Pain. An old and hated friend.

It coursed through every nerve in my body, like dull, sharp electricity. It made my limbs numb, but painfully clear to my mind, like a vague but sharp image assaulting my senses.

I stood, my legs barely able to support my own weight, as I leaned upon my sword. I could feel it's cold handle upon my side, where the torn fabric and chain mail left no protection upon my skin. It was comforting, in a way, helping me focus on something else, as I resisted the urge to pass out.

Yet, I lifted the sword from the earth, using my own legs to support myself. I nearly buckled from all of the combined weight of my chain mail and tunic, even my shield felt like a bag of rocks. They all weighed me down, as my body almost gave out.

Despite this, I stood tall and strong, glaring at my opponent with a ferocious expression.

I didn't have the privilege to be weak here.

I stared out, across the dead plains that surrounded us. The once lush green fields that all of the citizens of Hyrule enjoyed in times of peace, were ruined from our battle. The wild life, once peaceful and graceful, turned into horrid monsters that held no place in this world. Each of them preying on innocent travelers, and corrupting the very land they stood upon.

Yet, these were not my worries.

Rather, the figure who was responsible for this, who started all of this chaos, was the focus of my gaze.

He rushed me, his figure blurring despite his large size. He reeled back a fist, as dark energy rolled off of his knuckles, forcing a chill down my spine.

I jumped to the side, unable to absorb such an attack with my shield. He predicted this, however, as the large figure gave a huge roundhouse kick, aimed for my neck.

I ducked under the lethal attack, rolling to the side in a way that made me roll around him. As soon as I was on my feet, I jumped and spun in the air, using that momentum as an effective attack.

It was useless though, as he merely stopped my blade with his elbow and knee, trapping me with his strength. Using his free hand, he attempted strike me again, the power behind his fist far beyond the force he could muster in his awkward position.

I moved my right arm to block the blow, using my shield to absorb the force of the blow. Though the shield didn't so much as scratch, I felt myself get launched back by the force of the blow. The impact made my teeth shake, as I felt my already bruised forearm sting in a dull, adrenaline filled rush.

My hand, still gripped tightly onto my sword, pulled the blade out of his grasp. To ensure I at least had a scratch on him, I twisted the blade, cutting into both his elbow and knee.

My enemy cursed, as his gold eyes glared at me in an intense rage. This rage spurred him forward, as his form was covered by dark magic.

As I was still being launched through the air, he suddenly vanished, as if he was never there.

Only to appear above me, his hands linked and ready smash me to the earth. I instinctively placed my shield to my stomach, hoping to negate any damage the attack may bring.

That was unnecessary, however, as a bright light soared through the sky and pierced him in the side.

I glanced to the side, seeing a blurry figure holding a bow, moving closer to the battle we were currently having.

He gasped in agony, as the energy of the arrow in his side coursed through his body. The pain was so horrible, he actually forgot to strike me while I was vulnerable.

But I didn't.

While I flew through the air, I placed my shield on my back and only thought of what I needed.

As if it was always there, my Longshot appeared in my hand, trained upon my enemy. As I pulled the trigger within the device, the sharpened end shot forward like an arrow, piercing into the man's ribs.

My arm jerked, as the chain connecting the base and the anchor pulled me towards him. As I sailed towards him, my boots changed, becoming heavier, as my body rammed into him.

I felt my bones strain, as my speed and added weight forced my enemy's lungs to release all of their air. As we sailed across the air, I ripped the anchor out of him, watching with gross fascination as it healed instantly.

As we both fell to the ground, the light energy still flowing through his every pore, I attacked him. Lifting my blade, I stabbed down at him, aiming for his chest. However, he merely shifted to the side, forcing my pierce through his side with ease.

That, was when his enemy finally expelled all of the light energy in his body.

I felt the the incredibly tight grip around my neck before I saw him grab me, choking all the life out of me with ease. The horrid hand wrapped around my throat with ease, as he pulled my sword out of his side….

And turned me around, my back facing the earth, with his cold, murderous golden eyes searing into my very soul.

I tried to remain relaxed as I hit the ground, in a vain attempt to lessen the damage, but it was no use. As soon as I saw the ground coming up from behind me, I tensed and struggled against my enemy's grip.

Which only brought a sadistic smile to his enemies face, as he watched me struggle against his grip.

The impact came, and despite the grip blocking anything from coming in and out of my lungs, I felt blood rise in my throat. My shield absorbed most of the impact, but it wasn't enough, as my ears perceived the distinct sound of bone cracking.

I screamed in pain, but the powerful fist stopped any chance of sound escaping my throat. My enemy, still forcing my form to the ground, took pleasure in all of my attempted screams of agony.

I grabbed at his large hand, attempting to pull the fingers off for any chance of a breath. Yet, he held tight, as he lifted me in the air, slowly constricting his hand on my neck, bringing it close to snapping.

I swung my sword in an attempt to cut him, to force him to release me. He merely held me far from his form, leaving me unable to cut him.

If the choking wasn't, I could feel the searing power of his dark magic burn my skin. The combination of the searing pain and crushing grip caused black spots to appear in my eyes.

It would've been so easy to pass out than and there. So easy to just let him unconsciously choke me to death, and drift off to the end.

But, I always had a problem with giving up.

Despite all of the pain, and the lack of air, I glared back at the man choking me to death. I remained silent, giving him no pleasure in slowly torturing me till the end.

The effect was instant. It was as if my glare had flipped a switch in his mind, as the light of glee in his eyes turned into bitter resentment. He glared back at me, as that resentment turned into full-blown rage.

The grip grew tighter, almost snapping my neck in half. Yet, I made no sound, even as my vision began to black out, the world slowly disappearing. Except…

For the sound of an arrow piercing through flesh.

"AUGHH!" My opponent shouted out in agony, as I felt his grip loosened around my neck. I dropped to the ground, enjoying the burning of fresh air in my lungs. My eyes cleared, letting me see perfectly the agony my opponent was in, as well as the woman who fired that arrow.

Despite my instincts telling me to rest and get my breath, I full heartedly ignored them. Gripping my sword tight, I plunged my blade forward, with awkward steps and heavy arms.

The end of my blade pierced into his stomach, as the sickening sound of tearing flesh reached my sensitive ears. It meet resistance in the form of his stomach, but I used all of my strength to pierce that too, despite the weight of my arms. When my blade finally reached his spine, that is when my arms gave up, as I merely leaned on my blade, still in him.

