
Miraculous Ladybug does not belong to me neither as the songs that I might or might not use for this story.

This is set on the Frozer episode as starter point, for what I am going to (try to) achieve with the story I will start with lines from the episode and change it according to what the story will need.

I'd like to say that the story was already being written before Day of the Heroes and 3rd season episodes and reveals.

I will try to adapt some things from the story to fit with the series but might as well continue with what I originally thought so it may differ with the original show storyline.

Chapter 1: The Ice Rink.

What on earth was going on her head when she mentioned about going with Adrien to the ice rink?

All of this was a huge mess. How was she supposed to go help Adrien on a date? How would she get out of it? Most importantly, did she really wanted to get out of it? Just by thinking about it she already knew the answer.

Adrien did seem relieved after her statement and she was not that selfish to deny the help to him when he needed her.

Alya and her friends were talking about the matter giving her ideas and support, it's not like they were anything else but friends. So that's exactly what she said to her friends, but even after explaining them, they just didn't get it. And with all the arguing and noise from them, she really needed to get some fresh air.

She was too deep into her thoughts to notice her surroundings, that's why she jumped at the sound breaking the silence.

"Do you feel kinda like this?" The voice startled her for a bit. But the soft, soulful tune Luka was playing seemed fit for her situation.

"Personally, I think a girl like you deserves to feel more like…" Luka played a happier and livelier tune, sending a warm feeling to her heart. "And whoever made you feel this way, is nothing but a …" Luka made a little drift. She couldn't help the giggles.

"Thanks, Luka." He continued playing a soft tune and that's when it hit her. Maybe she didn't need to face the issue by herself?. Maybe she could lean for support in the person who was right beside her. And maybe…

"Say, are you free tomorrow?"

A few miles away, a boy in golden hair was walking nervously through his room, throwing stuff inside the sports bag.

"Adrien, are you sure you want to go with THAT girl? She is emotionless! I took you for the insufferable mellow kind of guy."

The little voice did not distract the boy from his business, now preparing for bed.

"Plagg, she is not emotionless, she is just very focused. Also, she might be right, I need to change targets. However…"

"Whatever you're about to say, better Include camembert."

"Kagami has some resemblance with Ladybug, don't you think?"

"Adrien, you seriously can't be so blind!"

"What did you say?"

The little floating cat didn't expect to have said that out loud. Tikki would totally kill him if he said anything. And no one wants to see the little kwami angry, sweet, kind and everything but she was scary and dangerous when she was mad.

"That you need to ease your mind. Also, wasn't that girl akumatized before? How would she be in two places?"

"Ladybug had other friends I didn't meet before so she could have asked Rena to make an illusion to get Hawkmoth off her track."

"I don't think the illusion power works out like that. Stop plotting and get me my dinner. Your crazy conspiration ideas are getting me hungry."

Having Luka near made her a bit less nervous. But she just could not stop the stumper when Adrien got close to her.

"It was really cool of you to bring Luka, Marinette."

"Of course, that's what friends are for."

"I don't know what to do about Kagami. Should I offer to hold her hand?"

He was looking just too amazing and dreamy but asking her what to do was pushing her buttons.

"You have to let her fall."


What was I thinking that I could do this? I obviously can't Her mind was running fast to try to fix her mistake and her quick words were as fast as her mind.

"No! What I actually meant was … that you can not let her fall in any way. Do whatever you can so she doesn't fall, so yeah grab a hold of her hand and take her into the ice…"

Marinette was speaking and gesturing so quickly that she didn't realize she tied wrongly her laces and was falling, till she felt some arms breaking her fall.

She didn't pay much attention to whatever Luka was saying. She was caught up in the surprise of having him taking care of her and got lost on his eyes for a brief moment. But followed Luka to the rink with still the puzzled look in her face.

Luka was really a talented skater and she was unable to take her eyes off of him. It was just nice to receive the attention she wanted from someone else.

She saw Kagami and Adrien entering the rink holding hands and sadness hit her. Apparently too literal as she was falling again. Except that she never touched the ice because once again the hands of Luka caught her.

"Are you ok?"

"Uh huh" Looking at him made her heart skip a beat. The movements together came out so naturally. Like if they had been doing this forever.

And for a brief moment, a very odd thought crossed her mind. Could he be? Could Luka be her masked partner? She discarded the thought as quick as it came. That couldn't be right, he was taller than Chat, he was not blonde and the personality didn't match.

Luka was too sweet to be that silly flirtatious cat.

