Operating on his autopilot mode, using Ki as a sensing mechanism to wander the halls, Gohan read through the book in his hand, whilst simultaneously greeting his fellow peers. Some asked how he was feeling after his run in with Videl. Others offered sympathy. Gohan tried to respond with as little interaction as he could. He honestly didn't want to dwell on the incident. He hadn't returned to class that day, instead he flew home, where his mother scolded him for cutting class, but was more lenient when he had explained why.

Reaching his locker, he proceeded to input his locker combination before noticing that the bustling of feet and chatter among the sea of students had settled. It was almost like a tension on the air. Turning his head, he was met with none other than Videl, slowly making her way up to him, eyes downcast, rubbing her arm awkwardly.

Gohan set into a frown.

Videl nearly gasped at the sight of his face. She had never seen him wear a look other than his dorky, cheesy smile. And to know that she was the cause of that switch was a rather guilty thought. She even surprised herself by mentally wishing she could have that smile of his back.

She stammered several times under his gaze, wringing her hands before delivering her line. "Can we talk?"

Gohan regarded the girl for a moment. He was acutely aware that their little interaction was quickly piquing the interest of their peers. "I'm not sure that's a good idea Videl" Gohan spoke. His tone was as monotone as anyone had ever heard, there didn't appear to be any emotion behind it. His mind thought back to their little spat the day before and he couldn't help but feel disappointed. Not only in Videl but also a little in himself for not doing a better job at handling the situation.

"Please Gohan" Videl pleaded, her eyes meeting his, Gohan let out a small noise of surprise. Her eyes were red, almost as if she had been crying, her lip quivered and her shoulders slumped. This was far from the stubborn and confident Videl he was used to seeing. Instead she was a shell of her former self. "I need someone to talk to… And you're the only one I can turn to right now"

Looking around the halls, Gohan met dozens of eyes which were fixated on this scene. Suppressing the urge to roll his eyes, Gohan slowly closed his locker. "Okay. But maybe we should find somewhere more private" He suggested.

Videl half nodded her head, allowing him to dictate where the conversation took place. She felt his rough hand take a light grip around her wrist, leading her to the nearest flight of stairs. As they did so, thoughts circulated in Gohan's mind. He wasn't sure why he still felt compelled to give the girl his time let alone even acknowledge her. He should despise her for what she had done, yet he simply couldn't find it in himself. Despite her shortcomings, Videl had been misguided. Her perception of what was fact and fiction was built on a foundation that her father had laid for her.

As the pair stepped out onto the roof of the school, they fell into a short silence, taking in the tranquillity of the air, the way it drowned out the noise of the campus. Gohan simply watched the girl, giving her time to start.

"I sparred with my father last night" She stated. Gohan's eyebrows shot up, now interested. "Well, it was more of a fight than a spar. It actually had nothing to do with training" Videl trailed off, finding a place to sit, her back against the railing of the ledge.

"And?" Gohan urged, placing his book bag on the ground and sitting beside the girl.

"I beat him" Videl continued, her tone not at all pleased with the result. Gohan nodded slowly. Normally Videl would have been ecstatic knowing she had bested her father. However, this time around they both understood the implications of her victory. "I beat him, and then he tried to lie about not fighting seriously. And what's worse…" She then drew her gaze away from the floor and met Gohan's pitch black orbs. "Is that I only beat him by using your strategy. You were right. He doesn't defend his legs, he does keep his body wide open… He…" Videl then broke down into small sobs.

Gohan just continued to nod slowly. He draped an arm around her shoulders, allowing her to lean into him, pressing her face into the crook of his neck as she continued to cry. Several minutes went by before the two separated. Their gazes met once more.

"He's been lying all this time. Hasn't he?" Videl asked, her eyes still continuing to shed a tear every so often.

Gohan's features softened. "I'm sorry" he whispered. "Yes, he has"

Videl nodded in acceptance. "And you could have easily beaten him if you wanted to, right?" Gohan hesitated for a moment. Unsure of how to proceed. "It's okay. You can tell me. I mean it is obvious after all. Considering you made easy work of me, I'm sure you could have handled him no problem as well"

"You're right" Gohan sighed. Hanging his head. "I'm sorry Videl, but your dad could never beat me"

"I never pinned you as one to boast" Videl quipped with a small chuckle. Though in reality not more than two days ago she was contradicting this statement in her head. "So those… Light tricks, you know how to use them?"

Gohan nodded.

"And they are real. Aren't they?"

Another nod.

"Can you show me?"

Doing a quick Ki scan to ensure no one would wander in on the scene, Gohan wordlessly brought his empty palm up to her gaze. Videl's eyes widened as sparks danced in his hand before forming into a bright blue sphere. The light was almost blinding, it also seemed to give off the subtlest amount of warmth. There was no mistaking it, this was as much evidence as she needed to believe. Hesitantly she reached out and poked it with her index finger, quickly retracting it as it shifted under her touch.

"It's called Ki" Gohan started, allowing the manifestation to retract back into his body. "Every living being possesses a finite pool of it. Once unlocked, it can be used for multiple purposes. Like energy beams and blasts like Cell used. Energy output to increase strength and speed, and even high speed flight"

"You can fly?" Videl interrupted. She nearly passed out as the boy nodded, standing up and levitated several feet of the ground. The Satan girl quickly waved her hands under his feet for any hidden wires. "Holy shit… You can fly. Just like those guys at the Cell games. And you can make those light beams just like them as well" Gohan touched his feet on the ground. Bracing for the sudden revelation he knew was coming. Snapping her head to his face, Videl stood wide eyed. "You… You were there weren't you? That little boy who was there… That was you! But he had blonde hair. Is that a Ki technique as well? changing hair colour?" Videl started putting the pieces together like a detective solving a case. Eventually her thoughts processed the facts.