However, that was enough for a complete failure.

I felt a fist strike the side of my head in what must've been concussive force, as the once clear world blurred beyond comprehension. I could feel movement, as I crashed into something, and watched as the world spun around me in a sickening haze. I felt like I was about to throw up, and my legs and arms didn't feel like they existed.

It seemed like ages, as I just laid there in the hard, cold dirt. I tried everything, just to move a finger, or perhaps stand up, but to no avail. My body was overworked, and every muscle screamed for me to just stop trying.

"L-nk!" I heard a fragmented, far away voice, like an angel that had been sent from heaven. I saw a blurry outline of a person standing above me, and felt them grab my neck, and looking down at me with beautiful blue eyes. "H-g -n! I'-l ge- y- fi-d -p!" With that said, the blurry figure grabbed at my side pouch, searching through its contents. "W-er- i- t-at p-ti-n!?"

I simply stared at the figure, my mind and memories simply hazy as I tried to decipher her words. I tried to do something, anything to help with whatever she was doing, but my body refused to move, no matter how hard I tried.

Yet, my senses still worked, no matter how stunted they were in my current state.

Which is why I heard the heavy sounds of footsteps, before I even saw the figure appear above her.

"L-look o-!"

Before I could even finish my slurred warning, she instantly placed a powerful blue magic shield around us, as our enemy attempted to grab her. I could feel his heated glare, as the woman above me concentrated on finding what she was looking for.

He struck the blue barrier, as I actually felt the woman buckle ever so slightly, but still continued her search. Despite the ineffectiveness of his strike on the barrier, he kept attacking the shield, weakening it with every hit.

She finally seemed to discover what she was looking for, as she attempted to bring a thick blue liquid to my lip. Yet, the figure above us glared as he saw what was in her hand, as he pulled back his hand, covered in powerful dark magic.

The fist, covered in magic, shattered the barrier like glass, as he reached through and grabbed the woman's head with an iron grip. He pulled her up into the air, as the woman used every magic in her arsenal to attempt to force him to let her go.

Fire and light, the only offense spells she knew, were already powerful on their own. Capable of harming any enemy she would ever have to face. But with Wisdom, her magic grew exponentially stronger, far beyond a normal Mage's comprehension.

Yet, it wouldn't make a difference.

As she tried to get him to let go, my efforts to stand grew exponentially higher. I was slowly standing myself up, trying to help the woman who was doing the same for me.

As I slowly stood myself up, I watched as the figure simply smiled, and plucked the bottle from her grip like it was an apple on a tree. The magic was doing nothing to him, no matter how much power she used, or how much she tried. Than, adding insult to injury…

He crushed the bottle, as the life saving liquid dripped down his arms.

"I must say, Princess." He began, his voice deep and filled with an otherworldly power and god-like confidence. My sword, still in my grip was stabbed into the ground, as I attempted to use it as a crutch to pull myself up. "Your power certainly has grown since the last time we met. I might even go as far as to say I'm impressed."

She ignored him, as kept trying to cast magic in any attempt to defeat him. Yet, nothing worked, no matter what spell she used.

"Save your magic, girl." He said with an annoyed tone, as his grip tightened on her skull. She gritted her teeth in pain, resisting a scream, yet her magic never ceased assaulting the large man's form. "Do not waste your gift for such a fruitless resistance. You can try to slay me all you want, but you can never accomplish such a task. Though you are one of the few people who can seal me away, only one weapon can ever hope to end my life."

"Isn't that right, Hero?"

Before I even knew what was happening, my sword was kicked out from under me, as I fell harshly to the dirt. As my face was crushed by my own weight, I heard a snap, as I felt the mind numbing pain of a broken nose. Yet, despite this pain, I still tried to stand myself up, and save her from his grasp.

"Pathetic." He spat, as I could feel the intense heat of his gaze upon the back of my head, as if it were trying to burn me. He slammed his foot onto my back, forcing me to the ground, as I started all over again. "Still resisting, are you? Still trying to win this little game of ours?"

I shook my head, still trying to raise myself up, even though my limbs felt like lead, and my eyes swam. I heard the tightening of a fist, as the intense gaze only grew

"You really are just like them, unable to understand when you are beaten!"

I felt his steel tipped boots kick me in the stomach, as bile and blood collected in my mouth. I rolled across the dead fields, before stopping on my side with a large bruise on my midsection.

Still, despite the pain I was in, I continued to try and stand. Though my hand still gripped onto my sword, I actually made it to my knees, once again using my blade as a crutch.

I glared up at my enemy, as his golden eyes burned with an incredible rage. Dark magic collected around him like a blanket, as if it were a thin skin surrounding him.

"Not that I would expect any less from you fools." He growled out hatefully, his voice holding a presence beyond what any normal person should have.

He suddenly disappeared, as if he had just blinked out of existence. Yet, my instincts told me otherwise, as I rolled out of the way of a powerful axe kick. The kick shattered the earth below me with ease, as I quickly stood to face my enemy, shield and sword in hand.

"You wish to die, Hero?" He asked me, as he held her in his grip, limp and unmoving. "You wish to face me in combat, and end my reign over what I have rightfully taken?"

Yet, as he spoke, there was only one thing on my mind. My rage, which was usually kept in check, was leaking out in a snarl.

"Let her go." I told him slowly in a low voice, as I gritted my teeth in an attempt to calm myself down.

He quirked an eyebrow, as he seemed actually confused for a second….

That is, before he gave me a vicious grin, as if he had just stumbled upon the best gift in the world.

"You always were sensitive about her, Hero." He spoke slowly, taking the time to enjoy every second of himself speaking. "Always willing to do anything to protect her from my clutches, even at the cost of yourself. I've used her against you countless times, but you always fall for my traps. Always showing up, and giving me exactly what I want."

His grin grew, as if he had came across an hilarious joke. But it was darker than that, more sinister, like a cave he would never travel down.

As he slowly lifted her up in the air….

And squeezed agonizingly slow.


She screamed to the heavens, her pain ringing throughout the fields of Hyrule. She writhed in his grip, attempting to do anything to escape the pain she was being forced under. All while tears leaked down her face….

Shattering my heart, and fueling my burning rage.

