Mai lay on the roof of the manor under the moon. Her brothers and the Sakamaki brothers where acting like hormonal morons. They didn't have classes that evening so she thought she would practice her violin, but waking into the music room, she found Shu feeding on Yui's shoulder. Mai turned and walked out before they noticed her. That's the third time that day that she walked in on someone feeding on the girl.

If they continued with out allowing her to rest they might kill her before she awakens. Sighing she sat up from her spot, and looked at the garden. Yuma was even moodier and more aggressive since Shu and his brothers entered the house. Her brother snapped at her a little bit ago about her liking the lazy ass. She shot back; "AT LEAST HE DOESN'T SNAP AT ME BEFORE I ASK A QUESTION!" and she left Yuma shocked at her out burst. Kou still liked it when she saw him, but he had a show that night and wasn't around. Ruki was reading, and when she went to ask him about seeing if she could go out, he ignored her. Thus explaining why her brothers where hormonal moronic imbeciles.

Mai stood up and turned her back to the garden and fell back wards. The rush of air felt amazing to her. As she neared the ground she flipped her body and landed like a cat on her feet. Unknowing that she would land infront of Yui. The blonde was standing there in a daze.

"Jeez, they took to much didn't they." Mai sighed while shaking her head.

"Yui, come with me ok." She smiled at the older girl who nodded and fallowed Mai. As they walked through the manor, Mai looked around making sure that none of the males of the house saw them.

Maikio lead Yui to her room, she thought that since the males where not allowed into her room, that it would be a good place for her to rest. She insisted that Yui take a nice bath and then get some sleep. Mai gave Yui some of her clothes to sleep in. Once the human girl was fast asleep, Mai quietly left her room and locked the door. She was feeling a bit hungry and not for human food. It has been a few days since she properly fed.

She walked towards the front door of the home and slipped out with out being noticed by anyone. She sighed when she got outside the door. Maikio walked through the gates and away from her home, the safety of her over protective brothers. Sure normally someone would go out with her, but she was alittle upset at them all at the present moment. She was carrying her violin on her shoulder as she found her way to the public park. Mai didn't know why she brought her violin, but thought it might be a good idea. She walked around and saw many things that she hadn't seen before. Little food carts lite up as humans crowded around them paying for food. Small craft stalls also lined the path way in the park.

Mai stopped to look at one of the stalls that had cute jewelry at it. She saw a bracelet that had a music note hanging from it.

"Aww, what a cute girl you are." The elderly woman that was running the shop spoke.

Mai looked around before pointing at herself.

"Yes dearie, I meant you." She chuckled.

"Thank you ma'am." Mai smiled gently at the elder.

"May I ask why a child like you is out by herself?" She asked.

"I needed a break from my brothers?" Mai said honestly.

"Your parents?" She asked.

"They died, my older brothers look after me." Mai explained.

"I see, well dearie, I'm very sorry to hear that." The elderly lady said solemnly.

"It was a long time ago, our Uncle supports us but it's just my brothers and me." Mai spoke hoping she sounded like she should.

Kou always said she was a horrible liar since her voice always betrayed her. Mai stepped away from the stall and smiled gently at the lady and bowed while biding her good night.

When Mai found herself sitting at a fountain watching the people pass her by. She felt like playing her violin and it was like an over whelming feeling she had. So pulling out her violin from the case she was carrying, she left the case on the ground like the musions she witnessed along her walk doing. Closed her eyes and began to play a tune. The music flowed into the evening sky as she played. The music came from her heart as she played for the people in the park. She heard them stopping and listening to her as she continued. Her vampire hearing could pick up the slight sound of coins being placed into her case. Once she finished the tune she was playing, and opened her eyes, the many people applauded her. Some asking for another song, she smiled and began to play another.

Mai continued to play till she noticed that the crowed was starting to dissipate with how late it was. She put the money she earned into a pouch on the case so that she could count it when she got home. And packed her violin away, and then began to walk home. Knowing that it would be dinnertime soon. She walked pass many ally ways and soon began to pick up the sound of footsteps.

Mai picked up the passé of her walking, when she did so did who ever were fallowing her. She turned the corner and ran right into someone she wasn't expecting to run into.

"Ouch." She said rubbing her nose as she looked at the person to apologize. Her jaw dropped when she saw that it was Yuma. And he looked madder then he did when she wanted to help him in the garden.

