The world shattered.

Then it reformed.

And then the world shattered again.

And then the world reformed for a second time.

A circle of chaos...

This is not a tale of one Master.

This is the tale of the Two.

The Saviour of Humanity's proper history, who regains his memories when he joins the Star Knights.

The Master of the Moon Cell, who, alongside the Hero, stands against the Gods' unholy plan.

This is not a tale of Masters.

This is a tale of Servants.

Assassins in a classroom, while their King faces the Chosen Dead.

The One Who Is All, who is also The All Who Is One, finds themselves in the valley of madness.

Many of the Old Myths finds themselves in the world where the Age Of Gods never officially ended.

The Dragon Slayers increase their number.

Two Dragons, loyal to a fault, serve their great loves.

The Useless Goddess finds herself meeting an even more useless one.

The Vampire King gains the alliegence of she who bathes in the blood of virgins, while his son gains the trust of the Nameless Vampire.

The Pharaoh slays The World.

A young bird faces off against the most dangerous cooking school in the world.

The Sphere finds a Dog and his Man. And some cheese.

Japan faces off against an ancient empire, and the ones who seek to overthrow it.

And, of course, a Ruler, and his Archer nemesis, defeat the God of Games

Finally, the Shadow among the Stars laughs upon his unspeakable throne...

There will be more stories alongside these, but...

Can you figure out the eternal truth?