"It is such a shame." He continued speaking over her cries, while he simply watched me with a cheeky grin. "She would make such a beautiful Queen to my rule. I could give her fabrics woven by the Goddesses themselves, Grand feasts made by the greatest chefs in the world, and a peaceful rule to last eternity. Yet, she refuses to accept what I could give to her, to her people, to her kingdom."

His grip tightened, as she cried louder, the pain coursing through her torturing me with every second it continued.

"Stop it!" I cried, as I rushed him, intent on ending his life than and there.

Yet, his grin just grew, as if this was exactly what he wanted.

So, as I lifted my blade, I struck down with all of my fury…

As he simply moved her in my way.

My eyes widened, as I quickly stopped the motion of my blade from cleaving her in two. I managed to stop it only an inch from her skin, as I took a step back in hesitation.

Which, he promptly used to his own advantage.

I felt him kick my side of my chest, using my hesitation as a weapon against me, as I heard something shatter upon impact.

Once again, the taste of iron assaulted my tongue, as I was launched across the field, stopping some feet away. I grabbed at my side, feeling my own shattered ribs, while biting down a pained gasp.

"But I wonder…Do I even need a Queen who is unfaithful?" He asked rhetorically, as I slowly stood myself up, spitting out the blood in my mouth to the side. "She would always attempt to defy me, trying to find a way to end my rule. I cannot be everywhere, and her attempts will become annoying before long. So…"

"AUGGHHHHHHH!" She cried out in his grip, as blood started to drip down her face.

"Why not just end her life here?" He asked simply, as his grin turned almost demonic. All while I felt my own heart stop in its tracks at what he was saying.

Before it burned with an incredibly powerful rage.

"You bastard!"

I didn't hesitate, as I simply pictured the other pair of boots I have. Instantly, I was wearing those boots, as I felt the similar but different weight on my feet. As soon as my feet touched the ground, I was running faster than the eye could track, at the extreme cost of my own stamina.

Before he even realized what was happening, I jumped high in the air, flipping over him for a bastardized Helm Splitter. Yet, the gem on his forehead protected him from most of the damage.

Removing the boots, I put my normal ones on and proceeded to cut his back. He gasped, as I felt the blade move through flesh with ease, before he turned to strike me down.

My shield was in the way though, as it absorbed the force of the attack with ease. My forearm, however, still took quite a bit of force, as it finally shattered my bones.

Dismissing the shield into my magic pouch, as it would be useless to me without an arm to use it, I ignored the pain. Instead, I focused on attacking the King of Evil, making sure to avoid hitting her on accident.

It sunk into his left arm, right through his own forearm, causing him to growl in pain. Gritting his teeth, he struck me in my side, as I felt my already shattered ribs echo as they struck my lungs.

Unable to grab at my side without an available hand, I fought on! I pulled my sword out of his firearm, back up with a quick flip as he tried a leg sweep.

I successfully dodged, as I deflected an attack with my blade, which forced my teeth to chatter. Despite that, my blade cut through air and flesh, as it pierced through his leg.

He kneeled, his leg unable to support his body, as I quickly cut at his wrist, as bone stopped my blade in its tracks. The cut was enough though, as he released her, as she feel to the ground like a rag doll.

I moved to grab her, and quickly tried to put on my Pegasus Boots to escape, giving us a few seconds to heal.

Yet, it wasn't to be.

I felt him strike my unarmored thigh, bruising the muscle and almost shattering the bone. I quickly fell into a miserable pile, as I grit my teeth and tightened my grip on my sword.

He panted slowly, as he struggled to stand from all of the cuts I had given him. Yet, even though he stood, bloodied and gasping, he laughed. A horrid sound that echoed through my skull, taunting me every second I heard it.

"I must admit…" He gasped, as I turned to glare up at his golden eyes. "You surprised me, Hero." He told me honestly as he walked up to me, as I lay on the ground. "It has been a long time since I've seen one of you react in such a way."

'One of…. me?' I thought to myself, trying to interpret what he was saying. In fact, since the battle started, he was referring as if we… if we had fought before. But… that was impossible.

For the past two years, I have been trying to avoid him, with her by my side. I couldn't have fought him before today, not without this sword, or the aid of the Sages!

"Ahh…." He let out a breath of understanding, as he leaned forward to lift me up with his left hand. I felt the tight grip on my skull, as his finger nails easily dug into my skin.. "So you don't know…. how unfortunate."

He lifted me to his eye level, as his eyes seemed to search through mine. Despite the pain pounding against my skull I glared at him, staring into the demonic gold eyes. Yet, as he stared at me, I could see his rage building.

"Those damn eyes…." He whispered under his breath, as my sensitive hearing easily heard his words. "No matter how much you change, they always stay the same. Defying me at every possible moment, like an annoying itch in the back of my skull."

I quirked an eyebrow, not quite understanding what he was saying. What could he be talking about? Yet, before I could truly finish my train of thought…

I heard the tightening of a bow string, along with a flash of powerful magic.

He clicked his tongue, as my eyes snapped towards the origin of the sound. There, I saw her aiming her bow at him, before releasing the arrow.

The arrow of pure light magic seemed to move in slow motion, crossing the distance between it and it's target in a flash. It was closed, almost piercing through his eye, with it's incredibly powerful magic burning my eyes.

Yet, it was all for nothing.

Just as quickly, the world seemed to blink into total darkness, as an irrational fear rose up inside me. No light was anywhere to be seen, and it seemed to squeezed me with enough force to make my ribs ache.

But as soon as the darkness appeared, it disappeared, leaving my world blindingly bright.

"A foolish decision, girl." He spoke simply, as I found myself right behind her, still in his grip.

She turned around, drawing another arrow onto her bow as quickly as she could. Yet, he was faster, as he merely grabbed the bow…

And snapped it in two.

With the string pulled taunt, and the bow snapped, the limbs shot towards her. They stuck her forehead, as well as her leg, leaving her dazed and confused. Though her arms kept her steady, she almost collapsed, unable to take the surprise blow to the head.

So, there we stood, seemingly defeated by the hands of the Evil King. He looked down at the both of us, contempt filling his eyes at our broken forms.

"Look at yourselves…. Broken and beaten, gasping for air."

As he said this, he grabbed the prone Princess, once again gripping her skull, as she tried to resist his strength.

