"Genin Uzumaki Naruto…"

Flashback- Konoha Main Gates

They had just returned from the Uchiha Retrieval Mission. The entire group that had gone were beaten and heavily injured. Shikamaru, Rock Lee and Kiba were injured, but their wounds were minor compared to those of Choji and Neji. The Sand Siblings even had to help carry the two of them back to Konoha.

Naruto, however, had the worst of the injuries. A chidori wound the size of a soccer ball was embedded in Naruto's chest. The Kyuubi was healing him, but the evidence of the wound was still there. Kakashi had to carry Naruto the entire way back to the village.

Despite the injuries, the group was successful in its mission. The Uchiha was in tow, unconscious and carried in Gaara's sand tomb. Sasuke also received major injuries during his fight with Naruto. The Kyuubi's burn marks on his body were self-evident. His chakra levels were depleted and his cuts were deep.

A crowd had gathered to the main gates to see the group return. The other Konoha 11 had shown up as well as Tsunade. The crowd that had gathered saw the burn marks as Sasuke as he was released by Gaara. They knew that it could only be the Kyuubi's doing.

"Murderer! Look at what you've done to the only Uchiha!" yelled one villager.

"That boy needs to be locked up! Konoha is in danger if he gets loose!" yelled another.

"I say we get rid of him now before it's too late!" yelled a pink-haired villager as others started to agree. The crowd would turn into a riot if it wasn't for Tsunade.

"Enough!" yelled Tsunade. "Any villagers who defy the Sandaime's law will be executed immediately!" Tsunade was seriously pissed that villagers supported the Uchiha traitor over Naruto. She gave off so much killer intent that the crowd immediately dispersed.

Tsunade ordered that Naruto, Choji and Neji were to be taken to her private quarters for immediate treatment. Sasuke was to be locked up and would receive treatment last, considering Tsunade could care less about the Uchiha's at the moment.

Once the Anbu had taken everyone away, Tsunade ordered Kakashi and Shikamaru in her office when she was done with Naruto, Choji and Neji.

Hokage Office

Tsunade was able to give immediate medical attention to all three shinobi with little complication. In fact, Naruto had healed up so much to the point that all he needed was rest. Choji and Neji needed much more work, but would make full recoveries and be released to the care of their families the next day.

Tsunade now sat in her office, physically and emotionally tired, but needed to know the details of the mission and called Shikamaru and Kakashi.

Once there, Shikamaru explained the challenges that they faced while trying to prevent Sasuke from defecting. He made sure to detail everything that he saw, but also informed Tsunade that she was better off asking the others once they were treated.

Kakashi told Tsunade about the most pressing concern, how both Sasuke and Naruto had fought and heavily injured each other. Just as he was about to start, Danzo, Homura and Koharu had barged their way into Tsunade's office.

"What is the meaning of this!" Tsunade yelled, not liking the way her advisors walked into her office unannounced.

"Calm down Tsunade-sama, we are just here to listen to the reports that your shinobi were giving. We as the elders need to be here to help you make some important decisions going forward," explained Danzo, as the three took their positions behind Tsunade.

"Tch," was the only response Tsunade gave before having Kakashi explain.

He explained about how the fight between the two went. They fought each other as though they were going to kill the other, holding nothing back. Naruto had tapped into the Kyuubi's power and Sasuke had activated his cursed seal. In the end, neither had won. However, both did inflict the maximum amount of damage they could without killing each other.

Kakashi added that he believed Naruto had won, using the power of the Kyuubi to stop Sasuke from defecting. Though he couldn't control it, he was successful in incapacitating the Uchiha which allowed them to return him home.

Tsunade seemed to accept the debrief, however, her advisors were not so keen. They were worried about the Kyuubi coming loose again. The fact that Naruto couldn't control it only worried both Homura and Koharu. In addition to the fact, he had harmed the last Uchiha. They were not concerned about the fact that Sasuke had almost defected. Danzo, on the other hand, loved hearing this type of report. Although he outwardly was wary, on the inside, he almost couldn't contain the excitement of possibilities that the boy possessed. Naruto was Danzo's ticket to the Hokage seat and was going to become his ultimate weapon loyal to only Konoha.

