It was strange to grow up having memories that didn't belong to you. It wasn't like she knew who she was in her past life or how it could even help her in her present life, all Yama knew is that knowing things about the world was helpfull. Things like gravity made sense to her and how the horizon seems to bend the higher you are is due to the world being round. Which is somewhat disagreed upon in her past life but Yama finds that funny because if a flat earther lived where she did now they would be happy that everyone would agree with them.

Yama was currently growing up in what would seem to be feudal Japan or somewhere extremely similair to that. She wasn't to clear because there was no such thing as public schooling so if you didn't originate from a noble clan or family you had little to no education. Around 80% of the population could not read which goes to show how underdeveloped the country was. But this strangley didn't affect her life very much. Yama was born into a small family of fishermen and thanks to that the only skill they needed to learn was how to fish at sea properly.

Yama had an older brother named Yami he was around the age of fourteen and well he was an amuzing character. Yami was pretty introverted so he didn't talk much but that didn't stop him from being a easy to piss off hot head. He'd yell and assualt people if they pissed him off in the slightest even if it was an accident. You think he'd be a thug like character but I like to think of him to be closer to a Mafia Don, a boss character woth weird quirks? Honestly all I know is that he isn't a mob like character.

Our parents are also strange as well, Dad being a fisherman and all you would think that he is a calm or hardy person like a boat captain or something. Well nope he's the gorilla looking man swinging a sword around in the back hard. I've sometimes see Yami outside with our old man trying to practice his swordmanship and try to learn something called Ki. Yami will probably become as buff as dad in the future which is pretty apparant as Yami's figure is already muscular for his age.

Mother is also kinda weird. Why? Well she's absolutley beautifull and uses very polite speech and manners. It is a mystery why someone like her would end up with a gorilla I call dad. But somehow they did and our family dynamic somehow blends together perfectly.

Sometimes I overhear strange rumors in the town about our strange family. They talk about how creepy the demon child aka Yami is and how their children got beat up due to whatever small thing they did that ended up pissing him off. How the old samurai became a fisherman and is taking his anger out on the other fishermen. How a goddess is being held captive by a gorilla and demon and is trapped with her daughter. And finally how the strange family is blessed with a three year old genius as a daughter.

Anyways Yama thought her family was strange but she really loved her family. But one day that all changed as a storm came along when her brother was out fishing one day and he either drowned or was sent out to sea. Yama and her mother were very distressed over the situation while her father just wore a solemn look over his face. She remeber her father tell her that Yami had to surpass his limits and all she had to do was believe in him and he'll be fine if she did. So Yama let go of her worries and she believed that her idiot of a brother was out somewhere getting pissed at a large fish or something.

A year passed after that before another tragidy struck down on the family. The town was attacked by an outbreak of yokai and both of her parents were killed in the battle. She watched as her father cut down mobs of yokai while her mother supported him with her amazing archery. But the hoard was to large and soon enough they lost their ground and were taking heavy injuries. But somehow both her parents willed up enough strength to kill the remaining Yokai. Her memories were a bit of a blur after that as all she could focus on was the last few moments she had with her parents as they bled out.

One or two days passed by after the battle and Yama sat still infront of the shabby graves she dug and buried her parents in. Her heart bled every time she pushed the shovel in the dirt and she felt like the world was a lie when she had to put the dirt back over her parents bodies. But after that her mind just shut down as the silent tears just fell down her face as she stared at the earth. Time felt like an illusion as she didn't notice the rain that was falling on her until a large hand grabbed her shoulder.

Yama jumped up and made some distance between herself and the mystery man. He was wearing a dark blue yuukata with a large straw hat sitting atop his head. The two Katanas on his waste was proof that he was a noble. The older man appeared to be in his fourties as his face showed some wrinkles among the many scars.

"Nice to meet you young child, it is unfortunate that you have experienced such a loss but would you be kind enough to inform me what happened to the town and how an entire hoard of yokai were slaughtered. You see I am Ikeda Nashimasa of the Ikeda clan and I am on a mission to investigate what events occured a few days prior to today."

Yama just stared at the Ikeda clan member before she spoke. She explained how the mob of Yokai sent an attack during the nightime and how the city fell in only a span of a few moments. She then went over how her father and mother fought off the hoard until their last breath. The man wrote down the report in the scroll he was carrying but Yama was getting defensive as the man was raking quick peaks at her fathers sword and her mothers bow that was leaning on the wooden poles she used to mark their graves.

"Ah I recognise those weapons... which means your their child... yes that makes sense only the Wandering Kirin and Huntress of the mist could have taken on a hord of over 2000 yokai and come out victorious even if it costed their lives. Child I have a great offer for you, would you like to follow me as a student and accept me as your master?"

"Why?" Yama was curious over why the man would want her as a student.

"Well you see your parents are both legendary warriors you see. And it would dishonour both their names and my family if I left you alone on the street after giving their life to save the life of the countries people."

"Alright I accept but would you help bury my parents weapons with them I feel as if they want to be buried with their users and don't want to be passed on."

The man was a little startled but he just smiled and nodded his head. I looked away as I heard the man shovel the dirt up once more revealing my parents bodies. I heard him place the weapons down before I heard the sound of dirt being moved once agian. When all was said and done the man took me away from my hometown andoved me to a large clan a few mountains away.