"You are in so much trouble Maikio!" He grounded out.

"Wow you actually noticed I wasn't in the house." She whispered more to herself then anyone.

"Ruki has a lecture for you once we get home." Yuma grabbed her wrist and started to pull her towards the house.

She knew it wasn't the place to yell at him for how she felt the last couple days. So she waited till they got back to the house and when the two entered, Ruki was waiting with Kou and Azuma in the welcoming hall.

"She was at the park Ruki." Yuma came to stand behind the eldest.

"Maikio, do you understand what could have happened?" Ruki began.

"Yes big brother." She answered.

"They why did you sneak out?" Kou asked.

"Why do you all care?" She asked with a hint of venom to her voice.

"W-what little sister…" Azuma asked.

"I asked why do you all care? I mean Yuma nearly bit my head off earlier when I was goanna ask if he wanted help with the garden. Ruki ignored me when I asked if I could barrow a book and read with him. Kou you where gone, Azuma was nowhere to be found. And heaven forbid Yuma see me talking to Shu. You all haven't been the same in a week! None of you actually realized that I needed to feed, which I still do! All you all have cared about this week is getting one up on the other males in this manor! Yui is nearly drained because none of the males in this bloody house actually care at the present moment. " She exploded, her voice ringing through entrance hall.

All her feelings about their behavior, how she felt lonely came tumbling out. Like she couldn't stop them at all. The tears started to stream down her face. They where going to lecture her about her leaving with out telling them, when they haven't paid any attention to her. So there she stood crying like a child would when they let everything out. She didn't notice that their argument brought the other occupants of the house out of the woodworkings.

"Aww the mouse is upset." Liatos voice sang over the banister.

Once she noticed this she pushed passed her shocked brothers and up the stairs. She held her head high as she passed the others and headed to her room. Once inside she locked the door and slide down the door to the floor, pulling her knees to her chest she began to cry harder. She felt the loneliest since she woke up to her brothers being there. She wasn't used to being alone, let alone ignored by those she loved. So when she was going to be lectured for going out when she didn't feel like she was wanted in the house she couldn't hold anything back with her brothers.

While she cried, Mai didn't realize she woke up Yui who was still resting on the bed. The older girl got up and sat next to her, wrapping her arm around Mai. Mai felt Yui gently pull her closer and let her cry one her shoulder till she had fallen asleep from crying so much.

Yui's POV;

Once the girl the Yui woke up to crying was asleep, she gently moved when her arm seemed to have fallen asleep as well. Yui smiled at the younger girl that was sleeping soundly. She had red cheeks from crying. Yui could see the girls fangs since she was sleeping with her mouth open. A soft nock on the door caused Mai to stir slightly but she stayed awake.

"Mai. Maikio, can I come in?" A voice sounded.

Yui was able to open the door a jar to see that it was Ruki standing there. He had a solume look on his face when he saw Yui had opened the door.

"Yui, may I come in?" He asked.

"Mai is asleep actually, but she is in an awkward sleeping place behind the door though." Yui whispered to Ruki.

"She's sleeping behind the door?" Ruki asked with concern on his face.

"Yes, I was going to try and move her to her bed before you showed up." Yui explained quietly not wanting to wake up Mai.

"May I come in? I can move her." Ruki asked.

"You may need to come through the window though." Yui thought.

"I can do that." Ruki said as she closed the door and walked to the balcony door to open it to find the man already there waiting for the door to be opened.

"Not sure why she locks every window and door to her room." Ruki spoke more to himself then to Yui.

"It may have been for my benefit." Yui said quietly as she watched the vampire walk over and pick up his sister.

Ruki gently laid her on the bed after Yui pulled the blankets down for him. Yui stepped away and placed her hand on the nob of the door.

"Well good night Ruki." She said gently as she walked out of the room. When she closed the door again, she found Yuma, Kou and Azuma standing there. They all had the same saddened look on their faces. Like they have done something wrong and felt guilty.

"Good night." She nodded to them and walked down the hall to her room.

Opening the door, she looked inside to see if any of the Sakamaki brothers where inside waiting for her. She sighed when none where inside. She walked in and locked the door before walking to get into her bed. Yui laid back down and darkness over took her quickly.