"So what are your plans now?"

"I'm not yet sure. All I've thought of is to wander for a time and figure something out in the process."

"Wander? You mean you're not staying in the village?"

Sasuke simply nodded at his former mentor who was seated behind the Hokage's desk – an odd sight for him, to be honest. It was not as if he was able to contemplate on how he would go on with his life while he was detained by the authorities of the Leaf.

He still couldn't even fully embrace the fact that he deserved this second chance granted to him. Being in prison for months sure was a long time wherein he could ponder about the direction he would be heading, but if anything, that long time only allowed him to be consumed with guilt about how he had intentionally chosen to be swallowed by the chasm of darkness.

Still, he was grateful for the grace he was given, which was mainly a result of the nonstop pleading of his fellow hero from the Fourth Shinobi World War and the growing influence of his now promoted mentor to the Hidden Leaf Council.

Kakashi released a sigh but he understood. Whatever would be best for the welfare of Sasuke, he would surely support that nonetheless. "Just don't do anything reckless, alright? You know I'll be accountable to that, especially with me being the Hokage now."

"I understand."

Kakashi was about to say something else when one chunin suddenly stormed into the Hokage's office, panting for a moment before announcing what surely looked like an emergency. His eyes darted to the new visitor as he waited for whatever news that caused the chunin to suddenly barge in without even knocking.

"Lord Sixth, we've received news from the new Tsuchikage that Sakura-san's squad was ambushed on the way to the Land of Earth and she's nowhere to be found."

Sasuke stiffened at the news he just heard as he stared at the back of the chunin who was now standing on where he was moments ago. As much as he had no desire to interfere with the Hokage's duties, he realized it was a good thing that Kakashi hasn't officially dismissed him yet for he found himself listening intently to the urgent report being raised.

Alarmed at the sudden report, Kakashi furrowed his brows. "When did this happen? Were they able to gather enough intel about the situation?"

The chunin straightened up, now a bit more relaxed than the moment he entered. With a stern expression, he answered the Hokage, "More than five hours ago. All of the six squad members were badly injured, but there's one who was able to regain consciousness before the Tsuchikage sent her report to us. They're now all being taken care of at the Hidden Stone Hospital."

Sakura's been ambushed more than five hours ago and they still haven't found her?! Sasuke clenched his jaw as he thought of his former teammate, his ears itching to hear more information.

"According to the medical ninja who regained consciousness, They all fought against the attackers and miserably failed. But then, Sakura-san was able to take down ten of the enemies in one blow, afterwards however, another set of more or less eight men attacked her from behind and eventually took her, unconscious. That's the last thing the shinobi remembered and relayed to the Tsuchikage."

Sasuke couldn't help but be proud of Sakura when he heard that she single-handedly took on ten enemies in one attack. He remembered finding himself impressed with her astounding superhuman strength that was very much visible and efficient during the Fourth Shinobi World War, but for her to be unconscious and kidnapped, he knew they must've done something that caught her alert senses off guard.

Were they after her? What could they possibly be doing to Sakura now? For some reason, his mind started racing from a possible scenario to another and it made the pit of his stomach churn in an unfamiliar way. He was growing impatient by the minute as he considered that the longer they converse there, the worse Sakura's situation could be. His eyebrows creased as his gaze shifted to the hokage who now leaned back on his seat and waited for what he has to say.

"If they got to make Sakura unconscious, then these attackers are also shinobis for sure, not just any random group of bandits." Kakashi pinched the bridge of his nose as he pondered on the matter.

He remembered how Sakura requested for him not to send her to missions as of the moment because she knew that Sasuke would be released any time soon and she wanted to be present when that happens. However, when the Land of Earth requested for medical ninjas to help them since there were still some remnants of the effect of the war there, Sakura had no choice but to oblige to the recommendation of the Fifth Hokage and the approval of the Sixth.

Kakashi knew that Sakura understands how missions should go first, but somehow, he debated with himself if he had made his first wrong decision after just a few months of being the Hokage. He could've sent someone else and appealed to Tsunade's recommendation despite the truth that Sakura is the best medical nin available and the only one capable of heading a squad, hence, also supporting Sakura's request and avoiding the circumstance that led her to be in danger. But it was too late now.

"We'll be sending a team immediately. But what are the Hidden Stone ninjas doing about this so far?" He finally uttered. Sakura had been through a lot since the war, and he could admit that it pained him to know the condition she was in so he wanted the best team to be sent to rescue the girl who's like an only daughter to him.

"Due to the village restoration still ongoing, most of their shinobis are helping for that project. Some are still unfortunately in a comma or recovering from a trauma. But Lady Kurotsuchi has already sent a team to track if there are leads to Sakura-san's whereabouts within the boundaries of Hidden Stone. However, they indeed need our shinobis because tracking's the best that they could do to help as of now. Once they get some intel, they assured us that they would contact you immediately."

