Well, here we are! The final chapter! I want to thank all of you for reading. It's made me enjoy writing this even more, and I hope you've enjoyed reading it.

A special thanks to SharmClucas, who helped decide the ending to this story!

At the risk of sound like an advert, I'm writing another MLB fanfic called

'LOVE TO BREAK FREE' so if you ship Adrienette, go read that! Thank you again for all your support for this story, I had so much fun creating it. *Cue epic finale*….

"Ah, Ladybug, glad you've decided to join us again," Rememberwrath drawled as he prowled into view, glaring at the superheroine, "tell me, how does it feel to lose all your memories?"

"Actually, not too bad. Because unlike you I have people by my side that have helped me up keep up to speed. For example, I hear you were the one who took my memories," Ladybug challenged, giving her opponent a fake smile.

"You'd be correct," Rememberwrath answered.

"Well then, I'm prepared to make you a deal. I get the sense you're into boxing. How about we fight, the first one to keep the other down for 5 seconds wins. If I win, you give me my memories back," she began, coming closer to the villain. He folded his arms, a purple butterfly mask flickering to life around his eyes. Ladybug paused; she wasn't prepared for this. No sooner had it appeared, the mask disappeared and Rememberwrath glared at her with a doubtful expression.

"And when I win?"

"If you win, you get the boxing trophy that you rightly deserve. And, mine and Chat Noir's miraculous. Do we have a deal?" she asked sweetly.


"Ok then. Ready? Remember, five seconds. That's all," Ladybug reminded, adopting a fighting stance.

Rememberwrath nodded, and they began to circle each other, waiting for someone to make the first punch. Without warning Rememberwrath lunged, but to her surprise, Ladybug was quick to dodge. Clearly, becoming Ladybug gave her lightning quick reflexes. The fight quickened in pace after that: Ladybug occasionally throwing punches and attempting to kick her opponent, Rememberwrath throwing well-aimed hits to Ladybug.

Meanwhile, Chat Noir was crouched behind a bush, begging that Ladybug would be ok. He shook off his thoughts. Of course she'd be fine. It was Ladybug, and that girl was amazing.

Ladybug knew she'd played her part, trying to act as if she was putting her everything into this fight. She also realised that she had to be very careful and not let herself get injured whilst she was being taken down. Rememberwrath swung his leg to try and kick her and she brought both arms to her face, where his leg was headed, to defend herself. She let the force of his kick take her down to the floor, where Rememberwrath saw his moment and seized her arms in an attempt to pin her down. Ladybug closed her eyes in mock defeat and sighed in frustration when Rememberwrath announced that he'd won. He leaned closer to Ladybug menacingly, his terrifyingly white pupils cutting into her soul. Or at least it felt that way. "I win Ladybug. I'll take your miraculous now please. Instinctively, Ladybug used her legs to kick him backwards and spring up. Convinced that this was some sort of trap, Rememberwrath got ready for another fight, which Ladybug returned with another sickly-sweet smile.

"All in good time. But first, we'll give you the trophy. Come up to the podium."

Rememberwrath, pride and ego getting in the way, happily obliged and stood at the top of the podium looking very triumphant. Ladybug approached him with the trophy in her outstretched hands. He eagerly reached out to try and take it, seeming like a little child at Christmas.

Chat Noir knew that this was his chance. Soundlessly, he crept out from his hiding place and fixed his eyes on Ladybug and Rememberwrath. In the next moment, everything happened in a blur or action.

Ladybug held out the trophy to Rememberwrath and just as he leant forward to grab the trophy, Chat lunged for his belt.

"Cataclysm!" he shouted.

His ring began to glow, and a black ball levitated above the palm of his hand, which he then crushed. Black magic seeped around his hand and as soon as his hand was charged, he touched the belt around Rememberwrath's waist. Like a wildfire, the material of the belt turned to black soot and dissolved to the ground. Ladybug gasped, she had never seen anything that powerful in her life. From the pile of soot flew a black butterfly with glowing purple highlights.

"Ladybug," Chat began urgently, nodding towards the akuma. Ladybug eyed it warily, no idea what he was suggesting.

"Oh sorry, I forgot that you, err... forgot," Chat joked with an awkward laugh. He took the yoyo off Ladybug and slid open the front of it like he had seen his partner do countless times before handing it back to her, explaining how to purify the akuma.

Ladybug followed his instructions perfectly, and Chat watched fondly as she waved goodbye to the pure white butterfly that fluttered from her yoyo. As an instinct, she went over to the podium she had made and picked it up, as well as the glue and the marker. She knew she had to throw them back into the air to reverse any damage that had been done, as Chat Noir had explained that to her before.

But she couldn't. Not yet. And Chat Noir had the same thought.

"Ladybug, wait," he said quietly.

Ladybug spun around with a warm smile on her face.

"Chat?" she questioned.

Her partner hesitated, like he wanted to say something, but he couldn't put it into words. Instead, he gazed down at her. There were so many things he wanted to tell her, but... not now.