Over the years Nashimasa sensei taught Yama kendo and archery. He drilled into her how one should act and how honour was important to a samurai. But he was a little let down by the fact that Yama was a very free person, she had manners of course but she woudln't show respect to somebody if they didn't respect her. She was like the wind free and uncaring, you couldn't command her to go down the path set for her because she goes wherever she feels like. Nashimasa was strict and had was very traditional but somehow the little girl even got away with her actions as he couldn't force her to adhere to his beliefs.

The girl was already ten years old and in the six years she trained with him she literally absorbed everything taught to her. She was a expert at handling her sword and a novice at using the bow. This was extremely rare, as even genius young masters struggle to even reach the novice rank when training with the best masters by the age of 14. There were seven ranks to mastering a weapon and they were Beginner, Novice, Expert, Master, Elder, Grand Elder, God/Goddess. Becoming a Novice seems simple enough but it is incredibly hard as one has to perfect all the basics to the point where there were barely any mistakes.

The girl was a genius among geniuses but the most impressive thing about her was that she remained humble. Normally people would get a big head and look down on others when they become powerfull but the girl did not. Nashimasa didn't want to strip the girl of her personality and make her something she wasn't so as long as she didn't abuse her power he left the girl alone.

At the time though he was very shocked as he started to teach her Ki. Her body was not at the level where one would be able to learn Ki but due to her reaching the rank of Expert in swordmanship she is able to percieve Ki easier allowing her to learn it. And like other things the girl picked it up very fast and was starting to intergrate it with her senses.

It was nice to know that his student was progressing quickly but she did bring her fair share of headaches to him. The first one being that she didn't respect other noble clans as much as she should. He knows that most of the time the reason for it is due to the demeaning behavior of the other noble children but it is still a headache to listen to the other clan heads bugging him.

The other thing that annoys him is the number of young suitors after the young girl. She doesn't seem to realise it but the girl is an unmistakable beauty. It is actually thanks to this beauty that has the other noble kids act arrogantly infront of her. Stupid young boys trying to impress the girl they like by showing off there riches and power, that only leads to her disliking them. The girl is smart when it comes to martial arts and politics but she is an idiot when it comes to relationships.

Nashisama would have married her off to another clan if it wasn't for her damn parents and how they'd haunt him or torture him once he died if he did. Damn them. He somehow felt that her parents would fijd a way to do it, and he has proof of that as whenever the thought crosses his mind that he should just marry her off the room gets a lot colder in a matter of seconds. So he is stuck dealing with the other clans bugging him on how to get his students attention.

Another year passed by and Yama became 11 years old. For her birthday she was gifted a Katana from he sensei. The Katana had a Red handle and sheath. It's name was Akai Fuyu which meant Red Winter. Yama had the sword always attatched on her waist at all times. She loved the sword and she could feel as if the sword had accepted her back. It was a strange thing to realise that a piece of metal had a conciousness, but then again Ki was a thing that she had that didn't exsist in her previous lifes memories.

This year she had to set out on a journey across the land in hope of becoming a Master swordsman. Sensei said she reached her limit and that the only way for her to grow further was for her to go and gain experiance out in the world. So the next morning she left the clan and began her journey around the country.

The first month she ran into a few bandit groups that she ended up taking down. It was hard to defeat them without killing them, Yama didn't have a problem woth killing a person she just felt like she didn't want to. So battles became two to three times harder then they had to but it was good practice for her. Once she beat up all the bandits she would take them to the closest town and turn them in to the guards. She was rewarded their bounties and soon word spread of a wandering female samurai.

During her second and third month of traveling she continued her bamdit hunting routine. People appreciated her efforts of cleaning up the roads as merchents were traveling between cities and towns more allowing the economy to boom in smaller towns. Yama was glad that the people treated her well but ultimately she didn't really care much.

On the fourth and fifth month of her journey she trained in a nice hidden valley she found. There was a waterfall in the valley and she spent the entire two months trying to cut the waterfall in half with a single swing. The waterfall was massive so she struggled a long time as her slashes were neother fast enough or straight enough to cut the waterfall in half. At the end of the fifth month all she could manage to do was to cut around half of the waterfall.

In the beginning of the sixth month she started to actually hear Akai Fuyu's voice. The sword taught her the subtle mistakes she was making and guided her on how to move while using the sword. Her basic Kendo stance slowly transformed into a more free flowing art withought losing it's speed. It wasn't like she lost her Kendo stance or anything she just intergrated it to make a swordstyle that fit both her and Akai Fuyu. At the end of the month she could easily cut the waterfall in half as if it was as simple as breathing.

On the seventh month she left the valley and wandered further north. Along the roads she fought even larger groups of bandits. They were a lot easier to beat but every once in awhile she would run into a strong warrior among the bandits. This one time she fought a rouge ninja and if it wasn't for her learning to break away from the tradition kendo art the enemy would have read her every move. In the end she won the fight with a few cuts here and there. When she turned the bandits in to the town nearby she had the town elder contact a ninja to come and collect the rouge.

On the eigth month of her journey it finally started to snow. She had never been so far north in her life so she was caught off guard at how much colder it got compaired to her previous home. So most of the month was used to temper her body and adjust to the colder climate.

