This was a 7-Day challenge from deviantArt, but since I left, this got deleted, so I'm reuploading here at .

Also, this place needs more Mighty/Honey...


Day 1 – "Monday Blues"

*breep* *breep* *breep*

Honey groggily reached over and slammed her palm on the sleep button before rolling over in bed, curling into Mighty's chest.

The armadillo, half asleep himself, instinctively wrapped his arms around his significant other's body and pulled her close. "Don't you have to go in today…?" he sleepily muttered.

"Uh huh…" Honey replied quietly, before slipping back into sleep. Mighty wasn't far behind.

Nine minutes later…

*breep* *breep* *breep*

Honey slapped the sleep button again and rolled back over. Mighty let out a big yawn and hugged Honey closer. "You should probably get up now…"

"Five more minutes…"

Nine minutes later…

*breep* *breep* *breep* *breep* *breep*

Honey stubbornly tried ignoring the alarm and laid in bed with Mighty. After a while though, the constant beeping got to the best of the armadillo himself, and he was the one to reach over and slam it off… a little too hard… and now the alarm clock was broken.

"Oops…" Mighty slowly pulled back and laid down, "Guess that means you should get up now…"

"Hrrm…" Honey muttered something incoherent, but remained in bed.

"C'mon, Honey," Mighty spoke softly, "I know you're tired, but you don't want to be late for work."

"I'm the boss, I can be as late as I wanna…"

"No, dear, you need to set a good example so your employees can respect you."

"They already do… I give them free dresses, don't I…?"

Mighty had the urge to shove Honey out of bed. That oughta get her up and at 'em… but she'd also be pretty upset. She wasn't much of a morning person as it was. Why make her mad at him the entire day?

And he had to face facts- he too wanted Honey to stay in bed with them so he could cuddle with her some more.

But morality was a strong one in him.

"I love you Honey," he murmured in her ear, "But you have to get up. You have to go to work."

Honey grumpily twisted away and buried her face in her pillow. "Easy for you to say!" she grunted, "You don't have a job!"

Oh… Good point…

"Okay…" Mighty threw off the blanket and tossed it on the floor. "I'll get up with you."

Honey curled her knees to her chin, trying to maintain some warmth. She turned around for Mighty and his body heat, but he was already out of bed and heading to the door. He gave her a little smirk. "C'mon, Honey. I'll make coffee, and then keep you warm on the couch."

Honey smiled herself, liking that idea. She didn't want to get out of bed, but she REALLY didn't want to freeze. So she forced herself to roll out of bed, slowly stand straight, and scanned the floor for her discarded nightwear. They really needed to keep love-making on the weekend, and not on a work night…

Finding what she needed, she snagged it and forced it over her body before stepping out of the bedroom, and releasing another big yawn. "I hate Mondays…"