Author note:
Excuse my lack of writing in this story. I was wanting to finish this story before moving on to another. Well so many ideas has splurged from my mind that I guess I have kind of lost all interest in this story. But now since my interest has return I only look forward to this story getting better by each time I write in it, but that is only if you reviewers will help me on my journey into writing this story.So now the excitement of the two love birds are back in another Part of Never been broken. If you wish please read and please do review. Thank you~
I do not own digimon, nor the characters or the show!Never Been Broken
Part II
I Only Wish…
The feeling of hatred swept upon Kari, how could her friend be leaving her in such short time and not tell her until now? Is it fare to feel this way? Or is it wrong? Kari couldn't decide.
Tears fell across her cheeks, she clutched her hand into a fist. Punching something, anything, just to get the frustration out of her would of made her feel better than what she does; but she couldn't, she had nothing to punch. The only thing she could do is cry…
Sobbing loudly, Tai, Kari's older brother walked out on the front porch looking at his sister with amazement, wondering why she was crying and what for…
"Kari…" Tai's voice, soft and caressing to hear to Kari as she covered her eyes with her hands, "Is everything alright?" Tai asked slowly walking towards her, with his brown hair blowing in the wind, he felt something was wrong, something not good for his little sister to be upset about…
Kari nodded to her brothers question, not sure if she could answer it without sobbing even harder as she thought about the descending Takeru that was leaving her for what seem to be like forever .
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked wrapping his arm around his little sister, looking at the side of her face that was red from all the crying and tears that found there way in the cracks of her hands, and slid onto the paved sidewalk.
She gave another nod to him.
"Kari I don't think nodding is going to help me know what's wrong! If the only thing you give me is a nod then I'll never will find out what's going on. Why don't we go inside and talk about it?" He started to walk Kari towards the front door of there home…
It was a medium size home, with Sakura trees, that had the fresh aroma smell swirling around the white house, and flowers perched here and there with colors of pinks, reds, yellows, and whites swarming around the home. The grass was freshly cut do from the smell that was giving off. Everything was neatly picked up around the house, with only a flower patch in the center and a swing set in the backyard of the home…
"Tai…" Kari sobbed out as she stopped in her tracks.
Tai stopped at the sound of his name, he felt his heart melt, he knew it was something that hurt Kari more than anything, "Yeah Kari." He said in a low soft voice sounding caring to his sister.
"T.K…" She paused, as she looked at her brother with her red, swollen eyes, "T.K's leaving."
Tai's mouth nearly dropped down towards the ground but he managed to keep close it quickly. He wasn't sure what he should be doing. How to comfort her. He knew that Kari and T.K has been really good friends for a little while but he wasn't expecting the blonde hair boy that was considered the cry baby in the pack of digi destines to leave.
"What makes you say that Kari?" Tai asked as he opened the front door to the house and walked in, going over towards the kitchen counter and grabbing a glass full of what looked like lemonade.
"He told me."
Putting the glass down he blinked his dark brown eyes at his sister's words, "Do what?" He asked in words of shock.
"He told me today that he's moving and he's not sure when he's coming back… if he comes back." She said putting her book bag down next to her, and plopped down on the couch.
"Not coming back? First of all why's he moving?" Tai asked sitting on a stole in the kitchen.
Kari shrugged, "I don't know… I don't want him to leave Tai, T.K's my best friend. I don't know what I'll do without him to be honest with you." Kari played with her fingers as they twirled amongst one another.
"Kari… I-I don't know what to say." It was the truth for Tai, he didn't know what to say. Or even how to say it. He's never been in this state before.
"Say that it'll be alright Tai. Tell me that everything will be alright." Kari looked at him as more tears filled her crimson eyes.
Tai felt that knot grow in his throat, it was his sister, he loved his sister so much but at the time he does not know if it is wise to say that it is going to be alright, or what. He's never had this happen to him and he wished that it could never happen to her either.
"Kari, I don't know." The only words that actually came to Tai's mind was I don't know. Which was the truth. He didn't know. He wasn't for sure what was happening, Matt never told him about his little brother leaving to another place to live.