"Yeah." Gohan paused, slightly raising his Ki so that he was able to attain the Super Saiyan form, without releasing all the energy at once and cause any damage to the surrounding area. " It was me" Gohan answered, bringing an end to her thoughts. "I was there"

Videl stood in awe at the sight of the boy. His golden blonde hair, his teal eyes. Here stood one of the golden fighters. She could practically feel the power that he generated.

"He lived the same way he died, a hero and a fighter" Videl instantly understood what was meant by those words. Son Goku had died at the Cell games. And Gohan was there, he had seen it, he saw everything that happened that day. Which means that whatever happened to his father, Gohan was there to witness it. Instantly Videl felt overwhelmed with guilt. She had bad mouthed the man, when he had given his life to defend earth, and to his son who had seen it no less. Instantly Videl wrapped her arms around the boys midsection, pulling him into a hug.

"I'm so sorry. For everything" She rested her head on his torso. She felt his arms snake around the back of her neck.

"I know. And it's okay" Gohan spoked soothingly, almost as if he understood what the girl was thinking.

"My dad didn't beat Cell did he?" Her voice was slightly muffled by the fabric of the boys shirt. "Your dad did, didn't he?"

Gohan slowly shook his head. "I wish I could say he had. Maybe then he would still be around" He paused for a moment as Videl broke away from their contact. "You father did not defeat Cell. Though neither did mine, but not for lack of trying"

"Then…" Videl trailed off. She gasped as his eyes bore into hers, full of seriousness and intensity. It all added up. Gohan's fighting ability, his knowledge of Ki, him being at the scene of the Cell games. "It was you. You were the one"

Again, Gohan found himself nodding slowly. He powered down, slipping out of his Super Saiyan form and back to normal. "Correct"

"And yet. You still tried to help me, even knowing who I was… What kind of person I was. Videl Satan, daughter of Hercule and total fraud. How can you even stand to be around me after all I have done, after how horrible I have been to you!"

Gohan approached the girl, taking a firm hold of her cheeks and forcing her to meet his eyes. "Videl. The only person I see is a strong willed, confident, beautiful, independent fighter. You may have been ignorant to everything, but you were misguided. Just like how everyone out their is as well. You followed your fathers word, and you can't fault yourself for that. I never second guessed my father either. At least you are here to make up for your mistakes, that shows more character than anything else"

Releasing his hold on the girl, he stepped back several paces, allowing for Videl to process the information, the word 'Beautiful' rang in Videl's head several times. "Thanks" She whispered, a feint blush gracing her cheeks at the contact. "So you think I could still benefit from a new teacher?" She questioned after some moments of silence.

Gohan smile reassuringly. "It's your decision. But my view hasn't changed. You can never hope to attain further knowledge by shackling yourself to a single institution"

"Do you think… Do you think you could train me?" Videl asked wavering slightly.

Gohan rubbed the back of his neck with a timid grin. "Me? Gee, I'm not sure. I've never really taught anyone martial arts before. I'm better at academics really"

Videl scoffed. "Come on. You've got to be literally the strongest fighter in the world. There can't be a better candidate to learn from"

"I guess I could give it a shot" Gohan agreed with a sly grin.

"Does that mean you can teach me to fly and transform too?" Videl was nearly giddy with excitement. Gohan didn't believe she actually had the capacity of muster up such an emotion.

"Flying, yes. The transformation thing, probably not" Gohan responded, scratching his chin.

"Why not?" Videl shot back, disappointed that he was willing to withhold such a technique from her.

"It's kind of complicated. Maybe I will explain it later. The short of it is that it's based on genetics. There are only four people left who can use it, myself included in that group" Videl nodded slowly. Her lips set into a line at the revelation, though she had to concede that the ability of flight was still a pretty good deal in itself. "And besides, Ki is so versatile that the possibilities are near endless. People train their entire lives and don't even scratch the surface of mastering all the techniques" Gohan wore a childlike grin, his toothy smile was utterly infectious.

Videl took a second to take in the sight. Since when was his smile so damn cute? And was he always so impressive to look at? Were his eyes always so carefree and captivating? It was almost as if Videl was looking at a completely different person. She took a small step towards the boy, looking out over the city skyline and smiled to herself. "Hey Gohan?" She called.

As the boy went to respond he felt the force of the girl wrap her arms around his neck, tugging the back of his head down so that their faces met. Before he could question her motive he felt her lips brush over his. His eyes widened for the briefest moment before his instincts took hold and he succumbed to the moment, snaking his arms around her and responding to the kiss. The pair held their place for several seconds before breaking contact, though they still remained in a warm embrace. "Thanks. For everything" She whispered into his shirt, taking in his scent.

'And another victim falls for the Gohan virus' Videl thought dryly. Though she couldn't argue the fact that she had never felt more content than she had at this moment.

"You're welcome" Gohan replied, his chin resting on her forehead and a goofy grin adoring his features.

He was the most popular person at Orange Star High, loved by his peers and every teachers dream student. His infectious personality and modest nature made him appear without fault to anyone he came into contact with… That was especially the case when it came to Videl Satan.