Day 7 – "Quiet Morning"

"Honeeeyy…" Mighty groggily moaned, "Don't you have to go to work..?"

"It's Sunday, sweetie," Honey replied sweetly and snuggled closely into her lover's chest.

The armadillo reached under his shell and rubbed at his aching head. "Eyugh… What happened last night?"

"You had a little too much 'fun' at Sonic's party. We even had a little celebration of our own in his jacuzzi. Remember?"

"How did we end up back home..?"

"Vector gave us a ride. You were in no condition to drive."

"Oh…." Mighty threw the blanket over his head and rolled over onto his side in an attempt to capture some sleep. "I guess we're going to have to go back to Sonic's to pick my car back up…"

Honey threw her arm over his body and held him close, burying her face into his shell. "Later, babe," she murmured, "I'm too tired, and my stomach is doing flips. Doesn't help I was throwing up last night too.

"No more alcohol mix with nachos…" Mighty grumbled, "God, it feels like a semi-truck slammed right into me…" He glanced over his shoulder at the cat, "Though I didn't even see you touch a drop last night. Why are you so hungover?"

Honey gave a mischievous smile. "I don't feel too good either, but who says it's because I'm hung-over?" She pulled herself closer to Mighty, leaned in towards his ear, and gently whispered, "It's because I'm pregnant."

A/N: And that's that. I'm so evil for ending it there. XD