Kakashi sighed as he shut his eyes, thinking about the right people to send for this urgent mission. With the fact that one of the new generation of Sannins was taken, he knew that he couldn't just send a random team.

Sasuke fixed his stare at his old sensei who was in deep thought after listening to all that the chunin had to say. He knew that look full well. He remembered back in their genin days that it was the kind of look Kakashi always had whenever he contemplates on strategies or choices that were already very apparent yet he was making sure of all the possible angles of the option before settling with it.

"I can't wait to see you again once you're out here." The face of a smiling pink-haired girl flickered through Sasuke's mind as he recalled her words to him from that last time she visited him in his prison cell. That's when he knew that he couldn't wait any longer. There's an intense urge in him to do something with the situation at hand that he couldn't understand. I can't wait to see you too.

"I'll go," he eventually blurted out, making both Kakashi's and the chunin's heads turn swiftly to him.

The Hokage gave him a scrutinizing look. "You've just been released and the stump of your left arm's not yet fully healed, Sasuke."

"It doesn't mean that I couldn't fight."

Kakashi frowned behind his mask. Sasuke had a point, there's no doubt that the sole Uchiha survivor could and would fight even if he's already half-dead, how much more with a single hand. That's just how strong he is, and as his former squad leader, he knew that full well.

Yet, he was once again debating with himself if he would send Sasuke in a situation wherein even he could be more harmed, especially since he hasn't even adjusted yet to fighting with just one arm. And partly, he was imagining how Sakura would barge into the Hokage's office and scold him the moment she learns that he sent Sasuke to a rescue mission with the fact that he hasn't even fully recovered from the war.

That is, if they would both be able to come back.

"Why do you want to go?" This was one question a Hokage rarely asked when he sends people to missions, but for some reason, he wanted a piece of Sasuke's mind before he allowed him to go.

Sasuke was slightly taken aback with the query, but he didn't show that. Even he couldn't put into words where the heavy drive was coming from. He just knew that a certain cherry blossom needed to be saved and he couldn't just stay still, enjoy his newfound freedom, and do nothing.

For a moment, he was silent, then, with the most stoic face he could muster, he replied, "I mentioned once before that I wanted to help in saving the village, remember?"

Kakashi knew better. Sasuke's not the kind who would do anything just to try to prove something to others so he was sure that his old student was not this willing to be sent for the mission only because he wanted to help and immediately start in making his name clean to the village.

He could recall how he saw through his peripheral vision the way Sasuke stiffened at the mere mention of Sakura's name. This was Sakura they were talking about, and even though Sasuke was not good at understanding what others and what he himself were feeling, Kakashi knew the real meaning behind Sasuke's desire now, but he'd rather let his old student figure that out on his own.

He heaved a deep sigh and casually answered, "Alright, I'll be sending Lee and Naruto with you."

Sasuke forced himself not to glare at Kakashi. What's this, a rescue team of boys who like Sakura?! He thought, excluding himself, of course. "I don't need teammates, Kakashi," Sasuke muttered through gritted teeth. "Plus, Naruto's still healing from the war as well and he's waiting for that artificial arm from Hashirama cells. I'd rather get this over and done with immediately alone than have teammates who might slow me down."

"But, Uchiha-san, like what I've said, there were more than ten attackers and even Sakura-san's squad was outnumbered," the chunin butted in. "We don't even know yet how many are in their hideout and what they're really up to."

This time, Sasuke didn't fight his glare from appearing and directed it to the chunin. "Even Sakura was able to take down ten in one attack. Now what do you think of me?"

"Okay, enough!" Still as stubborn as ever. Kakashi raked his hair with his fingers, feeling the tension surrounding them. He was well aware that this has to be settled immediately or else they might be too late in rescuing Sakura. "Sasuke, are you sure you wouldn't need a team?"

A firm nod was given to him as a response.

"Very well, you may go. But I need you to keep in contact with us, alright?" Kakashi sent him a grim stare. "For now, head to the Land of Earth for that's the first possible lead we have. The moment we receive any intel from Lady Kurotsuchi, I would let you know at once," he then concluded, it was the only response that Sasuke was waiting for.

"Understood. I better get going." He was already on his way to the door when Kakashi called him again.

"Sasuke," the Hokage began with a low voice. "Bring Sakura back, okay?"

"Rest assured, I will." And then he took off.

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October 2018 AriannJS

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What do you think about Kakashi here? It's adorable how he became some sort of a father-figure to Team 7. :) And what do you think would Sasuke figure out as he goes on his way to save Sakura?

Would love to hear your feedback on this one! I'd also appreciate your comments and votes on any of my short stories! Hope you're excited for second part! God bless!

- A