That's right I am back! It's been a while, sorry. I got lazy ;p

Chapter 3: Yugioh GX: Abridged Episode 2

"- a weird universe," Weiss said, a card game? What a ridiculous idea! Although playing a kid's game sounds more enjoyable than fighting Grimm.

"So, what's next on the list? Oh, I know! Maybe a musical? Or one with Jaune being a superhero?" Ruby said, getting happier as these went on. She remembered 'Assassin Jaune,' she reddened. Is it possible for her and Jaune to end up together?

"I don't know Ruby. Hopefully, it's fun!" Yang supported her sister.

"Or it could be dark." Qrow finished his drink, he wished for more. It magically refilled it. "Thanks, whoever is making us do this," he thought.

"Don't be such a downer, Qrow. It's interesting seeing all these different universes. I admit it's in the realms of possibility that a dark one will appear in the future. Or even now," Ozpin said.

"Oh, it's starting once again!" Nora said, pointing at the screen.

It begins with a black helicopter heading towards Duel Academy, passing over a bright blue sea. It carried the students that passed their exams, new first-years. Jaune Arc had his eyes closed, relaxing, while Ruby Rose stared outside the window. Lie Ren, sat alongside a random student. The entire school got revealed, making the young teenagers go awe. It's big it even, has a fucking volcano!

"...Again?" Weiss groaned, yay.

"Duel Academy? So, it's a duel school?" Ozpin said, there are schools for playing a children's card game? It's interesting, in a weird way.

"...They have a school right beside a volcano?" Glynda said, dumbfounded. Imagine if it went off! The paperwork for dead children would go through the roof.

"If you look to your left, you will see your home for the next four years, filled with Shadow Riders, a white dorm, alternative universes, and the main character turning unexplainably evil," the pilot said over the intercom.

"... Did that guy, spoiled the entire show?" Blake said, what's the point of watching this?!

"Did that guy just ruin four whole seasons?" A student said.

"That's what I said!" Blake agreed with the random guy.

"Shut up and enjoy the view! Coincidentally, if you look to your right, you will see the bar where my wife is a stripper at," the pilot said.

"Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!" Everyone on the helicopter said. The aircraft proceeded closer to Duel Academy, preparing themselves for landing.

"Strippers?! Where do I sign up!" Qrow's face lit up.

"Shut up," Glynda slapped him over the head.

Jaune and the others stood in rows in Duel Academy's main hall. Each student got outfitted with different coloured blazers, red, yellow and blue. Depending on the colour, it shows the skill, rank, and what dorm they slept. Jaune was dozing off, Ruby and Ren stared at the large screen in front.

"Everybody report to the hall. There will be cake, honest. You unfortunate souls who are attending this school for teaching a children's card game, wasting your parent's money, time and skipping regular school; received uniforms. It'll socially divide you. Best friends from best friends. Sisters from sisters. Hint hint. Ruby Rose," a monotone voice spoke over the intercom.

"How lovely," Pyrrha said, but there's some truth in those words.

"Cake?! Where is it?!" Ruby and Nora shouted, stars in their eyes.

"Ruby/Nora, no!" Both teams and adults didn't want two teenagers high on sugar running amok.

Ozpin appeared on the screen, "Hello, everybody! Thank you for coming! I would've come down and seen you in person, but as you know, I'm far too important for that. Is that Jaune sleeping? That's it! I'm getting all principal on your ass! Just for that, you're getting the over-sized toolshed with the room with the kid that nobody likes. Feel free to insult her while I watch with a mocking smile!"

"Harsh much," all the students sweatdropped.

"I would never speak to any of my students that way," Ozpin said, in truth, in the word of young people, had to 'roast' some fools.

"Oh, Jaune, you douche!" Somebody said off-screen.

"What am I supposed to tell my girlfriend?!" Does this one have a girlfriend?

"My mom's gonna kill me!" A punk-ass bitch said.

"I'm allergic to toolsheds!"


"...What?" The audience thought.

It cuts to the toolsh-I mean the Slifer Red dorm! Yeah, let's go with that. It showed more of it; it does look like an outhouse with a deck. It had the caption, 'Meanwhile, at the toolshed.'

"Meanwhile, at the toolshed!" The narrator announced.

"Depressing," everyone said.

"Well, you know, this isn't all that bad. I mean, sure, we can have a few parties here, uh, have some ho's..." Jaune said, committing to an obscure reference. He and Ruby wandered into the room, which they'll share and be sleeping together, hey now.

"Jaune, do I have to remind you that you're not Kovu," she replied.

