Disclaimer: I do not own DC Comics or the CW TV shows Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow or any other characters or elements pertaining to the mentioned franchises.

"Sensei… I failed you." Shiva knelt down and said a prayer in Chinese as she put the urn full of ashes onto the alter.

"I'm sorry." Laurel said as she and Sara put a hand on Shiva's shoulder, while she was wiping her eyes. "He seemed like an honorable man."

"It matters not." Shiva said. "I will avenge him one day, when I find, who poisoned him." She turned to Laurel and shook hands, seeming grateful as she smiled. "Thank you. I owe you a debt that will not be easy to repay but I will."

"You're… you're welcome." Laurel said hesitantly.

"I will find out who poisoned my master. And kill them." Shiva vowed.

"Is there anything we can do to—"

"I appreciate your offer but this is a path I must follow alone." Shiva declined. "But should I need your help—"

"Next time, no kidnapping, just ask politely, please." Laurel deadpanned as Shiva laughed, to her and everyone else's surprise. The stoic assassin finally laughed for the first time since they have met.

"You have shown great potential and I do not know how to repay you… you helped me back in Hong Kong and… I think I would like if you became my student, Laurel." Shiva offered, to everyone's surprise.

"Whoa, you want her to be an assassin?" Helena realized.

"You do realize we'll have a problem." Henry said.

"I…" Laurel paused, considering. "I mean… I'm not sure—"

"Yes, your moral code and conscience. You do not kill unless you deem it necessary. At least you are not as naïve as Bruce is. However, I am certain, if you like, that I could beat that your moral code and conscience out of you." Shiva said.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm honored but… I'm not an assassin." Laurel tried to explain.

"Unlike your sister." Shiva agreed. "I have no heir. My daughter has turned her back on my ways. Having the knowledge of a thing is not the same as doing a thing, just for reminder. You may use my teaching as you wish."

"I…" Laurel was hesitant as it sounded almost the same like Ra's al Ghul "offering" Oliver to take his place. "I need to think about your offer."

"Of course. But I want you to know, there is storm coming. A battle that you need to be ready for. You and all your friends. You need to keep both eyes open." Shiva said before walking away.

"What the hell…" Oliver wondered.

"Great. More mysterious ninja mumbo jumbo." Henry muttered.

"I'm not an assassin." Laurel said before turning to Sara apologetically. "No offense."

"None taken." Sara smiled. "Shiva is not as unreasonable as some of the members of the League. Who knows, it can be useful."

"I wonder what battle was she talking about though." Oliver said.

"Good question." Tatsu nodded as she looked at the horizon of the city.

"I know it brings back bad memories." Oliver assured her.

"But we've come a long way since then." Henry nodded as he hugged Mia.

"Thanks." Mia smiled. "You saved me."

"You're my family, Mia." Henry hugged her tightly. "I'm not gonna lose another family again."

Ten years ago, Hong Kong

"I killed a man today. And I don't know the reason." Oliver said as Maseo was slicing some vegetables.

"Sometimes it's better that way." Maseo said.

"Blindly following orders is better?" Oliver scoffed.

"Focused." Henry corrected. "You need to focus on what you might lose if you fail." He reminded as he turned to Akio. "I'm focusing on that if I fail, I might never see my family again. You should do the same."

"How can you just follow orders like that with no remorse?" Oliver scoffed.

"You know nothing about me. What I do. Or why I do it." Henry said, glaring. "Don't assume you know me."

"Then enlighten me." Oliver snapped.

"I know that you lost Sara after your friend Slade lost his marbles. They've been watching you. Look, I'm sorry for what happened to your friends, I really am but don't you think I went through something similar too?" Henry said as Oliver realized that Henry didn't like being here any more than he did.

"What happened to you?"

"I lost someone I care about too before I landed here." Henry snapped as Oliver saw the pain and loss in his eyes.

"I'm sorry." Oliver said lowly with guilt in his voice.

"Just don't assume you know why I do what I do." Henry snapped as he entered his room. Oliver approached Akio as he persuaded him to borrow the laptop as he looked up information on Henry Fyff before he plugged in Adam Castwick's flash drive as he was getting more and more disturbed by what he was reading.

Henry was helping Tatsu cook and as Henry was alone in his corner, Oliver approached him. "Look, I think we may have gotten off the wrong foot and… I think I owe you an apology. I shouldn't have been so judgmental."

Henry sighed. "No hard feelings, Queen."

