WARNING: This is a SLASH/GAY/HOMOSEXUAL/BOY LOVE/YAOI/YURI/LESBIAN/GIRL LOVE. Harry is to be paired with another guy (OMC). Hermione with another girl(Undecided as of yet). Other characters, both original, and JK's will be paired with the same gender. Some will be Heterosexual, but not many (I.E. Ron/Lavender). I will delete any review that is sent in if it slanders gay couples. As a Pansexual, I take offense as well. Why should there only be Heterosexual couples in fiction, or tv? Get real people, even in the animal kingdom, there are homosexual relations. There are a slew of gay relationships in our histories, including Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome.

TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions/talk of child abuse and rape. I don't believe it's too graphic, but it is still a trigger for some people to even read someone talking about their abuse. If you are one such person, please hit the back button, or exit the app.

Any review with helpful tips on how to further my writing are welcomed! I don't mind people pointing out my flaws, so long as they are polite, and respectful. For all you know, I'm a thirteen year old child whose only method of therapy is writing. I'm not, I'm twenty-four, but you didn't know that until I told you, did you? While reviewing, keep in mind that if you wouldn't mind reading the review you're writing, then you should go ahead and post. If it's something that would upset you if you read it while going through your own story's reviews, then it should be tossed out, and started over.

I do not own Harry Potter. If I did, then the story would be completely different. As I don't make money off of what I write on this site, that means I can play with them instead.

(number) means that this is taken from Harry Potter Fandom

I hope you enjoy my work! Especially since my computer crashed four times (I had to take it to Geek Squad)!


Harry knew his time was growing short. He had to make a decision soon. Hogwarts or Ilvermorny. It was a week until his birthday, before the schools' deadlines. He felt pressured, and knew it was his choice alone. He just had to make up his mind if he wanted to return to England, chance being guilted by Dumbledore day after day, or to start at a new school, where he knew no one.

"Hey Basil, what are you doing tonight?" Cole asked, staring at his friend. He sat at Harry's desk, while Harry lay writing a reply to Remus's letter, finally.

"Nothing much...you know you don't have to keep calling me Basil, right?" Harry asked, looking up.

"I know, but you wanted us to call you that so desperately. I can't go against your wants." Harry grinned at Cole. "Have you decided yet if you're switching schools?" The dark haired boy groaned, burying his head in his arms. "I guess it is a difficult decision, isn't it?"

"Your dad said that even if I do finish school at Hogwarts, I can still continue living here." Cole nodded, spinning in the desk chair.

"You know, I've noticed you like Cade." Harry blushed, looking up through the crack in his arms. "It's fine. It shows that you're healing if you're not flat out denying that you like him."

"I don't want to deny who I am." Harry looked to his window when there was a knock. "Hedwig!" Jumping up, he rushed to let her in. She clicked and barked at him, pecking his head as she took to his shoulder. "I knew you'd come soon! I'm glad you're home." The owl hooted, and started to preen his hair as he took the letter from her. "Hermione will be here tomorrow!" He told Cole after reading it.

"Your best friend, right?"


"Harry!" Harry was tackled by a bush of brown hair, followed by short red. Hermione was squeezing the life out of Harry, while Ron held out his fist for a bump. "I'm so relieved you're okay!"

"Yeah. I'm sorry for all the drama, Mione." Harry muttered into her shoulder. "I didn't even know that all this would happen when I ran into Cole, and asked him and his friends for help."

"What exactly happened? No one will explain things to us. They said it was something for you to tell, or that it was none of our business."

"Yeah, and you'll never believe who told us the first." Ron snorted.

"Professor Snape." Harry correctly guessed. "He was horrified when he found out what had been done to me." Harry pulled away from his friends. "Come on, I've got a lot to tell you, and I don't want to talk about it in the open. Henry's mom is waiting with her van." Harry explained, looking at the adult Grangers and Charlie Weasley.

It wasn't long before they arrived at the Hotel that the Grangers had rented. Harry nervously sat down on one of the beds with his friends, while Hermione's parents, Jean and John, mirrored them on the bed, and Charlie stood against the desk. Henry's mom was doing errands, and would pick him back up in a few hours. Now Harry just had to figure out where to start.

"Take your time, Harry." Hermione offered.

"When I first arrived at the Dursleys, I was treated normally, albeit neglected. The...abuse didn't start until I was around seven years old. I was so hungry, that I was crying. I hadn't ate in almost two weeks. Vernon, he wanted me to shut up. So he hit me...more than once." Hermione gasped in horror along with her mum, while the males looked furious. "When he tried to do it after I'd accidentally broke something cleaning, he learned my magic could react if I was well fed..."

"That's why you're so thin." Hermione whispered, eyes sad. "They starved you to keep you under their control."

