Chapter 1.

Elizabeth finally reached the door of her room and opened the door with her free hand. The other hand was holding her study books. She pushed the door open and sighed when all of the books fall to the floor. Impatiently, she kicked the books into the room before shutting the door behind her. She picked the books up and very neatly, placed the books on the deck that she kept in order. Elizabeth looked around the room, one side of the room was placed neatly and in order. The other part of the room it was like a tornado had hit it, pretty badly. Elizabeth always feared that she was going to get a messy roommate, her fear came true when she met Diane. Diane was totally the opposite of her, Elizabeth was withdraw and shy, Diane was hyper, excited and out going. Elizabeth surprised how badly they hit it off.

Diane came storming through the door and almost knocked the door of it's hedges. Which made Elizabeth jump out of her skin. ''Hello Elizabeth! What a long day, how are you doing?'' Diane was her same, hyper self. Diane was tall, Skinny, and had an overwhelming chest. She was wearing a tank top, and short skirt. ''Long'' Elizabeth said, with a sigh. ''So, the Feta have a party tonight and we are going!'' She said, with a smile. Elizabeth groaned at this, she didn't feel like going to a party. ''I don't feel like it.'' She said, moving her body towards the window to look out of it. '' Oh, Hell No. We have been at the school for 3 years and this is our last year together. Hell and high water, we are going out and you are going to enjoy it!''

Elizabeth complained a little, it spread along her face and looked around the room. She didn't feel like going to a party but she sure is hell not staying in here and tidying this place up. She wonders why Diane actually unpacked, everything looked better in boxes and so much neater.

Hours later, they both got ready. Diane wore white tank top, that showed her overwhelming chests, a small black shirt that came up a couple of inches of her thighs. However, Elizabeth was wearing a midnight blue tank top, and a white skirt, which covered most of her thighs, but the right side of her skirt had another two inches taking of it. Diane told her that she brought it for herself and that it didn't fit her. However, it fit Elizabeth almost too imperfectly, which made Elizabeth not believe a word she said. Elizabeth's nerves rose up massively as she played with her skirt. Diane slapped her hand away. ''Stop that. You look perfect!'' Elizabeth groaned. '

'I feel uncomfortable!'' Diane sighed and patted her back. ''Stop. You are fine.''

The party was fill swing now, they both went down the stairs. The room was massive, the rusty sofa was pushed to the side of the room to make room for the dance floor. A beer pushed into Elizabeth's hand, she decided to take a small sip and left it on the speakers which was blaring music. The music was loud and fill swing, echoing the whole room. She danced with Diane, until her legs grew tired. Another drink thrusted into her hand and she decided to keep this one. She looked towards the door and decided to wanted to o out for some fresh air, do her some wonder. She made it towards the door when she noticed Jericho with a bunch of guys surrounding her. ''Hi, Elizabeth.'' Elizabeth smiled and edges towards her, she didn't feel comfortable being there. Ever since what happened to her, men slowly freaked her out. ''Hi?'' She said, nervously. Her and Jericho had been partnered up in English and it took a while to get to know each other, but they finally began to be good friends. ''Nice outfit, there. I take it Diane dressed you!'' Elizabeth frowned almost instantly, her and Diane didn't get along at all. She was either with one or other, never with both!

''Maybe she did...''

''Whos' your friend, Jericho?'' The male stepped in front of her, he was much taller than Elizabeth was and had quite a lot of Muscle. ''This is Elizabeth.'' Elizabeth nervously licked her lips and turned to the door. ''Well, Nice to see you, Jericho. I'm going''

Jericho blinked and stared at her. ''Where do you think you are going?''

''Outside'' was the last thing, Elizabeth said before disappearing out the door.