Hi friends! How are you doing? This year will certainly go down in history, and not for any good reason. Right?

Most of you agreed that Esme wouldn't tease Edward about doing early morning laundry. I agree; she's too sweet to increase his embarrassment.

Beta'ed by the ever-diligent Fran.

Any mistakes are mine.


The next day, I was back in Seattle.

I cleaned my apartment, shopped for groceries and made sure I had enough clothes washed and ironed for the week. Even while doing these mundane tasks, a smile stayed on my lips, remembering the time Bella and I spent together in Forks.

When I thought of the moment I opened my eyes and saw her standing in front of my bed, I laughed out loud. Yes, now that more than eighteen hours had passed, I could see how funny it was.

Luckily, Bella had not given me a hard time over it, and even offered to be a student in the art of giving me a hand-job.

Don't think about it, Edward, or you won't be able to sleep tonight.

Two weeks had never seemed so long.

Of course, I would see her before, when Esme would bring her for her appointment with the therapist. Even though it would be a short meeting, with no alone time, it was something to look forward to.

Before that though, I had my own appointment with the same therapist, Ms. Rosalie Hale. It made me nervous, having to share all my insecurities with a stranger, but I had promised Bella.

The first thing that struck me when I met Rosalie was that she didn't look that old, considering she had treated Anthony when he was a teenager. I was trying to decide whether or not to bring it up, when she took the matter out of my hands by asking if I was related to Anthony Masen.

I was quite taken aback by her remarkable memory and told her he was my brother.

She didn't miss the implication, of course.

"I'm so sorry. Did he pass away recently?"

I nodded. "Yes, about a month ago. I am amazed you remember him after all these years. You must have seen thousands of patients since then."

She smiled, her expression kind but also wistful. "I suppose some patients make an impression. Also, my practice was relatively new then. I remember those days better than the succeeding years, when I became so busy that days simply flew away. But I would have recognized you anyway. Of course, you are all grown up now, but the bone structure is similar, and of course there's the unusual hair color."

I touched my hair, feeling self-conscious. Enough people had remarked on it, calling it reddish-brown, brown with red and gold highlights, copper penny, and even bronze…as if that was even possible for human hair!

The attention made me uncomfortable, which was why I kept it short once I joined the police academy. Not that there was any compulsion, but it went with the job. At the very least, nobody was going to call me a nerd, the way they would have in school.

Suddenly, I realized that Rosalie was talking and I had missed most of what she said, only catching the tail-end of the sentence.

"…Anthony mentioned you frequently."

"He did?" I leaned forward, surprised but eager. "I had imagined he was too wrapped up in his grief to talk about me."

Rosalie looked…impressed. "You understood he was getting into trouble because he could not deal with his grief? That was very perceptive of you."

I shook my head. "I…it had nothing to do with being perceptive. We had always understood each other well, and I knew he was feeling the same thing I was. He just expressed it differently."

Rosalie hummed thoughtfully.

"And how did you express it?"

"Uh, I…didn't, I think. Of course, I didn't realize it then."

She made a note in the notebook in front of her.

"So, you suppressed your feelings? Why do you think you would do that?"

I studied the abstract art behind her, thinking.

"I think—I wanted to be mature and responsible. Tony—Anthony, I mean—was a few minutes younger than me, so I kind of always felt I had to set a good example for him. When we lost our parents, I tried to be there for him, show him he was not alone. That meant no crying or screaming or…losing my cool." I sighed. "Clearly, I didn't do a good job."

"And why would you think that, Edward?"

Gently, question by understanding question, she drew me out. I wouldn't say that all my issues were solved in that one hour; indeed, we probably hadn't touched half of them in the allotted time. However, it was a good beginning, considering how wary I had been. Instead of feeling I had to let a stranger into my secrets, I felt as if I had been chatting with a very understanding, more knowledgeable friend.

Still, the poking and prodding we had done inside my mind left me feeling rather heavy in the head.

The next day, when I met Bella and Esme for lunch, I shared my feelings with them. I also commended Bella on being so composed after her first session. It couldn't have been easy, what with her confused, fragile state at that time.

"Oh, I wasn't composed, not at all," Bella revealed. "I hated her for asking so many questions, but I also wanted to be rid of the nightmares, to lead a normal life. But—the way I grew up, showing weakness wasn't an option. So, I held it together for Esme when you met us for lunch. I didn't want her to feel bad because she was the one who had suggested Dr. Hale."

She looked at Esme. "Sorry, Esme. I want you to know I am truly grateful for everything you have done for me. It just took me some time to understand that Dr. Hale was trying to help me."

Esme shook her head. "No need to apologize, sweetheart. I think you faced everything with great courage. And Edward, you know what I was thinking just now? You two are so much alike."