On the ninth month she found a town that was being attacked by a nearby group of Yokai. Yama went out and tracked down the Yokai and finally found the group on a nearby mountain. She slaughtered the evil demons, but she was a bit dissapointed as these Yokai were nowhere as strong as the ones that her parents fought that fatefull day. After she killed the last Yokai the boss appeared and tried to get a sneak attack off on her. The only reason the boss failed was because Yama's Ki warned her of the incoming danger.

The demon was a Tengu a humanoid birdman. There were normally two different versions of a Tengu one where the creature resembles a humanoid crow while the other one is a red human with red skin and a long nose. The red human one also has wings and is believed to be more like a guardian than a demon. Whatever the case was this Tengu was out to kill and it was equipped with a Shakujo staff.

The Tengu was flying around and using it wings to stay out of tge range of my sword. It tried to dive down and attack whenever I showed an opening but the Tengu unfortunate not to realise that I was making those openings on purpose. As the Tengu was now in my range of attack I easily cut the bird in half using Akai Fuyu. The strangest thing happened though as unlike all of the other Yokai the Tengu's body didn't remain after death. The thing literally dissolved into some small light particles and vanished. I didn't want to think about it to hard so I returned to the town and turned in the Yokai corpses. The townsfolk threw a party in celebration and forced me to be the center of attention.

On the tenth month of my journey I decided to head to the east. Along the way I ran into a shinto priest and the man practically dragged me back to the shrine he belonged to. The man went on about the spiritual energy I had on me and I questioned the man if he meant Ki but apparently it was something else entirely. Spiritual energy was something similair to the concept of Mana that I learned about in my previous life and it was something worth learning.

Spiritual energy was in everybody but apparently some people have more than other and it manifests differently depending on the person. Ones energy could be like water while another could be like light or fire. Anyways The priest freaked out because my spirit energy was conpletely clear as if it had nothing added to it. Simply put I had a huge Mana supply and it was in it's purest state as it had no form or element. The man dragged me to the Shinto shrine to test out if I could actually train some ancient cultivation technique.

Well it turned out I could actually train the ancient mantra and well now i'm being treated like a princess. It's offputting as the miko are acting as if they are my maids and the preists or whatever have already contacted the emporer that the next Shrine maiden princess has been found. I would have left earlier to avoid all these annoying things but it turns out they already know that Nashimasa sensei taught me and if I bailed he would be punished in my stead. So I spent the next three months practicing my swordsmanship and the spirit star mantra.

The cool thing about the Spirit star mantra is that it can increase and purify your spirit energy aka mana. Apparently people are born with their maximum amount of Mana and it is nearly if not absolutely impossible to increase it. So being able to increase the purity of mana and the amount is an incredible cheat. Akai Fuyu also said that it likes the results i'm getting from the mantra as it says it feels more pleasent to synchronise with me. Well I hope that these benifits are worth whatever shit storm I feel coming my way.

On my 12th birthday I was awakened with the news that the emporer, his son, and my sensei have all arived at the shrine. The miko's all pushed me to prepare and to doll myself up at the arrival of our guests. And I refused to do so, I didn't want a bunch of powder on my face or jewlery covering my body, I just threw on a slightly altered Miko outfit and equipped Akai Fuyu to my waist. I left my room with just that not even bothering to tie up my hair much to the other womens displeasure.

When I entered the main shrine room I was greeted with a strained look from my sensei. I could clearly read the 'Why can't you not seem to be able to not draw attention to yourself?' look. And well I returned a 'Can't help it.' look, He just sighed after seeing that. Meanwhile the other two guests were observing us one was a young boy that looked like he was around thirteen or fourteen years old. He was practically licking my body with the look he was giving me it was disgusting. The older gentleman who I guess is the emporer appears to have a calm and wise aura around him. It didn't feel like the aura you get from a king but more like the feeling of a general who fought in a few to many battles. I liked the vibe the man was giving off so I had a bit of respect for the man already which is rare.

The older man took control of the atmosphere right away. "So you must be Yama-san it is nice to see such a young samurai travel throughout our lands and help us out you have my thanks."

'Hmm this guy isn't an amateur, he didn't come right out and demand something from me using his status and instead complimented me on my deeds. Any normal Samurai would feel pridefull of their accomplishments and would be flattered if the emporer recognised them too. Well to bad for him that those things mean practically nothing to me.'

"I am honoured to hear that emperor-dono but unfortunately I don't really take pride from those encounters as they just happened by chance. I can tell from your aura that you are similair to a general who has fought many battles so if it is easier for you I would prefer if you were to come out and ask me what you really want to ask."

The mans eyes flash with suprise and enjoyment while the boy next to him flips out. "You insolent girl how dare you speak to the emporer like that!"

I look at him for a second and then ignore him and fix my eyes back on the emperor raising an eyebrow as if asking 'So when are you going to tell me?'.

"Hoshi calm yourself your losing yourself face. Yama is correct and is not completely out of line she asked me as a general and not as an emperor and has saved me time by allowing me to skip over the mind games one has to play. I am quite impressed that you were able to read my intentions so quickly."

I nodded my head. "Yes it is all thanks to Nashimasa sensei he taught me how to read my opponents actions and thoughts in battle. Politics is similair to the art of war so I quickly understood you were trying to ask a request from me from your actions."

The emporer smirked a bit. "Oh and what actions would those be exactly?"