"Why is it that you two always work against me?" He asked the both of us honestly, as I merely held a tight grip upon my sword. "It is pointless. I am a plague that will forever haunt the lands of Hyrule! You may stop me now, but I will only return to spill blood once again! That is how it will always be!"

Those words echoed across the still, dead plains, as I merely glared at him. I felt a pull from my left hand, as something resonates deep within me.

I pushed that feeling back, merely glaring at the man before me, I felt a similar heated glance at my side, agreeing with my silent answer.

"And still you resist?" He asked us, as if he was almost pleased by the prospect of torturing us further. "With what purpose!? What do you gain from resisting my power?!"

"I…. will not… let you!" She squeezed through gritted teeth, speaking in quick breaths, as she gasped from pain. "I will not… let you torture my people… for your sick fantasies!"

"Your people?" He grinned , as his grip tightened even further around both of our skulls. "They are my people now Princess. They only suffer because they resist my rule, just as you suffer now. If you would all just give up, then you could all live as you ple-"

"Do not try to tempt us with your lies!" She shouted, as she grabbed his arm and activated her Light Magic, burning his skin with ease. Yet, the skin grew back as if nothing affected it, all because of the Power he wielded. "I have seen your deeds through the history of my people, and it speaks of nothing but death, greed, and failure! You wish for the Ultimate Power to satisfy your need for destruction and strength! You take pleasure in the fields you burn and the people you destroy! Hyrule will be the first Kingdom to fall if we give you your way, and I will n-"

"Silence girl!" He shouted at her, his power forcing a chill down our spines as if ice were forced down them. With that shout, he tightened his grip upon her skull, as I could almost hear it fracture. Despite this, she refused to scream, biting her lip until it drew blood.

"As if I would let this mighty Kingdom fall between my fingers. I am the King of Thieves, he who stole from the Goddesses themselves! I refuse to let this land, this gem of the Goddesses be taken from me! With the Power of the Triforce at my side, this kingdom will live on forever in MY GRASP!"

He spoke with a mighty rage, coupled with a sense of entitlement, as if this Kingdom was his to rule. Yet, to me…

All I could sense was pure Malice, as if it were attempting to choke the land of life itself. A familiar feeling that welled up inside, as one sentence reverbeted in my mind. As if it was something I had said before….

"You yourself will let it slip away from you…"

It came out as a whisper, barely an audible sound, but present nonetheless. The King of Evil looked at me with wide eyes, as if he had heard this before from his darkest nightmares. If I were in my right mind, I would contemplate the nightmares of the Evil King, but I had no such pleasure.

His grip tightened around my skull like a vice, purposefully letting it teter on the edge of shattering my skull.

"Even now, from beyond the veil of Death…" He whispered softly to himself, as his magic formed around him like a cloak, one that promised me pain and death. "I am Ganondorf… The King of Evil, the Calamity of Hyrule, the Bane of Creation itself…. And still… Those…. Children Mock ME!"

Power forcefully flowed through me, burning through my veins and destroying me from the inside. From my left, I could hear the Princess try to hold back a cry of pain, no doubt going through exactly what I was going through.

"Fine then…" He spoke quietly with gritted teeth, his tone holding a lethal edge that could only be promising one thing…


The power forced through my body grew infinitely worse, as I could almost smell smoke coming off of my skin. Yet, it was far worse than any burn I had received from Death Mountain, and stabbed deeper than any blade.

"I pity you two fools…" He told us with a sick grin, enjoying every second of our writhing agony. "You will not see what comes after your death…. The world that I will create. It will be far better than this one or the next. For it will be MY world." He laughed, as he gripped our skulls tighter, and forced more of his own power through us.

"No…." I heard her cry, as she continued to try and struggle further, in any attempt to save this world. I myself tried to cut him, but my arms were spasming, taking all of my concentration just to hold onto my blade.

"Do not fret, Prince- No, Zelda." He told her with a hushed voice, as he antagonized her with his laugh. "There is no need to fear death… You will come back, whether it be after a hundred or even thousands of years. For that is our curse."

"Yet, you will no longer be born to fear the coming of the end...For our Kingdom will live in eternal peace."

His words only caused her to struggle more, as she did everything she could to escape his grasp.

To no avail.

"You do not believe my words?" He asked her, as I tried to use all of my power to do something, anything! "Then I promise this to you, and your Hero." He told us mockingly….

As my left hand thrummed with power…..

"On this day, the beginning of my eternal rule, I promise the Hero of Hyrule and the Princess of Destiny this!" He began, grinning towards the sky, as if mocking the Goddesses themselves. "This world, filled with the weak and the foolish, shall be no longer be tolerated! I shall bring us to a new age, a new world! A world where strength is all that is important! Where the foolish will earn their right to live through the blood of their enemies, in constant battle! Where those wise enough to bow to one such as I will live as kings, and rule as their almighty god! A World fit for I, the Demon King, Ganondorf!"

With these words spoken, he laughed towards the clouded sky, as this cruel sound echoed across the land. A chill was forced down my spine, as my vision slowly blurred...

And my left hand shined and burned like the sun.

The pain from the King of Evil seemed to evaporate, as the burn spread throughout my body. I expected to feel pain as the two powers combined, but it was actually… light. Like feathers gently caressing my skin.

I felt almost all of my strength leave my body, as it was hard to even hold onto my blade. The pain from my wounds were gone, the sensation of weight was absent, and even the taste of blood is no more.

I wasn't the only one, as the King of Evil dropped us to the ground, and grabbed the back of his own right hand. The mighty man, capable of destroying castles with ease, fell to the ground. No doubt feeling the same absence of sensation as I was.

I turned to her next to me, making sure she was okay while I ignored my own pain.

She too was grabbing at her hand, grimacing as much as the both of us. She tried to look down at her own hand…

But only saw the light of the Triforce, as her arm was merely a pure light given shape.

'W-what's going o-!?' I thought to myself, as I looked down at my left hand, seeing exactly what I saw with her. My sword was still in my grasp, but just like my hand, was turning into what could only be pure light.

All as the symbol of the Triforce of Courage glowed with a far more blinding light.

I felt it in my bones, and my gut before I came to an actual conclusion.

Something was terribly wrong.

"D-Damn you…." I heard him say from my side, as I could only look down at my hand. "What have you done!"

I simply shook my head, as I had no idea what was going on. Even she didn't seem to know what was happening, if her confused stare was anything to go by.