Bella looked at her curiously, and so did I.

"Both of you are strong individuals, choosing to deal with your problems without fuss or fanfare. You don't want to trouble others, but sometimes that leads to isolation. I just want to say—sometimes it's okay to rely on others, you know? Family, friends, they are there to help you as much as to ask for your help. You wouldn't want them to hesitate if they need your help, would you?"

"Not at all," I emphasized, and Bella nodded in agreement.

"Well, it goes both ways," Esme said with a maternal smile. "But you know what makes me happy? That you two have found each other. Now you can be each other's support and not feel it's an obligation. Isn't that right?"

Bella gave a shy smile. I told Esme that it was very wise advice.

We would have to work on it though, as we weren't in that place yet. Old habits die hard.

I switched the topic to Bella, asking her what she had been up to in the last few days. I also asked her (and also Esme) if they were being safe.

Bella assured me they were, and she had started to work full time at Harry's.

"I really enjoy working there," she said, eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "They are nice people, and Leah and I are becoming good friends."

"And Harry?" I asked. "Is he still glaring daggers at any man who dares to look at you, or was that look reserved especially for me?"

Bella laughed full-out at that. "I think he's just overprotective. Yesterday, Mike Newton from the Newton Sports Goods stopped to chat with me when he came in for a cup of coffee, and Harry gave him the same look. More dagger-y, if possible. You should have seen Mike's face! He almost ran out after that, mumbling something about having an errand to run. He might never come back."

Esme and I chuckled, but I also felt an unexpected flare of jealousy. "Quite right too. He was there for coffee, so what was the need to come over to your workplace? Entitled prick!"

"Edward!" Esme gasped. "Language. What's come over you?"

"Sorry," I said, feeling ashamed. "I don't know…that was uncalled for."

Bella looked surprised, but then she smirked.

"Edward," she said in a very Alice-type sing-song manner. "Are you feeling jealous?"

"What? No, of course not," I denied immediately, even knowing she was right. I could feel my ears burning.

"You are, you are," she chanted, looking almost giddy. "Oh, I am so happy!"

I'm sure my eyebrows climbed up to my hairline. "You're happy that I am jealous? I thought women nowadays are turned off by possessiveness?"

She shook her head. "Well, yes, I'm sure I will be if you suddenly started telling me how to live my life. But being a little jealous is okay; it shows you feel more than friendship for me, you know?"

"Really?" I smiled. "That's good to know. Though I had imagined I had made my feelings for you very clear, quite early on, didn't I? You better let me know what other ways are there to display my feelings. Should I use cheesy quotes from movies? Serenade you under your window? Get you a stuffed toy holding a heart in his hands?"

Both Esme and Bella had begun laughing half-way through my silly speech. Bella was shaking her head.

"I can't even imagine what that's like," she said between giggles. "Do people really do that, or does it happen only in movies?"

"I'm sure some people do," answered Esme. "It depends on the people in the relationship. What might seem silly to some, others might find sweet. Um, Bella, are you ready to leave, sweetheart? We should get going."

Bella agreed, and Esme excused herself, saying she would use the ladies' room before leaving for the long drive.

"There's nothing worse than having to stop at the first gas station as soon as you leave the city. I swear, some of the restrooms I have come across on the highway have scarred me for life."

Bella and I looked at each other and burst into laughter at Esme's grumbling. She smiled good-naturedly and left.

I hoped she would be a while, maybe freshen her makeup or something, so Bella and I could have a few minutes alone.

"I missed you," Bella whispered as I took her hands in mine.

"I missed you too, very much." I drew her closer, eager to feel her in my arms. She sighed as our lips connected, and I think I did too. Kissing Bella was many things, but right then it was a sense of peace, a confirmation that I belonged with her.

Mindful of the other customers in the restaurant, we kept the kisses chaste. I didn't let go of her though after we stopped, resting my chin on her head as she rested her head against my chest. My eyes fluttered close for a moment.

"I can't wait for our first date," she murmured.

I opened my eyes and looked at her, stroking a lock of hair away from her face.

"Even more than having your cast removed?" I teased lightly.

"Um-hmm, even more than that. Spending the whole day with you…" A rosy hue crept up her cheeks. "And the whole night…"

"Bella," I groaned, "have pity on me. I have to face Esme in another minute, and I have to stand up and walk both of you to your cab. How will I do that if you say such things?"

She peeked up, her smile mischievous. "Sorry. But can you blame me for—"

"Bella dear, shall we go?" Esme was back, smiling kindly at us.

I couldn't wait for the next week either.

A.N. So, Edward's first appointment with Rosalie. Did you think she would recognize him?

Do you feel one's early days in a job/profession are more memorable? Share your experiences!

Take good care of yourself.