"Well first off you started the conversation first allowing you to set up the pacing of the conversation and the mood. Second you praised my achievements first instead of demanding my respect or looking down on me. By praising my actions my opionion of you would raise and following that I would assume you would compliment my sensei to keep the impression good. By showing respect to both me and my sensei any normal samurai would have been putty in your hands. Other than that I doubt you would bother to visit a samurai or priestess with your son as you have the status of emporer which would allow you to summon practically anyone to you. So the situation is strange and the look in your eyes had the look of a scheming general."

The Emperor started to clap his hand applauding my performance. "Truly you have read through my intentions." The Emperor stopped his hands and had them resume his previous stance where they were to his side.

"Well to sum things up you have aquired the status of the Shrine Maiden Princess. That means your status is comparible to my family as you are truly a rare specimen. It is said that a Shrine Maiden Princess is only born once every tenthousand years if your lucky."

The emperor's son was shocked while my sensei was nodding his head. I could see the veins poking out the side of his head, poor sensei and his migranes.

"So... what's the downside to this?"

The emporer chuckled a bit.

"Haa so you noticed, well simply you are destined to sort out the unruly Yokai across the island and then go on to subdue the four celsestial beasts."

A smile crossed my face. It was fake, you could tell, it was the face that wives would wear when husbands are screwed. The men in the room could tell as they all started to sweat at seeing my smile.

"So much work all for me how genorous of you, Should I neuter you in return as thanks." I just kept smiling as the room remained silent. The silence remained for a long minute before I stopped smiling. "Haa so it looks like even that threat won't make you give up. Fine i'll accept this mission as you were even willing to set your most precious jewls on the line. Oh and by the way I wont be taking those jewls thank you very much."

The men in the room all let out a sigh amd it seems that the emporers sun is on his knees panting for air. 'Did I release killing intent? Oops.'

So the emporer and his son left soon after that and went back to the capital. Sensei stayed behind and he started to teach me more about swordsmanship. He kicked my ass for a good month before he said I was ready to head out on my next journey.

My first destination was to go North and to fight the Black warrior otherwise known as the Black Turtle. It took a month to find the damn thing and let me tell you it's a pretty big turtle. The thing was as big as a two storie building and you wouldn't think that a turtle could be ripped but let me tell you this thing looked like it was benching woth Godzilla.

The turle woke up when I approached it and it smirked at me arrogantly. I gave the turtle a bow as I already knew it was a warrior due to its title. After that I withdrew Akai Fuyu and charged at the turtle. I slashed at it's neck but it was expecting this as it retracted it into its shell and snapped at me now that it's face was directly infront of me. I stabbed Akai Fuyu out and had the tip of the katana stab into the turtle snout. Using the katana as levrage I pulled my body up redirecting myself saving me from getting chopped on. Now that I was stamding on the turtles snout I ripped Akai Fuyu out of the turtles skin and I ran up to the turtles eyes.

The turtle closed it's eyes as it didn't want to lose it. I slashed at the turtles eyelids nut it turns out that the turtles eyelids had some kind of exoskeleton on it which would be cool if I wasn't fighting it to the death. The turtle didn't like me on it's face so it started to thrash it's head in every direction as it tried to throw me off. I stabbed Akai Fuyu into the turtles snout as I felt that if I fell of now I wouldn't be able to get back on it. It was a miracle that I could even stab the turtle here as the rest of the body was covered completely in an exoskeleton like armor.

I had to do something and do it fast as there was no way I could win a battle of endurance with the turtle. The turtle raised it's head up and let out a large roar, and before I knew it my instincts took over as I felt my body flip up and dive straight into the Turtle's mouth. I charged Akai Fuyu with all of my Ki and Spirit Energy as I sent a storm of slashes as I went deeper into the Turtles throat. Finally I released my biggest slash yet using the last of my Ki and Spirit energy.

The slash cut through the bottom of the turtles throat straight through it. It appears that the turtle didn't have any plating covering it's throat which is why it protected it first in the battle. Anyways I fell through the gap I created and left the inside of the turtle as I fell and hit the dirt below me. I couldn't move a muscle in my body but I kept my grip firmly ok Akai Fuyu's handle. The turtle's blood was black, as black as an abyse, my clothes were also died black in it's blood along with my katana.

The turtle looked at me with it's purple eyes and it smirked at me once more but this time it was missing the arrogant look it wore before. I tried to get up but my body wouldn't move an inch but I stopped struggling when I heard a voice in my head.

"You have proven that you are brave. Infront of an industructable wall you continued to charge forward to defeat your enemy. The only way to beat me was to throw your life away on a chance and that is exactly what you did. Young warrior I will give you and your sword my blessing as you have proven yourself."

The Turtle then started to disinagrate into the same light particles that the Tengu I once defeated did. The Turtle dissapeared completely all except for it's blood. The pond worth of black blood all rushed into Akai Fuyu's blade. The blood slowly dissapeared into the Katana and when all was saud and done the blade looked exactly the same as before.

I asked Akai what was different about it and it claimed that it's blade felt like it was industructable. So somehow the blade was enchanted so that it's durability is nearly industrutable. On the other hand I felt both my Spiritual energy and Ki increase by a huge sum. I spent the rest of the day to silently meditate so that I could gain control over my new Ki and Spiritual energy so that I wouldn't have problems with it later on.