Yet, our Triforce pieces continued to glow brighter, almost blinding me with it's holy light.

I gripped the handle of my sword, as it's comforting weight seemed to move further and further away. The blade seemed to hum, as I was reminded of what I was supposed to do.

Before I was totally blinded by the light, I raised my blade. This was my best shot, and it was something I couldn't waste.

So, while we were all blinded and unable to make sense of our surroundings…

I stabbed Ganondorf, The King of Evil….

Before everything disappeared within the light, and seemed to float away.


It's Dangerous to go Alone...

My eyelids were unnaturally heavy.

It was strange how that was the first thing I noticed, as everything in my body felt as if it were torn apart and put back together again haphazardly.

My muscles ached as if they had been beaten thoroughly with a laundry pole, and my very soul felt heavy and immovable. Like a large Goron, sitting upon the top of my chest, all curled up and comfortable. My hearing, usually able to make out the barest of sounds, felt as if they were blocked by two large boulders. My breathing, which usually came with ease, took the strength of ten men just to get a gasp.

I swallowed, feeling the pooling spit in my mouth get absorbed back into my body, taking off some of the burden that I felt. Though, it was nowhere near enough to get rid of this weight that I felt, it certainly made it easier to open my eyes.

An action I quickly regretted, as the light seemed too much for my eyes, instantly blinding me. I quickly closed them once again, unable to take the combined pain of the light and my very own body. I tired to move my right hand to rub my eyes, hoping to alleviate some of the pain settling in my eyes.

That was a mistake though, as I had forgotten the fact the my right arm was broken.

I let out an involuntary gasp, as pain coursed through my every nerve and pore. It was as if lightning had struck my brain, as I carefully dropped my arm back down to the ground.

Luckily, it seemed that this sudden pain was enough to restart my brain, letting my once cloudy senses sharpen to a fine point. As I slowly let my eyes open, letting them get used to the bright light, I let my hearing roam. Soaking in information that I could grasp to determine where I was.

My only clues, however, was the mere sound of a gentle breeze, and a few leaves.

I finally opened my eyes fully, finding myself staring directly at the setting sun. I was laying face down on the dirt, as I realized the weight on my chest was my own weight.

Realizing this, I attempted to roll myself over and relieve the pressure on my chest. However, before I could even attempt to do this, I realized I already had a problem. Two problems, actually.

One, I couldn't use my right arm, as it wouldn't support weight anytime soon.

Two, Since I could only use my left arm…

I would have to roll over my right arm.

I sighed at that thought, as I attempted to think of a different idea, one that wouldn't cause unnecessary pain. I could probably lift myself up with my one arm, but my legs shook at the very thought of just getting up.

That, however, was the plan at the moment, as I was finally starting to feel my ribs. I groaned again, as I felt the pain from my broken ribs stabbing me in the side with every breath. It certainly didn't help that my weight was focused entirely on my chest, elevating the pain I was currently in.

Motivated by the wish to stop any further pain, I began to lift myself up with my left hand. I was incredibly slow though, as all of my muscles were sore and wanted to give out from under me.

Despite that though, I was eventually able to reach a sitting position. There, I took a simple look at my surroundings, trying to find any sort of landmark to pinpoint my location.

I was in a forest, already giving me a clue as to where I was in Hyrule. The grass and the leaves were as green as emeralds, giving a nice contrast to the setting sun. The trees around me were tall, reaching up to the sky as if racing for the last bits of the sun's rays. It was quite a beautiful sight to be sure…

But as I looked at the wood and the height of these trees, I discovered a pretty big problem.

These trees were too young. Far too young.

I gazed upon the trees once again, making sure my eyes weren't deceiving me. Yet, as I looked closer, my discovery only solidified into pure hard fact.

These were not the trees of Kokiri Forest, the only forest in Hyrule to have this kind of tree concentrations. Which meant that this wasn't Kokiri Forest, or Hyrule in fact.

Meaning that I was in an entirely different Country.

My mind slowed to a crawl, as I simply tried to accept this fact. It wasn't all that difficult, actually, as I was pretty sure there was some magic that could teleport people halfway across the world.

I sighed, letting out all of the building anxiety, and calmly analyzing the situation. This was no time to panic, I told myself simply, as I simply sat and stared at the setting sun.

Hyrule was one of the most prosperous Kingdom out of all the Kingdoms. Getting directions would be a simple task, and following them even simpler.

Right now, I needed to heal myself, as I could already feel my scabbed over wounds being pulled with my every movement. Though it wouldn't heal everything, a Blue Potion should be enough to heal most (if not all) of my open wounds. My bones will take quite some time after that, but it should be enough to simply walk.

I moved to grab at a pouch at my side, which should be carrying a potion for me to use. However, as I grabbed at it, that pocket was completely empty.

"What the…." I spoke up, my voice softer than normal and barely comprehensible to my own ears. I didn't realize how dry my tongue was until I actually tried to speak. I must be more out of it than I thought, if I didn't have enough energy to speak properly.

But where was the potion?

It was only than that I realized that the same potion I was looking for had actually been destroyed by Ganondorf.

I sighed once again, realizing I was now down to only five Empty Bottles. Now I had less room to safely carry certain items, as my magic pouch can't carry certain items without them. It was a good thing that potion was only there for emergencies, in case Zelda needed something to immediately heal me when I couldn't…. grab….

Zelda….. ! Zelda!

I felt my eyes widen, as my muscles immediately stiffened as she came to mind. How could I have forgotten!? Whatever was used to teleport me off of the continent must have teleported her too! She could be in danger, and I'm sitting here enjoying the sunset!

Despite my sore and weak muscles, I attempted to stand, quickly getting up on one knee. However, even that seemed too much, as I almost collapsed just attempting that.

This only proved further that I needed to heal, as I quickly sat back down to regain my energy. I couldn't just go hobbling around these unknown woods looking for her. I needed a plan…

And first on that list was to heal.

My emergency bottle was destroyed, giving me no way to heal on hand at the time. But that was no problem, as I had two other potions just like it.

In my magic pouch, that is.

Upon the start of my adventure, I was given a rare and ancient pouch that could hold any number of weapons inside by Zelda herself. Supposedly, it was used by all of the previous Heroes of Hyrule, making it almost akin to a religious artifact. It was honestly one of the most useful magic items I had, as I could hold almost any number of items inside with ease.

