So this story was actually requested by one of my readers and I really liked the idea so I hope I do it justice.


Dark Pasts

The fellowship huddled around the fire as they attempted to keep away the biting cold. The only one not to join the group was Legolas, he stood at the edge of the camp scanning their rocky surroundings with his keen eyes. Evil sounding birds squawked from the trees and littered their surroundings, causing the hobbits to shrink closer to the flames in fear.

'Those birds ain't like anything I've heard in the shire.' said Sam as gave Frodo a worried glance.

'There are many foul creatures that roam these lands Master Gamgee.' said Gandalf as he sucked at his pipe, his large hat sat forward casting a shadow over his long face.

'Do not fret Sam, you are well protected.' said Gimli, as he gave the Hobbit a friendly pat on the arm.

Sam smiled at the dwarf weakly as he took a bite from his bread, turning his attention back to the warm fire in front of him. Aragorn said nothing as the fellowship muttered amongst themselves. He looked up at the Elf who had not moved at all since they had set up camp for the evening. Pushing himself to his feet he made his way to Legolas' side, standing next to him in silence for several minutes.

'I know something troubles you Mellon-nin.' said Aragorn as he turned his head to look at him.

'Many things trouble me, Estel, I fear that as long as we remain in the open like this we are vulnerable.' Replied the Elf, his eyes remaining fixed on something far in the distance.

'Are you sure it is not what happened to you not one winter ago?' Replied the Ranger.

'I have told you many times my friend, it is in the past.' Spat the elf as he now returned Aragorn's gaze.

Aragorn fought hard to hold his tongue, resorting to looking back at the fellowship who were now starting to ready their beds for the night.

'Forgive me Aragorn, I spoke out of turn.' said Legolas as his eyes dropped to the ground, regret filling his features 'I appreciate your concern but what happened to me no longer gnaws at my mind. I am much healed from both my physical and mental wounds.'

Aragorn looked back at the elf and smiled, nodding his head before turning back and walking towards their camp. Legolas watched his companion as he sat by the fire, poking at it with a long stick in an attempt to keep it burning. He longed to be honest with his new found friends, but he worried that his story would bring them to fear him and that he did not want. The elf returned his attention then to his watch, the land around them was as black as the sky above and even his keen elven eyes would not be able to see much now so he let his keen hearing take over. Little did he know that they were being watched by an old enemy, an enemy that had been following him for some months now. Waiting for the perfect time to strike, but they knew that now was not that time. So they lay low, watching the silver-haired elf as he walked around the camp listening for any slight disturbance in the cold night breeze.

Morning came swiftly and the Hobbits grumbled in protest as Gandalf announced their departure. They quickly ate their food and wearily followed their leader as he led onwards. Legolas kept his place at the rear of the company, his eyes never fixed on one thing. Frodo turned to look at the elf in wonder as he walked beside Aragorn, the ranger noticing the Hobbit's fascination with their immortal member smiled.

'He has very keen eyes, he can see for many leagues.' he said as he placed a friendly hand on Frodo's back.

'What do you think he looks for?' Quizzed the Hobbit as he looked up at the ranger.

'Any threat that we may face. He shall be a very useful member of the group if we are to succeed in our quest.' he replied, shooting a quick glance at his old friend.

'You seem to have known each other a long time.'

'Aye,' we have. He has fought with me in many battles.' Replied Aragorn as he once again focused on the path ahead.

Frodo took one more look, he felt like there was more to Legolas than the ranger was willing to share, but he knew not to pry and so he too returned to focusing on the Wizard who was far ahead of them. For hours they walked with no respite. Merry and Pippin moaned quietly to each other about how tired and hungry they and were and when they may stop for the night.

'We should reach the bottom of Caradhras soon I believe.' Said Gandalf as he stopped and turned to face the fellowship 'once we are there we shall rest our weary feet and eat.'

Merry and Pippin beamed with glee and skipped ahead of the rest so that they now walked beside the wizard. Legolas, however, did not share the same relief that the fellowship felt as they pushed on. Something gnawed at his mind and he could not help but feel like they were being watched, but his eyes could not seek out the threat he knew was near. Sure enough, not one hour later the snowy peaks of Caradhras came into view over the steep rocky mound that they had just climbed.

'Ah yes, here should be a good place to rest.' Said Gandalf as he set down his staff and pulled out his pipe from beneath his thick grey cloak.

'Let us get a fire going and feed these Hobbits before they go mad with hunger.' joked Boromir as he placed his shield down and began to look for suitable wood.

Legolas leapt up onto another rock, his eyes still scanning around for any sign of their hidden enemy.

'That elf is a queer fellow.' said Gimli as he plonked himself down on one of the smaller rocks 'barely speaks, eats or sleeps. Not natural if you ask me.'

'Elves do not require the same things as us mortals.' replied Gandalf as his puffed away at his pipe.

'Not all folk feel the need to talk as much as dwarves.' joked Aragorn as he slapped the dwarf on the back, nearly causing Gimli to fall forwards.

Legolas' ignored the Dwarf's sly comment. His father had once locked Thorin and his companions in the dungeons of Mirkwood, one of the company had been Gimli's father and because of that, the two had already come to blows many times since they left Rivendell. Legolas' attention was drawn to the clang of metal on metal and turned to see Boromir attempting to teach Merry and Pippin to fight. He smiled as the Hobbits danced around blocking the man's blows.

'If anyone was to ask for my opinion, which I note they're not, I'd say we were taking the long way round. Gandalf, we could pass through the Mines of Moria. My cousin, Balin, would give us a royal welcome.' said the Dwarf suddenly as he stood from his perch and walked towards the resting Wizard.

Legolas turned his attention quickly to Gandalf, eyes wide as he awaited the Wizards reply. He knew that the mines were a dark place. A dark power dwelled there, they could not take that road.

