Meliodas's green eyes widened when he felt the small push coming from her. The look of confusion spread across his beautiful face. He was so confused, she was actually going for it with him but now she was pushing him away. Hot 'n' Cold moment. But he turned to her, he noticed in her eyes that something was different, something was completely wrong and he couldn't seem to put his finger on it. He did stop the kissing however, he didn't fight to kiss her once more. Even though, he really wanted to.

'' I am sorry. '' She explained, her hands were shaking. She looked like a scared animal stuck in it's cage. Her whole body was shaking. She continued to look up and her eyes that were filled with desire moments ago, was completely gone. But he didn't make another move on her. He didn't say anything, he didn't look mad or anything. He just stared at her. Which surprised her, anyone else would have been extremely annoyed at this, but he wasn't. Did she make a mistake? is her past bitting her back?

''Come on. I'll take you home'' He said, with a small smile. He waited for her to move from the wall which she did moments after. The look of surprise on her face made him shiver. Both of them continued their walk back to the dorm. On the way back, they noticed that the party was slowly dying down. There were a lot of people leaving the room and edged out on the road. Without even knowing, Meliodas grabbed a hold of her hand and continued to walk, this way he wasn't going to lose her in the crowd.

One drunk person came out of no where in the crowd and shouldn't as loud as he possible could. ''Oi, Meliodas. DID you FINALLY GET SOME?'' He shouted, spilling half of his drink all over the floor.

The moment Elizabeth heard his words, her cheeks began to get flustered from the comment. Which caught the interest of Meliodas. ''I see... you have made some interesting... friends...'' She said, unsure of what else to say. That comment made her all flustered and couldn't pinpoint her words.

''I don't know him.'' He stated with a small frown as he turned towards her.

''It's Artoyn.'' She comment dryly to his words.

''Still don't know him, has he done something wrong to you?'' He asked, curious at that moment.

''No. Just petty comments...'' She explained. Of course, Meliodas knew it wasn't petty comments to her. His head turned almost slightly so he could get a good look of him, just so he could tell him to leave her alone. Then it puzzled him. Why is he being this way? Why is he protective over her? He doesn't even know her. But his attention turned to her. Her eyes were hidden within her sliver hair. She was looking at the ground. He should leave her right now and that be the end of it. Find another girl for tonight, but the more he looked at her. The more he wanted to make sure she was safe. He was protective over her. He needs a good slap, he thought to himself.

Finally. They reached the dorm room and he was half tempted just to leave her there and say goodbye but her next words shocked him.

''Would you like to come in? I'm sure Diane would be still be up.'' Elizabeth said, as she watched his expression. Of course, Elizabeth knew she would be regardless.

''Of course. '' He said, wait a minute. Why is he saying of course? He should be gone, to find other girls to fight his lust on and more than other things, but he just agreed to go in with her. But he wanted to make sure she was inside, safe and sound.

Elizabeth showed him the way to the dorm room where she stays and opened the door to go in, pulling him along with her. ''HEY Elizabeth, Oh and Meliodas!'' Diane squeaked, grabbing the beer that was hidden under the bed, but Diane wasn't the only one in the room. Elaine was sitting next to her with a beer in hand. ''Would you like a drink?'' Diane said with a smile.

''Should you be drinking in the dorm room?'' Meliodas wondered, with his eyebrow raised.

''Of course not, but you aren't allowed here either, but here you are.'' Diane said with a giggle.

Elizabeth had that moment, kneeled down and got a beer for her and a beer for him out of the fridge that they kept hidden under the bed and handed it over to him with a smile. Meliodas took a hold of it and began to open it up to take a sip until they heard the door bell ring. Elizabeth squeaked and grabbed it before he took a drink which he wasn't impressed about but soon chuckled after. Elizabeth was fast on her feet. They were going to get wrong for having a male in here, having beer ontop. They be kicked out for sure. Elizabeth makes her way to the door...Wondering who it could be at this hour...