"I'm sorry, Ruby, but if you just don't like Shastealer2 enough to make obscure references randomly, then you're just not cool," Jaune said, making a weird face.

"What about cosplaying? That's cooler than the other side of the pillow!" Ruby shouted at Jaune Arc.

"Cosplaying is fun," Ruby said, it's like Halloween in a sense.

"Are they making references?" Weiss said, confused.

"I think they are, which we don't know what or who they are talking about," Blake commented.

"Aww, great. I'm stuck with a nerd," Jaune thought.

"Anyways, Ruby, I'm going to see and watch more of those Lion King dubs," he said, leaving the room.

"Aww, great. I'm stuck with a nerd," she unknowingly thought as Jaune did.

"You guys are cute together!" Yang said, in a way, she ships it.

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Ruby reddened.

It cuts to the Obelisk Blue's Duel Arena. It's a privately reserved for Obelisk Blue students only, for duelling and other shenanigans. It had an open-field, surrounded by seats. Jaune and Ruby wandered onto the scene.

"Ok, then we take a left and- Wait a minute, this isn't the bathroom!" Jaune said, in a shocked tone.

"That's the last time we take directions from a blind guy!" Ruby was right behind him.

"Wait, Jaune took directions from a blind person?" Weiss said, facepalming, what an idiot.

"Or was it Ruby?" Yang said, mimicking the Ice Queen.

"Both, perhaps," Blake hit her head on the edge of the couch.

"Blind guy? I thought those sunglasses were to make him look cool!" Jaune said with an innocent face.

"He had a guide dog with him!" Ruby cried.

"I thought that was his duel spirit," Jaune not getting the problem.

"No! What the hell is wrong with you?!" Ruby said, surprised by how stupid he was.

"Seriously?!" Weiss, Yang and Blake shouted that Jaune couldn't be that dumb.

"Jaune isn't that simple-minded! He's smart in some ways," Pyrrha defended him.

"Yeah!" Nora shouted with her right hand up, as Ren agreed as well.

"What's a 'duel spirit'?" Ozpin questioned, ignoring Jaune on screen.

"I don't know, and I don't care," Qrow said, drinking away his life away.

"Hey! Jaune!" One of Weiss' goons showed up, saying this. It caught the attention of Jaune and Ruby.

"Reaction shot!" Both Slifer Red students said.

"Uhh, the boss wants to have some words with you," the other goon said. Meanwhile, Weiss went down the stairs.

"Look, if it's a snobby rich kid, I don't wanna know. Look, we were just trying to find the bathroom, but a guy with a dog and cool sunglasses told us to go the wrong way," Jaune said.

"Oh! You just got roasted," Yang said, high fiving her sister.

"Why are we high fiving?" Ruby asked, with an eyebrow raised.

"I don't know," Yang admitted.

"Was that even a roast?" Qrow thought to himself.

"Please, I can destroy Jaune with ease," Weiss crossed her arms.

"More like, you'll bore him to death," Blake snickered.

"Shutup!" The Ice Queen said.

"Oh, for the love of crap!" Ruby said off-screen.

"Hey! I know you. You're that kid who beat Goodwitch in a duel while listening to George Micheal in the background. Goodwitch is a great Duelist. How could he lose to someone as weak as you? I'll admit that you turned it around, but don't take this as a compliment on your skills, but you were absolutely flawless," Weiss finished.

("Absolutely Flawless" riff plays)

"Why does it do that every time I say 'flawless'?!"

(riff plays again)

"Shut up! I'm going to challenge you Jaune to a duel, but first, lunch!" Weiss said, she and her little group left the room.

"Absolutely Flawless?" Nora question while an eyebrow raised.

("Absolutely Flawless" riff plays)

Nora let out a giggle, "You hear that! Guys," she smiled. She took one big inhale, oh no. "Absolutelyflawlessabsolutelyflawlessabsolutelyflawlessabsolutelyflawlessabsolutelyflawlessabsolutelyflawlessabsolutelyflawlessabsolutelyflawlessabsolutelyflawlessabsolutelyflawlessabsolutelyflawless," she repeatedly said, over and over, again, and again.

(riff plays over)

(riff plays over)

(riff plays over)

(riff plays over)

(riff plays over)

(riff plays over)

(riff plays-)

"Nope, that's enough of this shit, I'm out bitches," the singer left.

It overlapped, it got louder each time. It nearly crushed many eardrums at the moment. "Nora!" Ren covered her mouth, thank god. The crowd gave her death stares. "I'll stop then," the pancake lover lightly laughed.

It cuts to the Obelisk Blue dorm, five-star much? Guys and girls stood in the dining hall, talking and eating together. "So anyway, I got him in a vice-lock and killed the bastard!" An Obelisk Blue student said as laugher and cheering got heard.