A week passed and I woke up from my meditative sleep and I practically felt reborn. It was a cool feeling but I had to head out to the west to my next target, the white tiger. I spent two months travelling moving west. Over the two months I hunted down more Yokai and I defeated even more bandit groups.

'Now that I think of it why don't I have any guards? I mean apparently me exsistance is a miracle so wouldn't the normal course of actions lead to being assighned protection?' I looked around and I tried to sense if anyone was around the area but I couldn't feel anything around me. but suddenly due to my shit luck a blur of white swiped over my head.

I couldn't move my body fast enough to get out of the way but I was skilled enough to quickdraw Akai Fuyu and use it's blade to block most of the impact. I was sent catapulting back into the trees behind me. 'Holy shit am I lucky that the Black Turtle's blood increased Akai's durability otherwise both of us would have been torn apart.'

I quickly picked myself off of the floor and I got into a fighting stance. The white blur from before was gone, probably hiding somewhere. It wasn't hiding due to fear it was hiding as if it were stalking me, like a hunter of some sort. 'Ah I got it! The White Tiger!'

I kept my mind clear as I slowly made my way to the center of the clearing in the forest. Trying to hide from the Tiger in it's habitat was palin suicide so right now this would be the best thing at the moment. Seconds passed and soon seconds turned into minutes which then became hours. I faked letting my body relax as I suddenley felt a gust of wind rush towards my backside. I reversed my grip on Akai Fuyu and I stabbed the blade backwards.

The blade went straight through the tigers heart but the attack wasn't free as I had to pay it for two large slash wounds on my back. I pulled Akai out of the Tiger and I turned around to face the creature. The Tiger had a bloodthirsty smile on it's face and once again I heard a voice invade my head.

"Haha how amusing. The Prey became the Hunter and the Hunter became the Prey. You showed a great amount of patience and you struck with precision and speed. Well done young Huntress I will bless both you and your blade, happy hunting."

Then once again the Celestrial beast turned into light particles and it's blood rushed into the blade of Akai Fuyu. The katana became Much lighter and faster as if it was weightless but it still had the same amount of force in each hit as it did before. I also got the same power boost as before so I had to spend a week to regain control over my Ki and Spiritual Energy.

When I woke up I found that my wounds were healed up without scarring so I continued my journey south. On the way a ran into a Kyubi that was using illusions on a town close to my original hometown. I killed the beast after a tough battle with it and it also dissapeared into light particles. I didn't understand why some Yokai would turn into the light particles while others would remain as corpses. I'm pretty sure that the Celestrial animals would all turn into the light particles but why would the Tengu and Kyubi turn into them as well?

Anyways Another three months passed by and I finally reached the area that the Red Bird otherwise known as the phoenix lives. I didn't spot it after a few days of searching for it so I spent my time to train my swordsmanship further. I was currently at the Master swordsman realm and I was getting close to breaching the Elder swordsman realm. The problem I was having with it though was that I didn't understand any law of the sword.

It's similair to trying to find a new color in the rainbow. You can see the rainbow and the seven colors it has but is there something there that I can't see. A new eigth color that I can't see but is still there. I know it sounds stupid and that it's something a high hippee would say but apparently it's there. So I spent a good three months meditating and practicing the sword until one day I finally understood what it meant.

The Rainbow didn't have an eigth color but it's originates from the color white. (Technically White is a shade.) The same goes with my sword, I've been thinking that when I slash and stab my sword that they are completely different. Which in a way they were but at the same time they aren't. Slashing a sword is completely different then stabbing my sword. If you imagine the different attacks while using the sword as colors it makes sense that they all are different. But in the end the attacks all originate from my sword just like how the colors all originate from white light. To become a Sword elder I had to focus my intent on the sword and not on my attacks.

At that moment Yama broke through the Swordmaster realm and became a Swordelder by understanding the law if Origins. It was a great moment for the girl but at the same time it garnered the attention of a certain Red Bird.

In less then ten minutes a Phoenix appeared on the horizon and quickly dive bombed the young Sword elder. Yama dodged the Phoenix barely and she peered up at the bird. Unlike the other Celestrial beasts the Phoenix had no reason to give Yama any time to think as it imeadiatly let out a large fireball aimed at Yama. The girl rolled her body to the side avoiding the large ball of fire.

She charged her katana up with Spiritual energy and her newly found sword intent and slashed at the Phoenix. The sword slash that was cutting through the air suddenly dupicated itself as a second sword slash appeared infront of the first sword slash. Both the Phoenix and Yama were surprised at this as Yama didn't swing Akai Fuyu a second time so there was nothing that would have made a second slash.

The Phoenix defended against the first slash by shooting a compressed ball of fire at it but it failed to block the second slash that came afyer that. The Phoenix was hurt but the giant slash across it's chest quickly burst into flames and healed the wound instantly.

The Phoenix wasn't feared for it's strength or speed but it was most feared due to it's regeneration. Yama knew this but she was still stressed over the fact that harming it is still quite the challenge. She was really lucky when she defeated bothe the White Tiger and the Black Turtle. Both battles she had to resort to gambling with an all or nothing attack. The first one leaving her tire beyond belief while the second one left her with claws inches away from any fatal injuries.

Even though she killed the two of them, even though she became a sword elder she was still weak. Too weak. Why is she even going out of her way and trying to defeat the Celestial beasts. She wasn't indebted to the Emporer, and she wasn't looking to gain the attention from others so why?