She leaned her head back on the couch… looking outside from the large window in the front living room and watched two birds play in a small tub of water, splashing water on one another with there wings it brought back memories to Kari…
"Kari, come on! It's not cold!" T.K said swimming in the center of the pool with his blonde hair smashed against his forehead.
"I don't know T.K… it feels cold." Kari said dipping her toes in and out of the water, feeling a cold chill run through her back, while wrapping her arms around her back and shivering.
"Ah come on Kari. It's not that bad in here! When you get in you'll find out that it's a lot warmer in here than it is out there." He applied sticking his tongue out at her, "And plus… I never thought of you being the girly-girl type. I guess I was wrong!" T.K knew how to get on Kari's nerves, but only playfully though.
"T.K Takaishi, I am not a girly girl for one! I just don't want to get sick that's all." She said untangling her arms around her body and put them on her hips and huffed.
T.K approached her at the edge of the pool. Kari sat down at the edge and looked around… noticing the beauty of the place…
"You know T.K it's really pretty here. So how'd you found out about this place?" Kari asked looking at the boy who stood looking at her in the water.
He chuckled lightly, "Believe it or not, it's my aunts place. She said she's going out for the summer, so she said that me and Matt can come up whenever and swim."
Kari smiled, "It's really pretty here you know?"
"Yeah I know, there's a lot of things here that's pretty." T.K muttered looking up at her.
"What did you say T.K?" Kari asked, not hearing the mumble to which he had said.
His blue eyes widen, "Nothing!" He felt his cheeks grow warm in the pool.
Kari gave a small giggle, "Okay if you say so."
T.K smiled at her, she wasn't like anyone else he's been with, she was like a goddess of some sort. He didn't want to tell Kari that though. He'd figured that Kari would think that he's stupid or something, he didn't want to ruin his relationship with her.
"You know T.K I'm glad you brought me here." Kari said smiling down.
"I'm glad I did too." He grabbed a hold of her feet, yanking her down a small yelling cry escaped her throat as she sink in the water.
"T.K Takaishi!!" Kari yelled coming up from the water to catch her breath, "Don't you ever do that again!" Kari said spitting water out of her mouth and flipping her wet hair behind her and wiped the water away from her eyes.
T.K laughed, "I told you that it's not cold in here!"
"Yeah well I don't care T.K!" Furry swept across her face, it only took seconds for T.K to realize how upset Kari was with him.
"I'm sorry." T.K said grabbing a hold of her hand before she could get out of the pool.
Kari turned around to look at him, to see if he's lying, to see if he really meant it… he did. Kari blinked, Is he being serious? She thought trying to look deep into his eyes… finding the ability to forgive the boy.
Kari smiled, "It's okay." She felt his grasp on her hand tightened, "Um T.K you can let go of my hand now."
"And if I don't want too?" He asked giving it a small squeeze.
Kari blushed, she's not suppose to blush! This wasn't suppose to be happening! She's not suppose to feel this way or anyway about T.K, "I don't know."
"Good answer!" T.K said with a smile, "I want to show you something." He said still holding her hand he got out of the water and wrapped a towel around himself and watch Kari follow behind him. Grabbing a towel for Kari too he wrapped it around her as they both began to walk… hand in hand.
"What do you want to show me T.K?" Kari asked looking at him.
"Hold on you'll see." He said knowing Kari doesn't like surprises, she hated them. They were the worse thing that could ever get on Kari's last nerve.
"T.K you know I don't like surprises." Kari said with a whine in her tone of voice.
"Well this one you'll just have to wait and see."
Coming up to a tree… there was geese that swarmed a small lake a few yards away from the house, were no one has ever been.
The sun beamed down in that small spot towards that tree… and the lake sparkled among the suns rays… it was beautiful to ones eyes. The tree was a willow tree. The branches hanged low, almost touching the ground. Kari couldn't believe her eyes… there was something so special… so amazing about this area it overwhelmed her in so many ways…
"T.K it's beautiful." Kari said with awe in her tone of voice as her eyes examined the area.
T.K's hands was holding tightly against her own as a small smile drew upon his facial texture, "Yeah I know." His words soft to the heart as he watched Kari more so than the scenery .
"Kari I was wondering…" T.K paused looking at her giving her hand a small squeeze.
Kari's eyes shot over to him, "Yeah T.K what is it?"