"That isn't all, is it?" Ron asked, looking his friend over.

"No." Harry shook his head to empathise his point. "You both know about the mental, and emotional, abuse I went through. I...I wasn't just emotionally, mentally, and physically abused." The Grangers stiffened as one, and Charlie spun around to grip the desk. Likely to keep his anger from showing to the teens. "Vernon sexually abused me as well." Hermione looked ill, while Ron turned green.

"H-How often?" Hermione whispered, staring at her friend in horror.

"It started when I was eight." Harry looked away. "He...he claimed it was a way to show his love. That he couldn't show love to me like he could Dudley. That Uncles are supposed to do those things with their nephews. He told me that Aunt Petunia wouldn't understand. That she'd be jealous.

"Then he brought his 'friends' around."

"Oh Harry." Hermione whispered, hesitantly reaching forward. Harry lunged for her, soaking up the comfort. "I'm glad you're away from them. That you're safe from that monster."

"I've got one more thing to talk about with you guys." Harry admitted sheepishly.

"You're not coming back to Hogwarts, are you?" Ron sighed sadly.

"What? No! I haven't decided on that yet!" The redhead frowned.

"Why would you want to go back?" Hermione inquired.

"Because the both of you are there." Harry looked down to his lap. "Yeah, it may mean I will have to face Voldemort, but all of my friends, all of my chosen family, they're still back in England."

"Harry, Voldemort hurt you like your uncle, why would you chance seeing him again?" Hermione asked angrily. "Harry, neither of us would blame you for wanting to stay here. You were terrified after fourth year, and your mind was raped by that monster this year! It's okay to want to run away from it all."

"Yeah mate, you're my best friend. I was an idiot fourth year, but I learned from my mistakes. You'll never have a normal life if you go back. Especially now that he's out in the open. You could be happy here."


"Don't look this gift horse in it's mouth." Hermione warned, hugging her friend again. "This is your chance to be just Harry."

"I know...but Hogwarts is where everyone I know is. It's why I'm debating which school I'll go to. I have until my birthday. I meeting one of the teachers, Ms. Pendragon, tomorrow, before we go out sightseeing."

"Oh alright, I'll let it drop for now." Hermione sighed, her exhaustion showing through. A knock alerted them to Henry's mother's arrival. "We'll see you at lunch then?"

"See you then." The three kids hugged, and Charlie also stole one.

"Be careful, little brother." The redhead warned as he sent Harry on his way.

"Thanks, Charlie."

Harry nervously paced the living room, awaiting the arrival of Ms. Pendragon. The only Bishop home with him was Cade. The older boy had tried to calm Harry down, but the boy hero wasn't easily dissuaded. He had too much pent up frustration and nerves to be calm. So he was pacing when Ms. Pendragon arrived via the floo.

"Mr. Potter?" Harry flinched, smiling tightly at the woman as he offered a seat and tea to her. "Tea would be nice." They sipped at their drinks for a moment. "Now, I must ask, have you made up your mind yet, or am I to be recruiting you?"

"The second, Ma Dragon!" Cade snickered, getting a glare from his former teacher, and a blush from Harry. Harry fiddled with his cup. "Basil has some very close friends in the UK. He isn't exactly thrilled at the idea of leaving his support system."

"Which I understand." The woman assured both. "How well are their studies?"

"Hermione is the top of her class, but Ron's...well..." Harry trailed off. "He's like me, average. Only I got those grades due to believing that I would be punished for having something good, because that's what happened in Primary, but by the time I learned it didn't matter, it was too late to change my appearances in school."

"I see, so if you choose to come to Ilvermorny you will need to retake your O.W.L.s?" Harry flinched, nodding. "Okay, that's a simple thing to do, Mr. Potter. We always have a few that need to take the tests again before school starts. Not because they failed, or anything, but because they had missed a test."


"Next, what courses are you taking?"

"The ones I chose, right?" Ms. Pendragon smiled encouraging. "Divination and Care of Magical Creatures."

"That's it?" The woman asked incredulous. Harry crossed his arms insecurely. "No, no, I don't mean that it's your fault, Harry. Ilvermorny requires three or more chosen courses, on top of the core subjects." The woman sat her tea cup down. "Is there any that you were interested in, but couldn't take? You can always visit during the days over summer to catch up with your year mates."

"Runes, I suppose...what others are their beside Arithmancy?"

"We have animagus training, combat training, healing, spell invention, and weaponry." The woman ticked off.

"Animagus, combat training, and healing." Harry instantly replied. The woman nodded, making a note, and Harry bit his lip. "If I accept going to Ilvermorny, may I go by a different name? I have one too many enemies, including Dumbledore and Voldemort."

"What would you like to go as? Keep in mind, it would have to be a name you can claim rights to."