The skating coach interrupted her thoughts and spoiled the moment trying to get Luka into professional skating. But she got curious about what Luka said. A brand new song to write? She was well aware that his eyes didn't leave hers while saying that. It made her smile.

And she didn't know how could Luka lift her up with such ease… her confusion shifted to a freedom feeling, somehow it was different from the freedom of jumping through the roofs. It felt like flying but more carefree.

When he pulled her down she noticed their movements were in sync. She could feel her cheeks burn when her hand hold Luka's.

She was not really paying attention to the other couple till Kagami pulling Adrien caught her eye and she got distracted. Her heart was feeling more pain than her body did when she crashed to the ring walls.

"Are you ok?"

"Are you ok?"

She lifted her eyes to see the two boys standing in front of her ready to help her. She was immediately drawn to take Adrien's hand. But she was there with Luka, who had been just the sweetest with her today.

It was the hardest decision and it broke her heart but Adrien was there with Kagami.

Before she could take Luka's hand the coach appeared to try getting Adrien into signing, but the mayor interrupted.

Kagami seemed annoyed when she spoke.

"Get up. The only reason you can't stay on your feet is your hesitation. I never hesitate."

She took in those words. Kagami was right. Around Adrien, she was always a tangle of nerves and she couldn't even speak. With Luka, she was more like herself even if her heart kept pulling her towards Adrien.

Suddenly she was not in the mood for skating.

"Marinette, are you ok?"

"I think I hurt myself. It's probably best if we call it a day."

She began walking out when she heard a voice calling her.

"Marinette wait. I'll come with you. If you're not feeling good I should make sure you get home safely."

"Thank you, Luka. I'll go pick up my shoes."

She wanted to be alone but it would be rude to leave Luka behind. After all, it was she who asked him to come. She was putting her shoes on when she saw the Akuma.

"Luka, I'm not feeling that good I think I did hit myself really hard, could you please get me something from the Pharmacy nearby?"

She had to keep Luka to a safe distance from the rink if an akuma attack was on the move.

"I think I should call your parents and take you to the doctor."

"I'll be okay, but could you get me the medicine, please?"

"Okay, I'll see you outside."

She ran into the bathroom to call for her transformation but Adrien was talking on the other side she was not really listening but he said she had to hide. She realized everything was starting to get frozen. She had to transform but she might need a little more power

"Tikki, power up."

"Stalac Tikki"

"Stalac Tikki, Spots on!"

Her new suit was protecting her from the cold and gave her a pretty pair of skates.

She got out just to see everything turned into ice. She looked around for her friends. Didn't took long to find Luka frozen while trying to go back to the ice rink. He had a concerned look in his face. She was coming outside from trying to find Adrien. But she couldn't, neither did she found Kagami. They were probably somewhere together.

She needed to fight this out as soon as possible and free them from the akuma.

She climbed up the roofs and spot Chat Noir but he was acting strangely. He was being so cold. Which perfectly fit the atmosphere.

"Please don't tell me you're mad at me about the rose."

"There may be a certain chill between us."

"I get it but we should focus on saving Paris right now."

Chat Noir was really stubborn and she was really not in the mood. She was thinking of a plan and was being distracted on her thoughts. Her body was moving on its own. She was not attentive to her surroundings.

If it wasn't for Chat's quick action, she would have ended up smashed. She was glad to have her partner back with her and promptly recognized he was right. Ladybug knew that she needed Chat to work everything out. They were an unstoppable team. And they needed each other.

Chat seemed to understand that quickly too. Because working together with her charm and his cataclysm they broke the skates and purified the akuma.

But shortly after their "Pound It" Ladybug found herself hurrying back into the rink. Didn't even stayed to talk to Chat. She needed to make sure Luka, Adrien and Kagami were fine after all this mess.

They took a few selfies. One that she kept on her phone of the four of them. It was a good picture. Despite the fact that Kagami was standing too close to Adrien.

After that, she stayed to talk to the coach. Then she turned to see him walking Kagami to the car and shortly after she was placing a kiss in Adrien's lips before leaving.

She felt like the salt dissolved the thin ice she was standing on and letting her fall into the freezing cold water.

A/N: Hello! This is the very first Fanfic I've decided to publish. Your reviews and feedback are greatly appreciated. I hope you like the story and don't hate me too much. I promise everything I do is to achieve a goal. Please, no ship wars.

A/N 2.0: Thank you for the feedback, I tried to correct what you kindly noted me and I'm changing the style for the next chapters.