According to her though, it was actually scary how quickly I could use it, as thousands of people considered geniuses in the magic world had tried and failed incredibly. It was why it was only ever given to the Heroes, as only they could master the use of the Magic Pouch with ease. It is effectively the only magic I had mastered that Zelda couldn't, even though it was pretty simple to use.

Any item I place inside the bag will be sent to this sort of alternate storage space that no one could get into. There, it couldn't be accessed, and nothing would spoil or rust within its confines. In fact, only the person who placed the item inside could take things out, and not through any traditional methods.

See, though the pouch was a physical object, it isn't used to take things out, perhaps in some attempt to stop thieves from taking anything . It's magic allowed the user to instantly take out an item on the spot just by thinking about said item. It was highly convenient, and the reverse was true as well, as I could send any object in my hand back into the pouch, as long as it has already been placed inside.

It took quite a bit of practice to master though, as I had to have a clear image of what was in my pouch. Luckily, I was good at that kind of thing, giving me a clear advantage when using it. It became so easy that I could actually look into it as an image in the back of my head.

So, as I sat there on the cool grass, I began to picture it in my head. A clear bottle, with a brown cork, filled nearly to the brim with blue potion. It was an easy thing to recall, compared to some of the more complicated weapons I had in my bag.

With the picture clear in my head, I imagined the bottle leaving the storage space, and appearing in my hand. It was something that I had done thousands of times before, to the point where it was as easy as breathing.

Which was why it came as such a shock when absolutely nothing happened.

I quirked an eyebrow, staring down at my hands to make sure what I was seeing was correct. As soon as I did, I tried again, only this time, I was focusing harder.


I felt a bit of panic seep into my heart, as my empty hand seemed to be laughing at me. I tried everything, every weapon I had, and every piece of equipment I could need.


I tried focusing even harder, calling out the names of the items, actually imagining myself using them.

Absolutely nothing.

That was when real panic started to set in.

I quickly focused on the storage space in the back of my mind, trying to see if there was any explanation. Only to understand immediately as I saw the state of it.

Where there was once a still, perfect image of an area holding all of my items, was now a mess. It was as if his storage was blurred beyond comprehension, was spinning at high speeds, as it moved in random directions inside my head.

My heart was beating a mile per minute, and I could feel sweat pooling on my forehead. All of my weapons, all of my food, my camping set, and even my medical equipment.


I could feel my breath getting heavier, as I ignored the pain in my ribs, too panicked to even notice. My arms felt unbearably heavy, and my eyes darted around without my say so. My tongue seemed too big for my mouth, and I could barely move an inch.

I had no way to fight, no way to take care of the wounds which needed treatment. All I had was the tunic on my back and my two hands. The worst possible outcome.

And it was at that moment, that the sun finally decided to disappear on the horizon.

The sheer panic got even worse, as the darkness assaulted my sense like a punch to the face. Soon it would be pitch black, and any number of Demons could come out and attack. With no way to heal myself, it would be dangerous to stick around for long.

I hesitatingly stood myself up, my legs finally having enough strength to support my weight. Though, it would be hard to walk without any other support, I tried to anyway.

Much like before, I almost collapsed under my own weight, my legs like Chu-Chu jelly.

I instantly went to grab my sword, willing to use it's length as a much needed walking stick. I would have used a stick, but I couldn't find any near my person.

Yet, as I reached to grab the handle of my sword….

My hand only closed around air, as for the second time that day, I panicked.

I quickly looked over my shoulder, seeing nothing but air inside my empty sheath. I quickly looked around, my eyes wide and filled with pure terror.

My sword was gone.

A cold hand seemed to grab my heart, forcing it to beat faster than ever before. My equipment and weapons, I could live without until I found civilization.

My sword?

I would be a goner.

I searched around where I woken up, hoping to find some clue as to where it was. Slowly, as my body couldn't yet handle the strain of moving to fast, I searched through every inch.

Though it felt like hours had gone by, I kept searching, giving myself a wider area to look for my weapon…

To no avail.

I gasped for air, the simple act of searching making me realize just how hungry I was. My dry mouth became more apparent, as my knees slammed into the dirt.

The cold hand grew ever tighter, making me feel like a small animal. Usually, I could handle the cold grip of panic easily, as I had trained myself to forge that panic into focus.

But it was all building up way too fast.

My fight with Ganondorf, my near death experience, my lack of food and water, my hazy mind, my worry for Zelda, my total vulnerability? Each was a huge thing on it's own, but all together!?

It was enough to make any man curl up and wait for death. I myself almost felt like throwing up, but I swallowed the bile, as my throat burned.

What had I come to? The Hero of Hyrule, the only person capable of slaying the King of Evil, who faced countless trials to get this far…

Alone and afraid, practically jumping at the sight of my own shadow. Desperate enough…

"Where are you…."

To be begging for an answer from something that couldn't possibly give one.

My hands hit the dirt, as I looked to the ground, almost heaving with every breath. I could feel the wound at my side tear at the sudden movement, as agonizing pain ripped through my body. I felt blood leak through my chainmail and tunic, giving the green fabric more dark red patches across it.

I cursed my luck, as I forced pressure on my wound, trying to stop the flow of blood with gritted teeth. If my stumbling and loud footsteps didn't attract Demons to my location, than my blood definitely will.

I needed to move. Fast.

Taking a second for rest, I slowly stood myself up, making sure to be especially careful with my now open wound. I would need to keep pressure on it as I moved, so I'll need to create some of my own bandages using leaves. Hopefully these trees weren't too different from the ones in Hyrule, as I wouldn't want poisonous leaves on my wounds.

So, I slowly moved away, trying to find any sort of walking stick that I could use as a weapon. It would be better than absolutely nothing, and I would also need help to set my broken arm in p-


Twilight Princess: Sacred Grove

I paused, as the wind blew past my ear, creating a…. Strangely familiar voice. A warm tingle moved up my, as I tensed from the sound of the voice. As quickly as my body would allow, I turned and looked through the trees, searching with a powerful gaze.

Yet, my eyes could see nothing but the green grass and trees, stained with my own blood. Despite this, I continued to stare at the forest, as I searched through the trees. Yet, only the wind, leaves and trees seemed to be making a hint sound.

However, as I was about to give up, I saw something just outside of my vision, that almost stopped my heart. Not out of fear, but rather….