Tsunade couldn't deal with this stupidity at the moment. She ordered everyone out of her office so she could think about her next move. Unfortunately, the next moves were already in motion, which would change Konoha's future forever.

Streets of Konoha

Naruto was out of the care of Tsunade a couple of days after they returned. Due to the Kyuubi's healing, his wounds closed quickly and he felt really good. Good enough to walk the streets and get some ramen, despite Tsunade's orders to stay in bed.

As he walked the streets, he noticed his friends sitting in Yakiniku Q. They were all huddled on one table, discussing the events of the past couple of days. As Naruto got closer, he was about to say hello until he heard their discussion.

"That Baka nearly killed Sasuke-kun! What kind of person does that to our precious Sasuke!" yelled two bimbos who had pink and blonde hair respectively.

"Mendokuse, you two really are pieces of work. You do realize that Sasuke was leaving the village right?" Shikamaru retorted, annoyed at the way Sakura and especially Ino were talking about the situation.

"Well, he didn't have to go bat-shit crazy and almost kill him!" Screamed Ino.

"If it wasn't for Naruto, your "precious" Sasuke wouldn't even be in the village right now," Shikamaru said, with Choji nodding in agreement as he put another piece of steak in his mouth.

"Are you seriously defending him right now Shikamaru? He nearly killed all of us. He lost control. It looked as though he was the Kyuubi reincarnate himself!" Kiba butted in.

"How can you not be defending him right now? You do realize what the council is going to do to him right? This is our friend we are talking about Kiba. A friend that we all use to cut class with and play pranks on the village with when we were little. Don't you remember that Naruto?" Shikamaru said with disgust. Though he did realize that Naruto was a jinchuuriki and had lost control, Shikamaru was smart enough to know that Naruto was a person he still considered a friend.

"I do remember that Naruto, but that was before I knew what type of monster he would become," replied Kiba which sparked a heated debate between Shikamaru, Kiba, Sakura and Ino. Even Choji butted in to back up Shikamaru.

The others on the table though remained silent. Hinata, Shino, Neji, Lee and Tenten couldn't bring themselves to speak. Hinata was too nervous to say anything. Shino didn't know how to approach the matter with this teammate and other classmates. Tenten barely knew Naruto and wasn't there for the mission to give an opinion.

Neji and Lee, on the other hand, didn't know what to say. Despite the fact that Naruto had made a tremendous impact on both their lives when it was time to defend him, they swallowed their words. They didn't know how or what to think of the situation. It was a mistake they would regret in the future.

Naruto, on the other hand, was in shock. He couldn't believe that some of his friends would blame him for what happened to Sasuke. He also noticed the silence that came from the others. He thought they were all friends, especially after what he had just gone through. With the villagers, he could deal with their hatred towards him, however, seeing people who he thought were his friends attack him or stay silent on the matter, left a large wound in Naruto's heart.

As he was about to leave, an Anbu appeared before him and ordered him to go to the council room.

It was here, that Naruto had gotten the worst news of all.

Present Time- Council Chambers

"Genin Uzumaki Naruto…," Tsunade started, trying to power through the order she was about to give.

"You have been..been hereby….banished from Konoha," Tsunade stuttered, which sent shocked Naruto to the core.

"Why?! Tsunade-baachan, why…." Naruto squeaked out.

"Because of your actions during the Uchiha Retrieval Mission you brat! You nearly killed the last Uchiha from Konoha!" a council member from the civilian side spoke.

"We can't risk letting that thing get loose again! We should've killed you while we had the chance!" yelled a pink-haired council member.

"To think the Yondaime wasted his life for you disgusts me! We should've banished you long ago! If it wasn't for you, the Uchiha would've never left!"