"Basil Evans." Harry whispered, looking away. "Basil was the first thing I thought of that was related to a plant keeping with my mother's traditions, and could be a boy's name, and her maiden name was Evans." The woman nodded as she wrote her next notation.

"Okay." She placed her quill down again. "Now, I can't offer this Ron a scholarship to our school, but this Hermione I could, if what you say is true. The only way Ron would be able to come to Ilvermorny, is if he had a sponsor to pay for his enrollment, and housing." The woman stated softly, "and they would need parental permission to attend." Harry bit his lip, before nodding. "I will need to speak to them no later than tomorrow, Mr. Evans. If it is possible, you should get in contact with them now."

Harry jerked when Cade held out the wireless phone they had for Cole's school. He pulled out the paper with the Granger's room number. The parents talked with Ms. Pendragon, and so did Charlie, who was contacting his parents via twin mirrors. The woman agreed to be at the hotel at eleven a.m. sharp.

"Now that we have that out of the way." The woman smiled at Harry. "What extracurriculars were you a part of?"

"Quidditch." Harry sighed dreamily, but shook his head. "Though, I could do without the game. I just like flying. It's freeing."

"We have a sport, well, more of a club, really, that allows students to do acrobatics on brooms. Much like trick pony riding that the muggles do." Harry's eyes lit up. "Now, this is a boarding school still. Do you have an allergies we would have to be aware of?"

"Not that I know of. I've never been tested for any. Actually, I've never been inoculated for many things."

"Never?" The woman repeated, scandalized, "you mean just for muggle side right? You've had your dragon pox's vaccination, right?" Harry shook his head, staring up at the woman in confusion.

"What's dragon pox?"

"What's dragon pox?" The woman parroted back, shaking her head. "Dragon Pox is a potentially fatal contagious disease that occurs in wizards and witches. Its symptoms are presumably similar to Muggle illnesses like smallpox and chicken pox. However, in addition to leaving the victim's skin pockmarked, dragon pox causes a lasting greenish tinge. Simpler cases present with a green-and-purple rash between the toes and sparks coming out of the nostrils when the patient sneezes(1).

"Are you telling me that no one has given you a check up, nor have you seen a proper healer?" Harry shook his head, and the woman groaned. "Okay, that's fine. We'll take it one step at a time. First, getting your friends to come to Ilvermorny."

"Can you keep it a secret who is funding Ron?"

"Of course." The woman assured. "Is there anything else? I need to settle a lot to make sure you're ready for school if you don't go to Hogwarts."

"I don't think so." Harry shyly replied.

"Then, I'm going. I'm sure Mr. Bishop can answer any other questions you have." She pulled out a pamphlet that explained more about Ilvermorny's history and it's courses. "I'm also only a letter away."

"Thank you for taking time to come see me." Harry stood as she did, shaking her hand when it was offered.

"It was wonderful to meet you, Mr. Evans." The woman returned. "If only half my students were as well mannered as you." She teased, waving as she left through the green flames.

"So, what do you think?" Cade asked, standing to stretch. Harry couldn't stop his eyes from darting to the sliver of skin that was exposed. He shook his head, focusing on Cade again.

"I think I need to talk to Ron and Hermione." Was all he could say.

It would be tough getting Mr. and Mrs. Weasley to agree, but Harry knew the Grangers were all for Hermione switching school. It was getting dangerous at Hogwarts. Had been ever since they started. On top of that, they were on top of the hit list of Voldemort's. Harry had no doubt his friends would want to follow him, given the chance. It was the adults that would be difficult.

"I got my license yesterday, want me to give you a lift on my bike?" Harry shrugged, nodding.


"No problem. It gives me something to do, if you don't mind me tagging along during your field trip into the city." Harry smiled a small smile that seem to radiate happiness.

"That would be better than just me showing them around! You know where everything cool is!" Cade laughed, following Harry to the garage. If his eyes wandered, who could blame him. Harry, though too skinny, was cute after all. Not that he would try anything on the kid.

He had a brother who went through the same thing, he wasn't stupid, after all. He wouldn't pressure Harry. He would let the boy approach on his own. He wouldn't take the choice away from Harry. Cade was too sweet to try something like that with a hurt soul. He liked Harry, likely more than he just couldn't help it. However, with his feeling of like came the feeling of overprotectiveness. He would do his best to ensure Harry lived his life to the fullest, and happiest.

Quick question (you don't have to review the answer, a pm will work as well) but do any of you think this is fetish trash? I got a review saying it is, and it was kind of hurtful. Yes, it talks about childhood sexual abuse, but I won't be adding anything beyond make-out sessions. I'm not capable of writing smut or rape, let alone anything beyond kissing, and if I was I would be on AO3 or Adultfanfiction.