close she was. "I'm going to invest a lot of the money into this, so I'm hoping it goes somewhere. If it flops… I'll have to sell the mansion or something."

Marinette finished the tie, "You've got this, Adrien. It won't flop."

"But what if it does? I could've used the money to help my father of my mom." His face fell and he brushed it off quickly. "It's fine. It doesn't matter."

Marinette put a hand on his shoulder abruptly, "Adrien, your mother…?"

"It- It doesn't matter." He stood quickly, Marinette's hand falling to her side. Adrien's face hardened as he collected his briefcase by the door.


"I have to go. I'll see you tonight." He began out the door quickly.

"What about breakfast?"

"Not hungry."

He left without another word, and Marinette couldn't help but feel the same energy Chat Noir gave her the night they defeated Hawkmoth. Cold, distant and hurting.

"Why won't he talk to me?" Marinette asked, blinking as she remembered that Tikki was no longer with her. She talked to herself often, forgetting that her small kwami had returned to Master Fu with her earrings. She had grown so accustomed to Tikki's advice, she didn't realize how much she depended on it until the kwami was gone.

I wonder how Chat Noir's doing, in civilian form. Marinette glanced out the window. Would I ever see him again? How would I find him?

Marinette glanced towards the clock, and with a jolt, realized she was late for work. Again.