"Ladybug I... I just wanted to spend a few more minutes with you, the civilian you. I'm not sure whether you'll remember any of this when everything goes back to normal, so I just want you to know that I know you doubt yourself, a lot, but you don't have to worry about that with me. And I..." he faltered, voice brimming with emotion.

Ladybug gazed back at him, her eyes pleading him to say something she wanted to hear him say.

"You..." she prompted.

Chat sighed, frustrated with himself.

"And I wanted to say that it's ok to be like that," he finished, looking downcast.

"Thank you for understanding. I can't remember Ladybug, but I have a question about her."

"Ask away, what did you want to know?" Chat asked.

"Do you love her?" Ladybug asked wistfully.

Chat simply closed his eyes and smiled, almost to himself.

"With all my heart."

Ladybug beamed.

"She's lucky to have you. Well, I suppose it was nice to meet you again, Chat Noir."

"You too."

With that, Ladybug threw her lucky charm up into the air and flurries of ladybirds streamed in every direction, replacing cars and returning memories. Chat Noir watched them all, eyes wide. He shifted his weight from side to side as he waited for his lady.

Finally, a loveliness of ladybirds circled around Ladybug, blocking her from Chat's view. Eventually, they disappeared and in their place was Ladybug, who was facing away from Chat Noir. He saw her look to both sides to see where she was, and then clutch her head. To get her attention, he gave a small cough, making Ladybug spin around.

Chat wanted to savour the look on her face for the rest of his life.

Ladybug's expression turned to one of pure exhilaration. The two stood a metre apart, eyes locked. Ladybug was the first one to break the silence.

"You fixed everything," she breathed, a giant smile breaking onto her face.

Chat Noir shrugged, unable to hide his matching smile.

"I promised, didn't I?"

Unable to resist any longer, Ladybug ran to Chat Noir and threw her arms around him, hugging him tight. Chat was startled but he returned her embrace. When they broke apart, a Ladybug wore a light blush.

"I told you that I trusted you, but don't go thinking I'm going to let you do my job all the time though," she joked, pushing him gently on the shoulder.

Chat Noir laughed- it was nice to have his Ladybug back.

"Ok ok, but I have to admit, it was nice to see that side of you for a change. You needed me," he teased, smiling triumphantly.

The happy expression melted off Ladybug's face and was replaced by a look of guilt. Nervously, she wrung her hands before forcing herself to look up at Chat Noir.

"About what I said yesterday. I didn't mean any of it, you have to know that."

"I know."

"That, and," Ladybug paused, a slight smile playing at her lips, "thank you for what you said about me not having to worry about being myself," she finished, waiting for him to put the pieces together.

"But... I thought you forgot about everything that happened today. I thought you forgot about me."

Ladybug cupped his face in her hands and whispered to him.


It dawned on Chat that if Ladybug remembered what he said...

Oh dear.

Then she remembered everything he said.

"So, you remember everything?" he asked nervously.

"Yep. Every word," she replied.

"Oh. Ok. Look, Ladybug, we never know what's going to happen to us in a battle. Something like this, or worse. And I guess, I just want you to know, just in case," Chat started. He and Ladybug were inches apart now. This was it, the moment of truth.

"Ladybug, I meant what I said. I do love you, with all of me. And I need to know, honestly, if you feel the same."

Ladybug searched her partner's face. There was no joking, no silliness or games. He was looking at her earnestly, begging for the truth. The truth? Her truth? Yesterday, she didn't lie. But if she was true to herself, and true to her heart, she knew she'd never get anywhere with Adrien, and today she had proved a lot of things to herself. One being that she did trust Chat Noir with her life, another being that he clearly did love her, and she really did like him for that. Today had been exactly what she needed to wake up her true emotions. This was Chat Noir, someone who loved and accepted both sides of her, and she saw that now. But him asking for the truth? Truth could be a messy thing, depending on who told it. So, Ladybug decided to be serious too. She leaned even closer to her partner, her best friend, and before he registered what she was doing he felt her lips on his. Soft at first, but then as he leant in, she felt his strong arms wrap around her, making her feel safe and she melted into him, kissing him with meaning, with love. They broke apart, Chat staring at Ladybug in amazement and shock.

"Does that answer your question?" she asked.

"Better than that Bugaboo, much better than that," he replied, and kissed her again.

And as they kissed under the setting sun of Paris, both knew they had found that beautiful kind of romance. The kind of romance that makes your heart sing wonderful melodies wherever you go, the kind that makes flocks of angels poke their golden heads from amongst the clouds and begin to hum a chorus of words, the kind that makes all time stop, pauses every clock, in every home, in every country, just to let the sheer romance hang in the air for a moment longer.

You'd say that this was the end of the story. That after this there was nothing else. But you'd be wrong. Because like most other cheesy endings, it was the end of this chapter, but the start of a whole new story.