
I opened my eyes and remembered seeing three women standing alone. So, I immediately offered them my aide. When the woman in front said I would be of use to her I was confused, but I didn't have time to be confused because next thing I knew I felt a pain in my neck so intense that I was sure I died. That was when the burning started.

'Bella. I'm sorry.' I thought as I was consumed in pain.

I felt like I had been burning forever when it left my arms and legs and traveled to my chest. My heart struggled to continue beating for a few beats before it stopped, and I was dead.

'wait, if I'm dead then why am I still here?'

I opened my eyes and jumped into a defensive crouch before realizing that I moved too fast. The girl I remember was standing in front of me. She then explained to me what the burning was. I was a vampire. I didn't believe her until she said.

"Oh, of course you must be hungry. Tessa, go get our new recruit something to eat." The thought of food made my throat burn. The girl to Maria's left disappeared and returned a second later. She had a girl with her. The girl had brown hair and brown eyes. I didn't have any more time to think, next thing I knew the girl was laying at my feet. Her neck looked like it had been ripped out. I lifted my hand to my chin where I felt something wet and when I pulled it back there was something red on it. Blood. I looked down at the girl. Something pulled in the back of my heart. This girl looked familiar, but I couldn't place how.

I remember my family. My mother, father, younger sister, and brother. None of the women in my family were brunettes. We all had shades of blonde hair.

Maria said that I was to serve her to win territory. A few days later we learned that I had the power to feel and manipulate emotions. Once I managed to leave Maria. I went home to see my family. I found them at the cemetery standing next to my grave, but next to my grave was another. It read,

Here lies, Isabella Marie Whitlock.

Loving sister, wife, daughter, and friend.

She loved fiercely and died of a broken heart.

My long dead heart constricted, though I didn't know why. Who was Isabella? She was a Whitlock? How did I not remember her?I ran away before my family could see me, and ran until I found a diner in Philadelphia that felt like I had to go in. I looked round, and my eyes stopped at the counter. I went and sat down. I heard the door to the diner open and heard someone walk up to me. I turned and saw her. She was maybe 5 foot with black hair poking out every which way. I felt connected to her, but I didn't understand how.

"You kept me waiting long enough."

"My apologies ma'am."

Her name was Mary Alice and she said that there was a family that we were meant to be with. I felt like I had to trust her. Like something good was going to happen, but only if I followed her to this family, the Cullen's.

We ran until we found them only stopping to feed on animals. She says that how the Cullen's survive. I wanted to believe her. I was tired of killing to survive. We finally found them in a small town on the outskirts of Alaska. They welcomed us with open arms.

There were 5 of them. There was Carlisle and Esme. They were mates. Carlisle had impeccable control over his bloodlust, and Esme didn't have a power though she reminded me of my own mama with how motherly she was. There was Emmett and Rose. They were mate, and Emmett had never lost his newborn strength, and Rosalie had the ability to see people memories and/ or unblock them. She offered to help Alice and I, but we refused. Then there was Edward. Apparently, he and Alice were mates. Alice could see the future based on the choices you made, and Edward could read minds.

We spent the next about 120 years with them. Moving every so often when we started looking too young for the age we were claiming. I didn't like the fact that I had to keep going to school, but if we claimed to be younger when we moved in then we could stay longer. The story was Rose, and I were twins and Edward and Emmett were siblings. Rose and I were Esme's niece and nephew from a sister that died from a drunk driving accident.


I remember the day like it was yesterday, but it wasn't. It was 145 years ago that I lost the love of my life. The love of my life, Jasper Whitlock had disappeared while serving for the southern cause. He was a major in the confederate army. He was the youngest major to ever serve in the army.


I've very sorry ma'am, but major Whitlock has been classified as deceased. We found these along with some blood. He said, handing me Jasper's dog tags. I fell to the ground clutching the dog tags to my chest as my heart broke. I don't remember what happened after that. Darkness consumed me. The next thing I knew I woke up in the dark.