I turned my gaze straight towards what I had seen, trying to identify who this person was. Yet, something inside of me told me I already knew what it was.

A figure stood some ways a way, deep in the dark forest surrounding us, no distinguishing feature about them save for a vague outline. I felt my eyes grow misty, but I made no to rub them, as a deep primal fear told me that if I did, they wou-

She disappeared behind a tree in a blink of an eye, like a ghost within the mist.

"Wait!" I cried out automatically, as I began to give chase to the mysterious figure within the forest. Though, giving chase was pushing it, as I was barely hobbling as fast as I could walk.

I moved as fast as I could, following the direction of this strange figure in the woods. I rounded towards the same tree she disappeared behind, as I once again saw her vague figure. I moved through bushes, despite my injuries, and every once in a while I would have to lean on a tree to catch my breath.

I damned my current condition, as I looked back at my pitiful excuse of a chase. Already five minutes of this pace, and I could still see where I had started, barely forty feet away! By this point, I wouldn't be so shocked if she was gone for good by now.

As my breathing slowly calmed down, I was tempted to just go back the way I came, hoping to find some form of shelter for the night. Yet, once again, as I turned around…


I turned once again, as a voice carried by the wind reached my ears. I looked through each tree, trying to locate who was speaking, and what they were saying. Yet, all I saw was a quickly hidden figure, moving through the trees with.

The same figure I saw before.

I felt my eyebrow quirk at the sight, figuring she had already left by now. As I turned my body to face her, I tried to get a better look, attempting to identify her.

But, just as she did before, she quickly disappeared behind a tree.

I hesitated ever so slightly, trying to figure out if this was some sort of trick. Perhaps it was some form of demon, tricking me into going into it's den while I was weak. Or perhaps it was a spirit of the forest, bent on tricking me and forcing me to stay until I wither away.

And yet…. This feeling was too genuine to be a trick. No sooner did I make that observation, did my legs move towards the figure disappearing form.

I gave chase for quite a while, my already weak legs getting weaker with each hurried step. Despite that, I pushed them faster, my feet beginning to both burn and start to numb.

Yet the figure always stayed just out of my sight, undeniably there but vague. The longer I followed her, the more sure I became of my own emotions.

I knew this woman….

"Who are you?" I called out, as I forced my legs to move faster towards the mysterious woman, who almost moved out of my range of sight.

Whoever she was, she didn't respond, as she simply walked forward through the woods. It reminded me of a Poe, taunting me from afar, where it thought I couldn't reach it.

Only…. this woman gave off a comforting feeling. As if she were someone who was always close to my side, caring and helping me along the way.

Actually…. I could only see her hazy silhouette in the dark….

So why was I so sure that she was a wo-

She disappeared from sight, as if her form never existed within these dark woods. I could feel my eyes widen, as my legs quickly moved towards where she vanished.

But it seems that was too much.

My legs gave out as I took only a single step forward, as I fell to my knees. The once cool, soft soil under my knees had since become cold and hard. As such, the force of my landing made it up to my bruised thigh, as I forcefully gritted my teeth.

My muscles tensed, using up all of the energy I had on just resisting a shout of agony. As the pain ceased and I slowly relaxed, I caught myself from falling face first onto the unforgiving dirt.

I sucked in air as quickly as my body would allow, trying to get as much oxygen as possible. My body was already at its limit, that much was all too obvious. Already, my eyes were growing heavy, as my body tried to force myself into sleep.

I resisted that sensation, moving the fingers on my right hand enough to cause pain. The sharp sensation was enough for my eyes to feel just a little lighter.

I couldn't sleep here, that would be insane. I wasn't safe on the ground, and my body would force itself to sleep until my energy was restored. I needed to find someplace safe to rest before anything else.

Yet, the only sensation I felt in my legs were pressure and pain. They wouldn't be moving for a while, not unless I was able to get a potion or if I n-

A snap of a branch was all I needed, before I cursed my luck harder than I had ever before.


I looked to my side with a glare, accessing what kind of Demon it was and how dangerous it could be.

It was large, that much was certain, as it was easily my height on all fours. It was jet black, so it was quite hard to see it, even though it's fur was much darker than the forests shadows. Despite that, it's figure vaguely looked like that of a wolf, with large sharp spines across it's back with similarly sharp claws. It's face was covered by a bone mask with blood red lines and similarly colored eyes.

Basically, it was a Demon Wolf.

It was a weak enemy, that much I could tell just by looking at it. Though it's size suggested something strong, it was armored with nothing but it's hide. Even Wolfos have magic fur thick enough to block a blade.

But it was enough to kill me, weakened as I was. And this Demon knew it.

Like playing with a toy, it stalked around me, looking for the perfect angle to appear and kill me. It growled, showing off teeth that could easily puncture my skin and pierce my bones. It clawed at the cold, hard dirt, showing how easily it could separate my head from my spine.

It did all of this, trying to make me afraid. To fear it's strength so it could have more control over me.

Which only showed me how weak it really was.

Ignoring the attempt at fear tactics, I kept the creature at the edge of my sights at all times. I stood myself up, my once weak legs now stronger with the adrenaline pumping through my veins.

It growled as I stood up, but I simply ignored it, as I searched for a simple weapon I could use. All I could see, however, was thick trees and thin branches. Neither useful to my fight against this Demon.

Speaking of…

Done trying to make me fear it's strength, the Demon charged at me with a burst of speed. It snarled, it's jaws open and ready to snap my neck in two.

Instinct took over, as my mind instantly let go of all other thoughts and focused. The world slowed down, as everything seemed to move in a crawl.

Though it seemed fast, the Demon was much slower than other Demons I had faced. I watched in great detail as it lunges at me, aiming to crush my head with it's mighty jaws.

I was at a clear disadvantage against this Demon, that much was clear without a weapon.


I took a simple step forward, ducking under the attack with ease. The beast sailed past me, missing my body and instead hitting a tree behind that was behind me.

That didn't mean I couldn't win.

With the attack dodged, I grabbed the creatures leg as it sailed by….

And pulled in the opposite direction from which it lunged.

I felt tension in both it's leg and my shoulder, as I pulled with enough force to rip it's leg out of it's socket. The sickening pop I heard was enough to tell me I had succeeded, as I simply let go.

