Disclaimer: This fanfiction was a result of a challenge by TheAzureKnight for this crossover,
Ace Combat and Gate belong to their respective owners, I do NOT own Ace Combat or Gate, so please no copyright complaints.
Date: February 22, 2020
Trigger and the others went out to lunch in Selatapura with the Princess at a Osean-Erusean style restaurant and while they were eating they discussed their orders and what the coalition will do with peace negotiations.
Rosa said, "Before you guys invited me to lunch, I was in a meeting with other IUN, Osean and Erusean officials and they said the exact same thing you were told in your briefing." Avril asked, "Really? So are they going to try and initiate peace negotiations?" Rosa responded with, "Yes, they will try to negotiate, we don't want another war if we can avoid it."
Rosa paused for a bit before she continued on with, "I'm going to the special region to help with the negotiations when they begin also to represent Erusea." Trigger asked, "So who is representing Usea when the negotiations happen?" Rosa answered with, "Koji Sugawara is representing Usea." Count asked, "Who is he?" "He was the ISAF ambassador to Erusea and also was the IUN's advisor to Erusea when dealing with Free Erusea" said Rosa. Long Caster said, "Yeah, he's currently one of the IUN's ambassadors, also I heard he met and advised Mobius One at one point in his career."
After lunch everyone went out into the city to hang for a bit before splitting up to return back to the base and the Lighthouse to rest up for the coming days. Trigger and Rosa basically hung around their shared home for the next couple of days.
Three Days later
February 25, 2020
Trigger and Rosa were headed into Selatapura to the IUN's HQ for the commemoration event for Trigger and 2nd Lt. Itami. When they got there it was packed with people from the news networks from all over world, so they had to rush in very quickly.
The commemoration ceremony began 30 minutes after they got there. The IUN officials said, "Captain Lanner, 2nd Lt. Itami, thanks to your efforts multiple people were saved from the attack that happened 3 days ago. Without you two we would have lost more people in the attack."
The IUN official said, "Captain Lanner step forward." Trigger stepped forward and gave a salute and said, "Sir!" The IUN official said, "As a reward for your help, you are being rewarded with the IUN Medal of Honor." Trigger took the medal, stepped back and gave a salute. Cameras flashed and the IUN official said, "Lt. Itami step forward." "Sir!", said Itami. The IUN official, "As a gift for your help, you are being promoted to 1st Lieutenant." Itami took the promotion and stepped back while giving a salute. The officials saluted both Trigger and Itami back then left the room. Cameras also took pictures of this and while this was happening both of them left the room.
After the ceremony they went back to the IUN base with the LRSSG and Rosa. Rosa left to go speak with the IUN, Osean and Erusean officials in charge of the coalition. Trigger took a second to go to the hangar to check on the planes he requested with Avril. They both got to the hangar and looked at the planes.
Avril said, "You didn't tell me what special weapons you wanted on the Wyvern." Trigger responded with, "Oh yeah, I forgot! Anyways I want EML as the special weapon" Avril said, "Ok thanks for telling me, also Long Caster told me to go see him for your unit assignment." Trigger said, "Ok I will go see him, see you later Avril" and left the hangar.
Trigger walked for a bit until he got to Long Caster who was just casually eating a sandwich. Long Caster said, "Oh so Avril told you to see me, anyways you are being assigned to Recon Team 3." Trigger said, "Thanks Long Caster, oh by the way can I see the roster for the team?" "Sure, here have a look" said Long Caster who then handed Trigger a clipboard with the roster sheet. Trigger took a look at the sheet and scanned the names until he saw Itami's name.
Trigger said, "Hey Long Caster, is this the Itami that helped me out during the attack." "Oh yeah, that's the one that helped you" said Long Caster. Trigger said, "I want to meet with them, do you know where their barracks are?" Long Caster answered with, "Their barracks are at then base of the control tower." "Ok thanks Long Caster", said Trigger and he left to go to Recon Team 3's barracks.
