Eragon let Arathorn have a brief break from training because there was something Eragon wanted to do. He reached into Saphira's saddlebags and pulled out the mirror that he had brought with him. Now that they'd found a place where they could train new riders, he decided to Contact Nasuada to tell her. He held the mirror and said, "draumr kópa" (dream stare) the mirror turned white for a moment and then an image of one of the rooms in Nasuada's castle appeared and the person in front of the mirror was one of the many people Eragon missed every day.

It was Jörmundur, He had a slightly surprised look on his face clearly surprised to hear from Eragon. he said, "Shadeslayer, it is nice to see you again. What has happened to you these past months? We haven't had any news since you left,"

Eragon replied, "if you can go find Nasuada I will tell you,"

As Jörmundur left to find Nasuada a wave of homesickness hit Eragon as he thought about everyone he had left behind. Most of all he missed Arya the only woman he had ever loved. He knew that Saphira also missed Fírnen. Eragon knew he shouldn't dwell on such thoughts, that they would only upset him, but it was hard not to think about those he had left behind. As he was trying to calm his thoughts Jörmundur returned with Nasuada following behind him.

They walked over to the mirror and Nasuada spoke. She said, "It is good to hear from you again, what has happened these past months? why haven't you contacted us sooner?"

Eragon answered, "It may have taken quite some time, but we have found a suitable location to train the new riders and raise the wild dragons,"

Eragon explained how a few days earlier they had noticed the city and had decided to stop there to see if it was inhabited and if it was to see if the inhabitants could help them. He explained that when they reached the city, they had met the king and had told them what they were doing and asked if he could help them in any way.

Eragon told them how the king had invited them to eat with them and how he had told him the smaller people and found out that they were called hobbits. He explained how they had unknowingly interrupted a celebration. Then he said that partway through the celebration Saphira had told him that two of the eggs were stirring as if their riders were nearby. He explained how he had told the king this and had left to get the eggs so they could find out who their first students would be.

After he said this Nasuada said, "You already have two new students!" she sounded surprised but pleased.

Eragon answered, "yes a gold egg hatched for the Prince while a red one hatched for one of the young hobbits,"

Nasuada said, "wait a minute you said that an egg hatched for a member of a race that is not yet included in the spell?"

Eragon said, "Yes I don't understand it either, the only explanation I could come up with is that the dragon thought the hobbit was a dwarf. Nothing like this has happened before,"

Eragon continued, "I explained that if it becomes necessary, I could add hobbits to the spell. If the need arises, I will have to get you to contact Arya, and get her to contact me,"

Nasuada said, "if you decide that hobbits will need to be added to the spell let me know and I will contact her,"

Eragon agreed before continuing his story saying, "after the celebrations had ended the king mentioned one place that might suit or needs. The next day Saphira and I flew there and determined that it was a suitable location. We spent the rest of that day preparing to leave the king's city. The next day The Prince whose name is Arathorn flew here on Saphira with me. The hobbit rider and the elves are coming on horseback with what is left of our supplies along with some additional supplies the king has given us. They should arrive later today,"

"Where is the new rider? I would like to meet him," Nasuada asked.

"I can get him," Eragon said, "I was training him earlier, but I stopped to contact you,"

"You have started to teach him all ready?" Nasuada asked him.

" Yes, I wanted to get an idea of his abilities since I already knew that he could use a sword and bow." Eragon answered. He continued, "however, I don't intend to teach him magic until further into his training. The only reason Brom taught me about it when he did was because I discovered it myself,"

"Since we are talking, I have news for you as well Eragon," Nasuada said.

"Oh, what has happened," Eragon asked.

"the egg that you left with the dwarves has hatched, Arya and Fírnen will teach them until the dragon is large enough to fly to you,"

"That is great," Eragon said, pleased by the news.

Suddenly Eragon heard footsteps behind him, he turned but since he had had much practice, he still managed to keep the image of Nasuada and Jörmundur from fading. Eragon could see that it had been Arathorn and his dragon that had walked up behind him. He motioned for Arathorn to sit next to him he did and Eragon said: "Arathorn, come here for a moment,"

Eragon Introduced Arathorn to Nasuada and Jörmundur. He had mentioned Nasuada to Arathorn before when he was telling him about Alegasia, and after a short conversation between the three, where Nasuada and Jörmundur asked Arathorn more about himself, Eragon ended his spell.