It cuts to the Ra Yellow dorm, eh, three-star much? Guys sat around tables, talking and eating together. "So anyway, an Obelisk Blue and I got in a fight with a Slifer Red, and we killed the guy!" A Ra Yellow student said as laughter and cheering got heard.

"Jesus, the blue dorm is five-stars, and the yellow one isn't that bad," Yang was a little jealous.

"Eh, our dorm's aren't that bad," Ren said, his teammates nodding.

"Are we ignoring that, they killed someone?" Blake questioned.

It cuts to the toolshed dorm, eh, it's like zero stars. Guys sat around, the atmosphere was depressing. "So, we got in a fight today, and my friend got killed!" A Slifer Red student said, no one laughed.

"That sucks," a random guy replied.

"Someone take my beans?" Someone took this man's beans!

"Dude, go touch the cat," a Slifer Red pointed at the brown cat.

"I'm not touching that cat," Ruby said, sitting across from Jaune.

"Come on, go touch the cat," the same guy said.

"I'm not touching the damn cat; it might have something!" Ruby shouted.

"I'll give you a Mokey Mokey if you do it."

"Gimme that damn cat," both Ruby's said.

"Ruby please," Weiss said, what's a 'Mokey Mokey'?

"Cute cat," Glynda said, she had a couple at her home.

"Jaune, stop eating, I'm going to touch the cat," she nudged him.

"Why are you obsessing about a damn cat?" Jaune said, eating rice.

At this time, the cat attacked Ruby, "Oh my god! Get it off of me!"

"Told you," Weiss stated, watching Ruby on-screen getting murdered by a cat.

"I'll do anything for a Mokey Mokey," Ruby whispered to herself.

"... Dunce," the Ice Queen said.

"Meanwhile, in the toolshed!" The narrator announced, it cuts to Jaune's room, with Ruby making tea. "I don't believe this. The first day and two students have already gone," Jaune said, rubbing his stomach.

"Yeah, can't believe that guy that was trying to help me, died of shock," Ruby responded, scratch marks covered her petite face.

"Well, at least we still have Nora," she said, pouring green tea into a cup.

"Nora?" Ren said, pleased she got mentioned.

"She finally shows," Pyrrha said, wondering where the hell she was.

"Yeah, at least we still have- Wait a minute, who the hell is Nora?" Ruby hand's Jaune tea, "Oh, thank you."

"I don't know, but apparently, she's our best friend," she replied. They both stared at the bunk beds, finding her sleeping on the top.

"So, you're telling me we have a best friend that didn't get introduced yet?" Seriously, who writes this shit?... Wait a minute.

"I'm sleeping during this?!" Nora said, sounds about right for Ren.

"At least you got mentioned, we are waiting on Pyrrha still," Yang stated, she feels like she's overlooking someone.

"What about me?!" Qrow said, his arms opened wide.

"You wanna be in a place where they teach a children's card game?" Ozpin said, with his eyebrow raised.

"... Yeah?" Qrow admitted.

Jaune's phone went off as someone phoned him. "Hello? Wait a minute, what the hell? Weiss? How did you get my number?"

"You know, because! I'm notably rich! Now, come to the duel arena and we'll- oh shit, I'm out of ti-"

"Your caller cannot continue the conversation as they are just too rich. You noob," the operator mocked Jaune.

"Prick," Jaune groaned.

Jaune and Ruby made their ways towards the Obelisk Blue Duel Arena. "You think, for such a modern building, the security would be top-notch, but the front door was left open," she commented.

"... Is that you got our numbers?" Yang said, creeped out, the team's stared at her.

"What?! No, I asked you guys, remember?" Weiss defends herself.

"... But you could've done that," Blake said, moving away from Weiss.

"... Yeah," the Ice Queen admitted.

"Ozpin, I say we should increase our security once we get back," Glynda asked the wizard, with Qrow agreeing.

"George Michael won't save you now!" Weiss said, taunting Jaune Arc.

"Engage Duel Disk!" Jaune and Weiss activated their Duel Disks, inserting their decks into the devices. "Engage. Choosing battle music," the song started to play Aqua's Barbie Girl for a few seconds and then gets cut off.

"... Is that the kind of music you listen to, Weiss?" Ruby and Yang started to laugh, while Blake chuckled a little.

"N-n-no! I don't," Weiss shouted, she was embarrassed.

"I apologize. That isn't my music. I don't know how it got there. My sister came over on the weekend and uploaded her songs into my database-"

After hearing the word 'sister,' Qrow fell over laughing his ass off. "Qrow, please," Ozpin tried his hardest not to laugh.