The phoenix screached out a cry as it cut off the surrounding area by creating a giant circle of fire around Yama. The bird then started to send a large amount of small fireballs flying at Yama. The girl cut through most of the fireballs and dodged the ones she couldn't cut. But alas the girl wasn't perfect she was still struck by a few fireballs here and there when she failed to dodge them.

The smell of charred flesh filled her nose as the pain of moving any of her limbs literally felt like every nerve was beings stabbed by hundreds of small needles. 'Why did she have to deal with this kind of pain? Why was she even still alive? What did she even have left to live for she was all alone there was no one left. Sure she had her Sensei but the man wasn't family he was just her master. She had no friends, no dreams, nothing sje was only living each day to get to the next one.'

The phoenix dive down to deliver a slash with it's talon. Yama tried to move out of the way, she tried to block the attack but her limbs just wouldn't move. The Phoenix ripped her body apart using its talon, from her right shoulde down to the left side of her waist was three deep slash wounds. The girls flesh was burned off as some of her ribs were staight up crushed and torn out of her body. The girl was slowly bleeding out as the wounds were mostly cauterized due to the heat of the talons.

Her vision was blurry she could barely make out the Katana in her hand. Pain she couldn't feel pain anymore, that feeling was turned off as it exceeded her limit. 'Huh that word is kinda familiar. Limit what was that from again?'

A memory flashed through her head as she remembered her gorrilla of a dad tell her that her brother was going to be fine as he was going to surpass his limits.

'That's right i'm not alone. Yami-Onichan is still out there right now surpassing his limits.' The girl tightened her grip on Akai Fuyu's handle as she balanced herself up while leaning on her blade. 'So what if I'm at my limit and that I'll probably die.' She crouched her body lower as she held up her blade as she faced the Phoenix. 'I guess all I can really do at this point is to surpass my limits so I can see Yami again.'

The girl then sent dozens upon dozens of sword slashes at the Phoenix. Each blade was filled with a large amount of spirit energy and sword intent. Each sword slash then created an equally as powerfull sword slash of there own doubling the amount of sword slashes. As Yama became a sword elder from understanding the law of the origin each of her sword slashes filled with sword intent will then go on to create the same attack afterwards.

Hundreds of strong sword slashes hit tge Phoenix destroying every inch of it's body, even when the entire phoenix burst into flames to rebirth it's body it was still assualted with sword slashes. Slowly the flames were choked out as there was no more fuel for the fire to use to burn.

Yama's body collapsed as she felt her mind slowly drift away she thought she heard a voice but it was to hard to hear and she passed out.

A month passed by and on a mountain on the southern end of a island country a girls body lay there. The girls body was glowing in a bright red light that was beginning to dim down. The girl was Yama and the light was the use of the remaining powers of the Phoenix she fought. The bird was amazed at the sheer will power the girl possesed to continue her attacks even when everything was hopeless. So the Phoenix transferred her powers over to the girl which reconstructed the girls body a bit.

Each of the Celestrial Beasts blessings helped at changing Yama's body. The turtle made Yama's durability increase slightly, while the White Tiger made her body more nimble. But the Red Bird affected her body by a lot due to the circumstance. As Yama's body was nearly destroyed the Phoenix's power recreated the body almost by scratch. It didn't give her super strenght or imortality or anything like that. What it did change was thar her looks changed from a very beautifull girl to a walking goddess. It fixed the slight imperfections she once had.

Her body was now more feminine as the muscles she developed over the year were somehow compressed to the point where she has the thin long arms of a model but the power of a body builder. The girl would forever have a body that would remain like a model while her muscles would never appear. Sort of like the case Akai Fuyu had when it gained it's ability from the White Tiger.

Anyways Other than her new look the girl gained a slightly faster healing factor. The blessings earned from defeating the celestrial beasts weren't the changes with Yama's body or the increase of Spiritual energy or Ki but something else she hasn't discovered.

Yama woke up to find that she was alive and that she had no scarring or injuries on her body. She went to observe herself in the reflection off the lake nearby. She was suprised at the changes but she was just happy to be alive. Oh also Akai Fuyu also took in a drop of the Phoenix's blood and now it can slowly repair any damage it has recieved on it's own.

So Yama went down the mountain and snuck into a nearby town. Did she mention that she was naked? Nope. Well oops sorry fire will burn away clothes and it wasn't like she had any spares on her. So Yama Stole a Black kimono with a white sakura petal design that covered the botom left of the kimino. Once she was dressed she properly made her appearance and bought the Kimono off of the tailor who was selling it.

Yama was slightly unsettled at the look everyone was giving her. They were all staring at her with amazement and the mens gazes were filled with a lot of lust. So Yama also bought a large black cloak so she could hide her face from the others view. Finishing the look with Akai Fuyu being strapped to her waist she looked pretty good.

She quickly left the town soon after as she heard the rumor that a goddess has descended down to their town. Yama not wanting to deal with that shit went on to travel to the east. A fortnight later Yama ran into a group of Yokai being led by a Kappa. She quickly killed them all of and the Kappa suprisingly turned into light particles. Yama gave up at guessing what that ment and she just continued on her way east.

A month later Yama found a cave close to where the Azure dragon apparently lived. She could go off and fight the dravon but she knew that she was not strong enough to fight it and she was done with her suicidal attacks. So Yama spent an entire year cultivating and working out her body.