'No Gimli, I would not take the road through Moria unless I had no other choice.' replied Gandalf, has expression stern.

The elf took a sigh of relief at the Wizards reply, but soon his attention was drawn to something far off in the distance and with feline grace, he pranced up the rocks to get a better look. Gandalf watched as the elf danced over the rocks and followed his gaze to a small black cloud, coming swiftly towards them.

'What is that?' said Sam quickly, scrunching his eyes in an attempt to see better.

'Nothing, it's just a whiff of cloud.' Replied the dwarf, unfazed.

'It's moving fast, against the wind.' Said Boromir as he edged closer to the rest of the party.

Legolas was the only one who could see what it truly was. His heart quickened as he shouted to the fellowship 'Crebain from Dunland!'

'HIDE!' said Aragorn as he grabbed his pack and ushered for the Fellowship to take cover.

Quickly they hid the evidence of their camp and hid within the bushes scattered amongst the rocks. Fierce black birds started to flutter violently above their heads, flying around in circles trying to catch a glimpse of the fellowship with their beady eyes before flying back from where they came from. Gingerly they emerged from their hiding place, scanning around for any lingering spies.

'Spies of Saruman! The passage South is being watched.' said Gandalf as he held onto a rock for support 'We must take the Pass of Caradhras.' he finished as he looks up at the mountain behind them.

The fellowship looked at each other with mixed expressions. Looking at the snowy monster that loomed above them.

'Mithrandir are you sure that the mountain is our only option?' said Legolas, surprising everyone 'The pass is perilous and the halflings may find it difficult to climb.'

'We have no other option Legolas, if we continue on our original path then we will almost certainly perish.' replied the Wizard, placing his tall hat on his head and fetching his staff.

Legolas did not speak again, but his face failed to hide his fear. Aragorn watched the elf closely as he stared at Caradhras, his hands shaking at his side.

'Rest while you can.' said the Wizard as he walked to the nervous hobbits that sat huddled upon a rock.

'Why do you fear the mountain?' Said Aragorn as he grabbed Legolas by the arm, pulling him to one side.

'I do not fear it, I just think it's a fool's errand trying to cross it.' said the elf, avoiding the rangers gaze.

'Do not lie to me, your shaking.' spat Aragorn.

Legolas looked at the ranger, his sapphire eyes told the Ranger all he needed to know. Aragorn shot a quick glance at the Fellowship before returning his attention to the elf.

'Legolas you need to be honest with me, you forget that I was the one that found you. I know what you suffered.' said Aragorn, his expression softened 'Let me help you Mellon-nin.'

The elf took a deep breath, calming his shaking body before speaking.

'I shall be fine Estel. Come we should join the others. Mithrandir will want to depart soon.' replied Legolas as he turned and left.

Aragorn did not believe the elf, he knew that he was fighting an inner turmoil that the man wished he could calm. After some moments pondering what he could do to help his old friend, he walked to the fellowship who were now stuffing items into their packs and readying themselves for the for the trek. Legolas kept himself separate from the rest of the group, to them he looked like he was scanning the wilderness for danger but Aragorn knew it was more than that.

The rain fell hard on the ranger as he stalked through the wilderness, the persistent water falling from above making the trail harder and harder to read. He had been tracking a band of orcs for over a week. He was getting close now he could feel it, he just hoped he wasn't too late. Quietly the man snuck over logs and through the brush that covered the ground. He could hear voices floating on the air, and he felt a new sense of hope wash over him and quickened his pace. He followed the foul voices for a while and was greeted by the faint yellow light of a fire peaking between the trees. He crouched behind a thick tree, scanning the orc camp for signs of who he had come to find. The orcs were crouched around the fire, their black skin made Aragorn's skill crawl.

'I don't understand why this elvish scum is so important to the master.' one spat as he took a large gulp of thick brown liquid from a leather covered bottle.

'You know how he likes his experiments. This one's the first to live.' Snorted another.

Aragorn felt a shiver run down his spine as he heard what the creatures said. What had they done? Slowly he walked around the camp, desperately trying to seek out their victim. His eyes caught a glimpse of a form laying on the ground, its hands and feet were bound. Aragorn snuck closer, noticing that the prisoner was not being guarded. He stayed low, edging ever closer. As it came into view Aragorn's heart sank. It was Legolas, his face was swollen and bloody and his hair was matted. His ribs were visible through the thin shirt that covered his torso.

'My friend what have they done to you?' Said Aragorn as he crouched by his side.

Legolas did not stir as Aragorn gently rocked the elf's frail form. He looked around for signs of the Orc clan and found that they were still alone so he pulled out his knife and cut the elf's bonds. The rope had cut deeply into his wrists and fresh blood started to run down Legolas' hands. Slinging the Prince over his shoulder he sprinted into the dark woods, not stopping for rest or for water, he knew he had to get Legolas as far away from those orcs as he could. The forest seemed never-ending as he powered through his exhaustion, but his determination paid off and finally, he was greeted by the sun shining on the leafy floor and he reached the forest's edge.

'Hold on Legolas, we've almost made it.' he said.

He clambered past the last trees onto a golden plane, and Aragorn took a sigh of relief as he felt the warm sun against his face. He laid Legolas on the ground and gasped at the full extent of the elf's condition.

'Oh Legolas, I'm so sorry.' he said, his hand covering his mouth as he fought back tears.

He cleaned up the elf as best as he could before, they set off again. He knew that as soon as the sun went down, the orcs would be coming to take back what he stole. They had to get as much distance between them and Legolas' captors, and so he ran as fast as his legs would take him. He would not let the elf fall into their hands again.


So that's the first chapter, hope you enjoyed it and I will try to get the next chapter up soon. Let me know what you think.