He fumbled for words to express what was going through his thirteen-year-old head, looking for the words, the right words, "Ah it's nothing."
Kari blinked and laughed a little, "It's okay T.K you can tell me. What is it?"
"Well, I was wondering if we could just maybe sit here. You know until the sun goes down or something?" T.K asked kicking a small patch of dirt to the side of him with his face looking down towards the ground. His face flushed a tinge of red.
"I'd like that T.K." Kari said with a smile…
~~End of Flashback~~
A smile spread across Kari's face as she remembered that one special day with T.K. It felt like it's been years since that's actually happen, but it was only a few months ago. She didn't know who to accept the fact that T.K's leaving her. Her best friend, up and gone after so many years of friendship… it's not possible! He's always been there for her, he's always been there since day one the met. It almost felt like a few days ago when they were eight years old and in the digital world saving it… ah, the good old memories of the past…
Tears, filled her eyes again. I don't want to except the fact that T.K's leaving! I can't accept it! Why is he doing this to me? Kari thought turning her head towards the right of her, away from her brother.
Tai sighed heavily, "Kari, everything will be okay." Tai tried soothing his sister. He knew it had to be rough for her. He didn't know how because he's never been in this state before. He knew how she always liked talking to T.K about everything. Since the day the met they've talked about from the littlest things to the biggest things.
"I don't know Tai if everything will be alright." Kari sob still looking the other direction, "T.K always been here with me, and now him moving. I feel like I'm losing a part of me Tai." Kari interpreted to her brother as she slowly looked over at him with tired-some eyes that where swollen from all the crying.
"Well, why not get the address where he lives and everything? You can write him. I don't know about the calling since that it's going to be out of town and everything but I don't see writing one another would be a bad thing." Tai always seemed to have a solution to a problem. Even if it was the littlest problems, but he's always there to help.
"Yeah but what if he doesn't know where he's living at? Then what Tai?"
"What if… what if! Blah, Blah, blah, you know you can't always be looking down at the bad points of everything Kari. T.K and you have been really good friends from the very beginning. It's not like he wouldn't want to keep in contact with you! You guys are like two peas in a pod. Like Jack and Jill, or even like Romeo and Juliet!" Tai started rambling things off to Kari, as he had a great big smile pressed against his face. It's not everyday Tai used his brain, but when he does, he's probably one of the smartest people Kari knows besides Izzy that is.
"Tai, I'm getting it now, you can stop." Kari said.
"Like two monkey's playing…"
"Tai you can stop."
"Or even like…"
"Tai!" Kari yelled looking at him, "Stop!"
"I get it already and I'm not a monkey and neither is T.K." Kari looked at Tai as her tears began to dry up and a smile glistered upon her face.
"Oh." Tai said getting up from the chair and rubbing the back of his neck, "Well I guess I got kind of carried away huh?"
"Yeah, just a little bit." Kari said with a giggle pinching her thumb and index finger together to show Tai.
"Well, are you going to write him?" Tai asked plopping down next to his little sister and switching the television on.
"Yeah I'm going to write him I guess if I can, and Tai," Kari began giving her brother a start face…
"Yeah Kari what is it?" Tai asked looking at his little sister with his dark brown eyes, softly.
"Your late for work."
Tai's eyes widen with surprise, "What?!"
"Your late for work!"
"No way!" Tai quickly gotten up and looked down at his watch… twelve past four, he was late for work. How can I be late for work! It was only three a few minutes ago! Great I'm going to get fired. Tai thought digging his hand deep in his pockets to see if he's got his car keys with him. He looked at his sister, "I got to go, I'll talk to you later about all of this okay? And maybe you should call T.K or walk over to his house or something ya know? It'll make you feel better probably." Tai said looking at her, "But I'll talk to you later when I get home and if you need anyone to talk to, call Sora or Mimi, they'll help you."
Mimi probably will dress me all in pink and tell me how 'pretty' I look, and Sora, well Sora is probably busy. Kari thought but smiled at Tai and nodded, "I'll see you when I get home bye, bye Tai, have a nice day at work." Kari said watching her brother running quickly out the door.