"Enough!" Tsunade yelled as she slammed her fist on the table.

"Naruto, you have..until tomorrow….to pack your things...and leave.." Tsunade managed, trying to withhold the tears that would soon fall.

Naruto, confused and angered, decided to make one final stand.

"So you're going to banish a loyal shinobi for a traitor. Is that it? I bring your precious Uchiha home to you and this is the thanks I get!" Naruto started, the Kyuubi chakra starting to emit from his body. The civilian council members started to get nervous while the shinobi council prepared for the worst.

"You will regret today. From now on Konoha's days are numbered. I will make sure that without fail, this village burns down to the ground at my hands," Naruto said as his eyes started to red as the chakra started to become thicker.

Two Anbu appeared behind Naruto and knocked him out. With that, the Kyuubi's chakra dispersed. The council seemed to rest a little easier now.

"Take him back to his home. He has things to get in order," Tsunade ordered as the two Anbu shunshin Naruto and themselves away.

"That boy talks big, however his words are as meaningless as his skills. Like he could really do anything to any of us," one councilman spoke as he recomposed himself.

"You do realize that BOY single-handedly managed to bring the Uchiha home. If it wasn't for that BOY, your precious Uchiha would be with Orochimaru planning this village's destruction. I would choose your next words wisely councilman. If not, that seat you sit in will be empty the next time we meet," Tsunade threatened as the councilman looked away, trembling in fear.

"Now everyone can get the FUCK OUT OF MY OFFICE!"

Naruto's House

Naruto found himself in his house as night had fallen. Loud cheers could be heard from the streets as villagers and shinobi alike celebrated the return of their precious Uchiha and also of the news that the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki was going to be banished.

Naruto believed that everything he had experienced was just a dream until he read the note that was left for him near his bed. It was the official order of Naruto's banishment.

Naruto couldn't believe it. Not only did his friends betray him, but also the village that he called home. He wanted to become Hokage so that people would accept him for who he is and not for who he carried inside of him.

But if this is what the village wanted, he would definitely make sure that it would burn to the ground.

And by his hands only.

Naruto packed everything he needed for his journey. During his packing, instead of thinking of all the good things that he did for Konoha or even the very few people who saw him as a human being like Ayame and Teuchi, he thought of all the mean things and poor treatment he received from the village.

He remembered the vile words that the villagers said about him when they returned from their mission. He recalled the numerous times that villagers made sure that their children wouldn't talk to him because he was the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki. He remembered that he was called the Dead Last and would never make it as a shinobi.

He remembered everything.

Naruto wouldn't wait to leave the village by sunrise. He would leave immediately.

However, he had one last parting gift to Konoha. The village wanted a celebration, they would definitely get one.

He snuck into the armory and got as many explosive tags that he could find. Being a prankster had some perks. He set up the tags all around the village. He also set up tags around his house, making sure to destroy the "great" memories he had in it alone. He bid it farewell, took his things and went to the top of the Hokage Monument.

As he stood atop the Yondaime's head, Naruto took one last look at the bustling village. He was disgusted at the celebration that was taking place. People celebrating a traitor and the banishment of a loyal shinobi.

As soon as the anger grew within him, Naruto activated the tags. A series of explosions all around the village caused a panic and a frenzy. His house exploded and almost made the entire building collapse.

Naruto could only chuckle at the destruction he had just caused. The celebratory cheers were now turning into panicked screams as the shinobi were trying to make sure people were safe.

Naruto left a note on top of the Yondaime's head. It was left for whoever found it to know that it was he who activated the explosive tags.

"This is only the beginning Konoha. Your days are numbered. Be prepared for the destruction at the hands of the dead last," he said to himself as he vanished.

A/N This is a rewrite of the previous version. Lost interest in the first one but I'm back at it and have other ideas for how the story goes. Hopefully, it'll be 10x better than the first.