"Call me 'Oliver'. Or 'Ollie'." Oliver said. "Look. I'm sorry. I didn't know about your daughter." Henry raised his brows. "I looked some things up and I may have used one or two tricks you taught me. I'm really sorry for judging you."

Henry sighed. "I don't blame you. It's OK."

"Waller's threatening your sister and nephew too?" Oliver asked.

Henry sighed. "Not exactly. If I don't do this, she'll make sure I'll spend the rest of my life behind bars and I'll never see them again."

"I… I don't even know what to say." Oliver said.

"Just don't look at me with those pitiful eyes and we're good." Henry said, leaving the room.

"Fair enough." Oliver muttered.

Henry was approaching the Yamashiro house as Oliver went out with Tatsu, visibly upset. "What's going on?"

"Maseo might be in trouble. We gotta head to the docks." Oliver said. "You wanna…"

"Yeah." Henry nodded as they entered Tatsu's car.

"Shouldn't we get out, look around or something?" Oliver asked as they were on a stakeout at the docks.

"In this place? At this hour? That's a very efficient way to get yourself killed." Tatsu scoffed.

"How the hell did you survive two years on Lian Yu with this attitude?" Henry muttered before he and Tatsu noticed the look in Oliver's eyes. "You're afraid."

"Thank you, then… we'll wait, then." Oliver said. "Gaijin."

"What?" Tatsu turned to him, confused.

"Maseo called me that before he left. I looked it up and it wasn't in my Chinese dictionary." Oliver said.

"It's Japanese, Ollie." Henry said.

"It means "foreigner". "Outsider"." Tatsu explained as she turned to Oliver. "You."

"It means you, too. You're Japanese living in Hong Kong." Oliver said as Tatsu looked hurt. "I'm sorry."

"If that's a line you use to seduce girls, I wonder how the hell were you so charming." Henry muttered.

"Are you always this snarky?" Oliver turned to Henry, annoyed.

"Only when I'm around tactless, dumb morons like you." Henry glared at him.

Oliver sighed, realizing that Henry's attitude was becoming a lot like Slade's as he decided to watch his tongue and ignore Henry.

"Why did you leave Japan?" Oliver asked Tatsu.

"It wasn't safe for us there." Tatsu explained.

"Why?" Oliver asked.

"We upset some very powerful, dangerous men." Tatsu said, fear in her eyes.

"Who?" Oliver asked.

"You ask a lot of questions." Tatsu pointed out.

"That's what me and Maseo tell him." Henry nodded before they noticed some men showing up. "Shu gang."

"Rivals of the Triad, they control this port." Tatsu said.

"There's only one way to find out if they know something about your husband." Henry suggested.

"Yeah." Oliver nodded as he went out.

"Not like that, you idiot." Henry groaned as Shu gang knocked Oliver and started to beat him up.

Tatsu then showed up, slicing the thugs down with her katana as Henry showed up, shooting some of them down before Tatsu neared the blade to the throat of the last thug.

"I'm here looking for my husband. Thin beard. Long hair. Japanese." Tatsu demanded.

"Try again." Tatsu warned, about to slice his throat.

The man said something in Chinese before switching to English. "I don't know anything!"

"A.R.G.U.S. That must sound familiar." Henry said, pulling out his gun and aiming at his head.

"I don't know anything!" The man protested. Henry clicked the safety as Tatsu was about to slice the man's throat. "Except… three men, these A.R.G.U.S. They work for them. Worked."

"What do you mean?" Tatsu asked, dread on her face.

"They're all dead." The man said. "Killed by Triad. A few hours ago."

Oliver and Henry looked at Tatsu in sympathy as her face was full of sadness and grief.

"I… I'm sorry about your husband, Tatsu. Both of us." Henry said as they were nearing her apartment.

"What do I tell him?" Tatsu asked, sad. "How do I tell my son his father is dead?"

She opened the door and saw Maseo and Akio lying on the floor.

"Where have the three of you been?" Maseo asked as Oliver, Henry and Tatsu looked surprised to see Maseo alive and then relieved before she hugged Maseo. "What's going on?"

"You're home. I was so worried." Tatsu sobbed.

"I know. I'm sorry. I should have called. Waller changed orders and brought me in." Maseo explained. "We were in lockdown tonight because three agents got killed."

Tatsu kissed Maseo as Akio groaned. "Gross."

Henry laughed. "That kid reminds me of my nephew. God, my sister would get a heart attack if I didn't make it home alive." He realized as he remembered his work as an investigator. "Do you ever think either of us makes it home alive, Ollie?"