Kari leaned her head back on the couch, "Maybe I'm accepting this, yeah. I'm just accepting what's happening. That's what I'm doing." Kari said to herself, as she watched the television that her brother turned on. It's just another soap on television. Kari never found herself interest into that kind of stuff. It was hard for her to find something like that interesting, but watching this it was… different…
Kari watched it as two people, a man and a woman, sat there talking and crying because the man had to leave to go to the army and the woman didn't want to see him go and she was begging him to stay but he told her that he'll be back.
Kari found herself getting into what she's watching. She blinked, thinking about her and T.K… could T.K come back like this man promised he'd come back to this woman? Kari thought but shook her head, we're not in love! We don't even know what the true meaning of love is. It's impossible for T.K to come back for me. Maybe he is better off leaving. He'll probably will find him a new best friend and a girlfriend and they'll get married and have a bunch of little blond hair children… Kari felt her cheeks flush. She didn't want to think about another girl in T.K's life. No way did she want to think about that.
Switching the television channel off she sat there for a few minutes wondering what it truly would be like if T.K did find another girl? Would T.K forget about her for good because of a new girl in his life? Kari didn't know… her mind was asking so many questions, but none of them could really be answered.
Getting up from off the couch she walked over to the phone and picked it up… and punched in a bunch of numbers… the phone ranged. Feeling butterfly flutter in her stomach she ran her hands through her soft textured hair… waiting for someone anyone to pick up…
"Hello, T.K Speaking."
Kari opened her mouth… nothing came out. Not even a small moan or a cry escaped the throat of the young girl.
"Kari?" T.K asked not sure if it was her or a sales person. Most of the time a sales person has a pause when they are on the phone and then begin to talk, but sometimes its recorders that get a hold of you.
Kari took a gulp, "T.K can I talk to you?"
T.K squinted his eyebrow, "Yeah, you can talk to me, why can't you?"
"I mean at your house or somewhere alone? Just the two of us?" Kari asked wrapping her arms around her body wondering if the boy would come up with an excuse for not being able to talk to her…
"Yeah, um meet me at my house and I guess we can go for a walk, but um Kari, is there something wrong?"
Kari sniffled softly, "No, I just wan to be with you before you leave, you know?" She asked picking up her things that was on the floor and took them to her room, placing them on a small couch in the corner.
Walking back out she heard T.K said, "Okay, I understand. And I feel the same way too but I didn't know if you'd want to be with me or not. I thought that you wouldn't want to be my friend anymore Kari." His words kind to Kari's ears, she felt a knot grow in her throat as her mind cried out, "You'll always be my best friend T.K! Why don't you see that?"
"T.K, you're my best friend, nothing will ever happen to our friendship and I just have a few questions to ask you and that's it really. There really nothing important so I mean if you wanna wait until whenever to know what I'm thinking that's…"
"No Kari, I wanna know now. I don't have nothing really going on right now besides packing a few boxes and Matt's here helping so I can get out of helping with that. I'll see you in a few minutes." T.K said interrupting Kari.
Kari gave a weak grin, even though T.K couldn't see her he knew she was taking his leaving pretty tough and he knew how she felt… he didn't want to leave Odaiba. It's his home. It's where he grown up at and met the best friend he'll never had.
"Yeah in a few then." Kari said and hanged the phone up.
T.K put the phone on the retriever and sighed, looking at his mother who was talking and laughing at Matt, T.K smiled weakly.
What did I do to deserve to move out? He thought picking up a box and moving it feeling tears fill his eyes thinking of Kari and how much his feelings are towards her…
"I just wish…" T.K Began, "I just wish I didn't have to go." He said out loud as tears swarmed down his face, I just want to be with her. Is that so hard to ask for? Is there some reason why I have to leave? Why? Why do I have to? Why can't anyone look at how I feel? WHY!?
To be Continued…
Author note: Well, finally Part II is finished. Hopefully no one has completely forgot about this story. ((Sweat droplets)) Well constructive criticism is welcomed in any way and or form! I don't mind. Um, question to all I don't care who's coupling up with who so I'm allowing this to be a pick between it all. So it's the publics choice! Not mine! So who do you all want for a couple? Sorato? Mimato? Mimichi? Taiora? Pick whoever you wish! But it's staying as a Takari though! Well please tell me what you think thanks!