"Sincere apologies. I swear to God, I don't listen to that stuff. I like Foo Fighters. They're cool. Choosing new battle music," it changed into badass music now.

Weiss LP: 4000

Jaune LP: 4000

"I summon my Lazy Zombie in defence position," Weiss said, starting the duel, the said monster appeared, their arms crossed.

"I can't be bothered," Lazy Zombie said.

"Next, I'll set one card face down and end my turn."

"Hey! It's beginning, and there's a Life Point countered," Ruby pointed out, is this going to be a game?

"Hopefully, it'll fill us in more about this world," Ozpin sipping his mug.

"Is Lazy Zombie a real card?" Blake was curious.

"Alright, my move, time to make it count. Hey, you know what? My hand looks great I think I might be able to-" oh cue Winged Kuriboh was in his starting hand. "Mmmm!" Jaune let out an annoyed grunt.

"I have to be unoriginal and summon the same Fusion Monster that I did in episode 1!" Jaune showed off his Elemental Hero's and Polymerization.

"Heh. Noob," Weiss muttered.

"So come out and show everybody your light show, Flame Wingman!" Jaune shouted as his Fusion Monster appeared onto the field.

"It's still cool-looking!" Ruby awed at the Fusion Monster.

"Did you use the word 'noob' again?" Yang said, weirded out.

"Unfortunately, yeah," Weiss answered.

"I activate Predictable Noob, which is useless in any other situation apart from this one. When you play the same move you did in episode 1, I get to take your monster, at the expense of my lazy zombie!"

"Uhhh, I'm going to bed," Lazy Zombie got send to the Graveyard.

"No! My generic monster!" Jaune cried.

"Is now MY generic monster! Da da da da da! Bitch!" Flame Wingman flew over to Weiss; it looked more demonic.

"Language Ms. Schnee," Goodwitch said, staring at Weiss on-screen.

"NO! His generic monster! You stole it," Nora pointed at Weiss.

"It's not my fault, that he did a dumb play," she says.

"My generic moves are of no use! I have to go to amateur mode! Clayman! Defence mode!" Jaune summoned his stone warrior.

"You can defend all you want, but you can't escape the Hell Bastard!" Weiss placed her card on the Duel Disk a soldier came forth.

"I'm such a bastard!" Hell Bastard said.

"Go monsters! Bitch-slap Jaune," she ordered them to attack.

"That's not very nice," Pyrrha glared at Weiss.

"It's not me! It's other me," Weiss stated.

"Eh, bitch-slap," Qrow laughed a bit. It didn't help as Ruby hit his arm.

Flame Wingman strikes Clayman, destroying it with ease, Jaune's former monster confronts him. "Hello, little boy!" Flame Wingman said creepily.

"Uh, have mercy?"

"Nah," as Flame Wingman burns him, dropping his Life Points.


4000 - 800 = LP: 3200

"Hell Bastard attack!"

"You're not my father!" Hell Bastard said while slashing Jaune across his chest.

3200 - 1000 = LP: 2000

"Then I set one card face down and end my turn."

"It isn't looking good for Jaune," Ren commented.

"Nope, two monsters, and one facedown for Weiss, and nothing for him," Pyrrha said, can Jaune win?

"Hopefully, those attacks didn't hurt him," Ruby said, worried about him.

"... You guys do know those are holograms, right?" Blake said she figured they were acting in pain for the fun of it.

"Because I'm close to losing, my Sparkman comes out of my hand. It is Special Summoned to the field!" Jaune smirked, the Elemental Hero came onto the field.

"Hold on! That's not Sparkman's effect!"

"Yeah? Well, You should see what happens when I summon Bubbleman. Sparkman! Attack the Hell Bastard!" Jaune shouted, ordering his monster. Sparkman shoots out a thunderbolt towards Hell Bastard, destroying it, it drops Weiss' Life Points.

4000 - 400 = LP: 3600

"Why don't I have a father?!" Hell Bastard's sword stabs Jaune.

2000 - 400 = LP: 1600

"Ahhh, but how?" Jaune held his chest.

"Hell Bastard's special effect means that we both take the same amount of damage from that attack," Weiss revealed.

"A clever effect, I must say so myself," Ozpin said, he's now interested in the concept of Yugioh.

"Yeah, no kidding," Qrow said, taking a sip from his flask.

"Come on, Fearless Leader!" Nora encouraged Jaune.

"DAMNIT! NOW ALL THE FANGIRLS CAN SEE MY ORGASM FACE!" Jaune thought, giving a charming expression.