"I'd like to believe it. Some of us are not that lucky." Oliver said, remembering Sara and Slade.

One day, Henry was helping Tatsu and Akio with his homework before China White entered.

"Good evening, Miss Yamashiro. Is your husband home?" White asked as Henry and Tatsu stepped protectively in front of Akio.

"Akio, go to your room." Tatsu ordered in Japanese.

"No, boy. Stay." White said in Japanese as Akio was about to run.

"Don't you dare talk to my son!" Tatsu snarled.

"What do you want?" Henry demanded.

"Quaint house, for a spy." White looked around. "Who are you? Another one of A.R.G.U.S. operatives?" She picked the katana from the stand. "No matter. I will kill you quickly."

"Akio, run!" Tatsu ordered in Japanese. "Go with him!"

Henry protested. "Wait, what about—"

"Go!" Tatsu ordered as Henry ran with Akio.

"I'm sorry. I wanted to help but Tatsu said—"

"You did the right thing." Oliver assured Henry as Maseo was comforting Akio. "We'll get her back."

As Oliver infiltrated the compound and was helping Maseo fending off some of the Chinese soldiers, Henry entered with a gun, shooting them down before Oliver planted a tracker on one of the Triad's men.

"Clever move." Henry said, wearing a disguise as they entered the Triad's nightclub with Oliver and Maseo being forced to face China White.

As he heard gunshots, Henry knocked one of the guards out and took his gun before he shot down the Triad men chasing Oliver, Tatsu and Maseo.

"Move! Run! Go!" Henry ordered.

"Thank you." Maseo told Oliver and Henry gratefully. "You saved my wife. I owe you both a debt I can never repay."

Henry was walking down the street before Waller approached him from around the corner.

"Quite a gambit. But I expected something like this. Trying to run, Mr. Fyff?"

"I'm not gonna help you blackmail an innocent family to make Oliver go through this. And I swear, if you hurt my family, I will expose every black op you ever ran and make sure you face the Supreme Court." Henry snarled.

"You sure about that?" Waller offered.

"What?" Henry asked, not understanding.

"I don't need you anymore, Fyff." Waller said. "Right now, Mr. Queen and the Yamashiros are greater assets to me than you. You taught Queen everything you know and he has shown that he is capable of more than you could ever be. However, I have no use of you."

Henry snapped. "If you're gonna kill me, go ahead. But leave my sister and nephew alone."

"I'm not going to kill you. I'm giving you a chance to go home." Waller said.

"What?" Henry asked, confused.

"The deal was that you teach Mr. Queen what you know and you can go home. Or would you like to stay, so that I change my mind? Walk away and go back to your sister and nephew in Gotham. While you still can. You have no idea how angry I am right now and be lucky I'm focusing it only on two people at the moment." Waller said and Henry considered his options.


"We've all come a long way since then." Oliver nodded.

"What is Shiva planning though?" Laurel wondered.


"Well?" Richard Dragon asked.

"We have a lead." Red Dart said as Dragon pulled out his phone.

"You are a fool to poison O-Sensei. You betrayed us." Shiva growled.

"Jade did. Not me." Dragon protested.

"Per your orders." Shiva said. "I'm not an idiot, Richard."

"Don't be so melodramatic, Sandra." Dragon said. "I have another offer for you. A worthy opponent."

"What makes you think I won't stop to kill you for poisoning sensei?" Shiva challenged.

"Tommy Merlyn. Son of Malcolm Merlyn. Are you up for the challenge?" Dragon asked as Shiva paused, considering.

"I'll be in touch." Shiva hung up.

Elsewhere, Hindu Kush

Tommy Merlyn and Jason Todd were at the mountain range, looking at the map.

"The temple of Ashkiri is somewhere here." Tommy said.

"Another Lazarus pit?" Jason asked.

"Guess we'll see." Tommy said.

Two years later

Laurel entered Shiva's dojo.

"I'm surprised you accepted my offer." Shiva said.

"You've seen how dangerous and dishonorable they are." Laurel said.

"You're a fierce warrior but you lack grace, control." Shiva picked a bo staff. "You need to separate the warrior from mother, husband, friend… all of it."

"I'm ready to show you." Laurel said as Shiva swung her staff but Laurel dodged.

The sequel with the Longbow Hunters will be in June 2019 as I have mentioned before.

If I get another idea and inspiration for the saga to continue, I will write it.

Please review and let me know if you have enjoyed the story to its end.

With regards