After this, Eragon and Arathorn sparred again, and Arathorn took Eragon's advice dodging more of Eragon's blows instead of just trying to block them all with his sword. Later that afternoon the elves and Frodo arrived with the rest of their supplies. They spent the rest of that day unpacking their supplies.

When Frodo and the elves had gotten to Rivendell, Frodo was surprised to see that Eragon must have started building already. He saw two strange looking trees when he looked away for a moment and looked at them again he decided that his eyes weren't playing tricks on him he realized that the two trees had been turned into houses. Although Frodo didn't have the slightest idea how Eragon had done it. Frodo had never expected to go on any adventures like his father had.

His father had told him the story of how he had accompanied the ring bearer his namesake to destroy the one ring. However, he hadn't told him until recently saying that he was too young. Until he had told the story Frodo had never understood why some of the other hobbits looked down on his father as if he had committed a crime. He supposed that those hobbits are the hobbits that disapprove of traveling and going on adventures. But many others especially the younger hobbits asked him to recount the story of his adventure.

His father hadn't taught him to use a sword saying that the land was now at peace so he would not need it but now Frodo guessed that he would have to learn how to use a sword Along with many other things. Frodo had been shocked when the red egg had hatched for him. For one thing, Eragon had explained that there was a spell that bound the different races to the dragons he had explained how humans, elves, dwarves, and another race that only lived in Eragon's homeland which he had called urgals, could become riders. Frodo couldn't understand how he had been chosen when hobbits weren't part of the spell.

As they traveled, he had tried to start a conversation with the elves, but they didn't seem to be interested in talking. However, they had asked him a few questions about himself and hobbits in general. He was slightly embarrassed that he had to ride in front of one of the elves so the elf could make sure he didn't fall off. Frodo was excited but nervous as they rode down into the valley he was nervous because he didn't know what to expect or how he would do learning everything he would need, but he was also excited to learn new things and possibly go on adventures like his father had. He knew that both he and Arathorn had found it hard to say goodbye to their families because they didn't know when they would see them again.

After they got to the valley floor Eragon and his dragon who Frodo remembered was called Saphira came walking toward them he saw Arathorn running along behind them. He was glad that Arathorn would be there with him it would be good to have a friend with him as he was trained although he expected that Arathorn would do better in his training then he would because he already had experience with a sword and bow while Frodo would have to start from the basics.

When Eragon reached them Eragon and the elves began to unpack the supplies. Frodo and Arathorn offered to help but for some reason, Eragon said that they didn't need help Frodo wondered if there were things that Eragon and the elves didn't want them to see. Frodo and Arathorn watched as they lifted many of the heavier items with magic. After they had taken all the saddlebags off the horses, they built several more of the tree houses so that there were now enough to house Frodo, Arathorn and all the elves.

Frodo didn't understand why Eragon hadn't built one for himself but after he thought about it, he guessed why. He guessed that Saphira would never fit into one of those houses so he thought that might be why Eragon hadn't built one for himself he wanted to stay with his dragon even if that meant being outside.

Frodo walked into his house, it was the one next to Arathorn's he could tell as soon as he walked in that it hadn't been built with hobbits in mind, but then he remembered that Eragon had said that this was just temporary.

The next morning Eragon got one of the elves to spar with Arathorn while he spoke to Frodo to find out how much he would have to teach him. Before the young hobbit left with the elves, his father had given him his sword saying that Frodo would need it more than he did. Eragon still couldn't understand how the young hobbit had been chosen when his race wasn't yet bound to the dragons. They went into the house where Frodo was staying and sat at a table that Eragon had created when he had sung the house into shape. Eragon asked the young hobbit what he already knew. He explained that he could read and write but he hadn't been taught how to use a sword or any other weapon for that matter. he explained that his father had thought it unnecessary since the land was currently at peace.

Eragon understood, his uncle hadn't taught him how to read he had only learned when Brom had taught him while they were in Teirm. Eragon and Frodo went back outside, and he showed the hobbit the different forms that Brom had taught him. He also tried to suggest ways that the hobbit could be a good swordsman despite his short stature. The hobbit tried the forms that Eragon had shown him. when he wasn't doing them quite right Eragon would point out his mistakes and get him to start over.

Like anyone the young hobbit got slightly discouraged when he would mess up the forms. Despite that he never let it upset him too much since he was determined to succeed and become the rider Eragon wanted him to be. Since his father had been a hero Frodo wanted to live up to his father's example and that of his namesake.