During the year of training her body strengthened a lot but it looked exactly the same, minus the changes to her three sizes. Her Spiritual energy became a lot more pure and the total amount increased by the amount she gets when she defeats a celestrial beast, which is around 1/4th the amount of spiritual energy the beast has. So right now Yama technically has the same amount of spiritual energy as a Celestrial beast.

Yama left the cave and she headed towards the peak of the mountain that the azure dragon slept on. Alongbthe waybshe ran into a Kirin, the horse dragon charged a lightning bolt at her and attacked her. Yama just withdrew Akai Fuyu and cut the lightning bolt inhalf along with the Kirin itself. The Kirin slowly burst into the same old light particles.

A few hours later Yama finally reached the top of the mountain and she walked up to the large snake dragon. The dragon woke up as Yama sent out her spiritual pressure to anounce her precense to the dragon. The Azure dragon twisted up and took flight into the sky and peered down to look at her.

"You have done well to get this far young warrior. I thank you for anouncing your precense to me as if you didn't you would have never earned my blessing. All I want is a battle, one that can make my blood rush as I haven't let loose in forever."

Yama nodded her head in agreement. "I will accept the challenge." She grabbed Akai Fuyu's handle and she withdrew the blade and got into her fighting position. The dragon flew up into the sky and then sent a powerfull body tackle at Yama. Yama avoided the dive bomb relatively easily as the dragon wasn't as fast as the White Tiger. However she was flung into the air as the impact from the dragon crashing into the earth created a huge tremor that literally compressed half of the mountain into the ground.

Yama fell on the end of the dragon amd she ran up it's snake like body as she dragged her Katana through the dragons scales on her way up. The dragons scales were sharp and durable as even Akai was taking a small amount of damage from cutting the scales apart. Bjt the blade was fine thanks to the Phoenix's blood allowing the blade to fix itself.

The dragon shouted in pain as it was being sliced apart so it flew up once more a slammed itself into the ground only this time it burrowed itself into the ground like a worm. Yama had to jump off of the dragon before she was dragged underground and crushed. Once she was on the ground she took the chance to observe her surroundings. She couldn't see the dragon as it was underground while the rest of the scenery just looked like a mountain that was cut cleanly in half.

But the scenery didn't remain that way for long as a bunch of giant trees sprouted of the ground and launched towards the sun. Yama was shocked at the sight but the next thing she saw completely took her for a spin. The Azure dragon popped out blow one of the trees and started to wrap around it and used it as a rale to grind itself to the top of the trees. The dragon then swept its tail in a provacative manner, and suddenly all of the trees bent to all point directly at Yama.

They then all shot out each tree similair to an arm punching out at the girl. Yama couldn't really do much other than to try and dodge the trees by jumpimg on the last tree that punched out. Seeing that her plan wouldn't hold out as the trees were getting harder to land on, she instead focused a lot of spiritual energy into her legs so she could propel her body up to the dragon in the sky.

She shot up like a rocket and she appeared infront of the dragons face in an instant. She charged up all of her spiritual energy amd sword intent into her sword and she sent out a sword slash at the dragon. The Dragon also recognised that it was time to release his final attack as he charged up all his energy as he charged at the girls slash while he had a spiky spiritual filled wooden helmet appear on his head.

The helmet charging dragon and the sword slash collided. The first sword slash slowly cut into the dragon while the second sword slash formed behind the first. When the first sword slash disappeared the second sword slash mad contact with the helmet and continued to penetrate where the last cut left off. The second slash slowly lost all of its power and finally died out just after it finished cutting through the helmet.

Although the helmet was gone the dragon was still there and it was still heading directly towards Yama.

"Haha sorry girl it looks like I win. You should feel honoured that you were able to cut through my helmet as that wood was as strong as diamond."

The dragon continued it's charge and was only 5 yards away from hitting Yama when suddenly a third sword slash materialised infront of the defensless girl. The third sword slash went straight through the dragon cutting him in half. The momentum of the dragon still had his body fly forwards but luckily for Yama the sword slash had created a narrow path where the parrallel corpse of the dragon flew by. When Their bodies hit the ground she heard another voice in her head.

"Shishishi I didn't see that one coming. You were all like oh no! and I was like haha to bad I win! and then we were both like what the fuck! Hahaha rhat was the best! You have my blessing young one that was the most blood rushing battle I've had in eons."

The dragons body slowly dissapeared into the light particles and she felt a large amount of spiritual energy enter her body. Normally she would get around 1/4th oth the total amount of spiritual energy that the celestrial beasts have, but it turns put that the damn dragon gave her all of his spiritual energy.

Yama's body collapsed as it couldn't take the spiritual pressure her body was giving off as the energy ran rampant. Having half of the amount if spiritual energy run uncontrolled and rampant in your body is fatal especially when you're dealing with a huge amount of energy. So Yama's body was destroying and reconstructing itself continously for an entire year until finally she gained full control over her spiritual energy.

When I woke up I knew how much time passed and how that stupid bastard of a dragon almost killed me as a reward. Like seriously the fuck? Is he an idiot among the celestial beast or is he just a sore loser. hahhh I wonder what changed with Akai Fuyu.

