hello! this is my first time writing a fanfiction, my grammar has never been good.. at all. but I tried my best and I randomly thought of this story and really wanted to share it with whoever wants to read it. anyway enjoy!

- Butterscotch

Catra's POV.

I was laying in bed trying to go to sleep but I started thinking about my past with Adora, stories in my head that made me blush and fluster at the thought of them. I thought about when I was 14 and I had a nightmare way worse than usual.

I always slept at the bottom of Adora's bed and held onto her legs occasionally, but we never like cuddled or anything.

but this time when I had that nightmare I woke up screaming and sobbing out of my control.

and Adora woke up immediately in a daze but quickly realized what was happening. she scooted towards me and gently put her right hand on the small of my back and her left hand on my hip, she pulled me towards her and layed me down in her spot on her bed, she put me on my side and got behind me, she pulled the covers over us and spooned me. she was so warm and cuddly that I instantly quietend down. she held my as I quietly cried. she didn't ask me what my nightmare had been about, she just comforted me, she knew me and she knew not to ask because I wouldn't tell her.. I couldn't.

we fell asleep like that, when I woke up I was spooning her, I wished we could always be like this.

just smiled and admired her for a moment and then went back to sleep.