When Trigger got to their barracks he was met by one of the privates in Recon Team 3, after introducing himself, he told him he was joining their team and that he was their air support during their recon expedition in the Special Region so that he wanted to meet the team.
The private led Trigger inside and said to everyone, "Everyone our new team member is here, he wanted to come and introduce himself so get over here."
Everyone lined up and Trigger shook everyone's hands and the people that stood out the most besides Itami were Kuwahara, Nishina, Tomita, Kuribayashi, Kurokawa, and Kurata.
He then introduced himself, "I'm your air support during the recon missions we will be doing in the Special Region, my name and rank is Captain Nathan Lanner, my TAC name is Trigger, also I lead Strider Squadron." Kuribayashi went wide-eyed and said, "Wait a minute, you're Trigger, the Pilot with the Three Strikes and the guy who ended the war?" Trigger responded with, "Yes, I'm the Pilot with the Three Strikes." Kuribayashi then fell on the ground clutching her head in awe and said, "I can't believe I'm meeting Trigger, the Pilot with the Three Strikes." Trigger then responded with, "Umm…can you please get off the ground Kuribayashi?" Kuribayashi then stood up and said, "Sorry sir." Trigger said, "Oh Itami thanks for helping me out that day in Selatapura." "Not a problem Captain" said Itami.
Trigger said, "Glad I could meet everyone although I wish this was under different circumstances, now I will be seeing you guys again in 2 weeks." Trigger saluted the team and the team saluted back, after that he left the barracks.
Meanwhile…There was a meeting between Rosa, IUN, Osean and Erusean officials. They were deciding on who they should send to lead the research team in the Special Region when an Osean and an Erusean official suggested Dr. Schroeder. Everyone thought about it and decided that he would be the best choice to lead the team.
Time Skip: 2 weeks later
Date: March 7, 2020
Location: Harling Memorial District, Selatapura, Gunther, Usea
Today was the day for the IUN-PKF coalition to enter the gate to respond to the attack. Everyone was at the district getting ready to enter the Gate when the Princess took the stand to give a speech to the troops and during the speech she wished them to be brave, safe, and strong.
Trigger was already in the skies with his X-02s when Rosa was giving her speech and he was prepared to fly into the gate and waiting for the IUN to give the order to fly in.
"Hey Trigger" said Count. Trigger said, "Yeah?" Count said, "Good luck, also don't worry the skies here will be safe when your gone" Count then flew off to return to the base. "Strider 1, you have permission to enter the gate, also good luck" said the IUN-PKF HQ. "Copy HQ, Strider 1 to all units I'm entering the gate now" said Trigger as he put the afterburners to full blast and flew into the Gate. It was a few minutes later when the IUN-PKF forces started moving in after Trigger entered the Gate.
It took nearly an hour for Trigger and the IUN-PKF's forces to get through to the other side. When they got through to the other side, Trigger saw the enemy forces on the bottom of the hill and said, "All units prepare for combat, enemy forces spotted!" The forces tanks and troops got ready to engage the Imperial Army and as they were Trigger requested to attack the enemy.
Trigger asked, "Permission to engage?" "Granted" said Long Caster who was on the ground.
At the bottom of the hill the enemy commander said, "The enemy is here, smother them into the ground." The enemy got ready for combat but as they did they saw an explosion land near them and the infantry men began panicking. The enemy commander looked up and said, "By the Gods, what the hell is that" as he was looking at Trigger's Wyvern. But before he could get his answer Trigger had killed him with missiles and guns.
"All enemy units have been eliminated" said Long Caster. "Ok can you find a spot for me to land?" asked Trigger. Long Caster said, "Go to these coordinates, the scouts that were sent through before us have a VTOL spot for your plane." Trigger said, "Wilco, over" and moved to the spot that was half a mile from the hill.
The securing of the Alnus was complete and the IUN-PKF forces suffered no casualties at all.
It would take 10 days for the Empire to find out what happened at the hill but by the time they would find out it would be futile for the Empire's forces and allies to win but they didn't know that yet.