I grabbed my Katana and asked the blade what was different with it and it told me that it could now multiply the force it excerted by 3 times the original amount without me having to feel the equal amount of force exceted back at me. Which is a freaking cheat! Banzai!

I picked myself up off of the ground and I made my way towards the capital city. Once there all I had to do was go into the palace and see the final celestial beast the golden dragon. From what I remember I don't actually have to foght it and that it would actually grant any wish I have within limits.

So It took me a month to reach the capital city. I didn't even bother to go through the entrance gate as I just leaped over the wall. The next thing I did was that I went around the city and I bought a lot of different Kiminos that looked nice. The final thing I did was take a quick hello and goodbye at the local Shinto shrine, I grabbed a few Miko outfits and then left.

Finally I walked up to the palace and entered through the front door. A few guards tried to stop me so I just knocked them out as I proceeded to walk by them. Once inside the palace I ignored the rich architecture and just went towards the throne room. When I got in the throne room I recognised the prince sitting on the throne acting as if he was emporer. Wait did Japan ever have a throne for their emporer? Well whatever that's Japan and this is somewhere else extremely similair.

The prince noticed my appearance as he jumped up in his seat. "Hey who do you think you are to enter the throne room withought my permission!"

'Seriously is that the best you can say to hide your embarassment at playing king?'

Yama took her hood down and revealed her face to the young prince which garnered a gasp and an annoying lustful gaze on her.

"Well my mission was to defeat the Celestial beasts then come to the Palace and to speak to the Golden dragon."

The young prince woke up from his gross pervy daydream and he gained a smirk on his face. "Very good but unfortunately you still have no right to be in the throne room without permission so i'm afraid we'll have to execute you. But I can make an exeption this time for you if you agree to become one of my wives."

I just kept the neutral look on my face as I approached the young prince.

"Ah yes it looks like you understand what is good for you quick come over here and serve your future emporer."

I stood infront of the idiot with his arms wide open and I graced his lips with the skin of my knuckles. The stupid prince was sent flying through the throne and into the back of the room. He was out cold but luckily for me I noticed that there was a passage under the destroyed throne which led to the Golden dragon.

And finally after three years I have finally finished my journey. Infront of me stood a majestic golden dragon, he was different from the azure dragon by a lot. The Azure dragon was a blue snake dragon that had green eyes and large antlers on his head along with catfish whiskers on his face. The Golden dragon on the other hand was an eastern dragon with golden scales and silver eyes. He had silver horns on his head and a paor of wings on his back.

"So you have finally finished your journey young princess. Thank you for all of your hard work I have never seen a princess like you before."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well you see normally the princesses have a hero or sometimes an army take down the celestial beasts for them as it is to high of a feat for them to do it alone. All that was required was your precense and all would have been good."

"Wait so I didn't have to fight those beasts by myself what the fuck!!! Why did nobody tell me, no wait why didn't the Emporer send anyone to help me what the heck!"

"Ahhh so it really seems to be that you didn't know. Well to fill you in I assume the Emporer didn't spare you any guards to help you as right now the country is on the verge of a civil war and sparing one man would be difficult for him. What a fool if you did fail and end up dead the beasts would have destroyed the entire country regardless of who was ruling it."

"Haaa my luck is shit."

"Don't get to depressed, because you defeated each celestial beast on your own you gained a huge amount of power compared to what the other princesses get."

"Really? how much does one normally get?"

"Around 1/100th of their power."

I jumped in shock. "Seriously I got a fourth from each of the beasts minus the damn sore loser of a dragon.

The golden dragon burst into laughter. "Haha yeah That little squirt can never take a loss lying down. Anyways What would you like as your wish?"

"Wait I have a question if a princess only appears once every million years how does that work exactly?"

"What who said that? A princess appears every two to three hundred years. Maybe a princess who defeats all of the Celestial beasts by herself only appears every million years but other than that they are fairly spread out."

"Ahhhhh! I feel like everyones been lying to me!!!" Overdramatic tears started to fall down my face."

"Haha yeah that's unfortunate. Maybe a wish would make you feel better?"

"Haaa yeah I guess so. I wish that I can be teleported close to my brother so I can see him again."

"Alright I can do that. Infact I'll help you out a bit extra as a sorry for all the crap you had to deal with."

"Really thanks."

"Yeah anyways i'll teleport you to a place where some of your questions will be answered, and in half a year take you need to take the magic knights test that's where you'll meet your brother."

"Magic knights test? what is tha--" Suddenly a giant ruin circle covered the floor and teleported Yama across the world and suddenly she was rolling down the side of a grassy hill.

When she reached the bottom of the hill her face was planted straight into the ground and her hood was once again flung over her head. She raised her head to see two teens around her age fist bumping eachother while they each held a book in their other hand.

"What the @?$*" She wasn't allowed to finish that sentence either as a grimoire flew out the wall of the building and smacked her head back into the dirt garnering the attention of the other two boys. The books cover had a white five pointed star that had a blue background that was covered in the japanese wave pattern.

And that was how it all began and the tale of the magic knight Yama started.

Holy shit that took forever to write. I hope you enjoyed the prolouge. At first I was just going to skip it and just add in small flash backs here and there but someway or another I pushed myself to write this instead.

There were probably lots of incorrect things involved with how the Rising sun country was set up but whatever creative freedom hate if you want but I was never taught Japanese history so I won't act like I know it.