It howled in pain, as it's leg laid useless at it's side, incapable of moving or supporting its weight. With three other limbs, the leg would only slow it down.

With that in mind, I moved as quickly as I could, kicking the larger spine on the wolves back. Though weak without the full motion of my arm and torso, it was enough to snap the bone in half.

Catching the bone as it flew in the air, thanks to my kick, I immediately pointed the sharpened part at the Demon…

And thrusted it straight into its skull.

It thrashed from what must've been unbearable pain, trying to delay the inevitable with the utmost haste. Yet, it didn't matter in the end, as it simply had no way to live.

A few seconds latter, the Demon stopped moving altogether, as the gleam in its eyes dulled. Unsure if this meant it was dead or not, I held the bone in place...

As it slowly dissolved into black particles, drifting in the wind.

Seeing this, I pulled out the bone I had used to kill it, discovering that it too turned to dust in my hands.

'So much for that weapon…' I thought to myself silently, the adrenaline coursing through me letting me forget about the pain I will surely feel.

I felt myself take long gasps, as even those relatively simple movements were enough to tire me out. Yet, now wasn't a time to rest.

'I'll need to move quickly, and find some shelter. If what I know about wolves applies to these Demons….'

A powerful howl was heard, as I turned and ran as fast as my body would allow.

'...they hunt in packs.'

I felt the large vibrations from the Earth, as I heard a number of beasts chased me down. Usually, I held no doubt that I could run faster than most Demons. In fact, I could probably take on hordes of these enemies.

But a group, without a weapon, as injured as I was? It was suicide, plain and simple.

Despite my head start, the Demons arrived behind me, three of them if my ears were correct. They were directly behind me, as I looked back to see if any of them would attack.

I was right, as three Wolf Demons were racing one another, all attempting to kill me. They were pushing each other, all trying to win the kill.

Right on cue, the Demon on the lunged, as the two quickly move to my flanks. Seeing this, I quickly rolled forward, as two claws came crashing down on the earth, upturning the earth with ease. I felt my bruised side scream in pain, but it was a simple thing to ignore, as I rolled back on my feet.

Just as I began to run again, the Demon to my left tried to swipe at me, as I simply dodged by jumping right. However, I was too late, as the Demon clip my bruised ribs, making the whole world blur and twist.

As I felt unimaginable pain on my right side.

I felt the Wolf strike me in the side, as the attack struck my aching, broken ribs. I didn't even have time to react, as the combined power of the strike and my jump shot me across the forest. Of course, a trail of blood coughed up from my mouth

As I rolled across the forest floor, I tried to stop myself, hoping to get back in control. Yet, my arms wouldn't move, and I couldn't move no matter how hard I tried. So, I instead leaned into the direction I was rolling, hoping that would change my luck in some way.

But, even that ended up as a failure, as I rolled into something. I bent backwards, as my back struck the implanted object, forcing me to let go of the air in my lungs.

All while those three Demon wolves stalked around my now prone form, enjoying the pain I was in. They took the time to enjoy, as if feasting on my raw emotion.


That was all I could think at the moment. I knew I was unlucky, but…. This was going a little far. I had killed demons thousands of times stronger than these guy, yet this was how I would meet my end? Killed by a imitation of a Wolfos, alone in the woods.

Yeah right.

With all of the energy I had left, I slowly lifted my body into a sitting position, using what I assumed was a tree behind me to lean on. It was rough, but I was able to sit up, facing the poor excuses for a Wolfos…

As I grabbed a stick by my side, just the right length of a sword.

The Demons stared, almost bewildered at what I was doing. Not that I blamed them… I myself thought it was pretty stupid.


The Demons weren't confused anymore, no in fact they were angry. As if I had taken something from them, they all snarled and growled, as their fur stood on end.

It didn't matter…

With my legs, I pushed myself up, keeping myself upright using the support behind me.

I'm not going to die here…. I still need to get back to Hyrule. I still needed to find Zelda!

I rose higher, as the three Demons backed up with each inch I rose, unsure of what they should do. They knew I was weak, knew that they could easily kill me with a well placed.

And yet…

I was almost halfway up, as I prepared my weak attempts at a defense, ready to take these three on.

They growled hysterically, attempting to scare me, make me back down in someway. Despite this, my gaze never changed, remaining a calm blue in the face of what might be death.

I stared intently into the red eyes, eyes that promised destruction, no matter the cost. I was calm, and ready to face those before me.

The three Demons charged simultaneously, looking to end my life where I stood…

Before howling in absolute agony.

The three Demons staggered, unable to hold their weight as they convulsed horrifically on the ground. Their black coats of fur slowly dissolved into pure white specks of light, leaving nothing but black skin. That too, was stripped away from them, as they attempted to escape from whatever was causing this.

My eyes were as wide as saucers, as I could only watch in shock and slight horror. It was such a shocking scene, that my legs finally collapsed from my own weight. It was at that point, I finally realized something….

My back was cold… as if I were leaning on…

I tried to turn my head, attempting to see what I was resting my back on. It was a fruitless effort though, as my body had finally forced myself to stop functioning.

My eyelids, unbearably heavy, closed on the sight of the Demons dying. Their skeletons, stripped of skin and fur, were also slowly dissolving into the white light. Despite my safety, I still tried to look behind me, hoping to see what was behind me.

Yet, I couldn't move, as my body forced my eyes closed….

As I felt what must've been a warm light spread across my body. It was like a blanket covering me, making me feel utterly secure and relaxed. Still, I opened my eyes, trying to see where this warmth came from.

Deku Tree's Congratulations ~ Breath of the Wild

Yet as I opened them, everything was blurry, as my mind began to shut down completely. All I knew…

Was that two different colored pieces of cloth covered me, as a voice gently whispered in my ear.


It was a soft voice, familiar and alien all at once… Like an old friend long forgotten, but deeply remembered…

I honestly should of stood up, then and there. But the voice… it held my trust, a trust far deeper than I thought any could compare…

I smiled, unintentionally melting into this strange embrace that was cold yet warm.

I was tired… delirious even…

But… I feel as if I saw someone… a hazy figure of an ancient being… locked away in my skull...

I decided to say something…. before I fell unconscious…

"Thank… you…."

With that, the world slipped into darkness….

As the hero slept under her faithful watch.

The flow of time is always cruel… It's speeds seem different for each person, but no one can change it.