"I set one card face down and call it a turn."

"I draw. Now Flame Wingman, end this duel and attack his Sparkman!" Weiss ordered as Flame Wingman powered itself up.

"PWNED BITCH! MIRROR WALL!" Jaune revealed his facedown.

"REACTION SHOT!" Weiss shouted.

"Looks like Mr. Arc, has one more trick up his sleeve," Glynda remarked.

"I hope Jaune can win this," Ren said, he believed in him.

"It's going to be close, I can feel it," Yang said, her eyes glued to the screen.

"This makes our monsters switch place. So WINGMAN! ATTACK HER SPARKMAN WITH SKYDIVE SCORCHER!" Finally, this turn is going to favour him. Jaune pumped himself up, let's go.

Both Elemental Hero's clashed in the air, however, due to the higher ATK points of the Fusion Monster, he won. Flame Wingman destroys Sparkman with ease.

3600 - 500 = LP: 3100

"And now, thanks to Wingman's unique ability, Weiss you take damage to your Life Points equal to the ATK of the Sparkman!" Jaune shouted, pointing at Weiss.

"Ah, have mercy. AHHHH...!"

Flame Wingman used Sparkman's attack on Weiss, lowering her Life Points.

3100 - 1600 = LP: 1500

"Ah! Nice one," Ren said, grinning.

"Jaune-Jaune is totally going to win now," Nora declared.

"Yes, Jaune has the lead," Ruby praised her best friend.

"Come on other me," Weiss thought, biting her lip.

"That's the way Jaune. Now give her an offensive hand sign," Ruby lastly spoke. Subsequently, Jaune made a V sign with his hand.

"I recover quickly, cause I'm rich as shit. I activate the Magic Card Generic Hole. Since you have a generic monster on the field, I can destroy it, and you take damage equal to half its ATK points," Weiss laughed. Jaune's monster gets destroyed by a gust of wind.

1600 - 1050 = LP: 550


"Next, I'll activate Call of the Haunted to bring back the Hell Bastard," Weiss announced, showcasing her facedown.

"WHY WON'T YOU TELL ME WHERE MY FATHER IS!" Hell Bastard cried like a little bitch.

"Poor Hell Bastard," Ruby said, not realizing she swore.

"So, there are cards that allow you to bring back monsters?" Ozpin thought, there's a lot of rules to know.

"Oh, what a little moaner. I'm going to sacrifice him to summon Hell Bastard's father!" Weiss removes the son to summon the father.

"Have any of you seen my son around here? A whiny little putz," Hell Bastard's father said.

"Bring it, on bitch!" Jaune taunted.

"I already brought it," Weiss smirked.

Meanwhile, outside the Duel Arena, three guards wandered the halls. "So, in the future, card games are going to be played on motorbikes," Bob said.

"Yeah, sure, they will Bob," the other guard replied.

"Man, security," Yang said, already knowing it's going to ruin the action.

"Wait a minute, card games on motorbikes?" Ren thought, staring at Nora, who's off in her little world, "She was speaking the truth."

Hell Bastard's Father disappeared, "Time's up, ready guys; let's do this!" Weiss deactivated her Duel Disk, she and her gang ran away, "WEEISSS SSSCHNEEE!"

"Oh, my god, she just ran," Jaune said out loud.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" The whose named Bob shouted.

"CHEESE IT!" Jaune and Ruby ran as well.

"GO! RUN FOR IT!" Ruby shouted, hoping her counterpart gets out.

"I see Jaune mastered the art of running away," Pyrrha said, winking at the writer, eh what? Did she make a motherfucking JOJO REFERENCE?!

"Damn, those kids are fast," one guard said.

"Shouldn't we go after them?" Bob questioned, was it worth it?

"We could, but we could do this," one of them lights a smoke, "So, what were you saying about card games on motorbikes?"

Jaune and Ruby got away as the blonde wanted to see her a card. "You see this card? It's banned. It's called Monster Reborn. Luckily, the duel got called off early I would've got DQed. It's an illegal card to have in your deck," Jaune said.

"But Jaune, Monster Reborn is off the ban list," Ruby explained.

"What?!" He ran off, thoroughly crying, "I have to get out of here!"

"Poor Jaune," Pyrrha said, witnessing Jaune crying.

"A ban list? Banned cards? Some cards are too op, I see," Qrow said, finishing his drink, this viewing was enjoyable.

"Wait, I haven't told you that," Ruby raced after Jaune, "Jinzo is at three!"

"OH, COME ON! YOU GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!" Jaune cried as the screen went to black.

"That was fun! I wonder, what's going to be the nex-"